The West Wing - Best Funny Moments Compilation - Part 2

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caraway seeds time cornbread oysters water chestnuts and andouille sausage sounds good yeah but Toby seemed to indicate that you had to be careful if you cooked it inside the turkey because in some cases it doesn't cook and when that happens people get sick yeah you know about this I've heard about it as I thought Toby might be playing with me maybe it is but you said you've heard of it maybe I am too you don't have that kind of wit yeah I need to talk to an expert dr. Rene Margaret I can't ask Rene this president needs to speak with the head chef could you try him at home no no I can't thanks Margaret I can't ask Rene right now why not well frankly I thought he did something stupid and inconsiderate last week but it turns out I was just in a bad mood you gave Renea from talking to yes and while he didn't deserve it he will someday soon excuse me come on in they jumped off the polling data you asked him for 82 percent are in favor of fixing potholes yeah I'm gonna look at this okay they want the nickel and dime stuff I'll tell you one thing we can do what's that sir this time of the year there should be a hotline you can call with questions about cooking turkeys a special 800 number where the phones are staffed by experts there is what do you mean the butterball hot line butterball has a hot line yeah it's an 800 number the phones are staffed by experts are you kidding me no god I'm sorry I love my country Charlie get me the number for the butterball hot line yes sir you pulled where I should have Thanksgiving yeah I saw that question and it was okay with you yes sir why because it was okay with Jory Lucas do you think people should care where I have Thanksgiving I know I don't give a damn all right it doesn't matter I straighten it out with Bruno there's a lot to do with kelp with what what the hell is well first let me say I think this is a wonderful service you provide I'm a citizen I'm Jo Beth Essington that's one T and with an H in there Fargo zip code Fargo North Dakota right now my street address is one one four five four pruder Street and it's very important that you put Street down there because sometimes it gets confused with pruder way and pruder Lane it's apartment 23 R Fargo North Dakota zip code five zero five zero four I do radio commercials for products stuffing should be stuffed inside the turkey am i correct well then we'd have to call it something else wouldn't we if I cook it inside the turkey is there a chance I could kill my guests I'm not saying that's necessarily a deal-breaker all right well first of all I think you made the second bacteria up and second of all how do I avoid it excellent let's talk temperature no see I was testing you the USDA calls for turkeys to be cooked to an internal temperature of 180 to 185 degrees okay good testing oh yeah it was presented to me as a gift from the personal sous chef to the king of auto sales in Fargo Phil behind the man you can sell a car like well like anything and you do too thanks a lot that was excellent we should do that once a week so behind I got to get better at the names I'm fine maybe what's left for me sir why would I want to do that these people are better than pretty upset when they find out we killed the president all right I'm playing that the president has no shame of calling it quits all you have to do is say Toby you're the superior athlete and slinking off the court che Duvall I told you do you really keep playing take the ball out let's go this is perfect you know that is a perfect metaphor after you're gone and the poet's write the legend of Josiah Bartlett let them write it was a tragic figure sir let the poet's write that he had the tools for greatness but the voices of his better angels were shouted down by his obsessive need to win you want to play a write my eulogy yes sir mr. grant whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who's this I'll make this substitution Oh is this tough grass and remember my team a ringer perhaps mr. grad is a federal employee you know the thing about you mr. president isn't so much that you cheat it's how brazenly bad you are at I beg you up our homies got a point there sir why have I ever cheated I'm tired of playing mixed doubles of me and CJ you try to tell us that your partner works at the American consulate thank you yeah it was Steffi Graf sir I will admit that the woman bore us striking let's defeat Graf you crazy lunatic you think I'm not gonna recognize that B graph when she's serving a tennis ball at me Steffi Graf's lent quite a few championships sir we've had many opportunities to see part be that as it may Toby Ziegler Josh Lyman Charlie young I would like to introduce mr. Rodney grant mr. grant is associate director of the President's Council on physical fitness game point your ball let's go not so fast what's a bra mr. grant your name sounds awfully familiar before you joined up with the President's Council on physical fitness council I might add the president would do well to avail himself of is it possible that you've played some organized ball yeah I used to play a little of my friends know where we're at I'm sorry game point let's go your new man I'm taking you to the hole Oh let the poet's write about that there Byron Charlie guard the new guy yeah she's here good should I send me yeah you want me to stay here why case something should happen what would that be exactly I'll bring her thank you Ainsley mr. McGarry Leo's fine yes sir will you offer coffee or something to drink yes the woman who works out there who I imagine is your secretary offered me coffee or a soft drink okay so it was also kind enough to ask for my coat excellent oh she seems to be a very good secretary well she'll be happy to hear that she's standing right outside the door so I have to tell you I've never seen Sam Seaborn get beat the way you beat him on Monday yes well mr. McGarry leo yes sir I've been thinking about that ever since your office called me on Tuesday and I have something to say on my own behalf if you'll permit me a moment to say it and I understand if you want but I would really appreciate it if you did I didn't really follow that but whatever I think that it is wrong for a man in your position to summon someone to the White House to reprimand them for voicing opposition I think that that is wrong and it is inappropriate it's inappropriate and I'll tell you what else it's wrong yes that's fine except you weren't summoned here to be reprimand well then if you'll permit me why was I summoned you have an interesting conversational style you know that it's a nervous condition I used to have a nervous condition how did yours manifest itself I drank a lot of scotch I get sick when I drink too much I get drunk when I drink too much well mr. McGarry we all yes sir I'll ask again for what purpose was I brought here today so I could offer you a job I'm asking because I do not think that it is fair that I be expected to play the role of the mouse to the White House's cat in the game oh you know the game Kenan Mouse yes and it's not like I'm not you know the fact that I may not look like some of the other Republicans who have crossed your path does that mean that I am any less inclined toward here it comes did you say offer me a job yes associate white House Counsel you'd report to the deputy white House Counsel reports of the White House Counsel who reports to me I'm sorry a job in this White House you want a glass of scotch yes please I have always been a Republican my father is a Republican his father was state chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party yes when I was young I was a young Republican Angley even if you hadn't already told me all of this you know many many times I would know it anyway because I have this FBI file you have my FBI file yes I can't believe that you have my FBI file yes I have an FBI - angley mr. McGarry I love almost everything you believe in where you going I'm not going anywhere I'm standing up which is how one speaks in opposition in a civilized world well you go girl I find this administration smug and patronizing and under the impression that those who disagree with them are less than they are and with colder hearts I don't think that's true how many people on your staff assumes that I was ambitious mean and stupid none CJ Cregg things should kill your pets you don't do that do you no I don't kill my pets I don't have any pets I was thinking about getting a pet but that doesn't matter the point usually yes sir don't you want to work in the White House Oh only since I was two okay it has to be this White House Ainsley mr. McGarry president likes smart people who disagree with him he wants to hear from you the president's asking you to serve and everything else is crap think about it overnight come back here at 6:00 tomorrow and give me your answer Margaret are you doing show miss Hayes out would you please this way Josh Josh hey what are you doing what did you spend the night here not just since a couple of hours ago the party went till morning yeah why didn't you go home what why didn't you go home after the party I couldn't find my keys oh my god what happened to your clothes I'm a wreck of my suit tell you you really you want to speak very softly how did you get like this if we're pouring champagne over each other and then wrestling in dirt I can't remember but it's certainly not out of the question you have a meeting yeah I know I'm not you know what was the meeting again Joey Lucas about O'Dwyer yes John Frank you can't wear those clothes I'm fine trust me they're the only clothes I got I'll find some other clothes fine are you gonna listen to me from now on I'm not even listening to you now I said are you gonna lie yes yes yes yes yes Josh here what's that it's Sam's felt weather gear drink this coffee it's strong drink it all what yesterday so it might not be hot anymore what time is this person coming 40 minutes put this on I'm not wearing them there's a one-hour cleaners on Connecticut he's getting here in 40 minutes as well do it in a half an hour who's new do the guy from the dry cleaners Josh change your clothes name is Zuzu change your clothes look like the Gordon's fishermen mistake are you unmitigated jackass who has the DNC choking off funding for the O'Dwyer campaign in the California 46th what in God's name is happening right now I'm Joey Lucas you're Joey Lucas no I'm Joey Lucas help me because I don't you hit it I'm Joey Lucas uh uh okay I'm Josh Lyman I know who you are you're Joey Lucas what were you expecting no man I'm a woman you're of Dwyers campaign manager yes and I have three sources - at the DNC but me yes I was I spilled some things on my clothes tell you what let's just take a deep breath for a second well I try and remember you know where I am right now are you drunk I have a very delicate system okay look I'm totally serious about this I'm trying to get a guy elected to Congress it's gonna be a very tight race and I want to know why the White House is screwing around with me excuse me thank God what's going on this is my assistant Donna moss Donna Joey Lucas hi I'm just gonna go I'm gonna go change my clothes I'll be right back took you long enough I got stuck at Dupont Circle again you have any idea doll my left in there so Joey Lucas is a woman and she's done yes Oh give me that need to go see salmon today I'm doing here you told me to tell you the appeal was denied are you talking about all he said was the appeal was denied make sure they're gonna be okay in there this may take a few minutes [Music]
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Views: 443,556
Rating: 4.7924051 out of 5
Keywords: the west wing, n tats, warner brothers, nbc, nolan tatomir, president bartlet, best funny moments, compilation
Id: 9R8TrjXEGLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2018
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