The Winning Rest | Ps Dr Philip Lyn | Skyline Online

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning and welcome to skylines si beasts online celebration service it is so good to have you worship with us together this morning and we are so excited because even as we come even as we may not be able to gather everyone physically together in this place right now at this very moment we have people all over the world tuning in joining us for our online celebration service isn't that awesome and wherever you are joining us from this morning we'd like to extend a very very warm welcome to you and we'd love to connect with you right now you will see a QR code will appear on your screen and if you scan the QR code you'll be able to find several ways to connect with us we'd love to hear from you and together as a church we'd like to know how we can serve you and support you in any way we can and as we move on into a time of praise and worship I'd like to read a portion of the scripture that is taken from John chapter 4 verse 23 to 24 and this is a story of a Samaritan woman's that encountering Jesus at the well and this is what Jesus said to her yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and in truth for they are the kind of worshipers the father seeks God is spirit and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth you know God is not looking for people who will worship him from a place or a location but God is looking for people who will worship Him in spirit and in truth you know and to worship God in spirit and in truth is to declare that God is worthy of all our reverence you know and when we choose to worship God we worship God based on who he is not based on who we are not based on the situation's or the circumstances that we are going through but based on who God is of God and when we worship God in spirit and in truth we give him our all we worship me with a heart we've a strength of mine we were so with everything that we have so this morning let's stand to our feet and get ready to race Allah praise a mighty roar of praise because our God deserves [Music] [Applause] come on judge whenever you're singing wish you baby lunch room [Applause] leaves you lowly while you brought me Tru and ready for what and moving forward to follow after you [Music] whatever you wanna do sir door [Music] like man before your prayers it's an open door so come my lord my name [Applause] [Music] season [Music] to cross me for we deserve and Jesus [Music] it's an whoa [Music] [Applause] it's a No succumb like me [Music] nice and declaratively atmosphere truely's come in my face see miracle maybe a problem [Music] great rubies coming [Music] [Applause] [Music] see here we go [Music] maybe a [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] your presence is an open door we want you Lord like never before your presence listen no [Music] come now Lord like never before [Music] whenever seasoned are you going through right now Church whatever challenges that you're going through right now I want to prophesy and declare in the name of Jesus that by God and true God nothing is impossible let me say that again it's impossible by God and even with me believing the breakthrough is coming miracles signs and wonders gonna take place in our nation what [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you sing [Music] a promise [Music] great room it's coming [Music] very much me [Music] [Music] fre so good is also good in Matthew 6 it says it knows for our needs even be very tricky let us worship for easier [Applause] [Music] in ever [Music] year [Music] orgy come we clean your and Oh [Music] the let - I see is the [Music] Oh disappeared always see that it seemed fine its are they over us [Music] [Applause] [Music] dance under fool the [Music] [Applause] [Music] watch [Music] each each sigh [Music] citation [Music] yeah side route answer [Applause] [Music] to live [Music] une ha [Music] yeah Niq watch [Music] Levin come [Music] [Music] mr. plow these single miss Akane [Music] this ignore [Music] Oh [Music] they say can [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yourselves [Music] lisa kingdom yours is the palm where yours is a glory forever army yours is the kingdom yours DISA Pam when yours listen glory forever [Music] Oh [Music] do prosper surrender darkness falls it all free just a god I serve knows only how to try oh my god [Music] and [Music] I'm gonna see you victory I'm gonna say [Music] I'm gonna say to me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] possessed father oh Jesus Gavi to see me [Music] and I'm not any charges [Music] [Music] sorry victory [Music] and I'm gonna say I'm gonna say victory [Music] you know Victory's you're slow [Music] even if you turn it [Music] take what yen [Music] that's right [Music] enemies [Music] you take [Music] it's Annie sorry I'm gonna see your face [Music] of also you [Music] you see you [Music] [Music] [Music] hi everybody it's great to be back here in the sanctuary again and I know that it won't be long before we can all gather back when church reopens in the coming weeks I can't tell you exactly when but it's going to be soon I I wanted to say to you this morning a God has a very awesome message for you and I want to share this with you what God's laid upon my heart let me just start with an incident a couple of years ago when a couple and twelve-year-old boy ventured out into the Australian outback in the unforgiving Australian bush and paid dearly with their lives their car broke down and he had a flat tire and they ran out of fuel and their bodies were found about four and a half kilometres from the abandoned car apparently that got out to trek to a nearby settlement not knowing that it was actually an abandoned outpost in any case they didn't make it they had gambled on venturing out on a partially full filled tank and they paid dearly with their lives on empty now this is something that must not happen to us as we brace for the opening of the church in the coming days God is going to lead us into new ventures of reaching out of going out to places and doing things we have never done before and we must emerge from this pandemic stronger than ever before not only that we must continue in a more robust resilient and steady very stronger than ever we've ever done before can somebody say an amen to that and in order for that to happen I know that God wants us to imbibe the secret of not having burnout in our lives and that secret comes and rests upon just this wonderful word it is called rest rest but not any kind of rest it is God's kind of rest and that's why this morning I want to speak to all of us about the winning wrest skyline God wants us to enter into the winning rest somebody say winning rest say to the person next to you the winning rest God wants us to enter into the winning race now there are two kinds of rest the Bible talks about the first is the seventh-day rest which is the Sabbath day of Moses Exodus chapter 20 verse 8 to 10 it says remember the Sabbath to keep it holy six days you shall labor and do all your work but on the seventh day you shall not work seventh-day rest is about taking a day off in the course of the week pausing the button as it were and and so that we have time to revitalize recharge recalibrate now that's the Sabbath day rest we all know that very well but there is another rest called the Sabbath rest and the Sabbath rest is a continuous repose a continuous resting and nestling in God trusting him because of the finished works of Christ trusting him to take us further and beyond our strength and it comes from Hebrews chapter four verses five and 90/10 it says so then there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God for whoever has entered God's rest has also entered rested from his works as God did from his it's the Sabbath rest now so there are two kinds of rest their Bible talks about Sabbath day and Sabbath rest what's the difference between the two Sabbath day is Old Testament Sabbath rest is New Testament Sabbath day is law based Sabbath rest is grace base Sabbath day talks about giving us vitality in what we do Sabbath rest tells us about longevity in all that we do seventh day is about getting a second wind in our ministry Sabbath rest is about stamina for the endurance of our ministry somebody say amen to that that's what the Sabbath day and the Sabbath rest is and I want to tell us here this that when we understand how these two mesh together we will have the formula for the winning rest now I want to give you a picture of a marathon race you know they're people who do very well in a marathon race but the two groups are P who don't do that well the first are the group of people who sprint off this sprint off immediately had to run and you know what after five ten miles there a flat they've got no more energy now they injured themselves or they just give up these are the sprinters these are the people who have vitality but no longevity and there's a second group of people they they're right at the back of the pack in the marathon and you know they take your own time to start with everybody started off they jog and walk walk and jog they talk and you know just amble along and you know take ages forever if they finished a marathon at all sometimes they only come in at the end when it's already dark they started a dark they finish a dark you know what when the race is well over they have not made any difference they've got longevity but no vitality even their grandmother could have walked faster than them and finish off the race they have not achieved anything much so in order to not have burn out in our lives the Bible tells us we must have vitality and we must have longevity we must have the Sabbath day as well as the Sabbath risk and somebody said a man that is the recipe for the winning rest let me tell you how I discovered this you know skyline has been really blessed by having about 13 bad vocational pastors all our pastors are by vocational they are over time pastors they are full time at work and full time as pastors in the church now when I started life as a bi vocational pastor when I started skyline nearly 20 years ago nineteen plus years ago now many people said to me when the church is about two hundred three hundred you got to give up medicine and go full-time otherwise you were bullying out and I was a preparing the servant I said I realized it my I have been a bad vocational pasta for 19 years and I'm still as enthusiastic and passionate as when I first started I'm still as full of the order that the win of the Holy Spirit when I first started I'm still so passionate now about Sunday's as I am on on Mondays I love pastoring as much as I love doctrine I love and gauging young people are coming out and telling me how to do new things as much as I I love to pump up my generation so that I get to the VEX among all God has for them I am today people say don't you aren't you ever tired or once in a while rarely you know but what what what is happening in my life how is it that after 19 years I'm not burnt out how is it that that's enthusiasm that passion that joy that pleasure of serving God is still there and I realize that in this 19 years I had inadvertently stumbled upon the winning rest how to combine the Sabbath day together with the Sabbath rest and today I want to talk about the three principles of the winning rest and it's what a skyline so they open big when we we get out of the blocks when when the Kovach pandemic and they have lockdown lives and we come back to church again we will not just emerge stronger but we will continue stronger than ever before so here the three principles are start with the first one we must move from Sabbath law to Sabbath grace let me take you to Luke chapter 6 verses 1 to 5 and this is when Jesus was encountered the Pharisees are integrating fields on the day of Sabbath on a Sabbath while Jesus was going through the grain fields his disciples plucked and ate some heads of grain rubbing them in their hands but some of the Pharisees said why are you doing what is not lawful to do on the Sabbath and jesus answered them have you not read what David did when he was hungry how he entered the house of God and took and ate the bread of the presence which is not lawful for anybody priests to eat and he said to them the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath you know Jesus was walking around in the grain fields and Pharisees had the telescopes out and he saw Jesus up disciples you know plucking some of the ears of corn wrapping Minna hands blowing away the chaff they were winnowing and then eating the grains and a Pharisee said AHA that's winnowing according to Sabbath law that's breaking the law that's work and Jesus said to them says who says you or say is God and then Jesus brought him back to their page ready to understand he brought him back to the New Testament it Old Testament incident when David who was revered by the Pharisees was actually stuck bread that was from the holy presence of God from which is not lawful for the priests to eat and Jesus said have you not heard David did that and you accuse us of working or sinning you know when we actually just you know win over to the grain and eat the grain have you not considered David eight of the showbread from the priests and he was not condemned not just by God how is it that you condemn us for winnowing and just eating the grain when David took the showbread which was made from grain that had to be winnowed which is work and that had to be ground which is work and I had to be backed which is worked and God never condemned him if you convinced us of sin jesus' then god should have condemned david four times at least for sin and they were absolutely silenced and then jesus said his words he said for the son of man is the lord of the sabbath what he meant by this was very simple he said you come to me with the law of God don't you know I am the author of the law I gave the law I'm the one who initiated at all and when you know when he brought them back to the Old Testament times when God gave the law of the Sabbath day in in Exodus chapter 20 the rest of the books of Moses in the Pentateuch were out to explicate that law to tell people how to celebrate the Sabbath for example as thick as 23 verse 3 tells us the savages were assembling with other believers exist 1316 tells us is to rest from work and production numbers 28 tells us to giving of tithes and offerings they brought you to Sabbath day for Jeremiah 17 the prophets tells us is refer refraining from commerce Isaiah 58 tells us is being mindful of God's presence on the Sabbath day in other words Jesus said I'm the author of the Sabbath day and I want to bring you back to the heart of God on the Sabbath day but you know what the Pharisees did instead of allowing people to delight in God on the Sabbath they concentrate on stopping people from working so they laid upon the people of God laws which they constructed they had 39 categories of laws and under each of these categories were subcategories and hundreds of other items that you couldn't do amounting to hundreds and hundreds of things for example if you an Orthodox Jew today and you're celebrating the Sabbath you cannot cut your hair on that day on the Sabbath day you cannot clip your nails you can award to the plants you cannot switch on the light you can open the fridge because headlights comes on and that's well you cannot start your car and ladies you cannot put makeup on the Sabbath and then you cannot shower or lather with soap all of us would stink on the Sabbath day we came together and you know what and for those of us because it's rainy season now you cannot open your umbrella on the Sabbath what if I'm caught in the rain too bad the moment you open umbrella you are breaking the law God will judge you according to the Pharisees and how far away from the heart of God that was when that happened to their lives and Jesus said this joke is too heavy then he said to them come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest learn from me the unforced rhythms of grace which is the words actually used in a message Bible for my York see the Pharisees for a heavier Jesus says for by yoke is easy and my burden is light and you will find rest for your souls you see Jesus brings us back to the spirit and heart of God behind the Sabbath law so when we move from Sabbath day to Sabbath rest we are moving we are no longer law conscious but we are God conscious can somebody say Amen because if we are law consciousness what will happen you know you can't work on the Sabbath because according to the law of God is looking whether you work there lifting up a chopsticks to eat your noodles is that working on you no true you take your dog for a walk how far before it's considered work you see we become concerned about God's anger orders at work when the whole reason why God wants us to stop work on that day is so that we have time to delight and to enjoy him the whole idea of Sabbath rest is that become grace conscious and lock on and and God conscious you see work was never the issue in the Sabbath the Pharisees made the issue delighting in God was always the main thing always the main thing and that is why Jesus worked on the surface and never broke the law he said he came to fulfill the law and not work it came to fulfill in all his fullness how can that be Jesus you actually work on the Sabbath you know you heal the sick you cast out demons you got the lame to walk open the eyes of the blind cleanse a leper that's work according the Pharisees not at all Jesus says you know why it's not work because Jesus did what he saw his father doing that's what he always says I only do what my father does that's why what he was doing was delighting his father everything that he did was delighting his father and that's why the Sabbath day has never been about work it's about delighting the father and even and if there's work to be done that is in the Father's will do it because you do you like the father and that is why Jesus never broke the Sabbath law city Pharisees got it wrong when we understand this we understand the Sabbath day as a gift while chief God has given to us imagine God gives you a gift voucher you know and he says stop work go for a walk go and have a coffee enjoy the time with your go to the mall you know said I have you don't have some tea go for a jog go and have to enjoy your hobby go and sleep can somebody say amen to that that's a gift voucher use it some people say to me but pastor what about me if I have to work seven days a week I'm in a professional work that it's seven days a week well those who ever work who of us who have to work seven days I just give you three questions and and that will help you you ask firstly is this well essential or optional many of us you know after the Kovach pandemic we know which is potential and which is optional work secondly is this work about God's interests or your own interest ask these two questions any of its like essential or it's really for God's interest do the work but then what about rest do you ask the third question is there the other day or time to rest and delighted him so you must make that time if you can't work on that Sabbath day but remember the Sabbath day is not about the absence or the presence of work it's about space to delight it God here's the second thing we move from Moses of Sabbath day to any day to any day Moses Sabbath day is Saturday we know that from the the law eleven takus 23 verse 3 it says six days shall work be done but on the seventh day it is a sabbath of solemn rest a holy convocation you shall do no work it is a Sabbath to the Lord it's Saturday the only acceptable Sabbath day well according to the Old Testament yes it is if we are obliged to keep Moses the Sabbath day then it has to be kept on a Saturday there's no other day in your Testament if you want to follow the Old Testament law okay but how we call to observe the Old Testament Sabbath day Moses Old Testaments every day the answer is no why not because it's been superseded by a greater rest the Sabbath rest which is spoken of in Hebrews chapter 3 and chapter 4 because it's been superseded by the Jerusalem Council eating in Acts chapter 15 because Christians no longer are no longer obliged to keep circumcision our Moses Sabbath as science of being God's people you see today you can recognize Judaism being practice of the Jewish people by two signs circumcision and they keep the Sabbath we are not circumcised we do not a second session anymore and ditto the keeping of all Sabbath law is no longer necessary so we are not obliged to keep it but what does it mean then can then then also have a Saturday be transferred to the New Testament Sunday which is a day now we worship God the answer is no because the Old Testament Sabbath is the Old Testament Sabbath day God never just said you shall you know you shall not work on the seventh day or any other day he's just a seventh day see the Old Testament Sabbath day is Friday sunset to Saturday sunset which is a seventh day according to Old Testament laws but we worship God on New Testament Sunday which is the first day of the week acts 20 verse 7 tells us the early church worship God on the first son Silas first day of the week which is Sunday why because Jesus rose from the dead on the Sunday it is also called the Lord's Day Sunday revelations one tenth tells us is called the Lord Steyn Christians gathered to worship on that day since the early church but in the early church the Jews Jewish believers like Peter and John and all that they went to the temple on the saturday and then they worship in homes on a Sunday that's how it was so they did both during a time but as more and more Christians came from the Gentile community many of these didn't go to the temple unsanitary more they just continued just to worship on a Sunday and on Sunday there's no new Old Testament observations of law there's no law there are no laws governing Sunday it's worship God singing hymns sharing testimonies reading the Word of God during devotionals and so on and hearing the Word of God there's no law so New Testament Sunday it's not Old Testament Moses Sabbath they are not interchangeable in any way not from scripturally so New Testament Sunday became something of a holy day after the Emperor Constantine converted in about 320 80 then Sunday became a public holiday and now it was a day of worship for the church because Constantine went to church on a Sunday Sunday become became our day of worship you know today Sunday's are dia worship why not because the New Testament stipulated it it was never stipulated in New Testament it became our dia worship by historical tradition it became out here worship that means there's no such thing as only one day that we can worship God it can be any day if you in Kelantan ranga know it has to be a Friday or Saturday today in the Orthodox Church in some parts of the world is a Saturday worship and there's some Christian kind of sex that worship God on a Saturday as well for the greater part of the Christian world we worship God on a Sunday it just so happens that is that a good day to be a Sabbath because it's up it's a holiday and so it's a good day to practice the Sabbath but the principle of the Sabbath remains the same on the Sunday it remains the same it is to keep aside this day or this half day to delight in the Lord and I want to share with you what happened in year 2001 when Scanlon first started I realized this is a dr. pastor you know I'm not going to get a weekend off Saturday Sunday will be my busiest time Saturday to prepare servants Sunday's Church and I won't have a weekend to rest so this is what I did 20 years ago I decided to take half a day off on a Wednesday and that saved my life that Harvard day over no Wednesday afternoon it allowed me to relate to my kids during daylight hours so that I don't see them only in the evening after the game back from school it gave me a time to actually do things my kids connect my family required before God think about what I want to do on Sunday where the church needs to go gives me time to delight in God you know and as a result of that I got revived recharged each week and that's why I'm running strong today see if you take a regular day or half a day off to have a pause button each week it's a very important part of our delighting in God the it is a proclamation that we choose to delight in God first secondly it is that our lives is not defined by the work by work alone but by God and thirdly we are trusting God to provide for our needs rather than just ourselves to provide for our needs by working full on seven days a week it says that we take time to delight in God and for that reason today I'm still running strong by God's grace hallelujah amen and you can run strong too when you understand the Sabbath day and the Sabbath rest principle can somebody see a man turn to your neighbor right now and say to them you can run strong - I believe you'll have vitality and longevity and here's the final bit the final point about the winning rest we move from Sabbath ritual to Sabbath rest we move from Sabbath ritual to Sabbath rest Hebrews chapter 4 verses 9 to 10 so then there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God for whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from his for we who have believed entered at rest see every believer every person who believed Jesus as the Lord Savior has rested in Jesus finished work on the cross and we enter that rest what kind of Restless is it it's a continuous rest based on Christ's finished work Sabbath rest is based on relationship somebody say relationship Sabbath day is based on ritual see that's a big difference Kesava day is Old Testament but Sabbath rest is New Testament one is grace based Sabbath rest one is Lopez Sabbath day but in Sabbath rest because of a continual resting in God a continued intimacy and a delight in God a continual nourishment from him and nesting and wrestling and resting in him we know that there is a substance of a posture of rest and the Jews call this instance de baño ha the menu ha it is the Sabbath rest what is menu ha menu ha is a state of tranquility serenity a state of peace a state of assurance that everything is ok because God is in control there is no tension no fight no no no struggle it is men you are in men Oh ha there is both physical and spiritual rest you see physical rest without spiritual rest it's not satisfying spiritual rest without physical rest is not restoring but many ohh ha has both kind of rest how do we experience many ha well let me tell you give an example you know in recent days now pastor Nancy has gone into compositing she has looked at all the scraps that we have in our kitchen at the end of the meals in the end of each day now the onion peels the potato peels the banana peels the mangoes oranges you know papayas and scraps and eggshells and everything else she says we're just throwing all this away and on top of that we have having to buy fertilizers for our garden I'm going to compost this and so she asked the gardener dig a hole at her back in our backyard and then she put some soil and put some leaves in and I put all the scraps in it every day should add more and more of these kind of scraps you know and she puts them put more leaves a little bit of soil and the whole thing begins to get warm because of the chemical processes going on it begins to burn in there and after weeks and after months and suddenly one day after months you take up this black stuff it is black gold as far as gardeners are concerned it you spread this stuff on the other plants that the flowers blossom in bright sunlight believes have a super sheen of shine you know the tree just spring up something that's crappy and wasted now becomes fruit and enriching and that is what Sabbath rest does it brings two men wha into our lives and when we understand Sabbath rest we put the scraps of our lives our disappointments our anger our bitterness unforgiveness our failures our fears our anxiety all our history we put it in into this compositing menu ha this Sabbath rest and God then composited to bring something rich from our lives that will enrich other lives that will grow and bring life into other lives compositing to get men wha lay aside your god ungodly negatives fix your thoughts on Jesus and all he's done Hebrews 12:2 tells one tells us that let us lay aside every sin and weight that clings to us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of your faith and my faith we lay aside our ungodly negatives fix our thoughts about Jesus repent from trusting in things that and stuff that that we depend on rest for rest these are counterfeit God's what would you think that we may really repent from trusting things like money we think will give us rest relationships that will give us rest things like entertainment or media or travel a nourishment from food or whatever we think that would give us a risk retention these things you're not gonna get rest accepting God so when you fix your eyes upon Jesus when you lay aside your neck negatives you repent from these things and you take time for solitude the compositing starts the Sabbath rest begins to invade your body and over the years I found this to be so true all things have done in years and years in this last twenty years is to go away and spend time alone a week you know ten days and in that time I enter into the Sabbath rest let me close now with a story of a man called focusing this is focusing he is 109 years old and what's so special about him he ho the world record for the oldest man ever to have run a marathon he ran the Toronto Marathon at the age of 100 years can somebody say a while don't you never say wow don't tell me about one more time say you're gonna be like that too you're gonna run the man he ran the marathon at the age of he holds the world record for the oldest man ever to have run and completed the marathon and he did it in 8 hours 11 minutes no mean feat hey some of you young guys you take about 6 7 hours to finish a marathon he did in 8 hours 11 minutes at 100 years old his name is focusing remember for just saying and when he runs there's both vitality and longevity so many people want to run the marathon they fade you know why after running a competitive race they don't rest they think just because all the aches have gone they can't go into another competitive race but you know the muscle fibers take weeks to heal just because the exit gone doesn't mean the muscle fibers are he appeal but when you rest enough you run again you have longevity your vitality they also get back to competition without properly healing within a few years they've got injuries they've faded out then don't long around but today God wants you to learn the secret of the winning rest so that you can run and run strong and finish well and not be burnt uh can somebody say Amen and we're going to be an exciting times Church because you know when this when it's locked down this lifts complete and church reopens again we're going to rush a little block somebody say Amen and God's not going to call us to emerge stronger but continue stronger than ever before and the secret of the winning rests rest upon these three things we move from Sabbath law to Sabbath grace we move from Sabbath day to any day I may move from Sabbath ritual to Sabbath rest this are the three facets of the winning rest today I want to pray as I close because I know right now we're in different situations and and different struggles and different stages of our own journey and our walk with the Lord some of you I want to pray for you because you had a situation now where rest is hardly a word you recognize maybe you just had a baby your new parent you know or you have two three young kids running around every day screaming and rest is something totally foreign to you right now you hardly get enough sleep at night some of you your parents are sick and they're living with you and therefore rest is not something you know some of you your Houseman working at the bottom of the ladder of the food chain as it were and you're hardly surface to see sunlight you're working like crazy just like a boss when I first became a Houseman some of you in a broken relationship in you you're struggling you don't know what rest is others you may be an entrepreneur you just started a business as nobody had to help you it's you sink or swim and every day go to work in - including Sunday and Saturday you don't know rest I want to pray for you today because guys children will one day grow up - don't worry won't be like that for you your business will stabilize and you'll be employing the people to do the work - don't worry your parents you know they either get better or you know at the hole - no sickness one day pass away - so don't worry about it relationships God will mend your heart - and you have a house spend you know one day you're gonna rise up the career ladder so during this time you might not know rest but I want to pray for you today so that you will know rest and you won't feel guilty because you don't have enough rest it is the season so if you are that kind of person right now because you are struggling to dress I want to put you up you to put your hand to your heart right now as I pray for you father God I just pray for each and every one here hands our hearts I know physically for each one and mentally Damien will be much rest right now but I pray that I put their hands their heart it symbolizes your hand upon their hearts that they will be at rest because they are under grace not under law they're not under condemnation but they are under the freedom of grace that you love them and the best way they know how within the realms and the space that they have be giving it to you to delight in you they may not be able even able to follow the service online on the Sunday because it's so busy because there's so many demands but even if they follow it on another day it's okay because we aren't a grace not more because the Sabbath day is any day so long as they delight in you and I pray that God will take you through this tough times so that you're not under condemnation but under freedom and that you will be enriched in the Lord and that you were experienced manual and that you will charge out together with the rest of us in skyline when God reopens Church for the new things he wants us to do for the rest of this year and the coming years because God's I'm gonna make you stronger than ever before in Jesus name I pray amen [Music] now unsere a prayer I want to pray for all of us that we may assimilate the winning rest the Sabbath day and the Sabbath rest into our hearts and into our lives so that we will journey straw and we will reach out strong and we will fulfill all that God has for us as a church if that's you right now I want you to lift up your hands open your hands palms up to receive from the Lord so I pray for you that you may receive internalize assimilate incorporate the willing rest into your spirit father I just thank you for each and every one here whose hands are held open to receive and to draw from You Lord our strength comes from you it doesn't come from all the things than entertainers in a world or you know all the talk shows that we are we hear all the things that we read it comes from you and so I pray today there for each and every one who's listening every scanner every person here whichever part of the world whichever City you are if you are a believer and a follower of Jesus that God now fills you with his winning rest you will learn and understand how to delight in God in his Sabbath then you will know and understand how to delight under his grace and I pray right now for each and every one that today you will emerge stronger than before and that you will have both longevity and vitality in your lives and then you fulfill all that God has for you and that God will fulfill all that God has for us as a church as we come to the end of this pandemic for with asked us for his glory and for extension of his kingdom in Jesus name we pray all God's people said amen and now praise God that's great I just believe strength has come into the church and I believe it's coming to you I believe this is a prophetic word for you and I want to pray one more last prayer for all of us if you sitting there and whether you're from another you know another city or not apart halfway around the world but you've never known this abiding rest of Jesus and today Jesus knocks at the door of your heart will you open the door of your heart to him so that you can receive this abiding rest that was sealed through every situation in your life right now God wants to come into your life and says my son my daughter will he open the door of your life invite me if that's you today will he join me in his prayer to open your heart to Jesus and extrusive God's abiding arrest and his love in your life join me in this prayer if that's you dear Jesus thank you for your biding rest I admit I'm a sinner I cannot save myself I believe that you died on the cross for my sins and rose again I confess you today as my lord and invite you into my heart I decide to put my faith in you and follow you today amen if that's you I want to say one thing you know please connect with us because you know there's a cure out code that you can scan and connect with us and we'll love love to meet with you and just to encourage you on your journey of your walk with God from this day because this is the word of the Lord for each and every one of us today god makes you stronger than ever before and tomorrow you will be stronger than you are today in Jesus name I pray amen have a great week everybody God is alive today let's give him the praise he gives us the week free amen and I'm gonna see your victory I'm gonna see your victory for the ban [Music] I'm gonna see to me I'm gonna see [Music] see [Music] good [Music] [Applause] you say what he headed east [Music] [Music]
Channel: Skyline SIB
Views: 1,519
Rating: 4.6190476 out of 5
Id: 7LkNc5gkYxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 32sec (3632 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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