The West Highland Way | 96 miles | 6 days | Camping

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[Music] here we are West item way day one ready to go so we're milk guy at the moment with 20 miles to go to bow maha I hope we're saying that right so rough so milk guy we're in a moment okay there's a sign it's all right the guy and we're going past Ryman so where we staying tonight so it's about 20 miles today isn't it let's go it's 10 past 9:00 and we have just walked four miles from more guys I can't say that I can't say but it's been a good walk we've just come out of the woods now I think we're starting to get into the hills of it and we just passed this lovely little holiday cottage which quite helpfully reminded us how far we've gone so far too bad actually our pace is good so we left around the bowel past seven so we've done like said just over four miles so [Music] we've reached the beach treat is telling us that we've walked about seven or a boot seven miles so it's not too bad considering it's half ten then we left at half seven yeah the place isn't too bad so hopefully we've got another five and bit miles to driving and we'll think about Eve break for lunch there have a room what we're carrying or have a burger you've walked about seven miles come see our smiles and have a cup of tea or try out our platter it's disney matter there's a warm welcome at the beach tree and we're just open for lunch with just pops drying then we've walked 12 and a half miles and so we're gonna get some refreshment and carry on so we're just cooking our dinner now on the MSR Jetboil I am having curry flavored noodles and tayi what you have in [Music] [Music] to get to this evenings caps i right and then campsite is just on the left so we've made it down to Baja I'll tell you what that was a SWOT coming down conic hill is all and it's all down yeah it wasn't kind of me and Katie's knees was it no so now we're gonna move on to our campsite so we have stopped in Baja and we're at the Oak Tree Inn and I'm having myself a nice cold beer so we made it to our campsite so that's day one complete it so we walked from Omaha to Miller rocky that's the campsite I hope we're saying this right because I can't pronounce any of these so it was a lovely walk next to the walk it's raining now so we've had a quick shower and we already go to bed so Katie's feet holding up saw but they're keeping up this time they're not as fancy we're last night well then it's day two of our walk we are off to inves said I hope I'm saying that right I mean Kate you've been discussing how to pronounce that I can't pronounce anything but it's a nice short walk today oh yeah 30 miles so which I think it's quite nice actually because we did 20 miles yesterday 22 oh we did 22 yesterday nearly and now we've got 30 miles to push today but a nice easy walk for us we can take a time taking the sights and the sun's out that's the most important thing it was a very wet light last night rained all night okay we just pitched on there a bit of a hill so I kept them rolling down into the back of the tent so lesson learned don't pitch on the side of a slight gradient camping spot and at Miller rocky baby I think it's gone and it was very nice and what you'd expect for the Caravan Club and we actually booked in advance but and we found out that you didn't have to and any backpackers can just turn up and they won't turn anybody away which is really good of them and so we actually got a refund and because it was actually cheaper and for backpackers so that was always very nice and facilities were what you'd expect toilet showers and his little communal kitchen area although there wasn't much in it there was a microwave I'm no cat although that would have been great good in the morning here we are walking beside of the lovely Loch Lomond it's a beautiful stretch of water it's beautiful stretch the walk along really nice so we're just taking a quick break at sake hopefully you saying that right look at the view [Music] we just arrived gardening and it's not much here there's a hotel that a pub somebody if you want to do leisure activities visit when the islands yeah I mean it's good places to stop for some of the eat we're gonna carry on because it's 12 o'clock well you spend a bit too much time taking pictures and enjoying the view really so we want to hurry up and get on and just sort of see what else there is and then we'll stop for lunch in about an hour's time how's the walkie having the rest and have some dinner in a minute [Music] it's free o'clock we're on our way to inverse ed hopefully we've said that right it's a bit of a bit of a grueling walk through the woods along the lock lots of up and down there we undulating but the words are beautiful and there and the pebble beaches are lovely so we got the views and we're really enjoying it but it's starting I feel a little bit now but we're in good spirits and we should hopefully get to our campgrounds I say we'll get to our campground around about 4 o'clock puffle we've just coming up to inves said that was an effort there was some sketchy bits there as well they don't tell you that on the west side and way guidebook but no it was really good we enjoyed it some beautiful views and beautiful forests now we're going to head into in versed and then find a campsite so yeah hubby we've heard a nice chicken burger and venison burger and then I feel grumble this place is lovely [Music] more than everyone it's day free of the west highland way walk is half seven nice and early we've got about 19 miles to do till chime time drum I hope I'm saying that right we stayed in a lovely place in Impa said it's called the inverted bunkhouse it's an old converted Church lovely place to stay they've got nice shouts the showers are amazing the food's amazing you know the beers amazing the campsites pretty decent as well you know good spots the pitch the only issue we might have with it it's a little bit off the trail are you bout a mile isn't it just under a mile but oh well you can't have it all can you but yeah we've got a big day today [Music] they might rock climbing for the last half an hour and look at that descent thank God my goats we have goats I wish we could climb like that so it's now quarter ten we've been walking for two hours we just decided to have a break and we've just walked from just over there so we're doing quite well the midges are out how do you feel it was tough wasn't it yeah yes so there's a lot of scrambling more scrambling than walking but now we're in good spirits so we just stopped for a break at fine glass got myself a cheese and ham sorry I'm getting a bit sick of trail mix in that for a nice cheese and ham sandwich be on the trail dude the place is lovely a good place to stay looks good it's got a nice shop you can't miss it it's literally on the trail so we're just walking out of it now so the the shop is really good well stocked it's got everything you need a restaurant bar obviously if you're staying here this place is perfect but if you're moving on I probably won't use the bar as much so we've already done 9 miles so far only and is now it's ten past twelve we've stopped for about 20 minutes but yeah it's a it's a hard I'll graph today so we've got about 11 miles to go we reckon one of our many of school my words you just do it it's tough too we've got about seven miles to go as you can see the landscape has really opened up and it's beautiful thanks for the trails opened up as well which means our paces quickened up and we'll be able to get to our destination a little bit quicker because this morning was a bit of a scramble and our pace was not good so the weather is good the midis aren't about to much for having a good walk into the woods we go five miles left to go to chime trim so we're about four miles out that's about an hour and twenty minutes from time Durham the weather has been absolutely amazing as you can see we're still still in the woods it's been up and down isn't it no it's it takes your toe on your feet so we're just taking a quick pit stop here and then we will move on for the last hour and 20 minutes yay [Music] other guys it's day four of the west island way venture we stayed at a campsite called by the way an excellent place well we're well worth staying at if you are come this way we were knocking yesterday 21 miles we covered so we got to the campsite pitched our tent had some amazing fish and chip shop up the road and just went to sleep so today we have 9 miles to the bridge of Aki hope I'm saying that right and we might we might push on and do some wild company but unfortunately Kate's feet start to give a we got her a pair of Solomon trainers which should we test it out and they work really well on an island white challenge that we did a couple years ago which was 106 K in 24 hours and she didn't suffer too bad with him so we fought reduced we didn't get any blisters and we thought we would give them a go on this trip but unfortunately yesterday she got blisters and some bad ones as well so she's suffering a bit today that she's trooping on and so we've just stopped for a break we are not far from bridge walking in fact erican probably in the hour there which is really good and it's well past 12 past twelve and so we'll be ready for lunch time and feet we can lean actually and so we'll see how far we get so that's to break down tomorrow which was going to be a twenty Monday so we're gonna try and eat into that as much as we can and then tomorrow hopefully won't be it's daunting because it currently seems though Kevin has been pretty much eaten to death by we think midges but shouldn't do this so the thing is I use it's so soft spray but I think I just put on too late I put on after the midges or whatever is to be bitten me so I think a bit too late to do anything about it so remember guys put your insect repellent on before you get Ben not after your leg looks like a pizza on the way to the bridge of Aki we've been walking on this tract road as you can see behind us for the old ministry road we think but we've been walking along this road for the last few hours which is actually quite pleasant on our feet to be honest yeah it's meant we've been able to open our pace up quite a bit yeah and we've been able to enjoy the countryside a little bit more and it's a lot easier on Kate's feet as well so our pace is good like Kate said earlier on we'll get to the bridge of Aki probably have something to eat or there's a hotel they'll be further on from the bridge of Aki we'll probably have a late lunch stroke tea there have something warm inside of us and then we'll push on and find a good place to welcome just to take away the miles from the next day which is going to be about 20 miles so we want to eat into that really so let's see what happens just reach the bridge of RP the bridge we're gonna carry on to the next place where so next post cold and in Jerome then I'm gonna go now we're going there Nick so now at the bridge of Aki it's a beautiful spot look at that [Music] thanks happy now she's got a coke it's a quaint little bar he's small so he's decided to stop here even Rovin 39 miles in case feet not doing too well so if it would take a short day and we'll carry on tomorrow but the spot is lovely as you can see the weather isn't too great it's it's drizzly the views alright hopefully we'll get a better view when the weather clears up hopefully tomorrow so we also have now the rain just started coming down so we set up just inside lucky earth where we know so we are wild camping just by the bridge in environment so we stopped here 9 miles in it was a short day anyway we plan to stop here alright but we were going to push on a little bit more to try and eat into the miles tomorrow because we've got about 20 miles tomorrow so we thought if we did about 2 or 3 miles and make it a short day for cave but I feet aren't good so we're going to take the rest and that's about 14 hours till tomorrow so hopefully yeah is bowing down so we'll see how our feet are tomorrow so we get up about half six well six o'clock sorry and we'll just go for it won't we everyone we just got it's 10 o'clock it's day five of our west highland way aventure new geez are just dying to come out he is well rested [Music] right so we're gonna pack up our tents and get going for day five of our adventure and we're off to but we're feeling good we didn't sleep as well as we wanted to there wasn't all mighty snorer honestly all for you 9 it stops so someone had a good night's sleep but I'm feeling ok I think I grabbed a couple of hours sleep last night but we're off now Kate's feet this saw all right so we've got 18 miles to do now the weather is all right it's supposed to rain it's supposed to rain today but we'll see see how it holds up it rained just before we got up but it was a clear night all last night beautiful we could see the Milky Way that's nice but it's forecasted shower again so we get it out my dreaded poncho soon enough see how we go look at that pig so we're walking along a lot of sort of stone paved roads such cobbled Road which is not great for Katie's feet but it's it's nice and flat we're making good pace on it to be honest yeah considering you know how painful Katy's feet are today but the land the landscape and the views are making up for it all so I think she's enjoying it so we're just having a little break and we think we're a bridge called bar bridge the weather has been really drizzly rainy but now it's stopped which is really good the path has got a little bit nicer kinda from my feet once I get a good pace and fine it's getting going getting up this is the most difficult point but we've made good progress we've played in about four or five miles I'd like to think that's a good quarter chunk of our mileage covered today which would be really nice really yeah it's really exposed it's good job it was really not hammering down drinks we wouldn't really be in trouble and although we've got all the kit truck we're just we just will be on fun with high winds and high rain yeah what this hair is doing no making the most of it oh the views guys look at those views they are fantastic so we come up from baybridge about 30 minutes and the landscape is really opening up now they're just just brilliant the web is really cleared up for now so it is just perfect perfect walking where though not too hot not too cold just right oh yeah those views though so we're just taking a quick break because we've got a bit of a descent we're just taking in the views in the weather oh it looks like it's gonna rain the rain is coming and it's over there looks like that's going to get us hopefully not but where do you think we're going next after that so we think we're going around see it goes that it's a rainbow yes they're great hopefully you can see it so he just stops outside Kings House Hotel unfortunately it's been a renovated so we can pop him for a Coke or meal anything like that's so instead I mean Katie having some mug shots on all the best for you but it's easy quick to do so we've got the MS IRL and so we will get some foods on the go and then we'll carry on so we just had dinner is now 20 past 12:00 we've just moved on from Kings House Hotel as you can see they're doing the renovations now but if you still go in there this year they've got showers toilets drinking more and wild camping spots so it's still good to go it's a shame it wasn't open I've stopped for a pint but we're off to King doing about five hours it's eight and three-quarter miles but the pace we're doing five hours with breaks seems to do it but if we're doing any quicker in that great but five hours [Music] we're looking forward to that [Music] [Music] Oh your feet Devil's Staircase is just there we're gonna climb all this up to there yeah I can just see people just in the top over there so it's gonna be fun then we are halfway up the devil staircases stand the rain great so before we'd get a little picture of the view from up here and it start to come down quite hard actually but it's an amazing view isn't it so really halfway up show you we still got quite a bit to do but we need to suck it up before we get wet yeah so we made it to the top of Devil's Staircase it wasn't actually as far as it's made out to be it was done in about 15-20 minutes nothing to worry about we've done a lot harder on this trail and this so on our way down from Devil's Staircase we got to kidnap 11 so we've made it to Kim Loch Leven we got here for about half or so it wasn't too bad we did the whole day in 9 hours so that was 18 miles 9 hours he poured down so hard to Devil's Staircase so hard never seen rain like that in the UK it was horizontal at one point it was just it was just lashing us and my poncho I need to get rid of that poncho I need him in there then we think it's so - shoes got soaked so we're drying them out at the moment funnily enough the sun's out but the midges are out as well force here we've been quite lucky for this old Rip really been attacked by mid you stepped on my leg but I mean I haven't really really been a bother to us except for today where I'm gonna have to go out a you know but although it was good that was the reason why we didn't film much getting to hear from devil staircase there just wasn't the chance to do it it was just I would broke my phone it would have got soaked but now the Sun sound funny enough but we're gonna go find someone to eat now are we not gonna have noodles we're gonna have some proper pub grub I think you know for our last day tomorrow yeah are you feet so with Katie's feet did hold out there looking not too bad actually I would I was expecting a little white bad but I don't think getting a feast soaked in the rain helped a lot but think they're gonna hold out tomorrow are they dry them out and then we're gonna sort them out so yeah see you tomorrow more than everybody was staying in the lovely Blackwater campsite peaceful the Muji's have come out in force this morning so it's the first time just being able to have a good you smell the bun if you can see them a buzzing around me but there are lots of them so we've been the tent final destination which is good morning it is day six final day of our best item where venture Kaitlyn so she's gonna go into a monsoon I don't know why she's anxious now bit cold today so our got actually quite good sleep last night I've probably got a good eight hours sleep don't look it but know we had a really good sleep up Blackwater campsite so really really recommend to stay in there if you're camping on the west highland way when you get to get to King Loch Leven I could never finance after the key to saber so I remember have to say so yeah we are off to Fort William so we've probably got some steep ascends and steep descends coming up our way so and we'll get to what past they're nervous the weather looks like it's going to hold up hopefully the boat is going to be good all day today [Music] fool just burger kindness is king loch leven that's about 30 minutes n and there's more to come so if we swap here see oh it's bright now you can see where we'll be climbing [Music] we've just gotten to the Ridgeway the views are really starting to open up it's supposed to be one of the best Sturbridge ways in the UK and it certainly looks it look at that we're gonna walk down 4-ounce they're saying on there taking a quick break lunch moving on soon supposedly we've got about to in a bit hours to go free Kevin and Casey so the rate we're walk-in probably about four hours now we should be alright I think we've got most of our the way we we fought most of the ridge way now I think we're going into the forest and we'll be standing with him know the sun's out now what we're going to do is put my shoes back on my feet nervous their case down the bomb okay eyes we're about an hour out for William that but the descent down is a killer we've been going down it for about twenty minutes and we and it's only I'll show you that it's only a doesn't that steep but is going home forever Katie's doing like a little run it was watching I go wow look at that it's good on your knees yeah so yeah on these my left knees give me some chick not much you know some shooting pains and your right knee sorry nothing major but it's just this is gonna that point now oh yes yes and I'm happy we've packed liar to be honest you because the guy is that some people got massive bags and they look in pain they really do I mean hats off to them but that's a long way to log over these hills really is so our left we got to Fort William have myself a nice cold point so I think we just reached the outskirts of Fort William Kate is looking around the halftee we haven't got along now this is the original end okay then you wish it was the show ends so I'm would say for the end an idiot let's assign [Laughter] Mary hey ed hey this okay will be done on the West Silent Way how happy he is how either sit down now so that's US done the web silent way what a great trip six days we've experienced a lot of seeing some beautiful landscape ups and downs being poured on some feet the mid-to used to be now but now it's been now it's been a brilliant adventure we've really enjoyed it and now we're going to go for a nice cold pint ideal if you like the channel what do you need to do subscribe and like thank you very much you
Channel: GET TWO IT
Views: 56,627
Rating: 4.9519901 out of 5
Keywords: west highland way 6 days, west highland way camping, West Highland Way 2018, hiking scotland, west highland way, west highland way scotland, walking the west highland way, west highland way 2019, wild camping, backpacking scotland, west highland way hike, hiking vlog, backpacking through scotland, walking on the west highland way, Hiking gear, scottish highlands, walking in scotland, west highland way 2020, hill walking in scotland, wild camping uk, wild camping in scotland
Id: 0QPhP_z44cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 2sec (2402 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2018
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