"The Walk" to the Street Fight in Tombstone

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this is hackers corner this is the most famous intersection in all of the West right where I'm standing is about where the three Earp's and Doc Holliday stood on the afternoon of October 26 1881 and made that fateful decision to take that fateful walk to their rendezvous with destiny yeah come on let's do it now here's what might have led up to that first off the Earp's were considered outsiders people didn't like them because they came in here their first intention was to open a stage line they got here and they realized there already were two he had to go to a plan B Plan B was gambling and they did really well at it and as such they started using their winnings to buy up mining claims water rights and real estate the status quo did not care for that they thought who do these guys think they are coming in here taking our money number two the herbs had sided with the north during the Civil War so now not only are they outsiders they're Damn Yankees Civil War had just been completed about fifteen or sixteen years prior the wounds were still fresh this was a southern stronghold so we got damn Yankee northern outsiders coming in here and tapping into our money number three I believe it or not they were Republicans the crooked sheriff and all it has gunslinger henchmen were mostly Democrats that's a problem even today now we got outsider damn Yankee northern Republicans coming in here and then we got a look at their physical stature the average man the average man's shoe size and he was a size seven people were tiny here comes the herbs there's six feet tall blue eyes sandy colored hair we're all intents and purposes they all look like Brad Pitt so now we've got these three Brad Pitt guys that stand head and shoulders above the crowd literally taking our money then of course there was a situation that developed between Wyatt and John behan and what that involved was this all used to be Pima County I'm gonna stop here bye Pima County that's all of current-day Pima County which goes quite a ways West at Tucson and it covers all of us - all the way to New Mexico big-big County began had previously been affiliated with that Pima County Sheriff's Department and at that time law enforcement it was divided and politically in the various compartments the sheriff primarily was concerned with collecting taxes if they didn't want to get too involved in law enforcement they certainly didn't and that's why in the movie when curly bill shooting at the moon and they said what are you gonna do about it the sheriff behan says no no this is a local matter you have Fred why don't you go take care of it says poor Fred white out there to his death because be end and won't do anything that was dangerous he was making too much money collecting taxes his cut down a good year would have been about $60,000 from taxes he collected 1.8 million dollars 1.8 million so when they chopped off a big chunk of Pima County renamed at Cochise County behan wanted to be sheriff of the richest County in ours but so did Wyatt so they ran against each other in the general election just before the election behan was scared he wouldn't get elected said to Wyatt hey buddy hey pal what do you say you drop out of the race I'll win I'll make you my under sheriff we'll split the money what do you say Wyatt said sure why not guess what began 1b hand double-cross Wyatt Wyatt was now at the very least 3/4 of a million dollars a year in easy money from that day forward Wyatt hated began so to get back at him when Behance girlfriend Josephine Sarah Marcus came to town Wyatt stole begans girl that's so it comes down now north/south money and not Republican Democrat tall short gun powered whiskey double cross and L why is it always a bad old woman you've grown accustomed to sleeping in the house so you're not going to answer that and that's a smart thing correct so this is still the walk what I am approaching now would have been the rear entrance of the OK Corral and it would have been long and narrow and this is not where the gunfight happened we're going there now as you can see it's quite a little distance from the OK Corral right about in here would have been here and in the street would have been where that good friend to his dying day why in her only ever refer to that incident as the street fight into because it was in the street it started in an empty lot behind me I'm gonna show you this picture right here the empty lot would have been behind this sign that building over there would be in the location of the Harwood house so a little boarding house where doc holliday was sleeping it off the night before will be here would have been the fly photo studio that blue building right there replicas but started in this little vacant lot spilled out into the street here's the OK Corral so it was the street fight and tombstone and we think one of the reasons it may have been miss named the gunfight at the ok ground is because when Tucson heard about it they said what happened street fight what street Freemont give us more third and Fremont tell us tell us more hardwood house no we need more ok bye next to no 250 feet or so from the rear entrance of the OK Corral BAM got it ok ok as the way as the way creative people will always do they'll do that and once it's in print you know what happens that's it so it amazes me that well it started off with 9 guys you'll notice that the beginning of the fight in the movie two guys run away a guy in a blue shirt first then I Clinton mmm-hmm guy in the blue shirt was worn the guy the other guy's Ike Clanton that left seven that was four against three and those seven men's two stood 12 to 15 feet apart with cannons and 4/32 emptied their guns toward one another with only three fatalities more daylight wasn't it because of the guns or they were bad I'm thinking everything I'm thinking scared to death young like Billy Clint was a teenager still the two McLaurys are in their 20s these are young people scared to death facing down these giants that look like Brad Pitt and so they were afraid doc holliday knows he's dying he doesn't care so he's very cool and calm and collected he's hoping to get hit and crappy guns bad shots but you know Morgan Virgil and Doc Holliday were all wounded which is another odd and miraculous thing that you could get hit with a slug that goes to a filthy vest or shirt first and then into you and without dying from infection of month later this is before penicillin if you scratched your arm on a piece of barbed wire in those days you can lose a limb so here's three guys so that's amazing - first off that not everyone died secondly those that were wounded didn't eventually succumb so that's an amazing amazing thing now I want to also point out that house over there that is the approximate location of where we think Eddie borla's house was so that lady that was an eyewitness that gunfight had a ringside seat how could she how could she be confused how could anyone be confused well while the people were confused they were politically aligned with the herbs much to be Anstis now I will want to point out one other thing before we move on is that Church over there that Church the Episcopal Church thought to be and that church we believe was built primarily with money donated from gambling and prostitution oh boy so the first on Catholic Church & State was built with dirty money the minister in that church Endicott Peabody in 1940 in New York City is the man that married Franklin Delano Roosevelt really a minister in that little church Wow went back east and it was the officiant at FDR's on this spot the Earp and Clanton factions met on October 26 1881 to settle the West's most famous feud Doc Holliday stopped on Fremont Street a few feet from where indicated here Frank and Tom McLaury finally dropped on Fremont Street Billy Clanton died where he stood Virgil and Morgan Earp were wounded you
Channel: dkforsythe
Views: 63,645
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: Tombstone Walking Tours, Rev. Dr. Jay Hitchins, Darrin Forsythe, Tombstone
Id: AC1Hw_0Mmv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2011
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