The Wanted Man | Full Length Action Movie | English Movie New Release | Metinee Kingpayom

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foreign with my mom she feels good when I'm with her [Music] then if she's working she is very hard working she just wishes to give me a good life her job is difficult but she earns a good amount of money that is why other than my father I never felt any kind of void men are mostly the part of mom's job and I have no idea why maybe because she's really pretty thank you hey oh nice men are attracted to my mother and they give her a lot without asking she says her job is to send men to heaven wow oh my God [Music] oh do you like guns I like them a lot oh oh but I think that she sends them to hell and not to heaven well I don't need to tell about her job now laughs [Music] foreign ah [Music] come on should I entertain them there's no need Happy Valentine's Day here you as well foreign it's my duty to protect you my dear you just don't worry at all let's go [Music] [Music] foreign yes the exit is ready but how will you exit let me help you not need it when how many times have I warned you don't do what is not asked I have saved your life you were in danger mom should I do nothing you should be thankful mother I don't need your help your job is to cover me and not to kill I was covering I didn't kill anybody I'm watching you you're acting too smart these days both of you quietly get in the car ah leave foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] core Joy I'm leaving won't you eat I'm not feeling like it why did you train me then I can't kill anyone you have still to learn a lot quietly have it eat a lot and big and powerful core Joy have some more finish it now this guy on earth are so far from each other but after going into space they meet each other and this is the law of nature dear in Lara why are you behaving like an alien with me they are misconceptions oh lean in his face is a misconception but that's not the truth they say no loss is bigger than death but to be honest no sorrow is bigger than losing you my dear rinlara um you look lost what are you wondering it's not like that anyway those who are in love never confess that they are in love am I right okay do this still a nice photo of him and watch that alone if not him better see his picture am I right [Music] so you stole the bottle this is not called stealing he just forgot it seems I have to tell everything to your mom what yeah I see you have dressed up well today just look are you trying to trap someone in their love okay who is it tell me the truth aren't you trying to woo Sam no tell me are you trying to oh Sam don't you think he doesn't deserve you focus on your studies and stop dreaming about him I will decide whether she deserves or not not you [Music] anyway she's so pretty are you in aren't you yes have you joined any club [Music] would you like to join my club so that we can know each other well [Music] I can't do that I don't like going to a club all right I'll take a leave now foreign [Music] [Music] take this and give it to your friends as well okay so you are here please hurry up I have lots of work to do I know hmm ah core Joy what is the news we've got one video from One camera some one kilometer away but according to this it will be really crowded in trafficking we have to save them as much as we can we will just kill the boss we can't help anyone according to the data the target is in the white car look for a white car we might get some clue yes there's a cop and the car is still there okay Rin can you see the car of the Target anywhere foolish juniors what fun do they get in Walking huh [Music] are you hurt I'm sorry you had to walk so much this happens only for the first week everything will be fine yes okay let me just check you're very strong is it paining ah now it'll be fine you don't worry Rin Rin what are you doing uh wait wait this yes hold on for a moment what is this are you not even going to ask me whether there are fake bullets in it or the real ones yes so it has fake bullets today you're not focused on your work [Music] are you still angry about yesterday did you love Dad when he was with you don't be upset mom I'm just asking he left us alone but when you met for the first time you must have fallen in love Ray I want to know about that the last time when you asked me about your dad was when you were in Primary School what's happening with you that you you are asking all this to me hmm because you never told me the truth mom I can just say that if I see that guy anywhere then I will kill him right there really Mom enough now go and do your work foreign [Laughter] question at the wrong time I really want to know whatever happened last evening did that make senn angry I don't know hey there's a bike over there get out from there rain do not turn green what are you doing hey what did he do oh God I cancel the mission oh foreign what are you doing you're having fun and killing a what nobody's dead mom do your work all right what do you think of yourself are you angry that I didn't tell you about your dad yeah I have nobody else but you [Music] please don't do this ever again laughs hey you is she inside balls thank you he used to do silly jobs how do you know we were chatting he got a call and I got angry so I killed him tell me what's the matter blood Valentine has ended the target oh you had to kill not to start a war all right foreign tell me clearly what's the matter there was so much chaos someone might have heard the bullet do you believe him hey hey I'm ready to go hey corpse hey hey hey what is this give more bonus to the cleaner but what about blood Valentine she has made a mistake shall we kill her what do you wish we should kill the best one or such a silly mistake but sir blood Valentine is not your best killer shout your mouth uh she's just a bodyguard and not any killer go and get a tissue but I said go and get a tissue paper you know the last time when she made a mistake [Music] she was in love with someone what if she fell in love again how would I know correct answer correct answer but I'll be honest with you she has fallen in love again your skin is so good an old wound oh it's not old yesterday I fell down while practicing yoga and God what asanas were you practicing hey it's nothing like that please I just lived hey it's good that you didn't get hurt much yes please teach me yoga sure don't make the same mistake again customers get upset I thought you have failed what are you saying last time when you fell in love your emotions used to overtake you I am back hey easy easy relax [Laughter] [Music] are you okay yes I'm okay you are with me so everything's okay hey Rin are you seeing this your mom is so happy but she is crying too she shouldn't smile am I right hey be happy you wouldn't have been here if I hadn't taken care of you listen if you stop talking about my past then I would be even more happier I'm just a bit scared those were good old days turn your head hey Uncle Ralph oh so did you bring something for me today you have grown so much and you still want me to bring candies or dolls for you oh that's so cute okay what are you going to give my mom on this year's Valentine's Day probably your mom doesn't like Valentine's Day I wonder why [Laughter] where you have been all this time beloved I was right here close to your heart hey besan this drink is for you [Laughter] hey hello you're ignoring him right but you want to know who that girl is I don't want to know about that you don't fine oh come here tell me what you know sen is not interested in that girl I had investigated she pretended to get hurt and son just went to drop her home he's such a nice guy he helps everyone am I right he went to drop her home he wouldn't have done it if he wasn't nice guy that is why all girls are into him hmm so many girls have a crush on him right say it louder I really want him I really want him I really really really really want him you missed me and I'm here what do you want foreign [Music] like that I'm laughing at myself probably I have a hearing problem I heard you were saying that you want a bun is your ice cream tasty or not tasty may I taste it hmm [Music] come on have it slowly I understand that you like it I won't take it [Music] I need to make an important call hmm hello um insurance hey come on help me no I haven't I really don't know what to do you take a deep breath are you okay are you unwell I have a cold I love you I really love you oh [Music] are you kidding with me oh by the way it was good he liked the joke shut your traps I'm sorry I meant to say it was just a joke nothing else yes I did not shout at you if it was not me who did he shout it uh I shouted at myself such kind of jokes are not good is that so don't you need help anymore laughs but let me tell you one thing I really liked it my joke no what I mean is I like you yes he likes me he really likes me yes I heard it too so what did you tell him I didn't say anything I just ran away you're a very big dummy oh so what are you doing here go out there and talk to him I really don't know what to talk about go and tell him that you also like him are you crazy it's not that easy hmm it's easy just go no no just an old boat no hmm the target is heading towards the Airfield he's trying to get out of the country we must kill him before that kojoy quickly find the plan for you and find a way to get inside yes Mom you are in a rush you forgot your stuff there you didn't answer my question before leaving what question uh about joining a club I said I won't join it don't bother me okay hello Aunt my name is Sun I'm rince senior said she doesn't want to join the club yeah Aunt no problem but there is one more thing foreign [Music] what is it I really like rain [Applause] do you also like Cameron hmm look do everything properly and hurry up man hey what have you done forgive me please ah Mom we are here for work don't get angry okay who said that I'm angry I know that you're angry but this is my life mom I can choose and love whoever I want you cannot interfere in it I have the right on your life it's not I what do you want from me that I don't fall in love or Don't Shoot To be honest I really don't care kill them kill them I said hurry up I hate you I know who will choose between love and killer if you choose love then your life will be ruined and if you choose me then you will get a chance to shoot him today why Mom why are you giving me giving me today it is either that boy or your mother you must choose between us huh I'm good look my dear love is a very beautiful thing you choose love you love each other loving others is the right thing you should love your man no matter what happens you have to love that is the right thing to do [Music] please reconsidering call Joy keep quiet [Music] look please let bingo I will not make this mistake again be ready to suffer if your man turns out to be a bad person [Music] wait hello Ralph elimination Limited tell him I'm not here oh hello tell me uh the thing is that uh I had set a ringtone to avoid some calls I don't know how it is do you want to ignore me hey no not at all uh how would I uh dare to ignore you so what about the ringtone I don't worry they won't be able to track US I swear on James Bond's life bye you shouldn't have answered the call I I'm a bodyguard not a secretary I wouldn't know what you want uh what are you doing as per the rules I must remove the bullets you are useless you couldn't cover me at all I'm still wondering who appointed you for this job you stay here I'll go alone first I'll have some fun in the spa I'm waiting for your bomb since long why hasn't she come yet they both had a fight what happened mom does not want any boy to become rin's boyfriend he's not my boyfriend we're just friends you shouldn't do it if your mom doesn't like it you know her nature you are all growing up too to fall in love is natural you should also understand your mom that's important too she has a lot of experience in her life try to understand her or else I would have married her long back yeah it was better if you had married my mom anyway you understand me a lot better than my mother is that so you are absolutely right come on for your sake I will speak to your mom really yes this one is good and this is good too and this one huh how did you get here well you talked to my mom first don't forget about me don't worry I'll make her understand [Music] did you come to kill me huh why did you make a mistake because rain fell in love with that boy love is always a distraction and you know this better than anyone never say it again so why didn't you kill him huh if you keep doing this then I can't help you yes so don't help me handle it yourself don't ruin me bye bye kids look there that's mom's car right yes it is but uh what is she doing here exactly we didn't get any message for work done wait for weird Farm call Joy where's Mom I'm searching I found mom her car is parked in the back and their son sometime is in the theater okay dear in Lara why are you behaving like an alien with me laughs then what's up what's the view in the front ring mom is heading there get out quickly ah you came to me like this so that your mom accepted me right and let's discuss that later son we must get out of here now come on where are we going green move quickly why are you so different today look very hot by the way think about saving your life or else you'll get killed car Joy where's Mom I don't know I can't see her anywhere I'm sorry I can't help you now let's go but where are we going [Music] [Music] thank you so much guys happy birthday thanks friends [Applause] [Laughter] oh [Music] rain [Music] foreign laughs no we have to collect the data once we have it we can process it as it collected it is really not so easy all right buddies I'll see you later okay bye bye bye foreign hey son will you have lunch with me yes foreign mom hello what's the matter you seem very happy look at me I have to wait for gun delivery the person hasn't even arrived I hope I don't run away before he comes shall I come there if you like let it be you can take care of Mom don't let her leave I agree that your mom doesn't like me but that doesn't mean that she won't change her mind I will try that sooner or later she is going to like me not at all you really don't know her by the way I'm very impressed that you said all this [Laughter] really huh uh somebody's a door so I will call you later foreign [Applause] laughs hello Aunt please come inside what brings you here at this hour do you want to discuss with me something about rain thanks for the water I know that you are concerned about Ren but I am not like others aren't you can trust me all men aren't alike aren't will you be able to keep her in happy just give me one chance I will keep her happy really how will you prove yourself let me spend some time I have an easy solution for that show me your little finger can you chop it off can't you even chop a finger for my daughter laughs Zen is impossible she escapes Me by pulling pranks do you still think that I'm kidding with you can you chop it off or not and if you can do it then stop chasing my daughter right away and you won't stop us if I do it right ah I'll think about it keep my promises I searched them everywhere but can't find her location let me go and check Sun's room too okay you love Rin very much right but why aren't there is no reason for love am I right here during this this will ease the pain and you will feel better you both make a good couple anyway you will have beautiful kids you will have a bright future but I must say that you get fooled very easily a woman's love is hidden in her mind but a man's love is hidden in his body get it son oh huh hey what have I done mom call Joy check son's background right away I have checked already if he's not a criminal then he could be an officer if it is true then call the cleaner right now do you get it what about the guns delivery I lie to you there is no delivery that's happening just do as I'm telling you to do [Music] look I won't take up personal jobs if you are not a regular customer can I ask you something how did he wrong you he was such a handsome boy is it that uh listen the boy was my daughter's boyfriend what won't you get angry since you killed him pick him up quickly okay I shall hide the corpse but this is not a corpse I cannot laugh I cannot shoot I really like red I have a right on your life it is not true and if I do this you will not interfere right I I listen do you want an auspicious time why don't you just shoot hey son please when he's not dead he's just unconsciousness Ben listen to me son is a government spy my dear come on hey son oh you wait here gojoy you protect your joy win you just come with me hurry up come on nothing will happen don't be scared of the weapons I will clear everything foreign we don't even know what all he knows we need to clear the space as soon as possible you do the packing okay we need to pack for cordray also mom Rin you have no idea mom I am in so much of pain my child red when I understand Rin I understand my dear when she grows up what will you try to make up whatever she wants to be she should find someone she loves who will keep her happy in her life like I found you oh hey foreign they didn't come to seal anything they came over here to kill me you just go and hide anywhere I will handle everything um [Music] foreign [Music] he ran away somewhere he left some money and a letter [Music] I looked for him for many days but I couldn't find him he was such a coward ah [Music] that is why you kept me away from love right [Music] I try to keep you away from the lies that men speak forgive me Mom oh [Music] quite my dear don't cry [Music] thank you huh [Music] how can you do you have to support me Aunt oh oh you will be in pain just tell me where is Ralph I don't want to know anything else then I will let you go I won't tell you anything ugh son oh you told me that you really love me was that all a lie between Duty and love Duty always wins [Music] will you please tell me who Ralph is I will kill you do you know how do we got to know about blood Valentine Whenever there was a Danger on dren you left some or the other proof and then I understood that blood Valentine's life is stuck in Ren therefore I was sent to windrun over huh the more she kept falling in love with me the more mistakes you made the more he tried to keep rain away from me I started to realize that blood Valentine is in my hand do you know that in order to make you fall in love with me I had to risk my life pathetic son you're so disgusting if you're an actual man then fight like one right why should I fight you are a murderer do you know how many you have killed do you remember no right here are the photos of those you have killed I don't get it how do you sleep peacefully at night in that case you deserve the same stop it son Let It Go son friend my daughter no just tell me [Laughter] she's not the only one in love son you also love her a lot that is not true do you want to see hands up kill me make sure you do it fast because if you waste any time you will lose your mom as well you are not a murderer right you cannot kill her hands up Rin no when you're not a murderer but right now son nothing to do with blood Valentine she has never murdered anyone till today tell me where Alf is I promise Rin will be safe mom don't listen to him you don't worry I will kill him Mom help me out Lin will be safe how can I trust chop my little finger [Music] Rin let him go mom me we cannot betray the organization it is time that we end our ties with the organization [Music] I always supported you but you betrayed me call him I want to meet him uh calm down hold on so that Mr chai is here sell him in go inside tell me Mr chai why didn't you kill blood Valentine why why is she alive and what if she tells the police about me when she is caught calm down sir I cannot just finish your work I will have to make someone else do it get it what do you think that you are the only one here there are many dogs like you around and you know when dogs who forget to bite I kill them myself if you do not finish the work I will make you run like a dog please calm down sir please I apologize [Music] oh my God [Music] now I can live peacefully that was a good workout ah I was out of practice now I feel good said mental kill blood Valentine seriously sir tell me who should I send everyone we have oh yeah yeah [Music] really Mom this way you will be safe my dear son you will have to look after her you must take her to a very safe place I will take you to Mr Ralph for sure I think Sun really loves you a lot hold on rain run from here hurry up hurry up and leave oh man [Music] wow yeah let's go hey come on leave [Music] yeah [Applause] is this all you can do come on get up yay it is the three of you yet you cannot fight one person ah get lost now Uncle you foreign are you confused forgive me it was me oh who asked your mom not to tell you are you still confused uncle larva lar for alfalf laugh Mr Ralph high five huh You Were Dying to Meet me isn't it come on Salute me I said salute me salute me or you'll be dead no no he thinks he can cheat my people and you you believed him I looked after your kids if you needed something you should have told me why did you betray me were you tired of the job did you want a better future for your kids you should have told me if you wanted to see the world but I couldn't have gone with you to be honest I am ready to forget everything and forgive you here come on shoot that boy so that's the reason otherwise you wouldn't have betrayed me so come on now right please don't try to find me because I can't love a killer please don't separate us I love her I will never interfere with your work I promise you blood Valentine she is very precious to me if she stays with you She'll always be in danger and if you really love her then leave her forget her and your daughter I know that you love her a lot and this is your sacrifice now your job is over no no believe me no let me go rain don't be mad at me your mother is responsible for this she chose that man for herself I looked after her like a family member then you were born I looked after you like a father how could you forget that I loved you so much and how could you forget thatrin green hurry a lot of people are coming I mean son hurry up come on come on come on hurry up I can't go with you it was my aim to catch Ralph then you go I will see you soon when will we meet again I won't go away from you if I had a choice I will see you very soon [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] boss why are you lying down because I'm very sad should I kill them now if they find out that I'm alive they will come back keep your men ready we are going to have a celebration foreign I only want to stay with you I really like you when will we meet again I won't go away from you if I had a choice I will see you very soon [Laughter] everything is ready I'll help you cross the border you'll meet my friend over there laughs and what about my mom grin I don't know how to make you understand it was all my fault I never thought I would commit such a big Folly but the fact is that your father used to love you a lot what I did with both of you was wrong can I tell you something you just take after your father ran otherwise you wouldn't have asked me to safeguard Joy's life because you also have a clean conscience like him I often see his Reflection In Your Eyes you stay happy and you also joke a lot I often wanted to laugh with you but I had to remain strict so that you would listen to me foreign but now I think that I should have laughed at all your jokes maybe then you would have been happy both of us would have been happy love has never betrayed me I betrayed my own self but I'm happy today I tried my level best all my life that you should hate love but love stayed alive in your heart whatever I did was only for urine I just wanted you to be saved from any harm I protected you until now even now I won't let anything happen to you don't make any noise okay can you guess where is the boss I never told you that I never wanted you to have this future foreign then I would I would have given you such a life that people would have remembered mom hey go get out of here didn't you hear me leave [Music] huh [Music] assistant [Applause] blood Valentine is dead where's my mom the traitor is no more I have taken her place James Bond handsome Bond I am the one come on oh [Laughter] do you know something I am a very good fighter I'm a better shooter than your mother if you don't believe me you could have seen your boyfriend's condition three bullets three bullets three bullets [Music] [Laughter] I love you I love you I love you I love you oh [Music] my God [Music] where is my mother I won't tell you you won't tell me mom do me a favor finish that James Bond now he couldn't fight a small girl no and he wanted to be the best girl bloody fool I know let's talk about us hi oh you like you were my daughter so stop fighting what do you think will you work for me you'll be very rich I'll find you a nice shooter a good man who's very rich mom no leave my mother oh is this how you are going to talk to me now I'll finish the both of you understood you have killed all my men I will avenge the deaths by killing your mother mom nothing will happen to you friend I won't let anything happen nothing will happen to you I won't let anything happen to you I wouldn't let anything happen to you save your life first after killing your mother I will come to you and kill you oh dude [Music] I love them you knew that very well but you never loved me my dear oh [Music] you're a you are my only loved one I have a right over your life that's not true you will have to face the consequences for your choices I will protect you when I grow up to protect you is my job I love urine [Music] when rain ring [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] let's see Happy Valentine's Day Rin [Laughter] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign
Channel: SAB Cinema Zone
Views: 10,144,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hollywood English Movies, Movies, Films, Hollywood, English, Best Hollywood Movie, Action Movies Full Movie, Hollywood Action Movie, Hollywood Movie In English, New Action Movie, English Movies, English Movies Full Movie, Kung Fu Movies, Action Movie Martial Arts, Action Movies Full Length English, Free Movies On Youtube, Best Action Movies, English Action Movies, Chinese Action Movies, Action Movies Full Movie English, The Wanted man, Hollywood Full Length Movies In Engish
Id: iHHlyzkYA58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 58sec (5578 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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