The Wallflowers - 6th Avenue Heartache (Official Video)
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Channel: TheWallflowersVEVO
Views: 9,910,637
Rating: 4.7914462 out of 5
Keywords: The, Wallflowers, INTERSCOPE, Rock, The Wallflowers 6th Avenue Heartache, The Wallflowers Vevo
Id: kXDiGtgPL6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 27sec (267 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2009
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I genuinely can't listen to it, the nostalgia just swallows me up so fast.
"Counting Blue Cars" by Dishwalla is another. I have to avoid it or else I'll be on the floor ugly crying like "Damn you, past life!!! Stop tormenting me with your ghosts!!!"
It really captures the heavy feeling you carried with you in your 20s. Some say it was angst but to me it was more than that.
This song made me feel nostalgic when it was brand new. Another song that's like that is 'Hasn't Hit Me Yet' by Blue Rodeo.
This song taught me a very valuable lesson: don't ask Adam Duritz to sing backup if you don't want the whole song to sound like Counting Crows.
Wow. Reminds me of wasting time with my now ex. Just sitting around talking (and fighting,lol) with the song and others from that time period playing on the radio in the background.
Makes me nostalgic and sad at the same time.
This makes me nostalgic for when 6th ave looked like that. I'll always love you New York.
I'm always impressed that Jacob Dylan could have rode on his father's coattails and name, but deliberatly chose not to.
Good one :)