The War Within Ret Paladin PvP! Duel Testing! Herald and Templar! WoW TWW Beta 11.0

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all right we're going to try and duel again here this is actually insane this lock just sits here and takes it and I can't do anything into him gu's not even casting his dots like I I cannot believe this what is red damage all right we're dueling as Herold Shield it's full HP that was all my damage oh yeah I forgot barrels are way better at running away than me with 100 here I one offensive dawnlight and one defensive dawnlight I have a blessing of Oni pick the Clone here maybe I should bubble this clone but I don't really have any stops other than blind so I'm just going to let it sit for now got the off Global I definitely taunted in okay I'm I'm going to bop I can't speak I'm going to bop myself right here into a hot on this guy offensive dawnlight and defensive dawnlight double shield I'm probably going to get cloned here he's just healing to full through uh not doing anything so that's that's always cool going to Bob all I don't have Bob I have Bubble I have light coming off cool down too looks like I half the bubble right here an Oni proc hit that Oni I get the taunt maybe we can kill right here one two Hammer give me some sort of good proc here let's just healing the full look this the Clone just trying to be so offensive right here uh I at least I have Wall soon but I don't know I H one offensive dawnlight one defensive dawnlight into double defensive walls here he convoking on me I L myself I'm still I'm still dying and he's full HP trying trying so hard got so far but in the end if I don't Proco Wings it's over dude I don't know man all right here we're going to try out Templar to see how it does honestly uh uh last time I played Templar not that great [Music] um okay got a hodge on this guy bring it out so that was my burst as a Templar right there I do kind of want my shield to blow up on him all right kind of running out of options here I blind the demolish and I get some distance Force out a charge try and heal up a bit when he charges again I'm going to Hodge him or maybe I just Hodge now have a wake of Ashes B uh what's it called lights guidance actually not really he just heals the full from I don't know [Music] okay I almost have my walls back but I am running out of Mana I'm going to hold this next Hodge we go Hodge wake of Ashes final wreck into a big slant up okay I guess it doesn't go off I really don't know does it not go off into a reflect going double wall myself here I just I don't do any damage I don't know what it is I really wanted my shield to blow off on him but I guess I I regret that choice because he has demolished but I'm probably just going to Bubble the next demolish Brock going to Hodge it okay I I can't Hodge demolish that would have been good to know prior to uh using my stun there all right I am running out of healing I think I'm dead right here got blind him get distance I have myself coming off cool down very shortly almost off orb no Ms so I'm going to use l right here and I have to try and kill him with this Hodge here we go big lights Hammer it's just full HP guys I I don't know what to do against Warriors they just have infinite healing and I have no damage I double shield here I will and and walk away I have hod here we go Hodge I hammer I bought I mean it really doesn't matter if I hit him or not cuz I can't kill him he heals more than me I have nothing left I have my free use of hammer I I got too close to him I'm dead now don't do any healing man this is unbelievable find here there's a reflex this is this is disappointing here it breaks i h with the hod here stuns just over man D I can't even I can't even even get you to half that's insane oh dude the r the red Nerfs are so evident right here this guy War bannered but not too concerned probably going to kill it off real quick and go in with the Hodge here okay now we're going to cut out [Music] by an offensive and a defensive dawnlight into a hodge here I don't know if I can kill this Ward to be honest I always need to trink it out of that that demolish there just barely got him I only got him because of the uh blessing of V she proc dang all right fighting wind walker here just going to immediately Hodge wake of Ashes looking like it's a little laggy then I'm going to go in with the uh whole kiting mechanics right here going to get an eternal flame on myself there's a Karma he gets close I'm going to double wall here blind all the pets getting myself out and I have another wake of Ashes coming off cool down with a hodge here we go Hodge wake of Ashes he trinkets I trinket here get one defensive dawn of light couple Eternal Flames going out Celestial conduit I honestly don't know what that does but he healed a lot and he has a gigantic Shield so not sure what's going on there going to kite out a little bit PR lay on hands I have my walls coming off cool down fairly fairly soon just healing to get some decent damage out and with the Hodge he has no trinket going to get some big damage right here freed him offensively print towards him and down he goes and we had our walls back there too and bold nice all right so obviously those weren't the best du um R is feeling a little weak on the beta at the moment but it might not be red it might just be the overall pace of the game a lot of classes have extremely high defensive and healing capabilities uh while Rett still has a lot of its PVP Nerfs from the previous expansion um something that I want to note here is I hope we get some um I hope we get higher damage overall um for a lot of classes not just Rett um some classes are are already there they have extremely high damage but a lot of classes I mean the pacing is really really low or slow um not very bursty and I think I think there are some bugs where my wings I really don't really I I don't feel the uh the wings prog damag so I'm not sure if something's going on there in the background again this isn't the talent setup that I was running in the previous stuff but just to note uh like the video I had last my my wings was bugged for uh Crusade and avenging gra might um our healing is really really uh toned down in PvP still like I'm pretty sure Healing Hands is still ner in in PP combat uh Judgment of light is nerfed in PP combat still um the uh hopefully something that does get fixed is the 10% wall in PvP combat so out of combat um if we don't take ages of protection here it is only 10% in PP combat so hopefully that's an oversight that I would like to fix and then we can re-evaluate the defensive capabilities R obviously Herold has a lot more healing and sustain than Templar Templar does not have a large defensive capability especially in duels um and then also I really hope that unrelenting charger can eventually break roots and remove snares seeing as uh Herold has so much more PVP P based or PP beneficial talents such as the slow the selfhealing the damage overtime effects um it would be cool to have Templar actually have some sort of benefit some obvious PVP benefit to playing this spec here um but I'm cooking up a Templar build and I think it's actually pretty decent it does really good damage not not sure how it's going to do in Du but its damage is pretty nutty um and it involves Templar strikes and divine Hammer so I'll see you guys for that video in the near future thanks for watching peace
Channel: Lvladen PvP
Views: 10,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WoW, World of Warcraft, TWW, The War Within, Retribution, Ret, Retri, Paladin, Pally, Pala, Pal, Duels, BGs, PvP, Lvladen, Herald, Templar, Sun
Id: g8hBFGgbZac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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