The Walls Are Closing In On Donald Trump

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so neil since you're the former acting solicitor general of the united states let me re-read congresswoman cheney's question because to my mind that is a key question did donald trump through action or inaction corruptly seek to obstruct or impede congress's official proceeding to count electoral votes exactly so so that's the question and what the january 6th committee has been doing this week is really i think changing the narrative and the momentum of the investigation i think for the last several months the investigation's been on its heels and everyone's kind of like let's move on let's get over it but two things really changed this week the substance of the revelations of the committee and who may who on who unleash them so substance wise we learned everything from the fact that even the white house chief of staff mark meadows was involved in this thick as thieves we learned about a powerpoint presentation a 38-page document on how to coup mark meadows was held in contempt the first time a former member of congress has been held in contempt since 1832 we had texts from fox news on january 6th saying that uh saying to the president and others stop this madness and it's pretty hard to argue that the horror of january 6 was some sort of liberal delusion when you're on record texting the plea texting please to make it stop and then the who who was this presented by liz cheney no one had that on their bingo card two years ago i mean this is not someone who's a rhino or something like that i mean this is the person who used to run tv ads against me when i was at the justice department calling me part of the al qaeda 7 and nonsense like that so she's gone from that person to this person standing up for democracy for the rule of law and exposing what the trump white house and their minions did you know katie you have a story in the times today new reporting about how the committee is may add new expertise as investigation into the insurrection insurrection expands and you're right the house committee is waiting whether to hire staff members who can analyze social media posts and examining the role foreign adversaries played in sowing divisions among american voters over the outcome of the presidential election according to two people briefed on the committee's decision-making talk about the significance of that sure i think one the on the first part whether or not to hire folks who can look at social media posts it speaks to the fact that so much of what happened in the months before january 6 and the weeks before really was happening in plain sight and there were so much of it that was really difficult for the american people for politicians for reporters to understand and absorb it felt like every day there was a new set of statements being made online a new set of rallies a new set here in washington dc of protests and of clashes between pro and anti-trump supporters that we really started to lose the totality of what was happening so having people can come in and look at everything that was being said publicly to help create like a really full narrative of the days and weeks leading up to january 6 i think is important for the committee if they want the fullest picture and then on the second piece what was the impact were foreign nations before adversaries able to use the divisions sowed by these false claims that trump won the election were they able to use them in ways that impaired national security in the days and weeks leading up to january 6 and since then because we know that so much of what's going on today so much of the division is creating a real security risk and it's now not being sown by russia or by iran necessarily but by americans who have been led to believe that the election was corrupted you know speaking of those text messages uh neil on saturday congressman mo brooks um yeah he put out a statement after a text message linking him to stop the seal organizer ali alexander was revealed and here's the statement the witch hunt committee's secretive process causes rampant and often false speculation by fake news media outlets the case in point is a single text stated december 16 2020 from a sender who claims to be ali alexander to congressman mo brooks the text is from you know that number there on the screen screen a number congressman brooks's cell phone did not recognize neil uh one is is that excuse gonna fly and two am i wrong in parsing the words so much that i've zeroed in on the fact that it says it's congressman brooks's cell phone did not recognize the number right i mean these people are too clever by half and you know i wouldn't trust their explanations farther than i can throw them i don't think these people can tell the truth to a mirror and the tell on all of this is are they willing to go to the january 6th committee under oath before the american people and say this stuff they're not which is why they're all claiming privileges whether it's the fifth amendment or a bogus executive privilege claim and donald trump is facilitating this he's trying to use the courts as a shield hoping that they will intervene so that congress and the american people don't learn the truth about what happened on january 6th i mean trump ran to the d.c circuit our nation's second highest court saying stop this executive privilege executive privilege that court swatted that down like a fly it took them nine days to write this really long 68 page rebuke of that and that is now going to go before the supreme court this week the supreme court's going to decide whether to hear the case i suspect they won't because you know truth-seeking is a core function of the american political system and what trump and his minions are trying to do is block that with every legal tool that they can come up with you know neil you you just said the the quote of the morning probably for the rest of this show they couldn't tell the truth to a mirror um katie a serious question for you here and and that is this there the committee has had a has come under a lot of fire from people thinking that they've been that they've been moving too slowly although that is not the case the last couple of weeks in the new year how likely is it that we will be seeing televised hearings of the committee and its proceedings for the american people to to be brought inside of the committee's work you know i can't say with certainty that that's what the committee will do but we do know that there are debates and conversations happening inside the committee about the pros and cons of doing just that i think that there is appetite to see something come out of the committee we've even seen mitch mcconnell say if the committee finds something that's important for the american people to know they should share it and i think the way that they share it is what is being considered right now and to your point about people like mo brooks the committee already has information reporters already have information showing that there was a core of republican congress people in the freedom caucus who are working hand in glove with mark meadows the white house organizers of these rallies to further the stop the steel movement and i think because there's so much in the public record it's going to be hard for them to deny it even if they parse even if they even if they say they might not know about a certain text message it's going to be difficult for them to make the argument that they did not know what was going on and they were not participants and let's just be clear here on this this mo brooks congressman brooks denial and i had to pull up on my phone to remind myself that it was congressman mo brooks indeed who spoke at the rally and said today is the day american patriots start taking down names and kicking blank it's sunday i'm not going to say the word um but i just wanted to put put that out there um anyway it's about it's congressman mo brooks [Music] you
Channel: MSNBC
Views: 806,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Sunday Show, Jonathan Capeheart, msnbc
Id: 8CtD98fX99I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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