The Warner siblings being ‘those kids’ in everyone’s classes for almost 6 minutes straight

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you just wasted yours on all right guys there's a lot of pressure on our first lines and you just wasted yours on but you just wasted yours on all right guys there's a lot of pressure on our first lines [Music] all right it's a pull not a push [Music] 22 years in five second rule why did you trip the alarm after that elaborate laser dance what lasers that was my sandwich dance contains the sum of all human knowledge all human knowledge and one easy to swallow tablet don't mind if i do [Music] all this smiting is giving me carpal tunnel i don't know that greek gods could get repetitive stress injuries we should see a doctor we can't [Music] i don't know what you said but this tastes like soap i love it i found myself in paris [Music] and i recently spoke to a sister they both agree he can't swim it appears jacko warner has broken the sound barrier upon re-entry that's right that's the physically impossible and tough to be hey wait a minute these aren't chocolates it's gold what a ripoff nope nope nope what are we supposed to do with all these junky pieces of metal who's just sepia boldo again i'm glad you asked wacko in 16th century italy i guess the sun will have to wait this toothpaste tastes strange has a real kick to it uh that's it down under [Music] hello australia you folks know how to solve the issue of fun violence don't you uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh sure i'll take one of those please i get it this entire sketch is a metaphor for shoes yeah wacko because america has too much high-capacity shoe violence what is it then thanks motorcycles varieties of salad dressing what i'll tell you when you're a little earlier you're the boss weenie walkers that's doctor weenie walkers yeah that's with two w's right i've missed a hunty man sneaking up on us with a net um hey can you two keep it down i'm pretending to listen to the news like an adult [Music] everything is back to normal well almost close enough buns [Music] all i found is this piece of paper where somebody wrote the alphabet out of order and added a bunch of spaces hungry i could literally eat a horse right now alas poor jay park i don't know who you're supposed to be all the world's a stage but player leave this stage to me to rap or not to rap that is the question it doesn't have to be like this all arrogance and aggression well well looks like we have a real who doughnut on our hands [Music] worth it who runs this place is that a cult a deep state conspiracy a group of rogue cia agents turned ready to get assassins does anyone have a legitimate issue here i got it at a hunting store it's legit not an issue of a magazine an issue like a topic of discussion [Music] and you think that microwaving the remote will give it magical powers allowing you to travel back and forth through time with the forward and rewind button uh-huh
Channel: Hi-Ho-Cherry-O
Views: 1,008,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ie3Jm5TUGmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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