The Worlds Best Model Car Contest! The 2019 GSL Model Car Championship

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well we're in the blue mustang we are we're heading down to the GSL model card championship Wow the probably the most robust intense crazy yeah model car championship in the world I forget how many there have been 17 of or something oh my a kind of hitch missed out right now there every other year and mark gustafson the founder of the whole thing they said from this point on he'll be maybe one more three years from now three years from now kind of why didn't the whole thing down and he's gonna stop doing it but the bottom line is it's the best model car championship I need on the planet I think it's just absolutely amazing the different cars and show up no I realize some of them are just built kids but they're just perfectly built kids and then some of them are scratch built so check this out to the GSL model car championship for 2000 well this year's GSL did not disappoint it sure did not did not the disappointing part was I didn't have my Impella done no and I didn't have anything either I always want to get that Lotus finished and it just sits there in its little project box somewhere near the workbench there are so many cars this year that we're gonna do several shows and so this week we're only covering a couple of the categories there's just too much to show all at once or the show's gonna be two hours long that's right pop some popcorn pop some popcorn so we're gonna we're gonna keep it simple and just show you three of the kind of tier 4 of the of the categories and a few of the displays in the display area they had some models that people have started and they had this fun model that someone built years ago heavily covered in magazines and so on and it was just on display here twin Allison's twin v12s blown at a Mach 1 a funny car under construction but just some some neat neat projects and this demonstration on different paint finishes metal flake metal flake and metalizer x' but you know what I fell in love with is this idea of shooting the paint onto a plastic spoon Wow just don't stir your coffee with ooh no don't no coffee but it's a great idea because it'll tell you what its gonna look like on a curved plastic surface this is a immobilizer that they were demonstrating to show how you can get a a metallic finish with an airbrush paint finish or you can go for something that's not really intended to look like a great paint finish no way so they had a couple of different paint finishes on display here that are intended to look a little slumpy yes and this old slot cars in the 1960s there was this brief time when suddenly everybody was doing slot cars and it killed all the other hobbies and the hobby shops all sold out and started putting in these crazy fun slot cars but they had several of them on display vintage 60s slot cars that was pretty neat to see and motorcycles my goodness one of the most competitive divisions in the contest but people who built these motorcycles that the attention to detail this Buick v8 drag bike now I'm not sure what came from kids and what is scratch built and just exactly what parts came from where but they had photographs here of the original bike and it is just bolt for bolt screw for screw exactly correct including the AC oil filter everything Wow just I can't imagine getting on this thing and riding it it's tempting to try to get on it until you realize no it's it's only about 12 skills a little challenging to climb aboard but that's an intimidating ride no matter how you slice it the transverse-mounted engine holy cow but some other really really neat motorcycles here check out this Honda oh you and I both had Honda's but we didn't have anything quite like this or cylinders but look at the just the clamps holding the carburetors on and this Harley you could write it it's it's just it's perfect it's perfect you just can't tell it's a model it's just perfect [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now where most motorcycles are done to a somewhat larger scale this thing was just tiny yes it's like a little insect told me it's a tiny little motorcycle now our next category is box plus may add now what that basically means is buying a model at the hobby shop or wherever and building it verbatim okay adding almost no detail under the box plus rules there's a few little things you can add but generally speaking this is gonna be all about cleanliness of build and primarily paint job and finishes because it's essentially a pure kit no added parts [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now back in the day there was a saying you gotta be nuts to drive a Stutz I think you'd have to be nuts to turn one down I love the studs particularly the Stutz Bearcat this not being a Bearcat but just being a race car mm-hmm I love any race car and this era a Stutz sign me up for payments I wanted it was just an absolutely huge category no kidding but lots and lots of cars hard to pick out the good ones because they're all great [Music] now our next category is customs Wow look at the woody down there isn't that great yeah you know it didn't start off as woody and that's that's the essence of the customer chop into the body yes and turn it into something at 8:00 change the body design around add stuff take stuff away redesign it turn it from one thing to another and the classic lowrider caddy a caddy lowrider caddy you know lowriders are truly the modern equivalent of the lead sled no kidding I love them [Music] now this guy Oh talk about jewelry Jay's beautiful beautiful car and I'm just dying to know how they did the copper finish I'm it looks like probably a foil like bare metal foil which I think is available in copper and you burnish that on to the plastic I don't know and there was no documentation here explaining how they went about that so I guess we just get to guess but it's not a paint finish no it's a true copper metallic finish on a just gorgeous car no kidding [Music] square bird always fun to play around with the t-bird all the different ears t-bird are wonderful but the square bird and and what they've done with this one is really fun oh no kidding that one's great [Music] [Music] now check this out a 50 olds customized isn't that a beautiful custom white wall tires today walls and it's towing a boat don't say that fast don't say that fast though but look at the boat it's a custom boat it is you know I'm not sure where they cobbled the parts from but is that just cool and everything now our next category is factory stock oh nice what can you do to a kit or scratch building for that matter to recreate a factory car well that one does it that one does it what did it look like the day it left the factory with a few few small modifications allowed but essentially a factory original car as closely duplicated as you can by adding all kinds of detail parts scratch-building the stuff that's necessary check out this 53 Hudson Hornet love the Hudson Hornet and that color scheme I love the color scheme just a beautiful beautiful car and a lot of these details have been added and check out the Alfa mmm look at that a middle War era Alfa 38 Alfa Romeo whoa one of my favorite periods for Italian and French cars and one of my favourite cars right there the Alfa Romeo elegant oh boy model T now there it is a t coupe I've had the misfortune I should say to actually drive a real one of these one of most dangerous cars I've ever driven oh my goodness it's so top-heavy and it's a lateral suspension so it wants to rock back and forth I swear you can tip this thing over and still have all four wheels on the ground and a 69 Mach one Oh check that out wish the real one will parked out in the driveway [Music] [Music] [Music] now the luggage rack here of course is not factory original but you can add a few little things and still call it factory stock well I saw them that way absolutely it was a very popular thing to put on your bug of course but you can they do allow a few little accessories that aren't factory accessories [Music] well here again the judges were gonna have their hands full trying to sort out the factory stock category no kidding just a bunch of really really beautiful beautiful cars [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now some people put out these little three by five cards or even video displays and whatnot to explain what they did what they started with and how they modified it in order to get to where they got to with the model and that's really helpful information because you're just not sure what it took to modify a kit or for that matter scratch build some of these just beautiful beautiful cars [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now our next category is Street machines oh boy you're essentially a hot rod but they're a late model hot rod like this beautiful woody here Oh completely yes but these are our heavily modified you know essentially a hot rod but 1950 and newer version of a hot rod is a Street machine yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now at one time the scratch-built models had their own category but now they just put the scratch scratch built models in with the rest of the models in the individual categories this Volkswagen is predominantly scratch built Oh check that out isn't that an amazing model and he's got a whole little video presentation over here on how he constructed all of the individual bits and pieces to bring this together into this incredible model look at those turbochargers ha just absolutely amazing now there are some bits and pieces here that have been lifted out of other kits and that sort of thing but it is predominantly scratch built [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and here we have one of my favorite two cars real car the Caterham super 7 oh my in this case with a Cosworth engine in it now no real details on the model how they went about building it there is a Tamiya kit in this scale but this is not the Tamiya kit and I'm just not sure how they came up with this how much you scratch built what's been taken from kits but this is one of the most nuts and bolts accurate models I've ever seen no kidding I mean this is just like standing next to a real car it's just you have to shrink yourself to appreciate it yes [Music] this is fun check out the the debris back there in the milk crate oh my goodness yes and the attention to detail just on the milk crate yeah it's unbelievable and you got a flashlight and some stuff in there just fun little details like that are just so great well there we have a few of the categories here and we're gonna have to come back in future weeks to cover a lot more categories because there were a lot of cars here lots and lots and lots of different categories we will be back yes dr. port-to-port arnold schwarzenegger i will be back the best parlors on the planet and they come from all over the planet to be part of this they said there will be one more in three years together and I know that's barring any unforeseen you know it does say it's tentatively scheduled for three years hence we'll be back here in three years now the other shows in the meantime there will be a few other shows ever I just go lay off we're gonna go chase some trains and the other toys and savageness and does he analyze screwing around that's right but we will be back here in three years before the 2022 GSL Fargo car so you have that to look forward to well if you're not a subscriber to the channel they'll pop on over to the channel and become a subscriber right and the way to do fall is with the blue button are we ready for it right there makes you a subscriber though we're not sure how you found the movie on the Internet we hope they didn't find it boring and we will see you here again on Tuesday as we stories see that [Music]
Channel: Toy Man Television
Views: 262,456
Rating: 4.830986 out of 5
Keywords: The Worlds Best Model Car Contest, The 2019 GSL Model Car Championship, scale modeling, international plastic modelers society, model cars, Salt Lake City, plastic car model building, plastic model automobile, plastic miniature automobile, scratch built miniature automobile, Mark S. Gustavson, International Model Car Builders’ Museum, The GSL Championship, model car contest, model car show, model car shows photo gallery, scale auto magazine
Id: IxXd0H96KIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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