The Way Forward Begins with Faith [Featuring John DeBerry and Brandon Tatum]

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Americans by birth could learn a lot from Americans by choice and they they have come they understand the American dream that some of us seem to have forgotten while we're fighting over stuff that is ridiculous as gender I mean come on gender we got five genders now you said 70 uh we got genders you have folks who sit on in high positions who will say on camera that they don't know what a woman is I mean come on let's be for real these folks are coming in and they're looking at us and guess what they are going after the American dream Fool's sting ahead hey I'm Alan Jackson and this is our culture and Christianity podcast but today's a special day because we're doing a culture and Christianity seminar and I have two uh dear friends is an understatement two remarkable men with me today John DeBerry uh was a state legislature in Tennessee for almost three decades and John currently serves as the senior advisor to our governor John welcome we're glad to have you today thank you I'm glad to be here and also joining us is Brandon Tatum I met Brandon I don't know almost two years ago I guess at nrb and it took about five minutes to decide I want to be his friend and we end up going to Israel together last summer and it just feels like every time we're together I I feel like there's a stronger bond in the Lord and a sense of mission in what we're doing in the earth so I'm honored to have you today Brandon too oh it is absolutely my pleasure you were two of the most courageous men I know and you live it out it's not a theory it's not an idea that you share but in a culture that is determined it seems to me to try to create hatred and division you have both used your voices and your lives and your strength to bring cooperation and unity and respect so I I want to go to school today and see if I can learn a little bit John you grew up in the Civil Rights all that activity in the 50s and the 60s and your father was a strong voice in that maybe just talk a little bit about your journey through that I mean it brought tremendous Chang to our nation it was worth the sacrifice well having had the privilege of living in the decades that I did I had an opportunity to live in the 50s uh after World War II I'm a baby boomer of course and had an opportunity to see many of the things that the younger people read in the history books I I remember the colored and white uh water fountains I remember the restaurants that had the colored and white doors and the door door in the back I we went to the zoo on Tuesday Tuesday was was was the day that black folks went to the zoo um it was fine with me we went to the zoo on Tuesdays uh and there there are are many things that I remember uh but I remember them in respect of the way the world was uh my parents my father especially uh always raised us to understand that the things that were happening right then with temporary that in the history of the world every everybody has owned everybody everybody has fought everybody in the history of the world he never boiled it down to what was just happening right then but he always gave the reasons uh why human beings do certain things when they leave the will of God I remember in an occasion to where my grandmother and myself were going downtown and I wanted to drink of water and so we were at the water fountain and of course there was that white porcel water fountain that had colored over it and then there was that uh water fountain with the cooler and and uh you know you could see the cool water on it and I wanted that water and my my grandmother said no Nick this water over here this Fountain right here I may have told you this story before and I said no ma'am I want this she said no you drink right here and when I protested she took me by the ear she leaned me down in between those two two fountains she said you see that pipe coming out of the wall I said yes ma'am she said you see this pipe going over to that water fountain I said yes ma'am you see this pipe coming over to this water fountain I said yes ma'am she says it's the same water Nick get a drink of water so we can go that was the way that race was handled in my home by three generations I had my great-grandparents who were the children of former slaves I had my grand parents who had migrated from Mississippi uh to Tennessee and my mother and father and all of them talked to us as though we were the future that uh that we were going to do better we were raised to believe in the nation to believe in the opportunity we had a wonderful education we had a wonderful Church uh my mother was a renowned switchologist uh she you know some folks don't know what a switch is my mama had one that would turn Corners so uh so there was discipline in our homes and because of that our perspective was always love your brother love yourself believe in yourself don't make excuses especially using race as an excuse use it as a a reason for motivation and that's the way I was raised in that era you it's amazing to me in spite of the hatred and all the things that characterized That season of our history you one of the most powerful political figures in our state today that's a remarkable journey to make it it is a remarkable journey I have been I've been blessed by the Lord he has given me the opportunity to do what I always uh wanted to do he's given me the opportunity to stand up and Proclaim his word he's given me the opportunity to sit on the floor of the House of Representatives which only a selective group of men and women over the history of this state have done but the main thing is Allan he's given me the opportunity to stand for him to be a light to show the difference between the holy and the profane when it comes to hatred and race and Prejudice and Division and that these things don't have to be I think that one thing most most folks forget that we all gravitate to that which we are comfortable so black folks African-Americans are just as likely to be comfortable around folks who look like them as our white people are Mr the the principal at the school that we integrated in ' 68 if you don't mind me saying he said this to me when I graduated he had told me when I went to school there he said that I had signed up for physics he said no not physics you need General Science I said no sir I want physics he says no no no John you you take General Science now he was a good man but everything that he knew and believed about a young black man a colored child at his school said that I could not do physics at his school so I needed General Science because he wanted me to pass he did not want me to fail he meant well I said no sir I want physics and I took physics and no matter what else I studied I studied physics I made a be in physics I want a ribbon in the science fair I represented our school when I graduated from his school he was man enough to come to me shake my hand and he said John everything I thought I knew about colored children you have changed it in two years and that statement goes right back to what my father said be a man he said if you are a man you act like a man you conduct yourself like a man you give respect you get respect and that's the way we change the world We Don't Change the World by hating each other which you so very well said during your presentation we changed the world by showing love Darkness doesn't drive out Darkness light drives out Darkness amen amen well I think you you didn't only overcome racism you served for almost three decades in the state legislature as a Democrat mhm that was something to overcome there and now you're the senior adviser to to a republican Governor yes sir so people that want to be an antagonist to this you're you you served on both sides of that aisle that's right when when I my my district district 90 that I served for almost three decade decades had been a republican district for 100 years it had always been a republican district and because Democrats at that particular time in 1994 had the super majority they redrew theine signs in other words reapportionment turned it from a republican District to a DE to a democratic District well people came to me a a group of Republicans and Democrats they came and said we want you to run for this office because you're the one person that we believe will work for everybody and so I ran for the office in 1994 I won I took the oath of office in 1995 and from that point on I did what was right for everybody I didn't make Democratic decisions I didn't make Republican decisions I made decisions based upon what was right what was just what uh the Lord would want me to do and because of this um as the Democratic party evolved from what it had been in the days of Kennedy in the in the days when my father and mother uh were Democrats uh before then everybody was an Eisenhower Republic Republican but my parents were the first to be Democrats the party changed so much because of policies and positions that I no longer was allowed to represent them and they said I they desertified me as a Democrat took me off the ballot even though the people in my district had had had put me on the ballot they took me off and said that the people of my district basically didn't have enough sense to choose their represent so they did it for them it's crazy that's crazy Brandon I'm not ignoring you I I wanted to get that part of the story on the table all the advances we made through the civil rights movement in the 60s and Dr King and people like John and and we still have hatred we we still hate one another based on how we look and I me we've made some significant progress I think but I I I also feel like Jesus is less welcome in our communities and I think I think uh we we've lost good men like the fellow sitting next to me John right I got your name right make sure I got it right um we lost me good men like that nowadays men are so filled with hatred and revenge and not forgiveness I think the reason why we still see racism still be a um consistent topic is because people have not forgiven I I you know my grandmother I think forgave but I think there's a generation of people that still have not made the decision as Christians to say I'm going to forgive the people who I felt wronged my ancestors and therefore they're living in turmoil they're living in dread they're living every moment in this constant situation where they feel like that they need to get back at another person because of something that happened to people that's not even alive anymore and I I think that we need to return back to valid points of leadership that Christ showed us no matter what color you are and that's why I stand up so hard against some of these things is because I think that the same spirit is passed down I always I always give this analogy of uh when God is speaking he he's sending out a text message some people don't get that text because they don't have a relationship but when people hear from God they get the text message and we all can see the writing on the wall how we should participate moving forward to make our country a better place and and I think it's up to me and other young men that have come along beside me to change a generation of thought processes we are Overcomers in Christ even if you're not a Christian I still tell people you you cannot live a life of success and prosperity if you are constantly uh viewing yourself as a victim I get so sick and tired of people pushing this racial crap all over our schools all on social media I saw just recently um I forget his name he's a he's a superstar R&B artist and he was talking about how Donald Trump is so racist and that he wanted the National Guard to shoot black people who wanted to protest against George Floyd that mean complete lie delusion and they're perpetuating this this idea to young people and that's causing them to live a life not the way God has told us to live or way God has set it up for us to live the American dream but to live in dread as if they don't belong to this country I think it's a sin and it's terrible with the leadership is doing to our young people I listen to your podcast and I'm I'm honestly I'm amazed at your courage and your boldness I mean you do it with a lot of humor yeah but but you you are honest about what you feel and you don't bow down to Conventional wisdom to try to get more clicks if you don't if you're not familiar it's the real officer Tatum oh the officer Tatum the officer Tatum it's worth the time right it's not it's not very hard for me I hate to take credit and act like I'm this big bold guy that just I've always been like this my mom raised me to say whatever I feel like saying now at the time I was saying stuff I shouldn't have said and then God can still use that same kid to do do what's right but I I was always been opinionated I I've never cared about what people have to say if it wasn't right if it wasn't true and I feel like God had he knew he could use somebody like me to be bold in the kingdom and so then when I got saved and I knew the truth you you cannot convince me of nothing else I'm going to tell the truth no matter what and I've had experiences with God enough to know that God still have my back even if to go and get tough even if I have to have tough conversations with people or walk away from this situation or Proclaim this online they may come after me but God has always had my back and and and at the end of the day man will always turn on you and fail you God will never change there is people that hated me when I came out even in my church when I said I'm a conservative and all these things and some of those same people are now texting me messaging me hey man I agree with you now so men can be fickle that's why I don't really get too caught up in how people feel about me today or tomorrow I really rely on okay if is Christ happy with what I'm doing is he happy with what I'm saying am I doing the right thing and if I am I can live with that at the end of the day and if things go south for me in this life I know that Christ still got me in the end that's good preaching it's also why we need the Bible we need that authority of scripture because it gives us a foundation a grounding point to determine right and wrong because if we just get swept Along by our feelings or conventional wisdom or what the leading whomever today says we'll be in deep weeds so H I think there's a tension that exists I know there's a tension exist about one of the worst things you can be accused of today is being a racist and it brings attention to conversations because if you love people you want to tell them the truth but if somebody gets mad at you and labels you with something so it tamps down conversation and relationship any wisdom suggestions coaching perspectives you've both lived through it in very different times and Seasons but you have you've not only overcome you flourished in the midst of it it it's very it's very difficult because I've never been called a racist that and it mattered right I mean somebody called me a ra I just laugh at him or somebody called me a name of Uncle Tom sellout bootlicker and all this other stuff that they call me because I don't to the line you too it's right it's just like it's somebody calling you ignorant and you know that you're a very intelligent studied person it's like I don't care what you say you you're a fool I I I'm hoping that people will internalize that Theology of saying it doesn't matter what you say about me you're wrong and I'm confident enough to know that you're wrong however I will will say that you can't let people get you down when they do call you names like that if you are confident in yourself and you know you're not a racist challenge that person and say you are a liar and and and and I'm I'm against what you said because it's not true I'm not a racist you don't have a definition of racist and when you call me a racist for something that's not racist you're watering down the term and therefore real racist are getting away with murder and I think people have to combat it you can't just let people say it to you in some cases you should just let it go right if somebody doesn't matter to you but if Grandma call you something or somebody that's a close friend of you then it's it's up to you to challenge their narrative and not just let it slide I think that one of the things that that all of us are aware of these days is that it's a crutch the it's a crutch I call you a racist I call you some other racial slur uh not because I believe it's true but because it diverts from the facts of the matter as he so very well said the principles of the issue uh now instead of dealing with what you said which was felonius uh without facts and basically within itself uh uh stereotypical now we're dealing with the fact that no I'm not a racist why because it's a good diversion away from where we ought to be because of of these tactics these days where we have weaponized race we have weaponized division uh conversation is attacked called hate speech because I say I disagree with you that's hate speech uh I I don't have those feelings uh toward you and and I appreciate the olden days I know that's when when folks said something they meant it if you if you made a racial slurs because I I know you probably really believe that these days that's just not the case what we see right now are those who have uh tactics to where this is divisive this makes my point this makes my living this gives me my 15 minutes of fame this gives me the opportunity to get before the camera and demean you and talk about things that are irrelevant rather than talk about the relevant issues and as long as we allow ourselves uh my dad used to tell me and I'm sure you I I I Venture that someone in your family or your family told you the same thing my dad said if someone call your name just laugh at them say you don't know me bad you don't know me well enough to hurt my feelings you really don't you don't know me that well the only people that can hurt my feeling are the folks that I like and the folks that I know love me but you don't know me well enough to hurt my feelings and in a time where we have social media where kids actually go on social media and search around the world to see what people are saying about them at at a time when the suicide rate in this country self- murder is advancing at a rate that is alarming and the ages of kids taking their lives is is getting younger and younger recently a six-year-old a first grader took their life you have to ask what in the world has a first grader lived through to where they take their own lives and feel like there's nothing else to live for those of us who are are adults we need we need to take an introspective examination of ourselves because the mess we're making for our children for our posterity that it's going to be beyond their ability to handle and we are really jeopardizing their future by filling them with all of our adult anxieties uh stereotypical beliefs and and and behaviors we we we've got to to do something about that we're betraying our responsibility we are are we are you described a time when character mattered yes more than being a character right you know now we reward you if you'll act like some foolish character once upon a time we would reward you if you cultivated good character but I think about what you're saying it I had to make a decision because labels are the one of the public punishments of the day and I had to decide that I would tell the truth or say what I thought was right no matter what label came if I say men and women are different that we're not the same right right it doesn't seem too radical to me but then you get labeled the sexist right right when I say I don't think the borders should be open so that just anybody could come let's have legal immigration let's put a process in place then people say I'm xenophobic yeah and I mean they come up with all these labels and I just had to decide you know you can label me whatever you want my identity's in Christ we've been talking about that today at the conference I know at the foot of the cross we're all the same the blood of Jesus justifies us and sanctifies I us whether we're male or female black or white or whatever and that if our identity is rooted in that then I will find a way to work through life with you treat you with dignity and ask you to treat me with dignity and if people don't want to do that they're going to label us all kinds of wicked thing that's exactly right right and and the they'll come back around that's one thing that I realize is that don't get too bent out of shape when people are saying those things because what happened is when truth hits you it hurt a little bit first and therefore people begin to act out they get hurt so they say hurtful things to you but then once in a while after that seed has been planted they heard the truth I see this on campus all the time they they confront individuals they yell at you they get mad Charlie Kirk is one and they get mad they scream at him you're a devil you know they do that in front of the comfort of these other people that they think endorse it when they go home they're not saying that they're going home and saying wait a minute I've never heard of that before and they begin to change so somebody that call me a a racial slur say I was working for the devil and all this stuff now they're turning around and they can see because the the Lae can only go so far before people begin to realize that it's completely out of control when they say that you are crazy for saying that there's two Sexes two genders it sound crazy and they they were able to get away with calling you whatever homophobic transphobic or whatever but now it's gone so far that the average person is looking and say now y'all out of control y'all crazy there's no way in the world you're letting women compete against you're letting men compete against women that call themselves women that's insane they always they're always winning they're always number one in you know at the podium it it's clear that it's wrong and now people can see it um same thing with the gender thing how far are you going to go there's 700 genders now that is insane to me because when you die they're not going to go and pick up your skeleton and chest your DNA and say that you were some madeup gender you're either a man or a woman you're either male or female XX or XY that's what the truth really is when you go and I'm not going to say that because I'm trying to be a good Christian today when you go and get checked they're gonna check one or two things you're GNA go to OBGYN or you GNA be doing something else right um and when you go to the hospital you get injured when I was a cop I'm not concerned of what you think you are I need to address your medical concerns based on if you are a male or a female but it gets to a point where it es and flows and people have to understand that we live in a time where in 20 years from now we're going to realize how idiotic people were pushing this leftist agenda and so don't get weary and will dooing I maybe misquoting the scripture but if you but if you are doing right by God you're GNA be all right in the end I had an individual one time that just went up one side me and the and the other as my dad used to say with every uh demeaning slur and title that they could think of that had to do uh with homosexuality and lesbianism and all the various in the Apple bet alphabet suit and uh and they they called me uh homophobic I said well you're heterophobic they stop for a minute cuz they never heard that I'm what I said you're a heterophobic I said you're afraid to be what you are you're afraid to be what God Made You I said you want to call me a homophobic I said I'm not afraid of anything I know who I am I know what I am I know who's I am I know who made me I have enough common sense to know exactly what gender that I am I said but somewhere along the line you you are afraid to be what God made you to be I said you're you're a heterophobic and and they left me confused because I had the G and the nerve to create a term just like they did and that's all it is they they create these terms and attach them to something to some belief in society the the fact of the matter is there are folks coming to this nation right now you mentioned the open borders a moment ago there are people who are coming to this nation that are so happy to be here uh uh Lady Liberty still stands in New York Harbor said give me your tired you're poor your H masses Longing To Be Free she he's still there with that bronze attachment inviting folks in the front door of our nation There are 16 African nations that are represented around Nashville and and Murphysboro and other areas many of them have come in they have studied they have worked they have passed the test they have raised their right hand they pledged allegiance to the flag and to the Constitution and to the nation and I was with a group that were in tears when they got that piece of paper that said that they were American citizens it was the proudest day of their lives Americans by birth could learn a lot from Americans by choice and they they have come they understand the American dream that some of us seem to have forgotten while we're fighting over stuff that as ridiculous as gender I mean come on gender we got five genders now you said 70 uh we got genders you have folks who sit on in high positions who will say on camera that they don't know what a woman is I mean come on let's be for real these folks are coming in and they're looking at us and guess what they are going after the American dream fools steam ahead they are buying businesses buying homes their children are serving in the military they are uh they they are living out the dream while many of us are criticizing it and this is this is why I don't fall for the rhetoric of this racism that they claim exists that's perpetuated in this country that can stop a person of color from doing anything because the immigrants who come over here that are black are doing better than some of these people who are born here absolutely and it's because they're spoil brats that's right they're spoil they've gotten it good so long they've been able to pull the race car so many times they've been able to to you know to bludgeon people that disagree with them nobody tells them no they've been able to act in a way that's not pleasing to God men land with women and not taking care of their responsibilities leaving them to be single mothers they're doing all of these things with no repercussion and then when the rubber hits the road they can just go to the left uh politician to rescue them with some fake policy that destroys America but the thing is is that I I I tell them all the time I say when you look at America and you think that America is racist look at these other individuals the Hispanic people are coming over here and having tons of kids they're not at the abortion clinic they're having tons of kids and some of these African-Americans are not realizing that they're going to be replaced they are the political people are already setting this up they're going to have as many illegal aliens come from the southern border or wherever they come from to be in this country they're trying to convert their minds and brainwash and manipulate them almost like they've done black people in this country in the 60s with welfare and all of these other things they offer they're saying abandon God abandon your responsibility abandon your husband because the government is now your God the government is now your husband the government is your baby daddy and they're going to do the same thing to unsuspecting immigrants that come in this country they lie to them about the dream that they they they lie to them that they're going to be able to come in here and just get everything free and they're essentially giving it to him up front but in at at some point they're going to come to collect and the collection is going to be you vote for me you get amnesty and then the people who they once manipul ated which were African-American people in this country you're going to be left out to try Harriet Tubman said something one time you probably heard that that statement that's reported to and given to her she said I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if they had realized they were slaves and when you look at our time right now think about how many folks that she would look at today not realizing as you just so very well described a psychological and emotional slaves the government did to poor people black people uh and folks who were in need what what slavery and poverty and the Depression era and Jim Crow couldn't do it broke up the family tore the family apart when I finished College uh my first time around my wife and I uh we we managed an apartment complex and in that apartment complex about 200 apartments and uh and you would be surprised I mean I felt like I was in church every day because there was so many Immaculate conceptions around that apartment because men were not allowed in the in the complex they were not allowed in the home there were no men allowed in the home but everybody was pregnant and uh uh what happened here what you just mentioned the government said we'll give you free Health Care Free Housing free food free Transportation free education on and on and on we will hand out all of this to you but you can't have a man in the house you can't try to have a family you can't have that child's father around them and what did we do we created this Frankenstein's monster that we've created in this nation now where the family is divided the father is just an uh uh someone on the outside of course you cannot get rid of personal responsibility as you just well said but that's been contributed to uh and if we say it if you and I say it we're Uncle Toms right we're Uncle Toms for saying something like that because you know this is this goes back to slavery well I say all the time black folks um um did real well after slavery because they pulled together with a determination and a grit and a toughness and a courage that they overcame so many things that were were against them they built Black Wall Street they built many cities uh and companies that were black millionaires all over the country there were black politicians and and and we have to go back to the wood Wilson era to see where this was turned around and upended by many of the Jim CR Crow RS and laws so when we start looking at that what we see is the black family family uh being disenfranchised and torn apart and that's why we have some of the problems we have today well tragically it isn't just the black family the government's tearing apart Family in general now redefined marriage all around which really gets us to the root of this I think and that's the significance of the church none of this happens if the church is where the church should be sure it's the church that unifies us that's right it's the church that brings us Liberty and freedom that doesn't come from governments and the church has got to find its voice you know there are folks in the church that say we shouldn't even have this conversation but John has been he has a political career of three decades and a pastor five decades so you kind of you kind of annihilate that whole conversation that well we got to separate these things and it's because as as we said here we are never this is America you got the right to disagree with me I've got the right to disagree with you that's the beautiful thing about America I've got the right to agree with or disagree with whomever I choose and the Beautiful Thing is we find that when we sit down as individuals who understand God created this world God created us God gave us rules and laws on how we are to treat one another and love one another and respect one another when we understand this it makes us realize okay what I think is not greater than what God thinks and what and my rules are not greater than God's roades when those men wrote that document which is one of the greatest documents ever written by man because it's based on the greatest document ever written the scriptures within that document they place the fact that our rights are given to us by God now you can build on that and you can build a great nation on that once you say our rights are given to us by God from that point on we can find camaraderie and Brotherhood and agreement with one another our way out of this place we're in and it's a difficult place I I think has to begin with faith and that leads us to the church and we got to have the courage to say the church is in trouble the country is in trouble because the church has been doing so many foolish I heard you do a piece the other night on a church with a stripper pole in it oh yeah we don't have to go into that but the failures of the church in our country are pretty we failed the church didn't stand up against slavery no we we were quiet when we should have had a voice and been making a difference but we can't stop there the church failed when we've talked about abortion we've lost 60 million children of every color that's right and the church has dithered and hadn't been able to find a voice and now they're mutilating our children and the church isn't willing to step up for the most part and say anything because somebody says well that's polit that's not political you take your hands off our kids you don't have a right to mutilate them so we desperately need the people of God and the people of Faith to find their voice we will all get to a better place a th% i you couldn't have said it better when I was coming here the the other day when I was thinking about what I wanted to say it it it all boiled down to judgment starts at the house and it's our responsibility to do the things necessary to make this a great country I am frustrated with the modern church I I said in one of the videos I made recently that the church is failing it it's on it's it's in such a decline that similar to the situation that you had mentioned what are we doing arguing about something stupid like this and and going behind the pull pit and making these phrases of of of coming after somebody that we have a personal disagreement with we should be preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ amen the reason that I got saved because I went to a church that actually preached the gospel these things are incredibly important and then people the church is does not receive power like it used to in my opinion because they get up on Sunday and they play Church they have a form of godliness but denying the power thereof they're doing religion they're doing you know these these traditions and they go to church and they go home and they go to church where is the power of God that transforms people to when they go out in the world they're so on fire and Empower that they begin to change the world I see churches today they're in a community and the community is trash well how do you have a church on every Corner in a community is worse than where there's no churches that's because people have turned Church into a business it is a business to make you famous and to make you popular you write a book you become a millionaire you wear a designer clothes and now you living a secular life you always wanted to use in the church as leverage instead of us you know being on our knees and saying Christ come and help us let your will be done here on Earth I'm willing to sacrifice it all to have a relationship and and young people like me I'm hoping that God is allowing them to see an example of saying I can still be sold out to Jesus and still do well in life and still be financially successful I don't have to be uh foregoing the great things that God has created in this world just to serve I can serve and have great success amen when um in Memphis recently there was a uh advertisement at in elementary schools I may have I thought I may have sent that to you or you may have seen it that where this the kids were invited to the meeting of the Satan Club we're going to have fun we're talking about elementary students the Satan club and fun and refreshments and so on and so forth and this was uh prominently displayed by the school uh allowed to go to the students the students were allowed to go to the Satan club meeting now the same school system that bans the Bible that removes prayer that won't let the children talk openly about Christ that uh uh uh uh downs and berates Christianity allows the Satan Club to be established among elementary students and that that sends a message that should alarm and wake up parents that is not religion that they want to ban is Christianity that they want to ban because Christianity changes things the words that Jesus said the words that are in the scripture changed the world Matthew 56 and 7 changed the world and that's what those who are our distractors and our enemies do not want our children uh to believe amen two of the finest leaders I know John DeBerry and Brandon Tatum you have used your your lives to make a difference in our nation and our communities and I thank you for it but you've given us an assignment today I've heard you say there's something we can do and that's use our voice and go into our spheres of influence and stand up for our faith and tell the truth we love one another not because we look the same or sound the same but because we're bound together in Jesus he's the one that's changing our lives and I think we have been quiet in the face of this this Avalanche of messaging that comes at us that tries to attach a label to us so maybe we'll follow your courageous pathway I can listen to your podcast I can call John between the two of you maybe I can stay on the straight and narrow thank you for your voices in our nation don't stop please God bless you Pastor thank you for having and don't you stop no sir God bless you man hey thanks for joining me today before you go please like the podcast and leave a comment so more people can hear about this topic too if you if you haven't yet be sure to subscribe to Alan Jackson Ministries YouTube channel and follow the culture and Christianity podcast on Spotify Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast together let's learn how to lead with our faith and change our culture I'll see you next time e
Channel: Allen Jackson Ministries
Views: 12,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Allen Jackson, allen jackson ministries, world outreach church, alan jackson, sermons, Finding Jesus, pastor allen jackson sermons, pastors, The Way Forward Begins with Faith, Brandon Tatum, John DeBerry, Civil Rights, race, racism, democrat representative, Tennessee House of Representatives, forgiveness, forgive, hate speech, suicide rate in children, gender identity, American citizenship, family, war on family, abortion, Satan club, Christianity in schools
Id: zLtMXY_ac5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 5sec (2525 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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