THE WALKING DEAD: The Ones Who Live EPISODE 1 REACTION!! 1x01 "years" Breakdown & Review

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this video is sponsored by  Factor more on them after the reaction citizens of the reject Nation it's time  to watch The Walking Dead the ones who live bet   y all thought we weren't going to cover this but  here we are today I'm here with Michael Tesla he's   seen it all it don't matter every season every  spin-off now I just finished season 10 like a   day ago I'm exhausted so this is like really  dramatic why my best friend I'm going to make   humor out of your serious trauma my best friend  uh when we were 24 uh he died I promised him uh   before he passed that I was going to finish all  the shows we were watching which included Game of   Thrones and The Walking Dead I did it we're here  this one's for you Brandon I'm sorry Brandon was bit I think he'd appreciate Michael no he would  have laughed I think he would have liked that I   like to think he would would have been a fan  of the channel and you know what I'm actually   really excited for this Greg it's Rick Rick  Greg Grimes Gregory Grimes but anyway Glenn   Glenn he's doing fine I saw him at the Emmys  he's he's he's doing great I'm just going to   do this the whole time darl an honor to Brandon  leave a like on this video subscribe click that   notification Bell to get notified when our  reaction is up for the next episode thank   you to prepper for helping us edit down these  highlights and thank you to all for join us at   our patreon page I'm known for bad Impressions  around here I got to stick to it over there you   get the full length rat and watchong 3 SE go  with your own copy of Walking Dead and also   John and I cover several shows exclusively of  highlights of watch Longs included decid to   reunite with Michonne and this please I'm  beging you I'm doing doing this for us or them I tried please no I tried he's back I tried  we got windmills here were two collations at least   they gave him a television oh interesting  so this there's television well yeah it's   they're in the Civic Republic so in the world  beyond the government that's control in things   destroyed two of their cities in order to  consolidate power and stop democracy from   coming back and so that's who's been holding  Rick this whole time who is a great artist now apparently I mean they can't have expected  people to watch that show no but you know   what I did I actually enjoyed it more than I  expected oh no no no no no no don't do that oh God why live right that's the question  that's the question after all this time   he's like I just got to make another  paycheck or two those residuals are   running out from the early season  I'm digging the music oh cool oh nice Shar top billing yeah yeah that's what  they do who do you give top billing to put   one down here and the other so do you know  anything about the Civic Republic no I'm sure   the show will tell me I'll I'll ask questions  if we need if it comes up yeah if they don't   all cuz so far they've already shown a lot yeah  I feel like what I'm most excited about is that   for so long Walking Dead struggled to take  that leap from like a small intimate drama   into like the large scale faction you know  Game of Thrones thean drama I love those   credit credits and this is that leap fingers  crossed 5 years after the bridge I've only seen   up to the end of season 10 so I'm I'm like  Prime just for this show the Civic Republic   military thanks you for signing up for this  voluntary assignment you are now speeding up   your path to citizenship H are place and ready  to ex little indentured servitude to get your   citizenship yeah he's just like a worker it's  kind of crazy to see how he it's like a shell   of his former self which is very Rick whoa oh  cool they Dro like phosphorus or something on them oh sick God it's like dueling as a  safety net safety pull but also   he's a prisoner oh interesting that way he  can't get out sorry trying to find my ass oh [ __ ] what's he is he about to do it I think   he's going to do oh my God  it's going to do it no no no Jesus what a start you just caught her eyes that   don't want of these Walkers man  that's probably what he's going for oh oh boy dude you seriously got  to cauterize that you're going to die jeez op Pete this is not well planned buddy ni just  going to stick it right in there yeah come on be reborn you get one of those  Aaron thing little Spike yeah freeze well that's just sad after  all that work but it just shows   how desperate he is to get out  and how hard it is to get out yeah oh [ __ ] excuse me oh what I'm not around  here I'm lost and I'm late for work you know uh   craphy it's just so good to see him man just so  good to see him I don't I just know where things   are that's where I need to be but I don't know  where I am it's metaphorical that way pass the   big blue building you'll get there I believe in  you do you mind if I just I don't mind whip it out why are you a child you work around here I  do you like it not where I want to be are you   where you want to be no yeah I mean except for  in this moment right here in the Stream even cars   passing by in the background yeah she's eating  with a bamboo Fork I you know the apocalypse is   I love that this is going to be a love story  and intimate um while also setting the stage   for their big say they were co-creators oh they  are I always thought I would wait to tell you   everything when we were finally back together I  can't can't face everything what happened on the   bridge I didn't think I'd survive and I woke up  in a military Hospital an army found me a force   of thousands Jesus protecting a working hidden  city of hundreds of thousands oh whoa that's the   Army's code so no one can leave ever the city  governs itself but it follows that one rule   that law from outside the walls fascinating it's  killing walkers for energy grow food or managing   the water the waste Oh weird that's a fascinating  development they're called conses I was one of   them but I was never going to go in I was going  to get away going to get back to you God damn it I was wow just looks like got to say boring ass  probation work this feels like quick quick with   the exposition I'm so here for it I mean writing  letters to Michonne Mak sense God damn it could   have used the other hand huh I came down here  because I spoke with Major General Bill about   me yeah you are lucky you got a friend in high  places you're my friend be the head of what is   likely the most powerful military on the  planet sounds like edra SBA you think that   stay out here gives you one better chance that  getting the way just gives you another chance   to die did you hear what I you don't have to do  this anymore first time I tried the Army didn't   know what to do with me a lieutenant colonel  named oaf for he convinced them to keep me a   cons and I kept trying to escape I kept trying to  get away so they put me on a leash when we went   out into the world why do they want to keep him  though a [ __ ] that's a great question like do   you remember out of everyone you remember the  trash lady yeah yeah yeah and so that's she's   part of this faction yeah I wonder if she has  a particular reason for wanting to keep him I   wonder if she's the general he wanted me to join  his program to use my life for them I left the   uniform in your apartment it's time to accept  things for what they are Jesus next time it's   your life do something with it it's like it's  a cleanup job but he was treating that like   a battle oh I love this shot Telly this is  better than all the spin-offs the first five minutes did they CGI CGI in his hand in the  trailers or something something they must   have yeah or I guess just kept them oh yeah  probably easier to do that I should thank   you instead of throwing glasses at you why  I missed his voice he showed me I can't get away do you think he stayed abstinent for  five years yeah probably not with a face like that h both beautiful right  and morbid I heard about it   but damn you really did that [ __ ] for real huh estabon yeah that character's Nam estabon  can I touch it can I touch it okay so for   like two years you didn't even talk to me but  I kept talking to you took a while but we got   something now yeah everyone's catching us up  properly that Hidden City the only thing you   probably see is like Alcatraz for us consign  these all we see the that good life man you   know they got air conditioning man it's a big day  man I'm telling you this [ __ ] because this is   my last day out here working utilities I'm going  to be in there he's going to die six long years   man my Consignment is over you dead at least  this SOA for dude is going to stop trying to   make you into a soldier and [ __ ] for real still  even after you [ __ ] man you might as well sign   up just to get them off your back you know and  then make your next move when you're out there   Scavenging for twine or some [ __ ] that's a bad  idea it's not a bad idea should have just done   that instead I got a girl man on the inside  she's a journalist yeah she was doing a story   on Like Water Management They're bringing back  journalism oh if you watched Fear The Walking   Dead you'd know that journalism is Alive and  Well never seen you here before seems like the   least practical iteration yeah and it seems like  Rick can definitely use that on people here this   is MIL isn't exactly Mid Country but if I can  find the right one could change things they're   so such fools they should not be teaching them  all this stuff just going to use it all against   them I think what's interesting is he probably  supports them in a philosophical standpoint   is that uh Terry oin from Lost I haven't seen  him in so long he looks great is this the end   of it and the start of something else it's the  end and the St okay welcome to the CRM it's SE it's cool it does have a bit more of a  cinematic breath about it I found all   the the new the new spinoffs yeah especially  the Daryl show I do eat here every day around   this time you're pretty eager aren't you a it's  these dreams that keep them going maybe you are   too I'm not I wonder if we'll see Carl in  can I at least in happy memory dream form maybe a special hand it just seems like between Aaron and  Rick when you cut off your hand it comes in handy   it's you know what I mean I didn't even realize  what I said what the hell is this both have been   training for a year both soldiers now but you  don't actually think all of this was about you   two and just becoming soldiers about you two  becoming leaders that's why they wanted him I   try to escape four times I did this leaders take  initiative the city loves runs itself the seum   runs the world outside people can't leave they're  not free but we're alive you are and you're not   supposed to be the CRM designates people they  find as A's and B's B A's will die for what they   believe in people follow a the people we cross in  the world the Fe we bring in they're classified as   bees they classified him as a Bee the CRM needs  strong leaders to change them being the monster   to fight the monsters that can't last and this is  why I need the two of you all the other Secrets   you'll receive when you move up the ranks then  you receive the echelon briefing that's when you   get all the info 90% of our Force doesn't know  about and 100% of our city doesn't interesting   I believe that A's will become soldiers so  if we share with the hups that you're saying   these things don't say we Grimes Grimes like the  real on of the are if I think for myself why do   you even think I'm going to go along with all of  this because I believe if either one of you had   a chance to save the world you would that book  open it that's talk about the Cold War I love   how straightforward and dejected this guy speaks  changed the Army without them even knowing it and   he wanted my help to do it let's talk about the  Cold War Espionage inside overthrown governments   he's gone from Sheriff to to military unit not a  hard jump I was in the South African Navy I used   to play PO on the subs that was great have the  best tournaments in the world in Las Vegas so   I went there to D my I didn't play a single hand  before the lights went out which tells me my luck   is apparently [ __ ] it's great now I don't give  a [ __ ] about what game you play you heard what   you said should have happened to us this is all I  have left the person you were trying to get back   to she's not gone she isn't we are interesting  interesting reversal you want my help just ask   got to kill your former selves to survive be born  in the darkness gra a drink before we kill each   other it's cool to have a South African character  I love the idea of being in the wrong country when   the world goes to [ __ ] yeah the world is so much  bigger than we knew michon so much better so much   worse life surrounded by death this master bench  is not right maor general PE John Lock he's back   have a seat Grimes oh what great casting I saw  what federal forces did to Atlanta they used Napal   but this Force as the Pennsylvania National Guard  at the time we stopped him how sacrifice man Oka   for Oka for he was supposed to bomb the city but  instead he bombed 4,000 Marines staging at Lincoln   Financial Field Jesus he switched sides well I did  too you and Thorne never would have been allowed   into the CRM you wouldn't even have been led  into Consignment but okaf for made a compelling   argument let me ask you a question Grimes is okaf  for up to anything I should know about no say no no oh he's someone of fear no good Rick you asked  me how we want we survive totally knows that rck   knows likes loyalty he tried to escape four times  why are you here do you want to kill to die or is   all this just another attempt to escape look at my  eyes Sir you tell me I'm just going to share The   View with you for a while Grimes just playing  the good participant our L his modeling shows   a Tipping Point there's a reckoning coming reing  he's got a pitchfork and it's coming soon I mean I   love this idea of a civil war sometimes on person  sometimes twoo they have the power they have the   responsibility to change everything you'll make  the right choice so right now it seems like Rick   is is actually sort of torn between which side  he's on committing to here or trying to escape   again wait is it War 3 Deputy water manager EST  Deon Garcia hey it's w 3 water manager now right   how the hell you even he if it's not a fur day  you join the CRM uh what the they say f for now   oh yeah yeah it's on AMC plus oh I won't stop I'm  getting there I'm getting home look Rick you know   you're my guy man I can't tell you [ __ ] all  right even if if I did tell you [ __ ] you know   the [ __ ] I would tell you this tunnel would  take you due east to a junction about a mile   out dude you're telling him [ __ ] there happened  to be a padlock great there I 100% wouldn't tell   you that the code to open is 4399 he's telling  him stuff Michael he doesn't realize it no he's   not no he's not he hasn't said anything it was  a far away Mission a resource run to an advanded   chemical plant I got a walker body cut off its  hand left it with my dog tag the corpse would   burn There's No Escape for the living so I had  to make sure they thought I was dead cool it's   like Batman amongst the leak of Shadows I'm going  to take all the skills exctly what it feels like yeah I tell you the Tumblr would  definitely be useful in this apocalypse oh [ __ ] damn oh boy no no no no no hold the pin hold the pin son of a [ __ ] always having to save little kids going have to really lie your way out of  this one man I saw the whole thing come on it's   okay load make your choice he's a good man and  we're from a good place and we are all going to go   back there all of us we can't be out here said to  ask for help he would have found you and whoever   you're running to he knows about you Grimes come  on I mean it is silly to think like even if you   made it back to everyone in Virginia like they're  going to get you Pennsylvania isn't that far away wake up we got the salute so what what the  hell I think of the Dead all the time back of   the note you're message in a bottle from Escape  number I went to Red Island that was her on the   phone right yeah I look through those to the  CH hold was your daughter right this guy is   such a prick no he's scops michon is an unusual  name not many people out there but if you start   the search around where we pick you up this PO  information oh you are my charge I'm the one   who'd have to kill you and michon and anyone  else you ran to out there just knowing about   this Jes I don't care why you're covered in  blood it's in my city you don't get to choose   for the world you don't get to choose for me I  don't you did you made the choice how my wife   is my choice my daughter is my my choice you  think I went what I went through he doesn't   know about RJ it's weird right you made a  choice you live for those people in that   City because you got nothing else but your  duty a wck speech yields A's and [ __ ] B's nothing Jesus I lost everything freaking so  many Rick ewards and I bomb Los Angeles and   I was in route to do the side to Philadelphia  his part bombing Atlanta a marine named aelle   that was my wife and she didn't want  to go in to liquidate all the people   I didn't manage to liquidate we didn't want  to see Rick another city di for nothing and I   had power and I had a choice and I killed  my wife she was one of the marinesi and   we saved hundreds of thousands with her  choice sorry what are you a apologizing for I mean right at his heart do it I won't you  fight for them you already made the choice I'm   moving you to Logistics with Thor you're going  to help convert a college and a Cascades to a   forward operating base over the next 12 months  this is so cruel manipulates and plays on his   moral complex hero complex too you and on will be  project leads on the conversion team this is the   start of your path to the higher echelons of  power I don't want Power that's why you need   it you already have it you got to stop being  yourself Rick then maybe you can get out of the situation so the campus it's the timing of this  is all interesting cuz that all the different   spin-offs take place at different times well  this is taking place before the world Beyond   yeah it seems like it's taking place right  at the start of when the time Jump happened   in Walking Dead the city of Omaha one of the  three surviving cities on the continent has   fallen and with it nearly 90,000 Souls yeah so  that's the world Beyond they should have seen it   coming Omar people know where they were and they  died you think people did this I don't know who   did this they did it I know that Secrets work  this is the place that will create the future   and Portland needs to follow our lead that girl  that you saved you killed it them man that was   her mother and father they had lived in a museum  and then the girl said that one day the dead was   inside and then everyone was dead except her the  people she knew they tore themselves up trying to   get to her she wound up covered in their blood and  their organs and after two days when she couldn't   take it anymore she finally stepped out to die  this actress is really great me and that girl we   all want to be somewhere else with someone else  but we got stuck in the right place and you were   going to see that someday I saved your life you  didn't save my life yes I did I wouldn't have mced   I'm loving this so much break glass I thank we at  least there's one more good man in this world one   more good man to try and save the world whether  he wants to or not I do think it's a little bit   at for a first episode it's a bit at the mercy  of information overload well I I think that they   have so much Exposition but I appreciate that  even if you haven't seen everything else that   you're following hopefully hopefully for the most  part I am at the same time it is like what the   hell is going on I would like us like a little  more atmosphere sure you know because it is very   information is just like spam bam bam Non-Stop  and I'm like let's breathe a little bit you know yeah I happen to love Exposition I mean I like  Exposition inherently is not bad I just say like   I could I could watch just an information  dump for an hour and be a happy camper oh what we were watching was the  end of the episode initially the choice like they've been talking so much about you  know Rick stay here and I could use a little bit   more show as to the benefit of this military to  to make the dichotomy of he's that he's in feel   more for it I think we're going to get there I  thought about ending it but then I couldn't do   it but I still decided to die this is my life  last one the last letter I write to you that   you'll never see I love you I don't see the  dead anymore I don't see you H that's cool   I just see what's ahead metal rotors and Gun  oil and blood that's neat it's a good montage   I love you so so much please just know I tried  but I failed they keep treating Rick like he's   the chosen one you know I mean he's going  to wake up soon in the hospital right she   said said you believed in me so if you want  this bench yourself I could take this large   pizza and eat it alone at my miserable desk  at my miserable job I do believe in you and   I do like pizza wonder if this is her dream now  oh they have the exact same dreams Oh you mean   this whole time youve watching her dream we can  make this whole damn world ours if we want to   what if I came here one day with five pizzas  in a wedding ring I think you should do that I thank you I believe in you okay okay all to tell if there's anything  on your mind you rely say [ __ ] these days   keeps his beard a check when I was a kid I was  thirsty couldn't sleep so I went to get some   water I was on the stairs and I saw saw light  in the kitchen my crops were burning I was so   scared I couldn't move then my dad was there  he said I didn't need to be scared that it was   just the burning that the Flames are protecting  the plants for the next Harvest he said it may   look like the end of the world but is only just  a beginning that's a core memory right there that   sounds like a motivator I believed him did  he survive yeah he was okay got a new barn   new house next year the Harvest was the best It  Ever Was mhm after my dad died my mother told me   that it wasn't lightning that he' Liv the farm  whoa that the farm was going to fail and what   he did saved it he saved us uhhuh I thought  he was the most honest man I knew my mother   said what he did wasn't right she said that the  scars and the pain it just reminded him that he   saved us that's really interesting I'm in you  are your father's son and For What It's Been a   Good Year you're the right thing for this Force  RI I know you're the right thing for this plan   A's and B's no more Ros are they about to hit  the city I tell you one more secret when you   get to that point swear on the sword another  dat you know trust me you know whoa that was unexpected oh my God what  the hell holy [ __ ] right downwhere oh I love how they're keeping  this all inside the helicopter we're taking fire oh [ __ ] shooting them going down oh my god oh man he's going back to being  a lone survivor again dude what is   going on this is awesome I love how  they kept that all locked on his perspective oh man prepare to engage oh not alone Survivor re to the line now  is it the Commonwealth who is it wait no way what no way oh my God a this is so touching wow just  end end show keep me hooked for next week what is she wearing that's how you end  yeah oh so then next episode they probably go   back to her journey yeah and following watch  how she they get they got here holy crap okay   man whoa I hope everyone gives this a shot in the  midst of movie and TV show reactions leing such a   busy schedule around here who's got time to prep  gourm May meals well that's for Factor factor is   a game changer delivering Chef crafted dietician  approved meals right to your door it's not just   about dinner they've got your whole day covered  with snacks smoothies and more whether you're in   ta Kido vegan pescatarian like myself or just  looking for something delicious and healthy   Factory has a variety of Beals ready in 2 minutes  flat imagine the luxury of gourmet meals without   the hassle of prep or cleanup it's like your a  personal chef making it easier to eat well amid   our busy lives and the best part Factor flexible  to fit any schedule pick from six to to 18 meals   weekly adjusting or pausing anytime life gets in  the way it's about making your life 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can   take your time a little more break that down for  me then we'll talk about the episode so basically   what transpired was during the fall a element  of the US government managed to save a city and   create what they call the Civic Republic and the  idea is that there was a system in place where   there was the city that would remain hidden to the  public okay and that's where normal civilians live   and then you have this Civic Republic military  and the idea is that for like 10 or 15 years   it would be martial order like martial law only  so the military was in charge but after that it   would transition to a democratic government and  they found these two other cities to create the   alliance of three which is why those circles are  the logo the three each represent the different   city and so in in World Beyond we explored their  faction a bit more only to discover that they   wanted wanted to destroy the other cities and  that the the military element wanted to keep   control over all of it no democratic government no  return to that um and what's interesting is like   you know I know you're not fully caught up on The  Walking Dead But there are some other very large   factions that are brewing in North America um and  also around the world for that matter and so um   I really thought that I would have to do is just  get to at least Rick and Michonne's last episode   nope sorry D I mean I think they I I picked up  on that that that part of it it's when it starts   getting sort of the nitty-gritty stuff some of the  choices that I was kind of questioning about like   why Rick so bad like like why do they want why  they want him so much they're Trea him like he's   destiny child you know like he's the chosen one  in some way when they have so many other people   here well when when Rick was identified as an  a I thought they identified him as a b yes but   the an did it was a fake B okay it was so that  they didn't off him or or send him to the the   the city but the you have to remember like when  when Janice met Rick and he first interacted with   the garbage people her name Janice not an I'm me  call her an yeah whatever you want to call her I   think Janice was the original name that she went  by when when she was a garbage person when she   was that was when I was like oh this show needs  to end um but uh uh Rick had successfully built   like a multi- village like Alliance and had built  like a little civilization so he was a leader and   they want that he clearly possesses the ability  to keep people alive to Rally people I'm sure   they knew about Negan I'm sure they knew about  everything that transpired and and so she was   the one uh P like pretty much journaling and I'm  sure we're going to see her again um I think I   mean I've seen the trailers so many times yeah  after I I just kept watching the trailers over   and over I like I'm so excited ri's coming back  watching all my phone I think I pretty sure it   is a one moment yeah where where she appears I  mean the thing that I'm most excited about and   what was my biggest critique is The Walking Dead  when it started it was a beautiful intimate drama   of a small ensemble cast of characters and as the  years went on you know you have to remember like   walking dead and Game of Thrones came out around  the same time and I think there was a desire   by the producer producers of The Walking Dead  to have it so that like when you see like the   kingdom and Hilltop that it feels grandiose and  that there are these like big factions that are   being built when in reality the show just didn't  know how to transition out of that small Ensemble   drama into this kind of bigger worldbuilding show  and I feel like what they've set up with this you   know The Walking Dead universe or whatever you  want to call it is it feels a bit more earned   I think the production value across the board  has just been raised the quality of the writing   and and something that they've done on every  one of these shows is like Andrew Lincoln is   a co-creator on this like Norman Reedus is a  co-creator on on the Daryl Dixon show and and   that's across the board so they other actors to  keep it character driven well I think that it's   understood that they're all great creatives who  have invested you know well over a decade now   into these characters and to give them that kind  of creative license the other thing is that we're   like in total Uncharted Territory now in terms  of like where the comics left off um and you   know I'm somebody that that loved the the comics  um and to see it Go in these different directions   and you have characters that didn't even exist  exist that have become fan favorites and like   darl like darl um and and for me like I know you  haven't watched that yet but like I'm already in   my mind connecting the dots of at some point this  very big world that they're building is going to   collide in a really interesting way um and uh  but is the audience big enough to keep up with   all this well you know I think um there's a lot  of drop off like all yeah there there's there's   a lot of drop off but I also think that it's a  it's a piece of Ip that has like if you've stuck   with it you've stuck with it because I've heard  that this show in particular I mean maybe this   just a rumor but like they put a lot of eggs  in their basket for this specific show yeah   to try to regain a little bit more momentum with  audience yeah you know so uh like it was always   a plan to first it's going to be a movie then I'm  so glad they didn't do a movie it'd be hard to do   a movie I think um especially with what all they  had to jam back in this one episode um but no it   two hours of exposition yeah just like nothing  really happened they just explained what was   happening the whole time um but they they need  they this to me was like okay you need to make   it attainable for people like myself yeah who  did it feel attainable it did it did uh at the   same time I think by having so much information  they sacrifice a lot of things this guy's last   name is porn I have never seen that I'm sure he's  great at his job this makeup artist is stuck on   a makeup artist I have never seen that Eric if  you're I'm sorry that is crazy yeah anyway did   you choose that no you don't choose that it's a  surname that's given have you heard that n name   before the name yeah Eric porn have you heard  that as a surname before I mean I've I've heard   some I've heard some interesting names never  heard that I would just change it who wants to   embra Embrace that I I mean Eric porn you got  to do something else speak your truth you know   or that's maybe it's a chosen name um anyway  he's never he's he's still a virgin for the irony sorry when I was I just saw the name I was  like whoa that's a real name trailed off there   Eric if you're watching I'm so sorry I I do think  that they as to judge the the episode itself like   okay it makes sense to me why and maybe this is  a a a factor for the for the idea that I am not   caught up in all this extensive World building  and the show itself knew that there's going to be   a lot of people like myself who are not going to  be caught up on that [ __ ] CU to my understanding   World Beyond was shortlived right like it was  canceled yeah I think it was one season maybe   two um really like people actually watched it I  did is that the one with the teenagers yeah it was   cute it was cute you know I I thought it was an it  was an interesting attempt at trying to bring in   a new generation that had was born at the wrong  time for The Walking Dead and I think the issue   is they just it fell flat but you know for me it  was like I really enjoyed it because I've ever   since we first saw the helicopter in Walking Dead  mhm I mean you got to think this is a seed that   was planted in the very very beginning yeah that  helicopter appears in in season 1 yeah you know   and and um I think to finally get a return on that  and to explore it like I was happy to to get any   sort of content um well I wasn't expecting this  show to be the one that converges everything sure   I thought it would just be solely focused and  which it which I think it's going to go back to   is keeping it just focused on the The Love Story  and the reunion between Michonne and Rick which   is what most I think for the ones who have been  like where's Rick been it hasn't been like what's   the crazy plot World expansion going on with Rick  people I think people bring back sure like that's   the best way to to tell that to also get the maybe  interested in the other parts of Cu now listening   to you going well [ __ ] maybe I should watch all  these CU my plan was to eventually like I'm I'm   going to finish Walking Dead only got one more  season left and then I'm going to fear fear the   Walking Dead's a really good example like oh man  I got to watch that dude the show it started so   bad and then it got so good and then it got so  bad and the the reason that I love it the most   though is that Morgan Lenny james' character is  the star of it becomes the star yeah yeah he he   does become the star and um for me like as much  as like seeing Rick and michon together again and   even seeing like Rick and Daryl together again I'm  so excited to see Rick and Morgan because their   episodes together from the you know from the very  beginning to when they they meet again is is just   some of the most phenomenal acting period in The  Walking Dead and um but I think it's interesting   cuz now you have all these protagonists you have  uh number one Maggie and Negan together you have   Daryl and presumably eventually Carol and then  you also have Judith who's still a ref Carol   lives uh what he's roomin for me that Carol I said  presumably I don't know I don't remember I haven't   watched it in a while anyway but my point is is  that you have I'm gonna watch season 11 going   what a wasted time now I know Carol lives you have  great characters who are all converging and also   the stakes that are being set particularly in the  Daryl show are like really it's the first time   that I'm like oh I'm so interested to see how this  ends but I agree if this doesn't land it's hard   to imagine that any of them are going to get to  keep going well yeah I like the I I did like the   episode A lot it works for me when it comes to  to to Rick obviously like I love Andrew Lincoln   yeah uh not a not an unpop not a unpopular opinion  to say like he's like my favorite character good   and I didn't think I would be interested in the  show after he left and and season 9 is one of my   favorite Seasons I I thought I I love that season  9 when the whisperers were introduced introduction   that's that opening episode in the graveyard yeah  is I think one of the finest things The Walking   Dead ever did in that it made me scared again  I didn't know that the Walking Dead could scare   the crap felt like an actual scary George Romero  zombie show again yeah it was it was good yeah   and it surprised me too uh but I know I really I I  love that I love uh season 9 a lot so that's what   that that sold me that I could watch more Walking  Dead without Rick and to have but really I I I am   mainly here like everyone else to show up for the  reunion the emotional uh companionship of uh Rick   and Michonne which I think that is going to be  the central heart of this yeah and so I think   first episode is mainly about World building some  mournful sorrowful sides and I am craving uh them   to breathe a little bit better and slow down as a  PO because I I don't I don't think we're going to   get that at episode two I think that it it's going  to be a an identical insane Journey that Michonne   goes on because also like it's hard to imagine  that Michonne just had like an anti-aircraft   weapon ready to go I don't think she's alone and  I think there's a lot more story than just like   Michonne having made her way up from Virginia  to Pennsylvania well in her last episode she   had uh ventured with a big group that was like  they're like moving like settlers you know um   which is really cool yeah no it's for everyone  else for me that was a week ago and for everyone   else that was like years ago years ago no and and  that's I think kind of the the biggest challenge   of this series is just going to be remembering  stuff like if you just started naming Walking   Dead characters I probably couldn't tell you who's  alive and dead right now yeah well you know that's   why I just kept it at season like finish season  10 and call the quit I think I think that from   a creative standpoint if they're not assuming  that that's where people stopped then they're   in a very bad creative predicament well I I think  they have to sort of though um like what they did   here uh I mean what what do you think of the  episode in of itself like I I know you liked   it a lot uh I think I think you liked it more  than I did I I enjoyed the cinematics of it I   mean I think one of the something that bothered  me about Walking Dead is that season one was so   cinematic I mean it felt like a movie and it was  at a time when like TV was not typically like that   especially something on AMC yeah um I mean like  Mad Men had just come out it was a good time for   narrative storytelling and on television well the  freeway I it was the freeway shot him on the horse   is Iconic for a reason and you know you you flash  forward a couple seasons and it's strange because   like the special effects got worse I think you  know because it became so procedural there was   a a great diminishment of quality uh because  there was just such quantity of the series and   so for this to be able to be like they've taken  a lot of time to really focus on dialogue that   isn't cheesy and campy um and there's a little  bit but it's still The Walking Dead so um but   it felt cinematic tonally I mean that last scene  felt like something out of Blackhawk Down um and   I think that that's what excites me is is that  and hearing Andrew Lincoln drop the f bomb you   don't often and there's a lot of F bomb for  well he he has like 11 seasons of f bombs to   make up for yeah and like weirdly muted F bombs  that just would appear at times in the show well   F the the I mean the vibe of it really um I mean  it doesn't feel like zombie apocalypse World it   feels a little bit closer to who did like who did  1984 oron Wells Orson Wells did 1984 the the book   yeah yeah who is Cen Kane oron Wells Orson Wells  also made The Walking Dead he was an author as   well ORS Orson Wells you didn't know he was an  author am I getting that Orson WS really he's everything so he was like the actor director  writer and and he was also the he was a   novelist behind 1984 yeah now I'm con now I'm  you're gaslighting me I'm asking you a question   gaslighting me cuz I thought Orson Wells but I'm  like but no I know him as like I'm Orson Wells   voice and Transformers not hgs now I'm really  stressed we'll look at later what what what was   this feels more like sci-fi like military a show  I I think the issue is zombies are boring at this   point it depends well listen I think I think what  they've been doing is genres from what I see from   the trailers of of everything from the news spins  like there's there's more genre shifts happening   well I I think the The Whispers And Negan I mean  they prove that the best villains in The Walking   Dead are really compelling people um and I think  what's interesting is that they're grappling with   some like big questions of okay these are people  that have now survived the zombie apocalypse for   10 years which means zombies really aren't  that much of a threat but people are and you   know they're playing around I don't want to spoil  anything um but like they are playing around with   different variants of walkers in the last few  seasons of The Walking Dead you had like some   climbers which was this really uncomfortable and  then uh the Daryl show explores a whole other side   that's like actually terrifying so I think that  we will get more of that as the show progress   um but what's getting set up is like what does  the New World Order look like you know yeah like   and I I love the potential of that of how do you  create a democracy worldwide yeah um in a world   that has has to rebuild and endure this and what  can you preserve I I think there's a lot of very   interesting sci-fi and a lot of it feels like  uh retro sci-fi too in a way without it being   like campy 1950s looking which I actually love I  love when they do like that retro [ __ ] uh but   it it h and it and it hearkens back to though  that's the the um impression that I'm getting   off of here of what they're implementing but  you know I'm still just mainly about character   and emotion and that's why I wanted to slow down  none of it's none of it's going to work unless   they get that yeah you know and and while I  like the Romanticism behind the letters and   everything it was it felt very basic sure and  more as just a plot device to give us all the   information we needed to get which is necessary  and I and I'm going to want the uh and sometimes   even like with the even though the actress was  great the one who kept saying who kept saying   the South African character yeah yeah the the  the the partner uh even though I think she was   great sometimes the interruptions there was  like an odd the pace of this episode was a   little odd yeah I and I I imagine there's a  bit of for Andrew Lincoln I mean you have to   imagine stepping back into this role must have  its own set of challenges and then to add in the   variable of like not only are you this character  but now you're in a completely different setting   with a completely different cast of characters  yeah um I'm I think I hope that everyone gives   it the benefit of the doubt because I have a wee  bit of optimism right now that episode three once   we have their their stories Collide and we have  two people that have years of chemistry who are   both phenomenal actors who were so successful in  their own right I mean I think that's the coolest   thing about bringing Michonne back is like  think about the career that's happened since   the walking day yeah that should been great you  know so um yeah well I'm super curious what do   y'all think yeah did any of you watch any of the  other shows um who is Orson Wells who's HG Wells   HG Wells did like time machine time machine  and did he invisible man I think invisible   man yeah yeah no I know who HG Wells that was  a rhetorical question Greg oron Wells wrote I   was going to say oron Wells at first and then I  was like wait a minute but I have a completely   different association with oron well now I'm  really questioning like third man and all these   like is it okay if I look it up quick yeah look  it up okay George who's George C Scott another   writer or are you thinking F Scott Fitzgerald  no that's great Gat I'm so tired uh who wrot   myself so confused 1989 Taylor Swift I wrote 1989  1984 oh my God that's freaking hysteric who wrote 1989 oh God who wrote 1984 George  Orwell George Orwell hon Wells George C Scott oh man sometimes sometimes my dyslexia just  loves to get a good laugh out of me it got into my   head too that's why I guess George CH Scott that's  so funny well it's it's easy to imagine a it's   easy for me to imagine Orson Wells doing something  like 1984 actually GE I feel like a schmuck right   now I don't I don't know why I compar it's not  really 1984 I don't know why I was looking for   that no not at all I was so confused why you were  I was like really trying to pull 1984 and I was   like this is nothing like 1984 I do appreciate  the show feels like it's in a time capsule of   like the early 2000s because it is yeah um and uh  or like the mid 2000 I I'd love that I I just I   I just I'll end with this I just finished season  10 and I think some of it does come down to like   expectation problem for me as well of just what I  want you know obious what expectations are and it   I don't know how well you recall this but the  last few episodes of season 10 did this random   thing where they just did these very individual  character episodes like uh Daryl and the girlone   yeah then like uh priest guy Gabriel and Aaron uh  like they did these really F and and I was like   oh this is really cool and uh I want I just want  something that's felt like just because it's the   reunion show I'm like I want that intimacy oh that  intimacy needs to hit that's all I'm I think I   think they're going to give that to us I think we  will get and I think we will eventually get back   to the bigger narrative but I think having some  time for the I mean there's a lot to reconcile and   I hope that they understand that drama of being  away from each other the loss I mean you have to   think there's a child that was born there was a  child that died yeah there's another child that's   no longer a child you know um and Rick did stop  trying to escape and I think that's going to be   really hard for him to to verbally I think that's  going to just be really hard for both of them um   but let's do it again next week yeah yeah but I  like how it plays a bit on this because he does   have a rick does have a bit of a savior complex  well it doesn't help that everyone else also wants   to give Rick a savior complex I don't I genuinely  don't think he wants it I think he just wants to   like sit in a rocking chair become hersel you know  live on a farm I think this is why Daryl and Rick   have always been like really compelling buddies  because they both like don't ask to be leaders   they don't ask to be heroes but they are called  to be heroes and leaders all the time when they   don't really want to be and like leading a YouTube  channel like the real rejects it can't be easy for   you great there's got to be a reason why they do  it because there is a bit of a complex for them   at the same time anyway all righty guys thank you  so much for being here thanks Michael for filling   in all the blanks and what do you guys think leave  your thoughts down below we'll talk to you allall soon Ricardo Martinez Ricardo with it  being the month of Valentine I would   like to present your Lucy right here do it do the Lucy and then I'll be you Ricardo  he what my shut up you stupid [ __ ] Chocolat we are the real life I'm going to catch  you and honestly what my understanding though that   is a parody of what I think real life Lucy and  Ricardo were like was an pass it off his satire   but his sacal take on Ricardo goes he's not like  that that Ricardo will protect you ladies ladies   if Ricardo is not taken ladies ladies or you a  Ricardo get yourself a Ricardo Martinez former   mil military person oh you know that means he's  protector he can do push-ups he's strong he can   do push-ups and he's a protector and he's strong  he's not afraid of Confrontation does 100 push-ups   before leaving the time when he's about to get  into a fight he does 100 push-ups where's his body   out where his chest out calls it a pump but he  over pumps and he pulls a muscle but he'll still   fight for you get his ass kicked for you you want  a man like that who's willing to get his ass kick   for you it's not just about winning it's about  willing to get your ass beat in front of people   Martinez is willing to do that for you ladies get  that ass beat just saying man I'm just saying Lucy a that's what you get and that's  what you could have with Ricardo   Martinez is it would have ended right  there perfect that's what you get goes   to Black got to know when to end all  right this is a note for me to cut it there
Channel: Reel Rejects
Views: 90,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reel rejects, the walking dead the ones who live, the walking dead the ones who live episode 1 reaction, the walking dead the ones who live episode 1, the walking dead the ones who live leaks, screencrush, heavy spoilers, new rockstars, walking dead, ones who live, walking dead breakdown, amc, ones who loivewalking dead, rick grimes, rick and michonne, rick walking dead return, rick and michonne return, rwalking dead screencrush
Id: wd6LXwaNVsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 9sec (3489 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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