The World's Hardest Climb? Wuling Pass or Taiwan KOM

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I'm here in Taiwan in the town of huelin to tackle one of the toughest and longest climb the Welling pass or Taiwan [Music] K 3,000 m 3° up here last few met let's do [Music] it hi there I'm Po from Horizon cycling and I'm here because I only ride the most heavy climbs in the worldall and this is one of them okay I'm Jeff I'm the boss and I'm going to be leading this we're going to climb 87 km going up to 3,275 M of altitude but how fast can I make it up there let's find out but is this one of the world's hardest climbs I could not leave Taiwan without finding out the wooling pass is 87 km long and it goes from willin to wooling at 3,275 M of elevation the average gradient is 3.6 but there's some Punchy sections before I had had to go and pick up my bike this is my bike choice to tackle the wooling pass the far all road I have C 3503 nssw Wheels is lightweight but comfortable perfect to tackle this monster climb this door is the point where the clock starts running at the Taiwan Kom challenge race although I'm not doing the Race because it's later in the year I have my own challenge trying to make it on time before parts of the Road closes because of Road works [Music] here we are a start of the K climb motorcyclist around here this is the taroco national park and it goes a bit up and down at the gradient at the beginning is a little bit easier but then it goes up to 27% so we have to try to make the cut off for the road because they close the road certain times of the day so it's going to be a challenge let's hurry [Music] up our attacking [Music] [Music] Let's see we only have 30 minutes to make it to the cut of time of the road so you have to check that you make it before they close part of the road [Music] [Music] wow so beautiful here we are in the daroko gorge in between the mountains [Music] here we go there is a series of tunnels you better get here early because it's a popular place especially during the [Music] weekends 71 stop we stop at 71 but here you have to watch out for the monkeys they can't even open your frame back better keep it close we need some energy for this climb let's see I love the snacks here cyclist food pattern we're good now more eating than cycling no no come on we're doing some epic stuff we need some epic snacking this is for after salt for after coffee and the best one of all is the rice triangle M it's like a little piece of sushi in the package so we did the first section from the basically from the beach to the 7-Eleven yeah and uh now we're at 500 M and continuing up and this section will be quite a bit more Steep and more difficult than the first one I'm already breathing hard yeah so good that we resupply yeah good thing there's not many more chances to resupply there's not really much on the road so so that's the only [Music] 7-Eleven you need to stay hydrated it's getting really [Music] warm climbing [Music] ninja getting [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] deeper we passed the 1,000 M Mark you can see now that the vegetation changed a little bit yeah I mean now I'm starting to get tired I would say 225 M so still a long way to [Music] go time for some harble energy of Champions that's why I'm toing J got local honey and then a waffle and that's going to get us to the top of the 27% yes M Dorito's bag at 2,000 M wait when he get to 3,000 M yes time to push it next next cut off time for the road closure is at 1 and we still have 30 km to go W let's do it getting higher so here is one of the points where the road is closed so there's sometimes Lots so you have to make sure to reach this part of the road before it closes or otherwise you have to wait like 2 or 3 hours so then now we have to wait like an hour so time for a lunch break not a bad spot to wait 2,000 ooh 3,000 Jesus getting up getting chil all right so we're at a bit of a milestone here we've arrived at 2500 M and uh if you want to go through the tunnel you can go this way to lisan and actually then it's a descent and if you're going to go that way where we're going it's a lot more climbing up to 3200 M and this is where the hard part [Music] starts it is getting thinner up here and steeper [Music] all right how was that suffering at this point a [Music] bit 3,000 [Music] m we are at 3,200 M now close but not I told everybody that I was here for the Epic stuff and this is epic Next Level why well this climb is like no other we've been climbing for over 4 hours now and this climb is playful the road surface is incredible there's no traffic whatsoever and we've been enjoying like the change of scenery EC systems now we're above tree line so it's really really incredible I mean you just judge for yourself this is next [Music] level 3° up here I'm [Music] cooked last few figers let's do it [Music] we made it to the top of the holing pass wooling holing woing pass let me know in the comments the [Music] pronunciation we made it YY it's only 20 minutes till sunset but come on this is so epic 3,275 F of altitude we made it [Music]
Channel: BuzzAlong
Views: 44,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cycling, hill climb andler, hardest hill climb, taiwan kom, climb, hardest climb, cycling climb, wueling pass, taroko gorge, cycling taiwan
Id: UnCnxJ31FS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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