The West Wing - Best Funny Moments Compilation - Part 3

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where's the president his back is pretty bad today he canceled the morning he'll stay in bed and make some calls we should move this to my hey mr. president I thought you were staying in bed oh I feel fine maybe you should get back to the residence hmm I said maybe you should get back to the residence maybe you should lie down absolutely no need I'm fine what's going on here nothing you need to concern yourself with mr. president merely a perception issue regarding Toby in the financial disclosure I like to roll up my sleeves you know get involved mr. president did you by any chance take your back pills well I don't mind telling you CJ I was a little pain there which did you take sir the vicodin or the percocet I wasn't supposed to take them both okay mr. president we're gonna have someone take you back to bed no no no sit sit sit one of yous got a problem I'm here to help you guys are like family you've always been there for me always been loyal honest hard-working good people and I love you all very much and I don't say that often enough so tell me what the problem is Toby I'm Sam sir Sam of course you are sir sir hmm the situation basically is this I arranged for a friend to testify to commerce on internet stocks while simultaneously button unrelated to that bought a technology issue which partly due to my friends testimony shot through the roof Toby Toby Toby Toby it's always a nice name don't you think no can we possibly do this meaning at another no no no no please Leo I know my body I mean you know I know my muscles are not you know but but my mind is sharp I can focus I am focused you all know that about me here's what I think we ought to do was I just saying something mrs. Landingham look I think we need to run through some options yes sir get charlie let's start at the bottom what do you mean there's always resignation god damn now you're talking I think she meant me mr. president ah well of course Toby's not gonna resign I think we're making more of this than we I got it I've got a lawyer from the White House counsel's office what counsel's office releases a statement through CJ using the strongest possible language we make it very clear that there has been no wrongdoing of any kind yes but to avoid even the appearance of impropriety Toby has agreed to reduce his salary for one year to $1 and immediately cash out his stock issue thereby relieving the taxpayer of the burden done wait good Sam thank you no it's it's not good actually it stinks Toby you're a great writer do you know that well thank you very you understand me oh come on give us a excuse me mr. president Charlie mr. president I left you alone for two minutes Charlie's a great name thank you sir you have to go back to bed Oh before I go please let me just say this I'm seriously thinking about getting a dog well feel better mr. president maybe an Irish Setter Charlie what do you think I think that's great sir no I know help Jack no help 8 possible flush King possible flush ace no help six possible straight Dave of love for the dealer ace bets check check check check check check mr. president there is one fruit please there is one fruit the president check a bit sir those are your choices there is one fruit or you should feel free to give us a quiz on inane trivia there is one fruit whose seeds are on the outside name it please is it the kumquat sir a bit fine oh oh they see it uh-huh mr. president it's the strawberry well thank you sir I just raised your pen yes you did Toby and I thought it was a bold move when you consider that Leo is holding the six you're looking for do you call the racer it depends depends on one there are 14 conservation marks and standard English grammar can anyone name them please period comma colon semicolon - - ' that's only seven there's seven more question mark exclamation point quotation marks brackets parenthesis braces and ellipses do you call the raise sir there are three words in the English language and three words only that begin with the letters DW it's a pretty good illustration of why we get nothing done can anyone name them for me please three words that begin with the letters DW yes dwindle yes dwarf yes wind old Wang Quindlen to ward come on Princeton we got the window we got dwarf I see your five and raise you five by the way dwarf the window fold well let's crack down witch's brew a magic spell an enchanted forest where is well well well Windell dwarf as well well the answer is correct but let's check with our judges and say oh no I sorry time expired what what times my time give your own time I come trip nines take your money soon you do well to report that to the IRS just go I'm done I'm gonna head home kiss Jenny for me yeah well Sam I'm going back to the office they got the Commerce report ready for me what are you doing who's gonna go home Sam I'm going back to the office they got the Commerce report ready for me what are you doing I'm gonna go back to your office with you make sure you understand I'm conversing about standard data versus sampling data in the Census Charlie I'm headed over to the residence you're done for the night thank you sir I'm gonna stay bit to do some paperwork I'll stay up too late son how'd you do 84 bucks most of that's mine what's that excuse me mr. president I'm sorry the building's not secure what everyone stay in the room please does that mean way too often it's pledge week at the fraternities the kids hop the feds you mind stepping away from the doors and windows please just whole room is doors and windows Josh I'm cooperating I'm cooperating it's be under control in just a minute miss president sorry what body of water in South America is formed by the confluence as being weak Martindale do you really think this is the time not quite up on your South American maritime geography there my friend we're clear Saved by the Bell this is the kind of thing that didn't used to happen at my old job charlie good morning how is your weekend it was good sir what'd you do I was saying most of the time with you some time well-spent yeah what'd you run to a flea market yeah I picked something up for you you didn't have to do that yeah it's a map of the Holy Land that was drawn in 1709 it's titled Canaan Palestine or the holy man nice shucking up thank you sir look at these topographical details seriously I'm gonna have this frame this is great if you leave it here I'll send it out I'm gonna play with it some more good morning look at this map 17:09 Dead Sea Jordan River Mount Sinai that's beautiful you wanna come inside yeah thank you hey you want to see something Charlie gave this to me it's a map of the Holy Land drawn in 1709 he got it at a flea market it's hand colored copper engraved you're gonna put it in the outer office this outer office ya know why why yeah cuz some people are gonna find the defensive why it doesn't recognize Israel he was drawn in 1709 yeah there was no Israel right Israel wouldn't happen for another 250 years yeah so what's the problem with the map some people are gonna find it offensive why it doesn't recognize Israel take a lunch with you Thank You mr. president I want to show you this great map Charlie found sir I know about you can't put it up in the West Wing feature it doesn't recognize Israel there was no Israel in 1709 that's right so it's not on the map which is what some people are going to find offensive that's ridiculous no Pete grace if I put it someplace else yes Leo has in what used to be his house when he was married a map of the United States the first third of it is the 13 original colonies the second third of it is the French territory of Louisiana and the third third is Mexico in this map of the United States there is not a single state that's because when this map was made there was no United States I am the President of the United States and I'm not offended by it well you're bigger than ten men sir what do you say we put it out of the way I'm having it enlarged and bolting it to the hood of my limo they don't want us to put up our map charlie they're Philistines and the fight for freedom if that doesn't bother us does it never mind it's not like I'm agreeing with the people who are gonna be offended it's just that you're asking for a whole lot of pain in exchange for which you get nothing but an old map that's the key an old map an old map spin back see now you got me out there spinning things anything else let me ask you something you may be the last sane voice around here hang on before I forget that Matt the Charlie gave you make sure you don't put it where people can see I don't believe it recognizing Israel's a pretty hot button when you say in Lebanon not here it's not like I'm thinking God I was gonna recognize Israel but now that I've seen this map you know what let's just sit here quietly yes sir we got a problem no kidding sorry I blew through that drawer like captain row and I'm sorry should say the lamb katzenmoyer O'Bannon lebrandt that guy endo and wick - Lincoln Abraham Tom Tom you know Tom yeah I'm gonna ask Tony Ziegler and I'm gonna ask Toby Ziegler and Ron SIA did you change your name since the last day I want to bring Tony Ziegler and Sam Seaborn in here and talk about this miss fine sir Charlie I know I said Tony his name is Toby reality is reality we hopped the fence they're going to jail what they do once we get to them is what's going to determine for how long what trip D alone well their alarms on the ground here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here and here here here here here here here here here leo would you like to know how they punish the kids all right look when did we get the egg did indeed be a B the B there's a problem with that sir why give it to me you ran great guns in the campaign it was a it was a what was it upside down from their knees you must or beat them with strips of leather that's a nice fish look I've got something to do in the next room I just need you to do me a favor a day and I'm not going in there head in my hair totally [Music] the national security advisor and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs Oh anybody happens to see facili romack kona let me tell you something don't ever ever trust me and of course there's been an offer from the town of Shrewsbury in Shropshire Island now you just mild enough yeah one take Bartlett that's what old Jack Warner used to call me could they do a better job choosing yeah when you consider the alternative anyway herself is up in there I'm up and I'm hiring a bank and smooth it over with the cast I mean with the staff really I don't want to and smooth it over with it with the four is my lucky number what mr. president what any rate
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Views: 426,816
Rating: 4.7663231 out of 5
Keywords: the west wing, warner brothers, aaron sorkin, president, america, n tats, funny moments, compilation
Id: 1uaDexAXrak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 09 2018
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