The West Highland Way - April 2023

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foreign thank you okay so this is the little park that we're heading along on the little Trail this is the start of the trail really as you leave more guy itself you're more or less straight away onto this it's well sound posted to get onto this and then you just carry on on this path then so it starts to lead out away from the town There's plenty of stuff in the town if you find you get there and you haven't picked up a few bits or you want something to eat before you go there's lots of coffee shops and stuff like that before you head out the trail and there's boots and Tesco's and all kinds of things like that if you need to buy something that you've forgotten something foreign foreign [Music] foreign thank you foreign Okay so we've just left gym and camping this is day two West Island Way just like Truman camping I was the first one up to be honest there's weren't many people for getting up early there got up at five and we just left um seven o'clock now seven a.m I would like to get to roll Choice Buffy today foreign's come up and looks like it's going to be quite a nice day [Applause] so we've been on this you can see it behind me this Gravelly um Service track now for quite a while and uh still carrying on Sun's come up nicely now and so I think it was started off as one of those sort of crisp coldish sauce and mornings but uh I think it's gonna come out be quite warm today for the most part of the day so just look at the sun the Army's quite nice conditions today the first time we did West Island Way was in October uh it's the first week in October and now we are like two thirds of the way through April on this on this time round and it's a lot drier uh last time it was really wet um for a good few sections of the walk so far it's been dry we're only on day two um and there is a bit of rain forecast and stuff but at the moment it looks like it's going to be another really nice day like it was yesterday uh so we'll see how we go on okay so up that way is the route for West Island way if you want to go via conic Hill I am going to take the low route and go down to Omaha okay uh I'm not too bothered if I was going up conic Hill so I'm gonna go down this route down here the main reason for that is just going to save me some time because I want to make a little bit of distance today so it's my better option really to get to Bangor a bit quicker [Applause] so where we are now heading on this lower alternative route [Music] um you know you're not uh it's up to you how you want to do the walk if you don't want to you know you want to adjust it to to make more distance that's up to you at the end of the day you each thought will you return your walk so hang you around a minute before it will come down from and we are carrying our down this way [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign thank you this is the end of the campsite Court I think it's called Cashel campsite it's nice well let's say it's nice but it looks nice from the outside I think they do take tents as well but uh things there brought canoes down so imagine that we're not coming in on the lock that'd be nice for me foreign [Applause] campsite and it's basically like a wild camping you know but this black designated spots and then maybe there's uh I think there's some compost toilets and stuff like that so it's a little bit similar to some of the sites that you get along the great Glenway um but you've got a book in advance thank you [Applause] okay I don't think you can see this [Applause] foreign probably about half an hour ago and uh it is a young guy called Colin an american guy uh he was already here I just went into somebody's backpack I've got all great somebody's there at least to share the place with and then I met him he was getting some firewall defenses on the Fire and this is real Choice Buffy so hasn't changed much from when I was last here and there's my sleeping stuffer over there okay so there's real Choice Buffy again and this little path just coming away leads to this old building obviously at one time in use people on the stakes as you can make of this oh lovely and Airy great for those who like space to move around it's always the fireplaces left standing in it [Applause] foreign [Applause] towards the end of now really last last bit really and uh just come across this little memorial stone with this poor guy who must have uh lost his life soon one of his friends presumably from the lot thank you [Applause] okay all right well we are still you can see there's still lot Roman um sun's really coming out again so this is uh another sunny day we're looking at um just stop for a minute there and um when we went to put new looks at work on us in a tick crawling just across my top so uh I'll get rid of them I had before I'll come away just try to come away I dabbed a lavender uh drops of lavender on the trail shoes and um um you know just trying to cut back on the chances of ticks and that's the first one I've seen so far so whether that's helped or not who knows but yeah it's the last thing he wants to ticks okay now this Buffy is the second one that I came across and is known as dune Buffy it's situated more towards the end of Loch Lomond if you're coming from the direction of starting a walking wall guy and with the intention of finishing in Fort William again it's just a basic shelter but it does do that it does give you a shelter from the elements if you need it so [Applause] foreign foreign glass uh campsite and the weather has turned a little bit today uh doesn't look like we're getting our cracking sunshine today we've um I woke up and um managed to get the tent down before it started raining and just as I was leaving the campsite got this very fine rain it's no big deal but it's that kind of rain that you can go do a bother putting a jacket on and all the rest of it before you know what you soaked so uh it looks like it's going to be an overcast I know drizzly kind of day so we'll see you later [Applause] I go Echo [Applause] okay just come up from that way and you can throw the skates this is your option if you want to take a detour and go to key and Larrick what the West Harlem way continues up that away that's the way we're going foreign [Applause] [Applause] so we're along the path for the West Harlem way just coming into tindrome and this is where I'm staying tonight this is the path for the West Highland Way and to go into this holy bike just cross this little Bridge here [Applause] [Applause] so this is my little humble abode for tonight so quite a bit of luxury really this is what they call a hiking pod it will sleep up to two people on there one there so I've laid out all my gear on one side and I'll be sleeping on the other you've got a kettle in here and you get a little heater and of course you drive from the elements um and that's it so nice bit of luxury for tonight okay it's just gone 5 30. um we're up just starting to walk out of tins from now um it's actually trying to snow just our little tiny flakes I'm gonna call up I thought hey hey raindrops or what and uh you know a couple landed on my jacket there were snowflakes so I started to believe it was uh cracking the flags so to speak a couple of days ago and it's making little attempts at snowing today so foreign foreign like I was saying we had a few snowflakes and I thought oh is this a sign of something to come um but it seems to have gone off that now you can see the Army the clouds are pretty gray and uh just pan you around there seems very undecided whether the sun's going to try and break out through the cloud or oh what's gonna happen really um so we'll see all right and believe it or not like your starting to get a little bit of sunshine it's nice so it's dry Chris it's cold but uh we'll take cold and dry and uh looks like no more that's just the end of a few snowflakes so that didn't materialize happily whether or not it will later we'll see for the moment it's looking good okay so um we're about a mile maybe mile and a half away from bridge of walking now um I know it might not lock it looking behind with the weather this is a lot better so it's nice and bright now and it's cold but uh nice and dry so uh all looking good [Music] foreign out we've just come out from my Victoria Bridge and stopped for a nice uh bacon and sausage brown there and now we're heading out to Black Mountain and on over around it more um so we're just going on to this old road now oh foreign just coming up to ten past five and this is going to be the last day today and a big push today we're gonna get to uh go from here uh over to kinlock leaving and then from kinlock 11 um which is about 10 miles from here then we'll push you on the other 15 and go to Fort William and finish the trail today okay so catch you later thank you okay so basically hand your arm back that way we are coming away from King's house now and we're on the path that's eventually going to take us up towards the foot of the devil staircase um which will then take us off over towards cannot believe and and it's very close minus three um feels colder than that to be honest what's minus three at the minute um ground is pretty Frozen um not seeing anybody else around obviously because it is only well six o'clock now bang on um okay so we'll catch you later okay we're almost at the start of uh the devil staircase uh that view you can see is looking behind me and then hanging around from where I've come from that's the route we're taking that way towards the devil's staircase okay so it's uh almost ten to seven now and we've reached the foot of the devil's staircase um she's gonna be our little client for now okay so we'll catch you later foreign okay it's uh 735 and we are at the top of the devil staircase from up from that direction and we are carrying on on the path that direction towards eventually came like leaving uh okay early morning off at four uh on the trail by five um and I haven't seen I've seen one tent that was part that was camped just a little bit up the devil staircase just on a little bit of flat ground and found but I haven't seen another Walker on here at all yet okay see you later foreign [Applause] okay that down there folks is kinloch leaving which is where we're headed okay so had some breakfast sticking not leaving and we're just leaving uh cannot leaving now and heading out of that town and to go on to uh Fort William so catch you later okay we're uh well I was looking like leaving now and uh on the path heading towards will eventually take us down to uh Fort William and once I got to kill not leave and it started seeing quite a lot more Walkers and and obviously people were doing a nice Halloween way but um from leaving Glencoe to virtually get into cannot leaving almost I didn't see anyone so uh yeah but uh weather's dry right I know it looks a bit overcast from what you can probably see behind me but uh no I think it's gonna say okay okay just come out of the uh well still in the woods but we've just hit now this service road you can see it behind me and and this leads down further down now towards um I thought William but it does go on quite a long time this service road but then so does that section in the woods before you get to it so [Applause] foreign
Channel: Rich McGibbon
Views: 3,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 45sec (2625 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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