The view on America after 60 years abroad | Jim Rogers

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America is now the largest deor nation in the history of the world the debts are getting worse every day need Jim Rogers a legendary American investor with an estimated net worth of $300 million dream retired from trading at 38 and took a motorcycle trip around the world and for the last 17 years he has been residing in Singapore Jim Rogers shared with me why it's not easy for him to give up American citizenship his feelings Upon returning to the US and why a true American Patriot should move to another country I'm Max an entrepreneur and YouTuber from Singapore let's go I talked to Andrew NAD capitalist his motto is go where you treated best philosophically you agree with this approach people should live where they're treated best I mean that makes a lot of sense uh we like Singapore we're treated well in Singapore maybe we' be treated better if we were citizens but no we're quite happy here and it certainly makes good sense that people should live live where they're treated best I me for goodness sakes that makes a lot of sense but sometimes it's not so easy if you're Portuguese or something it's very easy to give up your citizenship it's not easy to give up the American citizenship they don't make it easy for you why why because they don't want people to leave like technically so it's a hard it's difficult process it's expensive first of all you have to pay a lot of taxes to give up your citizenship and you can't just walk in and say hello here's my passport no you have to go through a lot of forms and meetings and interviews and everything else it's easy to give up your citizenship in many countries it's not for Americans patriotism is strong emotion for many people Samuel Johnson who was a British intellectual 300 years ago said that patriotism is the last Refuge of Fools and scoundrels he thought it was a simple emotion that didn't have much basis intelligent reason but many people are extremely patriotic many people think it's great to die for my father said it was a great honor if you could die for your country so many people are very patriotic and feel that they should do everything they can for their country even their country may be making mistakes you know I don't know I know there were many people who were extremely patriotic and loyal to Germany in the 1940s was that a mistake or not I don't you have to ask them for me it was a mistake but they were extremely patriotic they thought they should do everything they could for their country and they were willing to die for their country I mean I am an American quite happy to stay an American and I am an American but that doesn't mean America doesn't make mistakes and that something shouldn't at least in America who can vote against the mistake and I usually do but I am not a person who who says my country right or wrong the most patriotic people who try to are the people who try to correct the mistakes in whatever country it is I mean if you live in Italy and they're making mistakes it's very patriotic to try to correct those mistakes it's not P to me it's not patriotic to say they're making a mistake but I'll support them anyway that's not Patriot for me that's not patriotic after living for so many years abroad how your view on the US changed travel gives certainly broadens one and gives one A different perspective and you will know more about your own country if you live outside of your own country for a while you will see things from a different brain different Viewpoint so you certainly see your own whatever your own country is in fact there was ruard Kipling was an English poet yeah 100 years ago won the Nobel Prize for literature for some reason but he had a poem called the English flag and in that poem there is a line which says what can he know of England who only England knows so in other words you know more about England if you know other countries too that if you never leave England but that would apply to every country America Russia what doesn't no matter what country you will know more about your own country if you can see from a different view Viewpoint so international travel is very good for nearly everybody I've been leaving traveling outside the US for 60 years yeah so who knows but I thought I do know that everything I thought when I was 18 about anything has changed I knew nothing when I was 18 allthough I thought I did yeah but you know even just going away far away within America my view of America change because I saw America from different parts of America what's one the most important thing when you are about to launch your own project or sight hustle or business let me help you it's the supply of clients if you have a good product but don't know where to sell it and who to sell it to then you screwed and YouTube is the best way actually to track llies in 2024 I'll be running a 3-day online Workshop YouTube fast track to views and passive income where you will learn how literally to start your channel how to find your Niche how to gain your first th000 subscribers and how to gain a lot of views even on a smaller Channel and of course the main thing how to make money and even a passive income on this channel before this Workshop was paid now I'm doing it for free to allow more people to actually take place and to try to start and grow YouTube channel themselves so if it's something that interests you sign up at the link below it's free no obligations except one you have to be there on the dates of the workshop so see you there what do you feel when you when you touch the ground at the airport and the US what's your feelings thank God the flight's over thank God I'm finally somewhere where I can sit and rest I don't have any kind of patriotic feelings with when I land in Singapore or America or anywhere my main Delight is his 16-hour flight is coming to an end or whatever the number of hours it has been does any country makes you sentimental when you come I don't know something Portugal America makes me sentimental I grew up there my family was there I went to university in England so I got married in England so yeah there are countries where I have cental reasons whatever it is is school marriage whatever it is so but not so overwhelming that I'm going to move there just for sentimental reasons what do you think the future of the US like let's say in 10 years in 20 years how do you see the country well nearly every country in the world that has been on top has gone into a decline there is no country ever that has stayed on top forever every country no matter how successful has eventually gone into decline America's is now the largest debtor nation in the history of the world the debts are getting worse every day that has never been a good way to run a country building up huge debts has never been good for a country so I don't like what I see is happening in America so you ask about American 50 my children or teenagers you know they're going to have a lot of problems in America in their lifetime because the debts are skyrocketing as you're saying No Country stay on top forever Singapore has been doing well for quite some time what do you think the main challenges for Singapore as a country for the next 10 20 years Singapore has been an independent country since 1965 say and it's certainly done extremely well in those years it was a small country it was a swamp I wasn't here but I'm told it was a swamp with very few people but now it's extremely Rich extremely successful and not a swamp and the population is gone up by 10 times or something so Singapore has done something right but Singapore also has a lot of debt now very very the IMF says that Singapore is one of the most indebted countries in the world now Singapore says yeah we have a lot of debt but we have a lot of assets too we don't know what the assets are they won't tell us but we know they have a lot of assets as well as a lot of debt so far so good yeah I mean they've done a very good job in the past 50 or 60 years I hope it continues since I like living here I very much want to stay here so far so good I do worry about the debt the huge debt that they have built up but so far so good most countries most societies have an expression that in three generations a nation goes from rags to rags a family go from rags to rags you know the first generation starts off they work hard they get successful then the third generation spins it all and things get bad again that I don't know if that's going to happen in Singapore it certainly happened in a lot of families and a lot of countries but we're going into the fourth generation so if it's valid yeah we should start worrying who are the main competitors to Singapore here in the region let's say Bangkok kumur ja or the new capital of Indonesia well I like those places I don't consider them competitors to Singapore in that sense every place is a competitor to Singapore you know in that sense vlat of AO is a competitor to Singapore I don't think so well I don't either that's what I mean I don't I don't I don't see that in yours I don't know your definition but I don't see that Singapore has many competitors in the normal in the English word competitor okay let's put it this way Singapore is super attractive for foreign talent for xot for foreigners to come to work to stay what could be the other places in Asia where let's say foreigners I want to live there I want to make do business there well Dubai is becoming a competitor in that sense many people are now beginning to move to Dubai uh it's got good regulatory system it's got a good tax system it's a prosperous Nation for many reasons so Dubai is becoming a competitor in that sense I guess maybe Sydney would be a competitor possible competitor Hong Kong was but it's not now because of its changes so would like to be a competitor Tokyo would like to be a competitor but you know they the bureaucracy in those countries is so massive a couple of questions about your trip like motorcycle trip across the world what's the biggest change of perspective about some country that let's say you visited and then it's completely your understanding about the country was completely different compare what you saw in reality well I would certainly say China in those days because you know American propaganda was still pretty much that the red Chinese Communists were undeveloped and backward country Russia was still run by the Soviets I could see that was changing as I drove across the Soviet Union wherever I went not wherever but in many countries there were changes taking place especially because communism was failing and you know nobody wanted to be a communist anymore if they did they wanted to be a rich communist you know all that had changed all that stuff from marks and lenon people realized that communism was not a good system I could see those changes taking Place everywhere I went and it was interesting and I guess it's a drastic change versus now let's say China back then versus now it's a huge China is a different world now it's not the same country much well even Russia's a different world it's not the same country China is much more changed much more dramatic many places changed what will be the another China like in 30 years the country that you cannot just believe how it will change in 30 years I would suspect that Korea in the next 30 Years I suspect that the 38th parallel will disappear and that once the Korean peninsulas not at war with each other that would be an extremely exciting and dramatic country but you believe it opens for sure like for the next 30 Years yes you can write it down yes if you cannot live in Singapore for some reason where would you live I would probably go to the us since I'm an American citizen probably we go to Houston or Miami or one of those bustling cities uh that's probably where I would live I don't think I would go to Dubai although many people are going to Dubai now and it's certainly a wonderful place maybe well Dubai is better than Abu Dhabi if you ask me so I guess I would probably go back to the US you know my grandma used to say if you watched just one YouTube video you're already a good person but if you watch a second one straight away You're Incredible person so do it right now don't upset my grandma
Channel: Max Chernov
Views: 76,358
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Keywords: max chernov, expat life, expat, moving abroad, united states, american abroad, american expat, american, what its like to live abroad, living abroad, expats, how I see the us after living abroad, what it's like as an american abroad, American abroad, live abroad, move abroad, jim rogers, singapore, jim rogers latest interview, jim rogers investor, jim rogers on china, jim rogers china, economy jim rogers interview, china economy, american in singapore, jim rogers interview
Id: ApVeufhLT6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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