The Washington Wizards Have A HUGE DECISION To Make

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hands it off loses black stand up smiling laugh after having high hopes in a nation's capital Jordan P ended up lowering his play and also the life expectancy of many DC residents we're the smoothest look we got to bring all this all the sauce coming to DC here at the dirty bucket there are two unknowns first I why this buffoon right here still hasn't changed staring to starring yet Who the hell's staring at Alonso Rose it's been an ongoing issue I'll take the L I'll hold the L the L can sit on my lap dude I don't care and the second unknown is Jordan P flashback to go here in quarter one Jordan P for three off W trying to get it in in time he does so I'm a ruin nope at five Jordan P step back he needs some milk 2,000 years later on two possessions two straight possessions that really were important on the four do mention 9689 perfect but Jordan P out on his feet p on its way got it playing B oh this man is the most confusing man I have ever encountered in my 31 years of captivity in Wizards fandom dude I have never seen a player with such boom or bust status listen at one point I was calling for the government to intervene dude I I was calling for them to intervene because it was getting out of hand the White House is a couple blocks away as a citizen I have rights of this beautiful country I have rights and I what I went to what what we went through cruel and unusual I wouldn't wish that on anybody I wouldn't wish that on your stepfather your freaking Gardener your your in this video I'm going to take a closer look at all the options the Wizards have with Jordan pool this offseason you know what I mean this is my third video on Jordan pool and hopefully my last so if you enjoy the video please like And subscribe I can't say that enough all right let's get on with the video so Jordan P arrived here in DC and he was hyped to be the next star James Harden Gibble Arenas blah blah blah yada yada y you already know what happened I'm not every one of your favorite content creators dropped a video on this man so rightfully so because this man averaged at one point 15.6 points per game this season at a career low which hasn't been done since his breakout 2020 SE season he had horrendous shooting splits especially in the beginning of the season and you know going on to the Midway through the season shooting 30% for the three-point Lane which is the lowest since his rookie campaign at one point before the All-Star break this man was averaging 16 points on 36% from the field 36 scoot Henderson activity but things started to change and there were a couple of reasons for that Wes unel Jr who was let go he did not put Jordan p in the correct position to be successful Jordan P who was sharing a backourt with tus Jones tus Jones who was the primary ball handler and Jordan P started playing off ball of which we saw that he wasn't clearly nowhere near the level a play that he was accustomed to in Golden State as the season progressed we started putting the ball more in Jordan P's hands and once Jordan P start started dominating the ball and also started being the initiator in the offense we saw a brand new side of this man a guy who actually has some creativity to him in the playmaking abilities department so before Jordan P committed treason here in the nation's capital that was in the first half of the season because in the second half of the Season I'm not saying was a complete 360 dude but he was a good guy again he he was one of us he was a weirdest kid she show of life he showed a pulse poolsville was back in action the pools were open the pools were open dude a new man was in charge West Hansel was let go and Brian Keefe was in and this man came in with a breath of fresh air a man who was willing to adjust for the betterment of his own players ladies that is the best quality you need in a man a man who is willing to adjust if a man is willing to adjust to you he loves you you know mean screw all these dating coaches who say all this like oh the girth of a pen or something like that you know all right I'm getting out of track point is if if a man is willing to adjust he truly cares for you and Brian Keef he cares for Jordan P this is what he said earlier in the season you know obviously he's been great this has been you know something that we thought we envisioned him when we gave the put the ball in his hands we have complete trust in him to make decisions for himself and for his teammates and obviously had a big scoring night but he's been playing very well since we've initiated him more with the to initiate the offense and we this is how the style we want him to play be aggressive for himself but also for his teammates he he draws a huge crowd and that frees up his other guys I don't know man something about this man that I really like pause pause pause I don't know if it's the hair the blue eyes he just looks like a guy that would tell me the truth while making a frappuccino latte or something like that this guy just has you know he just permeates just genuine Spirits which I'm pretty sure permeates in a locker room it looks like he went over the locker room easily players like him I like him Jordan p apparently likes him because this man after Brian ke sent his ass to the bench originally after the All-Star break where he started flourishing he started coming in with that six-man mentality coming in and also he came in and he was being the primary ball handler for the second unit he was the one Distributing getting the play set up and this man started thriving injuries happened and this man got promoted back to the starting lineup and there was a stretch mean this man averaged 21.6 points per game 8.3 assists per game 3.13 point per remain at one points he was second in the NBA in a total assist in an eight game span second in the this man revived he was a new confident player Jordan P even did this Alex team effort as Washington ends the streak oh pull got bunnies it's either that or he saw Tyra Banks in the freaking stands with all this in mind and also how Jordan P finished on a positive note he finished with stats of 41% from the field 32% from the three 17 points it's still dogwater stats but you know what anything better than how he began in the season earlier here's p no don't do it is he going to shoot it don't do it is he playing wheelchair basketball out there and now it comes to the point where Wizards fans are divided should we trade him should we keep him personally I think Jordan P came here with the intention of us building his Valley even more and then trading him for multiple first round picks I think it was a good scenario with Will Will Dawkins did I think he wanted Jordan P to have to run the show you know and it's not donin's fault that I mean I'm not going to on the unel name but you know what I mean West unel wasn't up the par that's all I'm going to say if the Wizards were to trade Jordan pool this off season which I'm pretty sure there will be some teams in line for granted if they were to be in line for him they're going to be in line because they know they're going to get a discount deal and I think that's the problem right now because we traded for Jordan PA and we're probably going to have to give up Assets Now in order to trade him because of his Hefty ass contract whereas now I think we can be more patient we can give Brian Keef a whole offseason to build with Jordan P to adjust to Jordan P even more you know I don't know what the hell he could do to adjust more but he can adjust more to Jordan paol and who's to say Jordan P doesn't break out next season I'm off for a good comeback story dude and I wouldn't count him out just yet there are teams now that I've seen online that would be interested in him like the Brooklyn Nets Charlotte Hornets the Utah Jazz a team who I think he could actually be really good with in Utah Jordan P's only 25 years old he's going to be 26 next season the man is just now now entering his Prime and I think he is just now finding his identity as a basketball player he danced around this new aspect of his game of playmaking which I think he never had the opportunity to do it in golden state and obviously here in the Wizards so the only thing I can wish from the Wizards is one thing to draft the best player available I think it would be a huge mistake if the Wizards were to go out there and draft a player just so that he can fit well next to Jordan pool hey I mean like who's to say Jordan P doesn't get traded in the trade deadline next year you have to draft the especially in this freaking weak ass draft that we got we got to get the best player available that's the only thing I want to trade or not to trade please let me know in the comments what you guys think my opinion I say we keep the man not I say I would love to keep the man and give him a second chance give him a second chance here and who knows what if he balls out averages 25 points per game especially if Kyle kma is traded and you know he's a freaking you know borderline All-Star he even started playing some defense he started playing some defense towards the end of the season last year dude Jordan I thought there was no D in Jordan I thought it was jban you know what I mean like this man plays no D but for some reason Brian Keef those blue eyes came to work if you stare into Brian Keith's eyes for longer than 4 seconds dude your last name will be Keith too as well Chief Keith Chief Keith is back in Action dude but yeah do let me know I made this video because I would love to see what everybody's thinking about whether to trade him or to keep him if you enjoyed the video please like And subscribe I can't say that enough until the next video till the next report peace y'all
Channel: The Dirty Bucket
Views: 2,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NBA
Id: hD8D6ePlXNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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