The West 2019 Part 5: Boondocking in the Desert, RTR 2019

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- Well, good morning from the Gila Bend KOA here in southern Arizona. This is where I slept last night. And now, we're going to Quartzsite. (groovy keyboard music) ♪ I'm riding ♪ ♪ Riding, riding ♪ ♪ Riding in my RV ♪ ♪ My RV ♪ ♪ Wherever I want to be ♪ ♪ Because I'm free in my RV, yeah ♪ Before we go, let me show you around a little bit. (light ethereal music) It is going to be a beautiful sunrise. I'm telling you, if it was just a little bit warmer, I would jump into that pool right now. Anyways, it is time to go. (light ambient music) First order of business: get propane. Yep, I did run out last night in the middle of the night. Well, off to Quartzsite we go. Just filled up with propane, $18.60 or something like that. I don't know if that's good or bad. In Miami, it's $20. I've seen it as low as $15 or even $12 at some places, so, who knows? I put the GPS coordinates to my saguaro cactus, the same place where I camped last year. And so I'll camp somewhere around there, drop the trailer, go to the RTR, see how it is. And if I like what I see, I'll hitch up again and take the trailer to the RTR. Unusually hazy day here in the desert, don't you think? It turns out we might have an unusual winter altogether. I mean, there are flowers on the side of the road. But, hey, I'm getting ahead of myself here. We've been going north here on Arizona 85 and now we are going to take I-10 West the rest of the way. That is the Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant, the largest one in the United States. Cool, I just discovered this screen here on the Rand McNally GPS unit. That mode of the Rand McNally GPS could be very useful. In instances like this, we don't really need a special GPS because it is I-10 to Quartzsite, there's no other way to get there, there's no low-hanging bridges, no switchbacks, (laughing) you know? It's good to know your elevation and data about your trip. And the sunset and the sunrise also are there, so that's pretty cool. I think I'm gonna keep it in this mode all the time unless I really need, you know, special GPS. Uh-oh, I just discovered something troubling here in the rest area. Even though I rotated my rear trailer tires before I left Miami, one of them is down to the wire, so they must be replaced. Luckily, there is this tire shop nearby. And of course, for this long trip, I am traveling with four new tires since my size is kind of rare and very few shops carry it. Apparently, I have a misalignment with my torsion axles and my rear right tire in particular wears out on the outside quite a bit. I haven't been able to find a shop that knows how to fix this, so, for the time being, I will be rotating and replacing tires more often than normal. Very nice gentleman there at the tire place. He charged me $15 each tire, but I gave him $20 each just because he was nice. And very old-school, using one of those, the old-fashioned-- - [GPS] In a quarter-mile, merge onto I-10 West. - The old-fashioned gauge and all that, but very efficient. He got the job done and I filled up with gas; expensive gas, but I guess now we are ready for Quartzsite. There it is, the now-familiar valley, the crossroads of the RV world at the intersection of Interstate 10 and US 95. The summer population: 3,000-3,500. But right now, in mid-January, it swells to over 250,000. It is a rite of passage for every RVer to come here at least once, in the winter, of course. This is my second time here in Quartzsite, Arizona, and I'm really looking forward to it. Thousands of RVs at the vast public land all around town. We made it to Quartzsite! Also, at the many RV parks in town. Okay, here we are. This is the Scaddan Wash. This, of course, is BLM land, Bureau of Land Management, so you can get a permit to camp for free for up to 14 days. Of course, we are here during the long government shutdown at the beginning of 2019, so it is basically free for all at this point. Of course it says, "Host off duty." RTR, register at RTR; that's where I'm eventually going. But, yeah, with the government shutdown, there is no one here to greet you. I wanna look for my saguaro cactus, see if it's available. (bright disco music) There is another saguaro cactus, not the one I'm looking for. By the way, I always get disoriented here at the BLM, where there are no real roads. There, to the right! That looks like the spot where I camped last year. The Winnebago View took my saguaro cactus. Oh well. Here, this looks like a nice spot. Here's where I'm going to drop it for now. I'm going to the RTR real quick to check it out and then I'll be back for my live video tonight. Before I go to the RTR, how about I show you exactly where we are? That highway, of course, is I-10. And as I pan here to the left, we can see Quartzsite in the distance. I can't help but notice it is a lot less crowded this year. Of course, I'm early. It'll get much more busier next week when the Big Tent goes up. Let me get a little closer to town. I'm gonna start flying back here. And that large gathering of RVs to the right near the mountains that almost looks like a small town, that's the RTR, the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous, way, way out there. And that would be me, little me down there. Okay, enough procrastination. Let's go check in at the RTR. And if all looks good and safe, I'll come back, hitch back up, and make my way out there. Perfect weather today, beautiful weather. It's like 60 degrees. I'm gonna keep the window open, just because. Hoo, this is that horrible road that is so bad cars prefer to drive on the shoulder. Well, when in Rome... This is called Dome Rock Road East, and it runs somewhat parallel to I-10. Here, we're gonna turn right onto Mitchell Mine Road. This year, the RTR is not taking place in BLM land proper but in a special area designated by the Bureau of Land Management since the event has gotten so big. The RTR was founded by Bob Wells, a nomad himself, in 2010, with just 45 attendees. This year, they are expecting several thousand. There is a little bit of a traffic jam to check in, but I'm surprised at how efficient and organized everything is, much better than expected. There was a lot of fear, uncertainty, and doubt on social media about the RTR being at this location this year and these washes you had to drive through to get in. I mean, if you have a really big rig, you might run into trouble, but it's all good. I sense a good vibe, so I'm not gonna waste any more time and I'm going to bring Minitini over. This area here at the beginning seems a little crowded, but there is plenty of room towards the back. We are in a little bit of an elevated position here and we can see the town down there. Well, nothing has ever been written about cowards, so (pausing) I'm going to the RTR. Here I am, going, now with Minitini in tow. Yeah, this is not a smooth road. Check it out, a bunch of Skoolies going in. There's another event called Skooliepalooza, which is about bus conversions, coming up very soon here in Quartzsite. Much more congested now that it is later in the day. I should have come with Minitini in tow earlier. But as I said, I had heard so many conflicting stories. If there is one negative to the RTR, it's that the only way to get there is by driving almost two miles on this narrow road. And you know me, I'm not gonna stay out there for the whole week. I'm gonna wanna go into town, check out the swap meet, the bar, et cetera, et cetera. There's an area here to the right just outside the event that has been unofficially dubbed the Par-T-R, almost as a form of protest by some of the previous attendees who would prefer a more festive atmosphere. And they got some complaints last year, so they decided to stay outside, where the rules don't apply. As you can see, there is a little bit of a traffic jam bottleneck here at the entrance and you have to wait, even if you already registered, because there's only one way in and out. I was recognized by this gentleman here at the entrance, which is super cool, by the way, to meet people on the road. And the washes are one-way, so they have volunteers with walkie-talkies on both sides directing traffic. As I said earlier, very efficient and well-organized. I'm pleasantly surprised. Here comes the second wash. Hmm, kind of bumpy here, but it is what it is, right? They have given each area street numbers. This area, for example, immediately after the second wash is called Second Street. Went through both washes with no problem, so that's the good news. Now, let's look for a place that is semi-secluded; not too secluded, but somewhat secluded. And this is called Second Street. And that over there, that's the bad wash that I would not, I don't think I want to go through that one. Now, this is really cool to be here actually, kind of a dream come true in a way, you know? I've been hearing about this event for so many years. It was just a much smaller thing, now all the YouTubers made it famous and it's super huge, hugely popular event here. I see a music camp sign. I wonder if it's still considered a party area. There's a nice Travato over there. Okay, as I said, let's find a suitable spot; not too secluded, but not too close to anybody else either. I want my privacy and respect others' privacy as well. So many different rigs here. But still, around this area, it is still a little too crowded. Hmm, decisions, decisions. Around here, it is kind of nice. But, no, let me go a little further. By the way, it is almost unnoticeable, but the further we go, the higher we go in elevation. So, if, by any odd chance, it would start raining in the desert, it is better to be at the higher ground. Just saying. Yeah, I like this large open area right here. Nice saguaro cactus. Parking uphill might be harder to level with my new hitch, but the view is so much nicer. What the heck am I doing? Looking for desert critters, perhaps? Well, here I am, campsite number one. I might move tomorrow. So excited to finally make it to the RTR. From this vantage point, we can see almost the whole event, except for a few people further uphill. And there's Quartzsite in the distance. And you see all the "streets" down there? Somewhere down there is Second, Third, Fourth, and so on. I'm on, like, Sixth. Then, this long one here by the entrance before the second wash, that is First Street. And on the other side of the main road where you see a bunch of people gathered, that's the main stage where they do all the seminars. There's Mitchell Mine Road. To the left of it, the aforementioned Par-T-R. We'll visit the area later in the week. Okay, let's fly back because I have to get ready for my weekly Friday livestream, before a live audience today. Hello everybody and welcome to Quartzsite, Arizona. Coming to you with a live audience today here from the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous. I'm at the RTR and there's like a zillion people here and they're all probably watching YouTube, so I apologize-- Actually, for the amount of people here, the wireless internet works surprisingly well. By the way, the live audience are Max and Sandy MacLeieer from Phoenix. And actually, I managed to find the one secluded area here in the RTR, because I wanted to, mainly because I wanted to chat with you guys and I didn't wanna have 20 people around me, 'cause I get self-conscious sometimes when I have people staring at me. Not these guys, but, you know, strangers. (laughing) Just look for Stan's big red semi between RTR and Par-T-R. Later, during the chat, Joseph Montoya also arrives. Hi there. - [Joseph] Are you still on? - Yeah, we're on, we're on the air. - [Joseph] Hello, Robert, how you doin'? - Hi. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you too! - [Joseph] Joseph Montoya. I've been talking to you. - All right, yeah, of course. He tracked me down thanks to that yellow van in the background. I'm gonna give you a 360 tour here of where we are, and this is a beautiful place here. These are our lovely companions here that came to visit. Here's my saguaro cactus because, as you know, I had to park right next to a saguaro cactus, otherwise it wouldn't be me. And a lotta people get emotional when they come to Florida and see the palm trees. When I passed Phoenix, was it? Tucson; When I passed Tucson, you know, when you pass Picacho Peak State Park and you start seeing saguaro cacti everywhere, that's when I get emotional, because I know I'm in-- And that's when I managed to kill the internet connection by moving around so much. Anyways, after the livestream, I stayed chatting with the MacLeieers and Joseph pretty much until sunset. And, oh, that desert sunset. Of course, the best colors actually happen after the sun has set. Ooh, check out the moon! Yeah, the later it gets, the better the colors, everywhere you look. Wouldn't it be cool to fly on one of those? Well, the only thing we can fly on, sort of, right now is the drone. Let's make a quick flight before it gets dark. Yeah, the drone on automatic doesn't really do it justice. You have to dial down the exposure and then it looks a lot closer to what you see with the naked eye. (light ambient music) (food sizzling) Aaah. Well, good morning, everybody, or shall I say good morning? It's another beautiful sunrise here in Quartzsite, Arizona. Today, we're gonna explore the RTR. (light ambient music) Yep, the sunrise is as surreal as the sunset was yesterday, perhaps even more so with this haze in the atmosphere. Whoa! There's like a mini-Skooliepalooza going on down there. I wonder if Chris of the Off Grid Skoolie channel, formerly Chris & G, is down there. Well, I moved, and this is perhaps the only drawback of my new ProPride hitch is that it sits very low to the ground. My trailer is low to the ground and my hitch is low to the ground, so if you're slightly uphill, it is impossible to level the trailer. So, I moved to a slightly different location. I was over there and now I'm over here. And check it out. (laughing) I have an even bigger saguaro cactus, so it works out. And now I'm gonna take a shower and explore the RTR. It's supposed to rain this afternoon. I'm gonna turn the generator on a little bit because we're not gonna get much solar today. I don't know how, but I depleted my battery pretty good last night, so I'm having to run the generator here for a few minutes before I go, like in 10 minutes, I'm going over there. How interesting. Let's walk around a little bit. It is always a little unnerving leaving Minitini behind in the middle of the desert for the first time, but nothing happens out here. Still a little bit of a hazy day here in Quartzsite. Let's walk towards the gathering area, joining the rest of the pilgrims on their morning pilgrimage. And I did get to meet some viewers on this day, by the way. Hmm, traffic jam crossing the wash. Oh, there's a lot of cars parked here. - [Man] Because today you're not gonna get much 'cause there's not a lotta sun today. But, yeah, Jim loves to cook and loves to cook on solar and talk about solar. And then-- - Here's the main gathering area, Bob Wells on the main stage with all the announcements of the day. Since I got here late, I really have no idea what's going on. Something about a seminar being canceled. Could it be the solar seminar? I don't know. Here's the free pile. You know, one person's trash can be another person's treasure. It is a nice way to exchange stuff, in any case. That's where you get your button. Here are the bulletin boards. - [Man] Yeah, I'd imagine. (laughing) - More stuff here, and there's Bob, still giving all the pertinent morning information and actually what to do in case of emergency, very important, and so forth and so on. - [Bob] Looks all taken to me, but there's handicap, is this handicap parking where I just told them? Okay, everything I just told you is wrong. (audience laughing) That you know where you are, you know the street number, and that you turn on your emergency blinkers, because they're gonna drive around and look at 5,000 or 6,000 rigs and which one's yours? Which white van is yours? (audience laughing) It's kinda hard to know. So, if you have your emergency blinkers on, that's one of the things they've asked. Let me also say that we've been working with emergency services, because this was a big issue with the BLM that if something happens, we have to get in. And that's why everything is so organized. It's all organized around emergency services getting in. That's why we have all the no-parking signs and the handicap areas and the street signs, so that in an emergency, the emergency services can get in. Very big deal to them, and rightfully so. - I'm gonna continue walking around. So far, beautiful day here. It's a little bit chilly, but it's gonna get warmer, so that's why I'm just wearing a t-shirt. I mean, it's not chilly. It's, what, probably high-50s. This behind me here, that's that first wash that everybody was talking about at the beginning, which is not bad at all, actually. I guess there are several groups of people who are boondocking here in the BLM land just outside the RTR. And this is actually the area where the RTR took place last year. And for those with very large rigs or something with a big overhang, staying in this area might be the more prudent approach. (light ambient music) Here we go, Busking Bohemians. Music, fire, fun, Par-T-R. Let's explore the area a little. That's a cool little trailer. It turns out everybody is still asleep from the late-night party, so I'm gonna get back here at some point. I still like to see all the other rigs and everybody's slightly-different approach. Minitini's green cousin! Hmm, it looks like there might be a back entrance to the RTR. Good to know in case those washes get flooded, because it looks like bad weather is coming our way. (light ambient music) Rain. Coming, from California, of all places. I just met my new neighbors. Very nice folks from eastern Texas. Ooh, a yellow cousin now! There's the afternoon seminar and I have no idea what it is about. - [Man] But don't let that be-- - Perhaps I turned 'em too soon. (food sizzling) Hmm. Well, bon appetit, everybody. The only thing missing is Ili. And check out... Eh, not the best desert sunset, but still nice. (light ambient music) Good morning once again from the RTR. Well, good morning everybody. Greetings from Quartzsite, another day here. And, yeah, today we are back to typical desert weather here. Yeah, not a cloud in the sky. It's supposed to be partly cloudy this afternoon though. Well, hopefully I will get a decent amount of solar today, because I depleted my battery pretty good last night. The next step is to figure out a way to add more batteries to the trailer. Well, I decided to walk a little uphill this morning. Check this out. Check out this cholla cactus. Don't be fooled by their delicate beauty. You don't wanna fall on one of these. (laughing) Keep going uphill. Here's the road, what they call the Mine Road, I think. And it goes to some mines, gold mines, by the mountains. And I think this is what they were calling the unofficial entrance to the RTR. I could be wrong. Anyways, Minitini, it's somewhere down there. And what a difference a day makes. Today, we are definitely experiencing typical desert weather. Blue skies, baby! This is the Quartzsite I remember. (light ambient music) I'm heading down to the main gathering area to attend today's seminar. Uh-oh, looks like the dumpster is getting full. And here we are once again. - Homes on Wheels Alliance is really a 401(c). 401(k), whatever it is. I'm confused. (laughing) - [Robert] Today's seminar should be pretty cool. It is gonna be none other than Carolyn; not Caravan Carolyne, but Carolyn's RV Life, one of the more popular full-time RV YouTube channels. But first, let's see the Burning Van. On the last day of the event, this wooden van will go up in flames. But before that happens, I left my indelible mark on it. Well, perhaps not so indelible. - Carolyn is a really good friend of mine, someone I care deeply about, and I just have the deepest admiration for her. And so, she's here, and you can pay me later. (audience laughing) - I can't afford that. (audience laughing) And I was gonna come up and call him my ex-friend after the Caravan Carolyn thing. (audience laughing) Hi, friendlies! - [Robert] At the beginning, she didn't look too thrilled about him mistakenly calling her Caravan Caroline, but perhaps it was an inside joke. Anyways, a good seminar if you are new to boondocking and camping for free around the country. I'll leave you with a few moments here. - And I was thinking about what to name it. I was like, Boondocking 101, Boondocking for Dummies, and I was like, no. Boondocking for Smarties! That's what this talk is called. Why? Because we're the smart ones, in my humble opinion. How lucky and how smart are we that we are the ones who have figured out that we don't have to participate in that rat race that we have all known for a long time is a lie? So, what if I told you, well, you already know, that we never have to pay rent or mortgage ever again? We have found the secret to living as free as we can in today's society. We have found a group of fellow adventurers and fellow counterculture, let's say, I think we're a counterculture of the modern day, of people who have figured out a way to live our authentic selves. And for me, and I think for many of us, that meant getting away from debt, getting away from stuff, and living closer to nature. I've boondocked all across the country, from Florida to Alaska, Canada, I've traveled 48,000 miles, I've put a lot in three years. And so, today, I'm gonna share with you everything that I have learned about camping, living on public lands for free, and finding the most amazing places that you can imagine. Beauty, solitude, silence, just being closer to nature, even in a larger RV. The official term for what we do, official, is called dispersed camping. So, you're never gonna go on a national forest site and look for boondocking, where to boondock. You're gonna look for dispersed camping. That's the technical term. And what that means is that while in many public lands, there are designated areas that you can camp, there are designated first-come-first-serve campgrounds and oftentimes they're free, there are what's in BLM land called LTVAs, which are long-term visitor areas, which you pay, they're really inexpensive, but those are designated campsites. Dispersed camping, on the other hand, is what you do when you just go down a road and find a place to plop down and call home for the day or the week. So, officially, it's called dispersed camping. Take your garbage out. Take more than your garbage out. - [Robert] Don't you love it when someone stands next to you and starts talking on the phone when you're trying to listen to a seminar? - Keeping nature as natural as we can is just something I'm very passionate about. I mean, yeah, you know what, the argument could be made I'm driving a giant Class C in the middle of the desert and getting stuck and ruining the sand. I agree. Nobody's perfect. We do the best we can and we just try to be mindful. We are all leaving an impact on our environment in one way or another, and I think that as long as we're all mindful of that and try to do our best, I think that we can go a long way toward preserving it. A wash is a water source because when it rains, water flows through a wash-- - As we'll soon find out. - Into wherever it goes and it becomes drinking water. And, yes, that means washes. Out here, it might be tempting because it's all hard rock and it's not easy to dig, so you're like, "Oh, I'll dig a cathole in a wash!" No, please don't. That's our drinking water. Most of the time, when you're camping on public lands, you don't need a permit. - [Robert] Anyways, I am not going to replay the whole seminar, but you get the idea. A lot of it is beginners stuff and a lot of it is selling the lifestyle to newbies, but she does make some insightful points and some good information as well. - There's trucker spots for a reason, 'cause they're 53 feet and they need that spot. - All right, Caroline's seminar, very, very informative. I'm gonna try to come back in half an hour for the meet-and-greet, and then we're gonna go to Quartzsite. And I'm gonna take you with me. There is a pretty long line for Caroline. Well, the line for the meet-and-greet turned out to be a little too long, so I decided to relax a little before heading to town. (funky electronic banjo music) I have to give it to Bob, they are very organized. I mean, I haven't been to previous RTRs, but this one is very organized. There's the Par-T-R! I've been actually watching livestreams by other YouTubers like HOBOTECH and it is like a disco in there 'til the wee hours of the night. I think I prefer my quiet, secluded spot. I'd say a little bit of a bottleneck to get out of here, to be honest about it. There's the RV Pit Stop. You won't see it this empty for long. Here we are, the swap meet, the gem show, the RV show. Ooh, the Big Tent is already up. Would this be considered downtown Quartzsite? This time of the year, it certainly is. Let's find parking. Here we are. Maybe I'll get a burger afterwards. All kinds of stuff here. - [Woman] Robert! - Hi! Well, yeah, someone recognized me! I don't think I wanna buy anything, but it's always good to know what they have here. Oh, I remember this, the Home Made Ice Cream. They have an ice cream machine. (machine chugging) That is pretty cool. Maybe I'll have an ice cream here too. - Beer, wine, food: Now they are speaking my language. And I think this is it, Beer Belly's. Actually, this is the place I was looking for, the Adult Day Care. Let's walk in here. Well, what do you know, I'm drinking with a monkey. And they have some really good Elysian Space Dust IPA. And I think I'm gonna get me one of these hats. (country western music) Let me tell you, your beer is always better with live music. ♪ There's a six-pack on the front seat ♪ ♪ Our love's still beating strong ♪ ♪ To an old-time country song ♪ - I went to order a burger and lost my other spot, so now I have a new monkey. I always wanted to come to this place, you know? And that's a pretty good burger, let me tell ya. Well, that was a pretty decent burger and a great IPA. Now, let's continue. Oh, and they have live music. Well, let's explore the RV show a little bit here. Oh, here we have something interesting. This is a Hymer, and this is a Promaster chassis. I wonder if it's open. Oh, yes it is. Well, this is of course an Aktiv, but this is the Aktiv that has a tent on the top so you can sleep two other people on the top floor while you sleep on the bottom floor. Yeah, this is a regular Aktiv, like the one the Russos have. There's your cassette toilet. I wanna like the Aktiv, but I don't know. There's something about it. You guys wanna check out a Thor Vegas? Here's a Thor Vegas, which is a very short Class A. If we were ever gonna get a Class A, this is 24.1, which means it's probably 25. It does have one slide here on the couch. And this one has the twin beds in the back. I would take the one with a corner bed, perhaps. And it does have an extra bed up here. So, (pausing) yeah. I mean, it's not a bad floor plan, they just have this kind of reputation for being not great. By the way, here they have the three Hymer Aktivs, which used to be called Grand Canyon originally. And as you can see here, this is the 2.0, the one with the sofa bed in the back. The folks Roadtrek redesigned the thing. I don't know, it has less, (pausing) less storage than the original Hymer, and look at that. If I gain a little bit of weight, this would not be a viable solution. Let me see what else they have that is in the, you know, the type of things that we like. Yeah, a bunch of Class Cs, a bunch of fifth wheels. Here, let me show you, here we have these smaller toy haulers, which could be actually a good idea if you wanna have some toys in the back or an office but you don't wanna tow something huge. Well, they do have to change that name and call it Denali now, because, you know, they changed the name of the mountain, right? It's pretty cool, actually. Where's the bathroom. Oh, in here. It's probably a wet bath, right? Yeah. And that's probably the deal-breaker right there. (light country western music) By the way, this whole place is going to be a lot more crowded next week when they open up the Big Tent. Ooh, wow, he's got a guest singer now. ♪ Oh, today and every day ♪ ♪ I'm just me ♪ - This area where they have the swap meet is called Tyson Wells. Well, since we're here, let's check out the gem show real quick. Can you tell I'm not really into this stuff? So, that's what the holes are for. Okay, these are pretty. Let's go across the street here, see what's on the other side. Would this be considered jaywalking? Probably would. Well, let me tell you, I know next to nothing about gemstones or anything like this, I wouldn't be able to tell you, but they are sure beautiful. Amethyst. And these petrified wood bowls, wow. Very cool. $900 (pausing) for this, folks. It is beautiful though. - [Man] All cleaned up! - [Woman] Thank you. - [Man] You're welcome. - Well, as I said, I have no idea about these things. But if you have $900 to spare, well, sure, go for it, get one of those amethysts. And here, it's a lotta stuff, but I think, I think I'm gonna head back to the RTR, take a break, edit some video, and then we'll see. By the way, this place is huge. There's a lot of stuff to see here, but we're gonna come back next week when the Big Tent is open, so then I'll show you the rest. (light upbeat country music) Well, this is one of those odd moments where this area is empty, and I wanted to show it to you while it's empty. That's the main stage here. And back there, they're cleaning the porta-potties and it does not smell good. (laughing) Anyway, let's see if there's anything new around here. Well, one more time, here we are, this is the Burning Van 2019. You know who's there? Me, which it's all gonna burn, so (laughing) I have no idea why I put my name there, but, you know, to have like a memento of this location. Here they have the announcements and the bulletin board, free stuff. And here's the Home on Wheels Foundation that Bob Wells sponsors. And here, let me show you something here very, very interesting. Yes, here we have-- - [Man] Go slow, please. (pig grunting) a pig. (laughing) That's cool. - [Man] Thank you. - Who do we have here? - How are you doin'? - Howdy, how's it going? - Ah, Mike and Stephanie! Well, yes, I had been hoping to bump into Mike and Stephanie, Van Life Sheldon's Travels to interview them, also to add their sticker to my growing collection. The interview actually went really well. They are such a nice couple. After the interview, we're going to see their rig, and of course I'll put a link to the full interview. I'm gonna give Mike and Stephanie here a ride to their rig since it is kind of getting dark. They are staying at the Par-T-R. Hmm, there's no one directing traffic at this time of the day. Ooh, check out that sunset. Well, everybody, we're gonna get a quick peek here at Mike and Stephanie's RV. Oh, look at that. It's a beautiful sunset here in the desert. I don't know if you guys can see it; let me show you. Let me show you real quick the sunset. I don't know if this camera is gonna be able to capture it, but that's amazing. Here we go, Van Life Sheldon's Travels. And we gotta take a quick picture of Sheldon, right? - Yes, absolutely. - [Robert] Oh, this is cozy but very, very functional, guys. - Yes. - I like it. - [Mike] And here's the star of the show. - [Robert] And there's the star of the show right there. Awesome. I mean, you've got a real oven. I don't have a real oven in my RV. - An oven and stove. - This is great. - [Mike] Running hot water, outdoor shower, toilet, surveillance, freezer under the bed. - [Robert] Beautiful. Well, this is great, man. I appreciate you letting me take a peek inside your home here. - Thanks for coming, I really, really appreciate it. (light piano music) All right, day three of my RTR experience. Is it really day three? I'm starting to lose track of time. Well, hello everybody, greetings. Today, coming to you from the Par-T-R. Might as well show you the area as well, since they kind of claim to be unofficially part of the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous. There's the fire pit, one of them anyways, where they party until early morning. And it is a pretty vast area, as you can see. No wonder the actual RTR took place right here last year in 2018. There, by the two white tents, there's another party fire pit. (light ambient music) Okay, now, from the Par-T-R, we're gonna fly to the RTR. I mean, they are almost right nextdoor to each other. Check out that first wash going in and the gathering area or main square. I forgot the official name. Town square, I guess, where the main stage is. There is a seminar going on right now. I see I have a new neighbor, and I think I know who that is. Look who I ran into. Ausia, Panda Monium. - Hey all. - And there's Moo-Moo, Ausia and Moo-Moo, and of course the famous Panda. You have a unique rig, by the way. - Yeah, she is unique, definitely. - On this day, I got to meet the man himself, Bob Wells,, founder and organizer of this event. And I got the selfie and autographed book to prove it. Well, let's go into town. And we are back in Quartzsite. To be honest, there is not a whole bunch of other stuff to do here, so might as well. Could it be possible? Am I saying I'm getting bored of the RTR? Well, I got me an ice cream. That's really good butter pecan, oh yeah. Check out the Colorado. Anyway, this is Roadrunner Market, which is probably the largest market here in town, which is not saying much, but let's check it out. Yes, they have pretty much all the essentials. Perhaps a little overpriced, but it is what it is. Mmm, pico de gallo. You know, they've got all kinds of stuff here. The wine selection, not great. As night and rain begins to fall, I'm going to have dinner here with viewers Sharon and Larry Preston. Food's good, company even better. Well, I'm Sharon and Larry Preston, and we're going to eat some barbecue, Quartzsite. Thank you so much for the invitation. - We just love him, that's all there is to it. (rain falling) Oh, by the way, it is supposed to rain all night and all day tomorrow, in the desert! I want my money back. Well, good morning from the flooded desert. The old washes are becoming rivers again. It's like a little creek going downhill. Yeah, it's a real bummer. It reminds me of what Caroline said the other day about washes. I guess that's why they are called washes. The real bummer is today I wanted to swing by the Xscapers Annual Bash in Lake Havasu. A bunch of friends are out there and the RV Geeks are going to speak, and I'm stuck here. I'm not sure I want to move the trailer under these weather conditions. It is probably really muddy out there. (rain falling) I'm gonna walk around a little bit here under the rain, see how everybody's holding up here at the RTR. The ground is really wet. I mean, it's been raining for hours. It rained all night and it's supposed to rain all day. But still, the washes have turned into rivers. I'm gonna go down a little bit, see how it looks. I'm only bringing my phone on this one because it's the only water-resistant decent camera that I have. This is the main road. Yeah, that's how the road looks. All around us. Well, I guess the lower you come here, the lower elevation, the more water on the ground there is. And we're coming up on the second wash. Pretty muddy in this area. Look at that, look at that wash down there. It's like a creek. I guess that's why they call them washes, right? We're gonna see now how it looks. If I fall. (laughing) - [Man] (laughing) That'll make a good home funny video. - [Robert] It's kinda slippery though, yeah. - [Man] No, they're not too bad actually. - [Robert] (grunting) All right. Well, made it. Well, as you saw, that first wash, which is really the second wash, it wasn't so bad, and some folks are making a bridge over troubled water here. And there, this is not too bad either. So, it is passable. Let's see how this van does here coming up. Well, that's what it looks like today at the RTR, January 15th. And I have no idea when I'm going to publish this video, but it's been raining all night and it's going to rain all day, and everything is soaking wet. The washes have turned into creeks and dirt has turned into mud. And it is not the greatest situation but, you know what, tonight it'll stop raining, tomorrow it'll dry up, and we'll get outta here actually. (laughing) (light ambient music) You know what I'm gonna do? I have some frozen meatballs. They're in my fridge. That's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna make a nice sofrito with peppers and onions and garlic and some of that pico de gallo I bought yesterday at the Roadrunner grocery store there. So, I just have to fork this little creek here. (water trickling) Whew! Oh, now there's another one, but this one should be even easier. Ooh, by the way, I forgot to introduce my neighbor. And there's Daniel. Danny Machado, viewer, Patron, member pelican head, and super, super cool guy. Oh, what to do on a day like this. We're gonna cook, because there's nothing else we can do, and then I'm gonna edit some video, and that's it. Fired up the genny because we're not getting, nobody's getting any solar here in this town. I'm gonna make some meatballs and white rice. (light jazz piano music) Chopping some onions and garlic. We're gonna start sauteing those and then I'm going to add the peppers. Oh yeah. Now, for my signature secret ingredient, we're gonna add some Edmundo vino seco. And there's a Publix brand and there's different brands. I don't know if you can find it in the Hispanic section of-- Ow! Of your local supermarket. This thing is dangerous. Like a paper cut; but in this case, a plastic cut. It's a dry cooking wine. Before we put the vino seco, we need for this to cook a little more. And, of course, these Atwood ranges, they don't heat up as much as your regular range at home, so everything takes a little longer. You know, I might throw a little bit of rice there. That basmati rice would take about 10 minutes to cook. So, when I think there are like 10 minutes left, I might throw a little bit of basmati rice in there, just for kicks. And I am also gonna put some, some of this tomato sauce, a marinara sauce from Publix. Should be good. And in Cuban, of course, you would call this piti-pua, but it's just green beans. In Spain, they call them guisantes. Yeah, it's snowing inside Minitini. I need to whack it real good. So, where can I whack it on? Pour some of these. Oh, it broke. Gosh darn it. Okay, I broke it when I whacked it. Luckily, I have some large (pausing) Ziplocs up here. And that's what I'm gonna use. Oh my, what a mess. What a mess I've made. (laughing) There, that'll do. (laughing) Just crazy I have a stowaway fly here in the RV. I haven't been able to get rid of it. It's a smart fly because it doesn't wanna fly out. I have opened the door many times and I his like. "No, I'm staying here." Vino seco, let's do it. And I tend to be very generous with my vino seco usage because it really does give the food, it's kind of a little acidic, but a very, very nice flavor. Gonna put some marinara sauce, not a whole lot, but enough to make it (straining) nice for the meatballs. So, maybe half, half a jar maybe. Yeah, that should be enough. Maybe I'll put a little more later. Paprika, because I put paprika on everything. And by the way, thank you to Mr. Montoya. He was here the other day and he brought me some paprika. So, as this one runs out, I'm gonna start using his. Some oregano and some cumin, because everything has to have a little bit of cumin, you know? Gives it that special beautiful flavor. And now we're gonna move this around, mix it all up, and then we're gonna add our meatballs. Home style beef meatballs. And this is gonna last us a couple of days. I wonder what would happen if I put rice in there. Will it cook together with the meatballs? You know what, there's one way to find out. This is something I've never done before. And because I've never done it before, I'm gonna add a little more vino seco, just to liquefy a little more there. Yeah, that's good. I don't wanna overdo it. And up here somewhere, I have-- Whoa! I'm not even gonna measure this, but I'm just gonna add a little bit of rice. This is basmati rice. Usually, you boil it for 10 minutes and it's done. There, that should be enough. And while that happens, yesterday I went into town and bought some, luckily, and I'm glad I went yesterday because today that wouldn't have happened, I bought me some Elysian Space Dust IPA, and that's what we're drinking until our lunch/brunch is ready. Actually, just for good luck. Pwang, there you go. Add that extra flavor. Salud. Oh, I forgot, I'm gonna put a tiny little bit of sriracha, just to give it a kick, little kick, you know? That way, it goes better with my beer. Here's a look at the somewhat final product. The rice is still a little bit undercooked, but it's edible by now. So, there, that's what we're gonna eat. That's it for now. I'll get a little more later. I'm gonna check our social media here. I don't know what I should call this dish. It has a little bit of paella in it, but not really. I don't know. It's pretty good. Well, this creek has already dried up. And as you can see, the weather is looking much, much better now. My generator was sinking here, but is no longer sinking. Hmm. That's where it was. Yeah. I guess, the vibration. And this creek here still has a little bit of water, but very, very little. I think the worst is over and we're gonna be able to get outta here tomorrow. On a positive note, the truck is slightly more cleaner than it was, slightly cleaner than it was yesterday. As you can see, the water bed is right there. That was me trying to back up earlier today. We've got some low clouds there by the mountains. (light ambient music) Let's inspect the roads from the air. Well, even from this altitude, you can tell the main roads are wet. But let's get a little closer. ♪ Desert rain ♪ ♪ Wipe away the dust ♪ ♪ Though in vain ♪ ♪ Desert rain ♪ ♪ All turns into mud ♪ ♪ But it'll drain ♪ ♪ And the wash ♪ ♪ Turns into a crick for a split ♪ ♪ And the flowers grow for a week ♪ ♪ In the desert rain I sit ♪ I'm really going to miss some of these sunsets when I leave. Although, since we haven't had typical Arizona weather, we haven't had many typical Arizona sunrises and sunsets. Well, there, that's more like it. (light ambient music) Go figure, the weather improves the day I decide to leave. Although, to be fair, we had one other good weather day, at least it was sunny. Remember, the calm before the storm? Well, I'm all hitched up and ready to go, saying goodbye to my friend and neighbor, Daniel. May our paths cross again. Where is it? It's gone; No, there it is. This guy was just hiding under my tongue jack. Even the desert comes back to life after rainfall. But it's time to go. Well, we're leaving the RTR, but we'll be back. One of the most rewarding parts of my visit to Quartzsite and traveling around the country in general, really, was meeting so many of you, all of you who watch and comment. So, thank you. Thank you so much for stopping by and say hello. - If you had been closer to the other travel trailer, I woulda shoved you in behind him, but-- - [Robert] I'm in no rush, man; no problem. (both laughing) - Life's good, isn't it? - [Robert] Yeah. - It's not raining. - [Robert] Oh, yeah, that alone-- - Yesterday, I showed up here and-- (light ambient music) - Well, I am leaving, going to Phoenix, because Ili is flying into Phoenix Sky Harbor in a couple of days. I can't wait to see her. It's been way too long. So, on the next video, we are going to explore the Phoenix area a little bit together and then we're coming back to the RTR in a few days for Burning Van. I wouldn't want to miss that. And then we'll continue. There is so much more to see. The adventure is just getting started, so look out for a new video every Sunday here on my channel. Subscribe and enable notifications so you don't miss any of those. And before you go, you must've noticed the new song on this video. Remember, the music I composed for my videos is available on iTunes, CD Baby, Spotify, and pretty much everywhere else. And if you actual want a physical CD or stickers or t-shirts, is the place to go. 'Til next week, thank you so much for watching, and see you on the road. (light keyboard music)
Channel: Traveling Robert
Views: 293,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rv lifestyle, rv life, RV travel, winnebago, micro minnie, free in my RV, 1706FB, travel, roadtrip, traveling robert, Rubber Tramp Rendezvous, rtr, rv, rv living, panda monium, cheap rv living, bob wells, boondocking, desert, quartzsite, BML, LTVA, arizona, free camping, quartzsite rv show
Id: _kNp0HvwrcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 46sec (4606 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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