The Visitant | FREE Full Horror Movie

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(sobbing) Please... (choking) Why are you doing this to me? (sobbing) Go away! Leave me alone! No, No, please... I don't understand what you want from me... Go away! Leave me alone! Get off of me! No... (crying) - Honey, are you all right? - Go away... - No honey open the door! Honey open the door right now! (scream) Sweetheart it's all right, it's all right. It's all right I'm here. - Make him go away!!! - Honey, it's just me and you here, that's it. Please, please, PLEASE... Come in, come in. - I don't think I want to do this... - Ah, c'mon, Beth. You've been talking about this since we got here. - Please... Have a seat. Go, go ahead. Let's do this. - I am Samantha- - Would you sit down? - Joe! - Shhh! I am Samantha. And... Would you care to have a seat next to Elizabeth? - Oh my God, she knows my name! - That's because I just said it, just a second ago. Elizabeth. When is your birthday? - Um. May... 20th. - A Taurus. Of course. And have youever consulted a psychic before? - No! No, but she does consult her magic 8-ball all the time. Ah. Joseph. Would you like to sit at the table? There's no extra cost and that is, of course, if it's all right with you Elizabeth. This is her reading. Oh... Very well... Let's begin. You've been keeping a secret. You've been keeping a secret, and you don't know who to trust. You've been keeping a secret and you don't know who to tell, because it's a special surprise. - Oh my God... - Oh my God, what? - My... surprise; is it-is it gonna be okay? - What? - Because I just don't want Joe to get upset or anything. Ummm-- - What are you talking about? Because I can still get out of it... - Yes. It will be healthy and happy. - Bethy... are you pregnant? - What? No! Ew! - Am I? - Are you serious? I swear to God if you're preg- I can't believe it! I cannot believe it! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Nobody's pregnant! I didn't say anybody was pregnant. Aunt Bella's Labradoodle just had puppies! She said we could have the pick of the litter. That was the surprise, I swear! I just, I wanted to tell you Joe, but I- I didn't want you to... get upset. No. No. We're leaving. We used to live in Florida. Not the beachy part, but the swampy part around Orlando. And we took our new puppy for a walk by this lake, and... He was just a baby... - What was his name? - His name was Patches. Patches, of course. I just... I just wanted to know if he thought it'd okay if we got a new puppy. I just said no. I just said no. If Patches thinks it's okay. Let us consult the 'spirits of the animal world'... Oh my God! This is ridiculous. This poor dog Max, he was killed by a coyote shortly after being adopted into a new home.- Awww. Hmmmm... Mmmmm... MmmmmmmmmmMAX! - Is Patches there with you? - Oh my God. Elizabeth is here. She longs to adopt a newborn pup and bring it into her loving home. Please give us a sign as an offer of your blessing. As conduit to your world... I implore you... Please give us a sign! - Whoa! - I think he's good with it. (RINGING CELL) What's that? Um, times up. Thanks for coming. - But what ab-- - Oh, yeah, uh - You two will live a long and happy life together. - He's my brother! Uh, you can see yourselves out. I told you this was a rip-off. Thanks a lot, 'witch'! - Please, Joey? I want a puppy! - I told you no! No frickin' way! Hey Lisa? Please tell me you've got good news and that they love me 'cause I nailed my audition and they're gonna book me? Oh honey, it was so close. Between you and one other girl. Look, Sam, if anything happens to their first choice then you're right there! Well give me her name and her address and I'll be sure something happens to their first choice... - Okay that's a good idea... - I'm kidding, all right? I just shouldn't have worn the sun dress; I should have just gone all-out slutty. Sam, they loved you. You just came in second. Well I'm not gettin' any younger. I mean even being the Lexus Toyota girl would have been good money... for both of us. You know, I think we should focus on slightly older roles for you. You know, like the young mother that's just-- I don't care if I'm Granny Clampett! Hello? Sam? You still there? Yeah, I'm here. And- Well that's the problem, all right? A gig's a gig, but come on! What about a movie or a commercial. Television. Something other than this gypsy thing- it's killing me. The Olde Time Fun guys love you there! They say you are the best clairvoyant they've ever had... - Great... You know they would love to lock you in for a longer contract. We should talk about that, okay? - I gotta go. - Okay, Hon. Knock 'em dead! Have fun! Call me! I need a new agent. Sorry, we're closed. - Please... - It's off-season. We actually close before dark. I'm sorry. Please. Please, have a seat. Lee. Lee Carter Barnes; Barnes Realty. Why on Earth did I just do that? - Do what? - Give you my business card. It's not like I'm here to sell you a house, now is it? Force of habit, I guess. I'm sorry; it's just that, I... I've... ...Never consulted a psychic before. No. Never. I don't really believe in them, but... You know that expression, 'at my wit's end?' Well that's me. Literally. I just didn't know what else to do. I mean I never planned to be here today. I mean, what is this place? 'Olde Time Fun Towne'? Please. But well, here I am. Thank you- thank you for seeing me. Not a problem. Of course since itis after hours, it will cost you a little more... Oh, oh of course. Here let me pay double. I'm sure you must have a family to get home to. Actually, no. Just tired. (laughing) 'Tired.' You have no idea... I'm sorry. It's just for this last year it seems like I hardly sleep anymore. Wait. You haven't slept in a year? No, no, no. It's um... It only feels that way, right? But it's only gotten really worse in the past- in the past month or so... The um, The doctors- the doctors call it "Parasomnia." But they can't help me. The pillsthey give me, they just make it worse... The nightmares, they call them night-terrors, they just get worse. But I doesn't matter why I don't sleep... or my physical body just moves in response to what they say are dreams... But I know. I know what it is. You do too! And that's why I had to come here today because you know. You- You know what it is. Yes, I think I do know. You know its name? Shh-shh-shhhh. You mustn't say it out loud. He gets extra angry if you say it out loud. But he loves to spell it for me. Don't you?! Sshhhh. It's okay. So, you're being haunted... Yes, haunted. You could say that. So this ghost, or spirit, he's... Ghost, Spirit, Wraith, Specter... They're just words in a book until it happens to you... Look, ma'am, I don't think I can help you. Please, please... Okay, Umm... - I can pay you. I can pay you more. I've got- I've got more money. Look, I can try. I can try to help, to make you feel better. Thank you. Please. You just have to help me. Okay. Together we're gonna give this ghost his walking papers. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Now with your eyes closed, ask the entity to leave. - Please leave. I beg of you. - Do you hear her? No, Lee... Keep your eyes closed. Wish it away. Wish it away with all your heart. Please, please, please leave. Please leave. Please leave. You no longer have to torment this member of the living. Please find your way home. Please find your way home! Hold on. I've got the lights. Thank you. (radio noise) (sports on radio) Hey, buddy! How you doin'? How you doin'? You hungry? Here ya go! Little Ricky... Oh. So gross... I always forget you, little sucker. (cell laughing) Coming! Coming, coming, coming,coming... (cell laughing) Maya... Maya... BOO! Ahh! - You are so easy. You are no longer my best friend. - Right. - What's got into you? You're in a feisty mood. Hey, did you get that Lexus gig? - No I didn't get it. Thanks for rubbing it in. - Aw, honey, I'm sorry. But you know you've already got the perfect job, right? I mean, how many people did you con out of their hard earned money today? "Con"? No, no...I didn't con anybody, okay? It's strictly entertainment! And, you know what? I used that stupid raccoon skull today. You know, I'm getting kinda good at the cold readings. That line "You've been keeping a secret" works every time! Every single person has a secret. You need to be careful, girl...I've told you before; some people take this stuff serious like. Oh, come on. They're wandering around an amusement park. What do they expect? I'm just sayin'. How come you, who is into every psychic ghost hunter show there is, is working in an office all day, and I'm... You should be the one doing this job. Oh, no. Listening to people's deepestdesires and darkest fears? No, thank you. It would creep me out, big time. Well, it's not exactly my careergoal, either. But, you know what? There was this lady that came in at the end of the day- (piano noise) (piano notes) Sam? Sam? Sam, you okay? - I'm here. Hang on. Okay? Don't hang up! (piano notes) (piano notes) (piano notes) Ricky... Ricky-Richard-Gere-Bear, come here. C'mere. How did you get out of gerbil jail? Geez! Talk about biting the hand that feeds you... (phone laughing) I need to get her another ring-tone. Hey! - Maya? - What the hell happened!? You were supposed to stay on the line! You weren't answering! I thought the line was dead-- - Wait. Hold on a second. I'm goingto put you on speaker phone. No, I don't want to be-- I hate when you put me on speaker. You're paranoid. Ughh, anyway. What happened? It was nothing. Just Stephen'sthings. What just-did one of his skulls start chattering? That guy would bring home the freakiest things... Remember when he brought back that little blue devil mask? Brrrr. Did that thing start talking to you? No... - It was Ricky. - Ricky? You still have that stinky little rat? Ricky is a gerbil with a fine pedigree! Whatever! That thing sleeps in its own poop! - Don't listen to her Ricky. - What did it do this time? You know what? It was weird. I must've left the cage open, 'cause I came in and he was crawling on the piano. - Remind me to never play your piano again. - You don't play piano. - Whatever! - I must have just left it open. Why do you even keep it? Like as I recall, when Stephen brought that thing home you threatened to pitch 'em both out in the yard. Yeah, I know. But he reminds me of Stephen. Oh great! You honor your husband's memory with a rodent. Don't listen to her, Ricky. Sam, you haven't gotten rid of one thing yet, have you? You still have all his paintings and all that Great White Hunter crap and all of his geeky junk, don't you? - Look, don't call it junk! All right? All this stuff meant something to him. Look, I know. I'm sorry. He was a super creative guy and I'm sure all that stuff inspired him. Yeah. He was a nut. He just loved exploring and going todifferent locations. And some of these things are from third world villages that don't even exist anymore. Then they belong in a museum! Really Sam, donate them. No, some of these things are priceless. (toy squawks) Seriously? I can hear that thing! Sam. Sam! Look at the phone! Girl, you need to let go. This is seriously unhealthy. Last weekend we walked the whole house. You made a list of what to sell and... You kept saying the house is too damn big for you... That you've got to move on, and clear things out and start fresh. Well, maybe you can come over this weekend. Look, I've got a better idea. Let's go out! Let's go dancin'! No. It's too soon. Too soon? You're kidding me right now? I mean to just go dancing? You need to get out there, girl. Like out of your house. Out of your head. You're becoming a hermit. Look-- Sam, it's been a year. Yeah, happy anniversary. Oh, God, today? Today is the...? Okay, I'm starting to get a little concerned here. How 'bout I come over and I don't know, we can-- No. You live a half an hour away! Besides, I'm fine. Look, I'm just going to go for a run before it gets too late. Oh, great. Denial. So healthy. Well I'm gonna go get healthy. Allright? I'll call you later. I love you! Love you more. (loud music) (loud music) (loud music) (music stops) (cell laughing) - Maya? - What the hell's going on!? I am freaking out over here! Yeah, tell me about it. You've been calling me constantly! - I did? Like a million times! Like every time I answered I just got a dial tone. And every time I tried to call you back, you just hung up. You all right? - Yeah, I'm fine. I went for a run and I came back and everything in the house was on. - What do you mean? - The lights, the stereo, the TV; everything was on... - Did you call the cops? - No, I mean it wasn't like that. I locked the house before I left. Maybe it was a power surge. Okay, was the security alarm going off? No. It actually wasn't. I would chalk it up to lightning, but it's... - Okay, I'm going to tell you what it is. Hold on. All right, pick up. That's me. - What Oh, okay, okay, bye. Hey. - Okay, so I think I know what's going on. - Do tell. - Telekinesis. - Great. So you think I'm "Carrie." No, I'm just saying that your mind and your emotions might be influencing your physical environment. First of all, I thought telekineticshad something to do with bending spoons or something, not turning on kitchen appliances. Second of all, I wasn't even here when it happened. I came back and everything was on. All right. Well, here's what you do. Get out of the frickin' house! Nope. No way, Jose! Okay? I'm stayin' here. Everything is fine. I mean at worst I have to reprogram the DVR, that's all. Like you'll know how to do that. Okay. You sure you don't want me to just come over? No. I'm fine. Besides I have a long day of fortune telling tomorrow. Got to keep up the mortgage payments... Not if you'd sell the stinkin' house! All right? Give me a call before you go to bed, okay? - All right. Love you! - Love you more. (radio static) A...Man...The ...A-Man-The SA-MAN-THA! (knocking) - Sam? You okay? - No, I'm not okay and it's totally your fault... - What? - You got me all worked up, I'm jumping at shadows now, okay? Just shut up; you're coming upstairs with me. (clock chimes) - What is it? - Just a stupid noise. Probably nothing. But if we get cut off, call 911. - Girl, you're freakin' me out! - Shhhh! Sam? Samantha? - I'm here. Cancel that 911 call. What was it? Just another stupid nothing. All right, I'll call you at bedtime. (tv noise) Is this real, or a hoax? Natural phonomenon or extra-terrestrial encounter? The best way to reach a conclusion; You Experience... You Decide. Ghostalkers will be right back! On the BEC Midnight Movie, one of the great BEC original horror classics. Thrill to the startling discovery! --this creature was recently recovered from a crash site. - Why hello there Daryl Meyers... - and perennials are an excellent way to keep your garden colorful year-round. It has its origins in South America so it thrives in warm southern climates. In cooler climes, it can be used as a hanging basket or indoor plant because it is frost sensitive. (whisper) Is a beauty that can grow to a free-standing height of six feet or more. It has a milky white sap that has anti-bacterial properties. And the bloom, in addition to yellow can be white, pink, purple or orange. it's important to know that... I soured your milk! (tv noise) Samantha... (tv noise) (tv noise) Samantha. (chat line chimes) (phone rings) Hey this is Maya! I can't answer the-- (chat line chimes) Hello? Samantha, is that you? Yeah, it's me. Oh, okay... I can see you now. Uh, just give me a moment, will you? Honey, I'm with a patient... Yes. Sorry. I'm sorry to call you so late. I don't know... Samantha, I can't hear you. Why are you whispering? Are you all right? I don't- I don't know. Samantha. Now calm down. Have you had another of your episodes? No. I mean it wasn't like that. I just-- I don't... The dreams? Blackouts? - I don't know. - All right, Samantha... Move yourface a little closer to the camera so I can see your eyes. Closer... Right eye. Left eye... Well, you're not dilated. I'm not on any medication. I promise. And you've been off the Aripiprazole for a while. My 'anxiety disorder' just ramped uptonight and I don't know why! Well Samantha, sometimes it just... does. You know that. Almost anything can trigger a memory which can have a domino effect. Symptoms re-surface, but it's almost always temporary. We'll get you back on track, okay? Okay? I've been doing the work and I'm following through. That's wonderful. Now you just need to avoid emotional triggers that will cause a psychosomatic response. 'Emotional triggers'... Do you knowwhat today is? - What? It was a year ago today. Ah. So of course your emotions are running high. It's only natural. But listen to me, Samantha. As painful as it is, it's just another day on the calendar, too. I know. His car accident was a terrible, terrible thing. But, it was just that. An accident. I know. An accident. So. How's the eBay sale going? I haven't exactly put anything... Look, Samantha. You called me tonight for a reason and I think I know why. I'm here to tell you -- again -- that it's okay to say goodbye to Stephen; in fact, it's necessary. Right? You need to focus on you. And you've been doing so well. Apparently, not that well. I mean I can't even bear to go into his studio. You know you need to sell some of that stuff of his. I mean it's so-- well there's so much of it. And you should let other people enjoy it. Right? Let it go. Listen. Do you have anymore Trazodone? Uh. Maybe, I think so. I-- I was doing so well. How about a sleep aid? Yeah, probably. Okay. Then you take one tonight. Breathe. Right? Try to relax. And these symptoms will just fade away. And I will see you next week. Thank you Doc- Sama- (clock chimes) (screams) (footsteps) Go away. No... Go away! Go away!! GO AWAY! Stephen? (cell laughing) Maya. Ow! Coming, coming... (cell laughing) Hey, hello? Hey? Really? What-- What happened? - What? I thought you were going to call me before you crashed? - I did. Didn't I? No, I did. I called you on the phone and on the computer. Where were you? What the hell are you talking about? I've been here the entire time. (chat line chimes) All right? That's me, pick up. Pick up! Oh. Okay. Hold on, hold on, hold on... okay, hey. - Girl, you look hung over. - I just woke up. You fell asleep? I didn't mean to, I just-- I was talking to Dr. O and he thought that I should take a sleeping pill. I wasn't doing good. - You were talking with your shrink, tonight? Sam, what happened? I don't-- I just had some really bad dreams. It was after I talked to the doctor though. Before that I was, yeah, I was hearing things, and I thought I saw... never mind. Okay, your PTSD used to give you really weird dreams and bad, bad depression... But you were never hearing or seeing things. Do me a favor; get one of my chakra meditation stones and place it right um- right above-- I don't need that, okay? I need to go back to sleep. - You just took a hit of caffeine. - So I can talk to you! How'ya gonna go back to sleep? - I'll just take another pill. Look, since you're up... I want you to just try something, okay? - What? - Look, who let you borrow her crystalball, tarot cards and amethysts for your gig, huh? - You did. Exactly. And I'm just sayin'... You have everything you need in your little bag in there. For what? - I don't know... you might have something in the house. You might need protection. Why is everything paranormal to you? 'Spiritual.' And I'm just asking, has anything around the house moved? Like by itself? No. Well, maybe. I don't know! - Okay, look. We ruled out telekinetics because you were out of the house... Oh, but we didn't rule out lightning. And you're not sure if you saw anything move... Okay. Well, one sure way to make sure you don't have uninvited guests... Get yourself a camera and take pictures of yourself in every mirror in the house. - Are you out of your mind? - Okay, then, check 'em out. You may have a 'visitant' - a 3rd Order Spirit of the Sixth or Seventh Class. Okay, so. Just like that I have a ghost. - Stranger things have happened. - No they haven't, Maya. Okay? I don't believe in ghosts! Okay, ghosts don't care whether you believe in them or not. You know I've had a ghost in my house for years... Yes, I know. Patrick the peppy poltergeist. Whose Third Class of the-- - No.I wish! I told you, he's a Sixth Class of the Third Order. - Yeah, that's right! And my ghost... is the 10th Class-- - No. No, no, no! You don't even want to kid about that. Tenth class Spirits are... They're bad. They're seriously bad. They're demons. They're evil. They lie. They're posers. "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades himself as an angel of light." Second Corinthians. - You're certifiable. - You're the one with the shrink. - Touche'. - You want me to come over? - What, so you can freak me out somemore? No, thank you. - All right. Just take a few pictures. But make sure you get every mirror in the house. Even the one in the guest room and the one in Stephen's studio. Okay? If you see anything, give me a calland I'll tell you how to get rid of it. - Why don't you get rid of Patrick? - 'Cause I like him! Look, I mean it!I feel lucky to have him around. I mean he's been dead for over a hundred years, but we have a connection. You know? The good kind. But, man... do remember my friend Melissa? - Yeah. - Well, she had a ghost, and um... Cold spots. Things going missing... And-- forget it. - No, no, no. What happened to Melissa? Nothing. Because she sold her house and moved away! All right. Okay. I get it. Do you? I mean think about it. Patrick and I are going to be up for another couple of hours, okay? - I'll think about it. Love you. Love you more! (noisy music) Uh, why aren't you video chattingme? Because I wanted to see these on the big screen. Okay, so what am I looking for? Anything, really... Look for any strange shadows or images. Lens flares. Anything out of the ordinary. Hello, you there? Yeah, I'm just looking at the guest bathroom... the guest bedroom... Stephen's studio... I don't see anything. - Did you use a flash? - On most of them. Was I not supposed to? No, no. Flash is good. Are you in every shot? Yep. I'm starting to feel reallystupid. This isn't stupid. All right? Can you send the pictures to me? I wanna take a look. What? You don't think I did a good job? No, just maybe it's subtle and you're missing it. I'm not a complete idiot, Maya. I looked at them. There's nothing there. Sam? Samantha! - Sam! - Yeah I'm here. It's just a power outage. Jesus, Sam... Get out of that house! Relax, Maya... It's just a poweroutage, okay? I mean it was trying to do that an hour ago. - Ow! - What was that!? I think I stepped on your ghost or something. I can't believe I let you get me all freaked out again! Wake up and smell the ectoplasm,Sam! Oh c'mon. What are you getting all worked up about? You're the one that said it was a happy poltergeist. Okay, I never said that. Patrick's happy, but they're not all like that... Okay. Let me get you on video chat. Oh, I can't. The power's out. Took out the router. - Okay, just call me back, that's workin All right. Apparently the cell towers are just fine, but I bet the whole neighborhood's in a power outage. - Oh... - Okay. If I don't hear from you in like five minutes, I'm coming over. Okay. God damn. Circuit breakers... Master closet. Okay. (gasps) Oh. Oh man. I'm such an idiot... If I were a circuit breaker, where would I be? Stephen, if you were here I wouldn't have to worry about this... Geez! How are these even off? (cell laughing) - Maya, I said I was going to call you! - Okay, but you didn't, did you? You okay? Relax, 'Mom.' It's been like, five minutes? Are you kidding me? I've been trying to call you for over half an hour! No answer! - What? - Sam, what is going on over there? Just some breakers were popped, that's all. The lights came back on, but some of the bulbs are blown. Okay, but you have some light, that's good. - And um... - And what? I found one of Stephen's puppets inthe laundry room... - Yeah?... - I swear I just saw it upstairs. Oooh... Okay, pick up the video chat, that's me. Pick up. C'mon hurry. Hurry, hurry, hurry. Pick up, pick up, pick up! You've got a visitor! - Are you trying to scare me? - No, no. Welcome to the club! No, no. I don't want to be part of this 'club.' Okay, look Stephen had those puppets everywhere. It might have just fallen in the laundry basket. - It's a ghost. - I don't even know if I actually saw it up in his studio. - A gho-ost! - I could've put it there sleepwalking... Face it, girl... You've got a haunting. Okay, okay... So lets say it is a 'haunting'. How could that happen? If it is happening. This house is barely 10 years old. - It's not like you're sitting on a graveyard or anything. Well a phantom or a wraith probably just attached itself to you. Wait, you didn't purposely invite any spirits... did you? Well, there was this lady today and I helped her release a supposed entity that supposedly was haunting her. - What? I just asked it just to "find its way home," "Find your way home" But I didn't ask it to attach itself to me. I mean that couldn't happen... Maya. Why am I asking you? - Okay, three choices. A; live with it. - No. Second choice? Get out of there! But wait... if you really do have a spirit attached to you, it won't matter where you go. - Okay... Third choice? Let me come over and help you get rid of this thing. - Sold. Let's do it. - What? I just want you to come over help me get rid of it, or make me think I got rid of it and we'll go to a club dancing. I'm not going to sleep anyway. - That's my girl! Okay, I'm coming right over. But first, here's what you need to do: Go into that carpet-bag and grab a baggie of white sage. - Okay, I haven't used that. - It looks like... - A kilo of pot? No, I was going to say potpourri, but it's sage. And while I'm on my way, you're gonna have to do a little 'smudging.' - Smudging. Yeah, it's like what you do withincense sticks... You just put the leaves in a bowl, and you light it, and then give your place a good smoke cleansing. Hang on... Here. It kind of looks like this. Can I just wait till you get here? No, hun. It's best if you do it alone. Now walk through every room of the house-- every corner of every room. And talk to the spirit. - Talk. Yeah, just do your "Lady Samantha" thing. Say things like "Please go away," "Not interested"... - "Get the hell out of here." Yeah. But be nice. Don't piss it off. Now listen. If it somehow tries to talk to you? Don't believe it! You know, it may claim to be Casper the Friendly Ghost, right? And maybe it is. But it's just as likely to be Dagon, Lord of the Flies, okay? And how are you going to know if it's lying? Oh, and it may bang around a little. Kind of like a temper tantrum... But that's a good thing, it means it's working. Then it should just split -- unless you change your mind and ask for it back! - Right. Okay, So, go do that... Then we're going to par-tay! All right? I should with you in about 25 minutes, Okay? Love ya! Love you more. (gasps) It just set it down funny. It's okay. Just keep going. It's okay. I need you to go away. Please leave. You're not wanted here. (clock chimes) Go away please. Every cabinet. And every closet. Please go away. Please go away. Go away. Upstairs. GO AWAY! I said GET OUT. GO. (smoke alarm) Who ever you are. Whatever you are... you have to leave. I don't know how you found me or how you got attached to me. But-- (phone rings) Uh... Barnes Realty? Is this Lee... Anne... Carter? Yes... It's Lee Barnes now though. Can I help you? Yeah. Yeah you can help me. You can tell me what happened to my husband. I... I don't know what you're talking about. No? You don't remember calling about the accident? You don't remember my dying husband? Come on, Lee, it's obviously been a... very hard year for you... You've had trouble dealing with this. Why else would you come see a Fortune Teller today? How did you--? How did you know? Feeling guilty on the anniversary of my husband's death? Oh, my god! You're the Fortune teller? Yeah, so what was it? Was it a hit and run? Were you sloppy drunk when you ran my husband off the road? - No! I was there, but... He ran into a tree... He ran into a tree. Go on. I was coming the other way. Headed home. He was going so fast... Then... He hit that tree like he was aiming for it! (sobs) It was horrible. I stopped. I got out of my car and I-- I saw him. I saw him in all that smoke and glass and blood and... He was already dead... I called 911. I waited-- I waited with, with your husband till they got there. I'm not a religious person, but I tried my best, you know like to pray. And then I swear, I felt... I don't know. Something. A presence. Gosh, I didn't sleep at all that night. But when I did sleep, that's when the dreams started. The-- the 'Night-terrors.' I just thought it was just nerves, I guess. But then a few months ago, it started getting worse. And worse... Much worse. Until today... He wouldn't let me talk to doctorsanymore; that made him... Angry. But today... on this day.... he led me to you. He wanted me to go to you. And he's with you now, isn't he? He's with you... Stephen. Stephen! Stephen remember? We got this mask in Cabo and we got into that fight 'cause I said it was hideous. Stephen. I'm sorry for burning the sage... I'm sorry for banishing you... I welcome you back. Please come back! Stephen... if this is you... move the mask! Move the mask. Move the damn mask! Stephen? Move the toy! (toy plays music) Stephen. - Sam? - Where are you? I'm 15 minutes out. Did you do the sage? I did. It was wrong, it was all wrong. - Samantha, what did you do? - It's Stephen! What? - The spirit, the entity, it's Stephen! Okay now, Sam, be careful what you're saying - you don't know that. You need to be sure. Okay? When I get there we'll figure it out. Well, I asked, Maya! Why won't you believe me? - Okay, stop it! Just stop it!! You need to be sure. Remember what I said before? How would you know if it was lying? You open yourself up this much to a spirit of the third order and you have got to know what class it is. It's Stephen. I'll prove it. Okay. But don't-- Stephen. I missed you. I need you. Will you please have this seance with me? Okay... Your RayBans... Your favorite board game... and... I'm sorry, Love. Let's do this. I want you... Stephen... it's Sam. If you truly are my husband, Stephen... I open myself to you. My heart... my mind... my body... so we can connect. I'm ready for you. I'm here for you. I feel your presence. Talk to me, Stephen. Communicatewith me. Let me open myself to you! Your sketch pad. Use your sketchpad! I don't-- I don't understand. I'm sorry you're frustrated. I don't understand! Stephen. Please don't be angry. I know it's you. I know it's you... Stephen, I'm all yours... I'm all yours... I'm yours... I'm yours. You're not Stephen. (screams) (demonic sound) (screams) (tires screech) (knocking) Samantha! You're coming with me! Do you hear me? Samantha! You're coming with me--
Channel: Kings of Horror
Views: 8,137,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, horror story, full horror, horror movie, horror film, full movie, full film, slasher film, scream, american horror, horror movies english, horror movie english, paranormal activity, ghost hunters, haunted house, unwanted guest, home alone, Ghost, ghost stories, b movie, low budget horror, spirits, Jon Binkowski, Michele Simms, evil spirit, fortune teller, ouija board, ghosts, Sallie Glaner, Lauren O'Quinn, new movie, new trailer, 2020, slasher movie, killer
Id: 2euioVV9kuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 54sec (5214 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2015
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