The Weeknd’s FULL Pepsi Super Bowl LV Halftime Show
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Channel: NFL
Views: 42,944,255
Rating: 4.8125648 out of 5
Keywords: Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Kansas City Chiefs, super bowl lv, super bowl, super bowl half time show, super bowl lv half time show, The Weeknd’s FULL Pepsi Super Bowl LV Halftime Show, the weeknd, the weekend, the weeknd half time show, the weekend half time show, half time show, super bowl half time, super bowl halftime, halftime show, the weekend super bowl, the weeknd super bowl, super bowl halftime show 2021, super bowl 2021
Id: 9rhadTURsrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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Why are the live mixes always off for the Halftime shows?
This performance was presented to you by both Pepsi and coke.
HOUSE OF BALOONS ON THE FIELD WAS WOWOWW and the transition to Blinding Lights was INSANE.
I enjoyed it! I did think the mic was a little quiet at certain points, though. Obviously due to current restrictions I’m sure he wasn’t able to plan on a show on the level of Gaga, Katy, Madonna or Beyoncé, but this was cute and satisfying, IMO.
I’m also excited to see what memes come out of it 😂 my money is on the shakey cam close up while he was in the gold room!
EDIT: Dwollys, do I need to make a meme page? Like am I the next @youvegotnomale?? I knew that gold light room moment would become a meme, I’m screaming 😂
It's honestly incredible that Abel went from being homeless and basically being a nobody to performing at the Super Bowl over the course of 10 years. I think he did a phenomenal job, although the audio did seem to be a bit off.
I know people feel underwhelmed but I loved it sooo much.
The red suit character really ended up surrounded by copycats. They started where he began (Vegas) and while trying to compete with him on the field he stands out among them all.
It was just honestly insanely great.
The mixing didnt do him any favors on my cbs feed but for a solo performance I thought this was really well done and captivating throughout. Props to Abel.
As an OG fan I’m glad we got some House of Balloons too.. love that he threw his fan base a bone with that one
I can't even imagine how cathartic dancing on a football field while Blinding Lights is playing was
also that Can't Feel My Face mirror maze scene was fucking ICONIC, probably my top halftime show moment of all time