[팰월드]세계 최초! 야생 빙천마와 야생 제트래곤의 만남!!

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In the last video.. I've revealed the fact that bosses can meet, and also fight. I have another curiosity here. If they meet.. What kind of behavior would they show? [Setting up before the start] I changed the world settings. Please understand that it is important to move the PAL. And I used one camera mode. I left mod information in more. [topographic survey] I have to move one of the two pal to the other side, so I look at the terrain And I put a pin on the path they were going to travel. It's so long. After research, I decide to move Frostallion. [Start working!] Now I'm going to make a way to move him. This work requires a lot of labor. It's moving them into the walled road. It's a lot of labor.. It also looks at the map and makes an interim check. I fixed it if I thought it was wrong. Flatland only requires repetition of labor. [Working on the cliff] But it's hard to make a path from a cliff. Looking up from below, I came up with an idea. I'm going to make a drop section with the wall. I also use my Frostallion to check if it's working well. Not bad I finished the first cliff work Soon after, I met the second cliff. I worked on the second cliff in the same way as the first So repeatedly, we came to the front of the sea, which is located under the third cliff. It's here on the map! Working hard The third cliff is over. But the biggest problem is the ocean First of all, we will set up a base for supplying materials. I will make a special road on the sea. That's the road that used "Wooden Defensive Wall." LOL Wooden Defensive Wall is so versatile This feels like the last boss of labor. Repeat this. SO EZ right? can't get wood right away from the ocean When my ingredients run out, I have to bring them from the base. So I sometimes moved my base into the water and worked on it. We're about halfway there. It can't install Wooden Defensive Wall in shallow water, so I need to find a way. So I went into the water and worked on something new pretty good! There's another small puddle to cross. I made it the same way as before :> It's neat, right? Now it's the beginning of the sea again. I worked the same way I did before Only the last wall is left. I worked on making stairs, but it's hard to explain. Please watch the video! The stairs utilized a sloping roof. Staircase is complete! There's a cliff on the other side, so it makes it the same way as before. Now there's only a flat land left until the location of the jetragon Flatland work is easy now. Now, put a wall on both sides of the sea road you made earlier, and the work is done. Before we kidnap Frostallion, let's take a look the road the first cliff the second cliff Third cliff + sea road start It's veryvery fu*ki*g long. lost island Again, the ocean volcanic island stair Lastly, the destination It took 12 hours to build the road alone. Now let's kidnap Frostallion!!! [Kidnapping starts] Attracts him with a bow. And lock him up. LOL Do you know you're being kidnapped? I have to let him keep looking at me. Otherwise, he becomes despawn. It's good to move if he uses Crystal Wing. We've reached the first cliff. WHAT? Lamo, he's asleep Wake up. good job Passing the first cliff safely arrive at the second cliff Oh, no. There's falling damage It's a bad variable. Anyway, passed the second cliff However on the third cliff.. He got a big drop damage. OH F*CK I was worried that he wouldn't be able to pass through here But he's really good LOLI got the hang of it. I got the hang of it. arrived at the stairs I crossed the last cliff well We're almost there Shoot the jet lagon with a bow to lure him Finally, they met. Wooow, this is real!! I want to get away from them But if I do that, Frostallion is despawn. They fight with each other They're more serious about trying to kill me. It's not a battle of legends.. They just look like fools lol To make their own fight, I evacuated high. Heeey Do you have to hit me like that? It went higher, but nothing has changed. Frostallion is dead by jet It's sad to end like this, right? So I'm going to edit it a little bit After 5 attempts, I succeeded bringing HIGH HP Frostallion But they're working hard on attack me again this time They were fighting well But all of a sudden, they come running to me Frostallion even stepped on lava, so hp condition is bad. WHAT THE HECK He stepped on lava and died In conclusion, if they fight The player gets hit the most. I made them meet for the first time in the world. It was amazing that this was possible. The total time took 18 hours. Except for editing. I hope you don't do this because it's hard.. Additionally, there is also a video of them fighting properly. Please check the card above! Thank you for watching.
Channel: 워리
Views: 50,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 팰월드, 팔월드, palworld, 빙천마, 제트래곤, 보스 싸움, 컨텐츠, 팰월드 빙천마, 팰월드 제트래곤, 팰월드 싸움, 팰월드 공략, 팰월드 버그, 전설, 필드보스, 노가다, 세계최초, 제트래곤 vs 빙천마, Frostallion, Jetragon, boss, battle
Id: cFmOhpIVgpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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