'The Voices Told Me To Do It' Says Guy With Serious Issues On Dr Phil

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hey everyone and welcome back to this screen e dr. Phil brings us the weirdest of the weird on a frequent basis with guests leaving us so stuns that we can't pick our jaws up off the floor if there's something strange going on then you can bet your bottom dollar that it's about to be on the dr. Phil show join us as we take a look at the 10 strangest issues on dr. Phil before we begin make sure to subscribe to our channel for more amazing videos about your favorite movies and TV shows number 10 dog dude this one is truly impressive scoring off the weird scale you might say it's barking mad Gary Wentz on the show convinced that he's actually boomer the dog a half pup half human dr. Phil was clearly riled by this guy asking him how it felt to be a 48 year old virgin that walked around town and a paper dog suit all day while most of us were marveling at exactly how someone can live a life like that the doc was getting down to the nitty gritty and trying to work out why Gary was avoiding real life the shredding paper sheepdog costume was really something to behold and Gary claimed it made his life better by allowing him to be more social with others he believes that people loved it and were more likely to talk to him in this getup and they would be if you were just a regular Joe wearing regular clothes it's pretty sad as Gary seems like a sweet guy who just doesn't fit into society in the way that we would expect fly your freak flag proud boomer number nine eight hundred pounds man obesity is a rising problem in the Western world with the US and the UK often reporting worrying statistics we're all prone to putting on an extra few pounds every now and then but could you imagine it getting so out of control that you suddenly weigh 800 pounds back in 2012 the doc spoke to a young man that could barely sit down in a chair well in fact he couldn't he was so huge that he had stopped being able to stand on scales years ago regular scales weren't able to hold his weight so Phil had an industrial scale brought into the studio so they could weigh Robert who was almost 200 pounds heavier that he thought he was like many people with obesity issues the 23 year old too got himself stuck in the cycle so badly that he just couldn't see how to get out of it Phil asked the young man some questions and even talking was a huge struggle for him he couldn't sit up conventionally and it was difficult for him to look at the talk when he was talking Robert wanted to have a normal life play basketball and ride a bike with ease thankfully rob has since lost 300 pounds and is continuing his journey to get healthy number 8 baking soda mama the doc was joined by comedian Steve Harvey for this episode and they both looked awestruck when one woman started talking about her favorite food baking powder Maria told the host that she first started eating baking powder when she was pregnant but continued to do so after she had given birth she demonstrated how it's done by mixing cornstarch with baking soda and taking a big ol bite before asking the payer if it was a strange thing to do both Phil and Steve were amused by the situation but the doc being the doc had to give some sage advice Maria admitted to eating two to three tubs a week being so addicted to the stuff that she had a container at work and in her car when Phil mentions restricting the amounts that she ate Maria didn't seem happy at all saying that it's gave her a kind of emotional release when it was Steve's turn to speak he had the audience howling by asking Maria what was wrong with her McGraw even tried a bit himself but he wasn't swayed by it at all number seven girls are weird going out and sleeping with a bunch of random strangers isn't exactly something to brag about if you ask us but hey we're not here to judge oh we kidding that's exactly what we're here to do Blake called himself a man-whore and basically said that women were only good for one thing his sister took him to the doc after branding his behavior as disgusting Lake couldn't see what was wrong with it and said that he just loved loose woman his mom was absolutely mortified Phil asked Blake if his attitude was actually how he felt about the opposite sex or just a front but the young man said it wasn't according to him he was just doing exactly the same thing that's the woman he slept with were doing it was just a mutual thing by having more than one woman on the go he believed he was protecting himself from getting hurt Blake's sister took him down a peg or two but he still couldn't help but laugh and defend his behavior something tells us that Blake is a sandwich short of a picnic number six year long pregnancy this isn't a first for the dr. Phil show these two woman visited the show just a few short weeks ago to discuss their pregnancies which they never had confirmed they both believed that they had been pregnant for over a year which as the rest of the world knows is impossible the doc shipped them off to have an ultrasound and both Shana and zona were still convinced that they would see their invisible babies on the screen Shana showed the nurse how she actually finds the heartbeat using a Doppler but coincidentally she couldn't find the sound during the exam despite all the tests being professionally undertaken the two woman still would have believed that they weren't pregnant zona told the doctor that she wasn't thorough enough and that she knew without a shadow of a doubt that there were babies in her tummy both Shana and zona sat on the stage with Phil as the ob/gyn accusing them of not looking properly for their babies inside their stomachs it turns out that Shana was very nearly diabetic which would explain her weights gain but she wasn't taking the slightest bit of notice McGraw gave them both a dressing-down number five negative Tracy the age of social media is well and truly upon us and while it can be a great thing for some it can be the kiss of death to others tracy whence the doc to discuss her social media addiction but it went far beyond posting the odd selfie and wanting a like or to the twenty-year-old admitted to posting things to get negative attention rather than positive sharing cringe-worthy videos stories about her life and photos that she knew she would get hate for tracy even shared her wish to get sexually assaulted which she calls a fetish it's not hard to see why 90% of the comments underneath her stuff is pure hate is it her insane behavior didn't stop there either after being bullied in high school tracy made a fake facebook profile and catfished over 200 people sending them horrible abuse in a bid to get revenge obviously there is something seriously wrong with this girl as the doc knew it he wasn't about to let her attitude slide number 4 psychic Caden Caden and Matthew were one of the oddest couples that the doc has ever had on his stage Matthew was abused as a child which gave him all manner of issues in adulthood according to his lover the pair lifts together in an RV in the desert with no running water and skadam believes that she had diagnosed Matthew with her psychic ability and x-ray vision okay according to her her boyfriend had homie stuck in the house of mirrors syndrome what we don't know either when the doc asked Matthew if he thought it was possible that Caden had been damaged as a result of things she had faced in life he just said that they were all damaged to an extent Matthew even seems to believe that Kayden's claims to be able to see broken bones just by looking at someone could be true how far gone were these two pretty darn far the doc challenged Cayden to tell him where his broken bones were but she refused saying that she felt two attacks to demonstrate her abilities this woman was so far gone that she wouldn't puts up with any of Phil's facts and continued to defend herself that pot is cracked number three rabbit mama we see a lot of messed up stuff on dr. Phil there's a reason why people often refer to this show as a human zoo but this one really put the cherry on top of the cake Francis went to see the doc because she was obsessed with being the best possible mom to her 13 pets rabbits while we're all for animal lovers this woman took it a step too far Francis dressed the rabbits up in baby clothes complete with pacifiers and bows tucked them up in cribs and generally treated them like actual babies did they look cute sure but come on it doesn't take a genius to know that this is not healthy Phil didn't sugarcoat it and told Francis that the 13 rabbits meant 13 rabbit funerals in the not-too-distant future could she really handle losing one of her babies the woman was that insane that she even tried to breastfeed the rabbits on occasion just like Phil said they don't talk back they can't go to the movies and they can't have a good conversation with you number two black or white it's not often we see a black teen who believed that she's white and better than black people the youngster appeared on the show with her concerned family stating that White's people never had any problems and that she was simply Caucasian the doc enlisted the help of therapists spirit who offered up her views from the audience telling treasure that she was just in the midst of an identity crisis and didn't hate black people but hated herself the 16 year olds didn't hold with spirits evaluation and laughed in her face calling her a hood rat despite being so obviously african-american treasurer maintains that she was white and would continue to be white every single day she woke up spirits wasn't swayed by the disrespectful teen and invited her to come and shadow her while she worked in Atlanta what's the youngster wasn't having any of it or one going blind losing one sight has to be up there with the most awful things that can happen to you and it's not to be taken lightly one woman was so convinced that she was going blind that she took to wearing shades all the time but doctors told her that there was nothing wrong with her clearly in a fragile state she appeared on the show to discuss her issues Phil tried to say in the nicest way possible that it was likely the mom was simply overthinking usual eye movements and attributed her symptoms to anxiety it looked and sounded like Jessica was really going through a hard time and her illness was really all down to psychological issues that hadn't been dealt with the doc explains that sometimes our minds can play tricks on our bodies often making them feel like there are problems when there really aren't let's hope Jess got the help that she needed to take those glasses off and live a shade free life thank you very much for watching today's video make sure to subscribe to our channel for more amazing content and don't forget to check out one of the other two videos on your screen
Channel: TheScreeny
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Keywords: dr phil, dr phil show, dr phil people with serious issues, dr phil 2019, dr phil season 19, dr phil best episodes, dr phil guy, dr phil mom, dr phil dad, dr phil kid, dr phil gold digger, dr phil full episodes, dr phil spoiled daughter, dr phil episodes, tv series, doctor phil, talk show, dr phil best moment, dr phil moments, dr phil funny moments, dr phil teen, dr phil interview, viral, new, education, entertainment, kid friendly, family friendly, thescreeny, the screeny
Id: uUX_Cdr1VeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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