The VOCAL SLAP DELAY trick - Mix your vocals like a Pro

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hey what's up guys a Chris here from McDonald online and today I want to share with you a very cool mixing tip and I call this one D vocal slap delay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] alright so before we start some please if you're new here subscribe click that notification bell so you don't miss anything and don't forget to share and to like this video okay so slap delays what the heck is a slap delay it's very simple it's a short delay okay usually only a one repeat type of delay a bit like when you're clapping in the middle of an underground parking lot you get a slap delay okay also known as a slap back delay so this type of effect is very useful on vocals and on all sorts of instruments as well but I like it a lot on vocals it adds some space around the vocals by keeping the vocals upfront okay which is something I like now you can add space with a reverb this is usually what we tend to do but sometimes when we add too much reverb it tends to to keep our vocals back in the mix and not as upfront okay so if you want to keep your vocals upfront in your mix but add some space without being drowned into reverb a slab delays a very good start point okay so this is what I'm gonna show you today in this tutorial so let's go into Cubase and no worries if you're not using Cubase that technique can be used in any d8w alright so now what I did here I'm just gonna go on my mixer and I have my lead vocal here okay and I created myself to FX channel tracks I have one mono and one stereo okay so I'm first going to show you a mono slap delay and then we're gonna look into the stereo slap delay so if we listen to the lead vocal here without any effects this is what we get there's something in me position so this is super dry so let's add a bit of delay here okay I'm just going to show you my settings and the plug-in I use to do so this is one of my favourite delay plugins it's the echo boy from soundToys very versatile a lot of options and this is why I like working with this plugin so what I did here I made sure that my my delay is not sync to the tempo of the song and as a delay time instead of using a quarter note or eighth note I'm gonna use milliseconds and for a good result I tend to stay between 65 milliseconds to 180 milliseconds or so okay so this is basically the range I'm gonna stay in to to get a very good slap delay effect now I make sure my feedback is at the lowest okay I only want to have one repeat I don't want the delay to repeat itself so I make sure the feedback is at the minimum and I added a bit of loca and high-cut as well so it sounds a bit more analog and at the same time it keeps the delay a bit more subtle and it blends better with the lead vocal I don't want the effect the delay to take over the vocal so by just filtering out the highs and the lows I'm just gonna keep it behind the lead vocal now the mix knob is at 100% wet because my my effects is on a in effects channel track or an ox okay so it has to be at 100% wet and I'm using the single echo now if you want to have an equivalent of this in a stock plugin this is what you're gonna get if you're using Cubase go with a mono delay and you get the same type of settings you have your low and high filter right here and you have your mix knob of course at a 100 percent feedback at zero and the delay time at 100 this is my starting point that I think sounds the best and let's have a quick listen with the delay it's Mack my complication there's something in me okay you get the idea now the signal is in mono and then now let's try to add a bit more millisecond so let's go right up to 180 it's my condition my complication okay now it seems a lot because right now we we are listening to the vocals in solo okay so let's listen to the lead vocal in the context of the mix with the slapback mono delay bring it down now I feel that it's a bit too much though I think 180 milliseconds is a bit too much I'm gonna bring this down to 65 and hat let's have a listen [Music] okay now that sounds a bit more like a doubler and this is not what I'm looking for a bit too fast in case so I'm gonna bring that to 100 which was my initial setting [Music] so that's pretty cool I think that is more suitable for this this song now as far as the balance goes it depends on what you want to achieve if you want the effect to be more like a special effect you're gonna add more if you want it to be a bit a bit more subtle just bring it down make sure you just feel it instead of hearing it okay so this is the mono slap delay let's go now and listen to the same type of effect but in stereos using a stereo delay and this is what we're gonna get [Music] alright so there's a bit too much now but let's open the echoboy same plug-in as the mono one but this time in stereo and what we have here same thing you know I'm not synced to the tempo of the song and what I did is I selected the dual echo setting right here and one side is at 115 milliseconds and the other side is at 80 milliseconds so by choosing two different milliseconds settings we're gonna get a wider sound and a bit more defined and it's going to just add to the D slap effect again the feedback is that the minimum and the mix knob at 100% since we're using an ox or an effects channel track if you're in Cubase now the cool thing about echoboy I have to say is the saturation knob here you can add some saturation to your your effect and this is what I did here which is cool and this just the fact that you have like a bunch of different styles of delays is quite cool just to be a bit more creative into tone shape your delayed it's a very good tool now again you can do the same with a stock plugin okay I'm going to open the one in Cubase which is the stereo delay this time and same settings I make sure I'm not saying to the tempo and one side is at 1 1 15 milliseconds and the other side at 80 milliseconds feed back at zero and I have my filter on both sides and can I make sure the mix knob is at 100% now something that can happen when you are you're using a stereo delay is maybe having your stereo image a bit too wide so if you feel that your delay is too wide but using a mono delay is a bit too narrow in your mix or you can play with the panning mode here in case oh there's each sides on on this cube a stereo delay has a pan option so you can pan your signal if you want to bring your your sound a bit more narrow okay so this is something you can do and same for Echo boy if you open the tweak option here you have the width okay which you can bring down a bit okay so let's try this out them gonna just going to close my Cubase delay go back with the echo boy it's my condition my complication there's something in me out of position it's no [Music] all right so this is pretty good the width is as I wonder I don't want it to be like super wide I think some somewhere around this point is good enough so let's have a quick listen I'm gonna bypass the effect at some point and we'll we can balance that out afterwards okay so now I feel that this is a bit too much I'm just gonna bring that down just to make sure it blends a bit more in the mix and that we can mainly feel it instead of hearing it too much [Music] so this is a very good start point I think this fits way better in my mix anyways again nothing stops you on adding more it depends on what you want to achieve in your mix now the beauty of this is you can use a slap back delay as your main vocal effect or you can add reverb on top of that as well nothing stops you on doing so okay so there you go guys this is the vocal slap delay trick I hope that was helpful and if you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them down below and don't forget to Like and to share and again if you're new here on this channel please subscribe and hit that notification pill alright guys until next time see ya [Music]
Channel: Chris Selim - Mixdown Online
Views: 95,670
Rating: 4.9327216 out of 5
Keywords: chris selim, cubase, cubase 9, home studio, mixdown online, mixing, the vocal delay trick, the vocal delay trick - Mix your vocals like a Pro, the vocal delay tips, vocal delay, vocal delay techniques, mixing vocals with delay, dave pensado, low pass filter, mixing tutorial, music production, musician on mission, pro tools
Id: 7oahj_0XmlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 05 2018
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