The Very Best of Minecraft | 341-345 | Achievement Hunter Funny Moments

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dude I got toasted bread I got to cook rabbits I got some chicken I got some story listen I want a rabbit sandwich yeah take a rabbit sandwich if you want to give me that rabbit stuff what do you hold in spread spread spread slice hey what's up welcome back to galacticraft everybody I don't know Jeff's ink start without me no we love you I love you too Oh pumpkin heads when did we do that Oh Michael watch see I was gonna show you last time check it out watch watch no no no does anyone know where lava is up your butt ah you I do Jack do you want to be the one who goes to Mars no he'll blow up oh I go to Mars oh they do raise a great point you do blow up I've loved once cuz you told me not the in-space up none and no one told me anything and I'm dumb you're on smart team I mean everyone's gonna go to Mars this is who rides the rocket to Mars oh I'll go in the rocket to Mars alright Jack you can do it but we need to pack sandwiches before we go on our trip we stopped running away please can you why are you such a soccer mom just feel the food get orange slices make a chunk loader to Jack sir sandwiches for you boy thank you you get the rabbit sandwich alright I got enough obsidian you hear me because you're being weird hi get you some chicken sandwich let me go look at the yeah yeah you just make a door frame and put the teleporter thing at the bottom so horseshoe teleporters frame the bottom and connect some power to it Thank You Trevor you got it Jeff you drop sandwiches oh thank you uh and then what you gonna do when you get there is in your right right click on it I don't access Oh Jack I'm gonna need all that back and I'm sorry buddy here I'm gonna have to just watch me go to the damn it Ryan oh so excited Paul's radiation 5 ok I think my slime somewhere just dumped it on someone's face Mars has two moons as well no Phobos and Deimos visit nerd boy I didn't have any control over that blow up no it's just I'm just a bubble man how do I get out um Ryan how do I get out ah I'm out that's very small how was I inside of it Ryan got some water you want my canteen I got it right here get what the [ __ ] would that's canteen right there I promise up this time it'll work and trying to [ __ ] it I have a pet you got a moon Pet kill it kill that [ __ ] no he's my he's my friends trying to eat you isn't no he's literally my friend beat the [ __ ] out of no that's right yeah I think you can what is it frenzy I don't know what's it called it doesn't were slimy Ling oh [ __ ] I got a friend too he's got a friend in him dee dee dee oh his favorite food is flint and steel you should feed him you know grow well one likes Ling's steel the other likes emeralds you guys wasn't what never look weird maybe are you starting an army maybe chunk loader is like baked potatoes man how many of these things have you got huh white helped me build a base stop accumulating followers you cochlea I guess if you see any of my slimes just tell them I'll be back I'll let them know don't worry yeah there's there's swimming Tim there's Remmy slim there's Rosie there's why is he doing that no Booker I think there's hot red one there's my boy blue white and that might be all of them sit sit what are you doing Jeremy you're talking about you've collected a moth did I give you string for a month this is really slim this is my boy blue this is read a lot read low did you waste my baby trees for his baby slimes no okay good oh [ __ ] I don't want to my trees are just still hell just happened I just built like a fan blade yeah Ryan happened no wait what huh I was building stuff I was just making like flint and steel sand stuff and then like also no making like a fan stop making fun Steel's why don't you do with that no I'm just I'm lighting stuff on fire no you're not you're painted deer slugs I'm making may have you he's bigger to him no what's your boss did if any point we don't have any coffee but we do have coffee we have components of Casa Plaza Tori's we have coffee beans if you guys ever want to take a break and just like take a load off there's a nice table and chairs over here and you can just chew on some coffee beans and just like take a load off the coffee to go in my bud hey Trevor check it out I'm eating coffee beans out of my coffee mug hey sitting in my sitting in the chair uh-huh Trevor you're inflected trees or everywhere yeah I'm dropping them down now I'm getting some strange yo let me snatch some of that [ __ ] wood great oxygen is flowing oh yeah take my stilts please [Laughter] yeah we are it's like dead grass but it looks pretty there lift your hole thank you there you go god damn it I need glass you have to be use all the glass yeah I use a lot god dammit Jeff nice work thanks guys nice bobby of once and [ __ ] what do you need glass for four solar panels solar Shmuel put roofs over the rocket I took a lot of time just get all that same roof in the rocket and Jeff used the same yeah it's a nice place holder I didn't get to finish cuz we didn't have enough sand cuz Trevor didn't do his job what you would have put more of the rock yes and I was gonna knock out in the perfect spots why that sounds always cuz it looks you raise raises a great point why would you put it down and then knock it out just not put it down cuz that I'm not a [ __ ] scientist like you guys see I use old yeah I use an old world building technology and listen man they the will they be statues on Easter Island with their hands and sticks do you think they make they like me giant rocks and then I made things the way I make Jeff red bitching about Santa go get sad [ __ ] moon boots put him in use it's all true he's got legs and moon boots oh man I was too far to be too smart to do the [ __ ] dumb man's job I'm not too dumb to do the dumb man's job all coming together yeah oh sweet ceiling [ __ ] you know it looks nice you did a good job I think it's at the finish because there weren't enough supplies did you come by and put one fence here that's all I had I work with what I got don't start jacking me slime things actually attack Michael Jeremy I wanted do it your empire begins I assume it's not ah [ __ ] I didn't think about that though what I just went up to my slug and I clicked breed did you just make your slugs [ __ ] well they're not asexual well I don't understand the why y'all did this but I'll continue it subject that you put like glass ramparts or something around the ceiling Oh yeah [Music] and in god we trust' to America because God said so it says we're they said they needed sand there's like six to ten blocks over there I'm watching the earth set on Mars can you see me uh wave I can't there's no rocket taking off what am I looking at I don't know Martians are weird you know slugs are looking at me Jamie what oh look at you little slug yeah what is he is he a yellow one I don't have a yellow one it's Virgil this is yarbles Virgil yarbles it's a rocket taking off maybe Ryan are you going somewhere did it take off yet no flying - I'm gonna see if I see you trying to get to Isle right I mean unless you built a tier 3 rocket I did not so Mars nope but one of the moons of Mars nope hell I don't I don't know if this works I'll tell you and if it doesn't I won't live [Laughter] where's Ryan going is he gonna mercury nope it worked oh [ __ ] Oh what are you doing what are you doing Ryan oh where are you I'm on our brand-new space station where the Justice League I didn't bring anything to build with how you back this is how I get back Jack way these scream we don't did you jump out yeah oh oh oh where this goes hang on I'm not hang on I'm not falling like George Clooney they just drift it away well no well it's pretty good so ends this episode of Galactic ratch rise on the space station Trevor and I are on Mars with slime people wait here I come Jeff and Michael are on earth I'm bouncing bouncing too and Jack's afraid of death I don't why I die sad than that about something up anyone in NASA yeah yeah be landing watch me come through the roof oh they are like I made a parachute one two three one two three i keV yes so you know you're not you right Oh what was that nothing so do we need to get Gavin suited up is he no just Gavin in his purest form hi I'm a creeper yeah all right Gavin looks so good sure let's work on getting you a suit come on Jeremy I got annoying shovel to the Mars Oh God Gavin just went to Mars without a suit that's gonna hurt Gavin boss is painful gap look at that little hats a space helmet Kraus oh don't forget the heats now I can go to Mars you stay here a little creeper it looks like you've got hot dogs on your back they look delicious you do together look at this little nub dogs no dog yeah because they're like short what's nub dog Thank You Gavin I appreciate that hey guys let me cheer for you did it work yawns came out you'll see hope I get breaking really oh yeah you got me han oh so they said slit you oh I thought he said slit - I'll sleep hey just say hey I just want to let you know I will slay you anyone else been slit not really no it hasn't been to slitty yeah without you it's a lot less Lydia around here that's fair is there a safe yeah there's a safe room under way you can go through you'll be okay okay so you're on the moon it's an atmosphere yeah I sealed it and everything you're good so if I break a window does it will suck out yeah where could you have possibly gone okay oh yeah so I'm gonna throw some [ __ ] like you go yes come come with me oh is that like an under suit yeah Mike it goes on next to your suit the body second to the floor you look whatever protects you from thermal stuff I look like a Christmas creeper look at you what your arms came loose from the suit I'm facepalm II what is that Oh take the suit yeah well sometimes I like to take my arm out of the sleeve and up into my helmet he's going for you Matt oh oh dear Gavin no what did you do drop some water yeah Greg grab that water was that he was trying to be healthy while I was going for a jog spirit it's killing its spirit yeah that's his ghost oh do I have one I don't know do you want to see if one comes out of you no you sure kill the guy look at that your flies flying around you could do that he's dropping words oh he hit the ground too hard somebody pop him hey you didn't I just looked at him am i ugly don't need your strongest potions you've got a full I just need to get you some oxygen stuff why don't you just blow in my mouth while we're out there well you know what I'd rather make you oxygen okay if I'm honest what do we got going on here Oh what is it oh man you do go off that's the boss for this room's full eggs on Reaper eggs eggs eggs of my people I don't know I'm gonna break this egg with a shovel [Applause] what is happening it's cool oh oh there you go yeah pop I can't move up any further screaming we didn't get a key hey Jack hey Gavin are you and NASA I am I could South okay what is that is that a magic bean you want to come back to the earth through the moon bubble I can't well here goes nothing can you put water down here awesome watch that happen yeah yeah yes oh my god well you got what what would you get at the top of a beanstalk be a seed a goal to use I got a golden egg Oh seed win thrown a chicken with the golden wattle will hatch that lays golden gets instead of eggs okay let's let's make a pin for it just [ __ ] out though oh just [ __ ] cool all right all right three two one throw Oh oh no they're not inside the base you'll live watched him through then I push them back no oh he's in pain on the moon no mucho watch you know man died in front of my very eyes he's like pinky got sliced in half god dammit I don't know what this dice really what's doing what's doing what's doing hang on I just have pain this is Spyro something's happening I don't know if this will kill us or something oh I don't know it is he's got the floor Jeremy Jeremy suck it up the earth [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we feed them what did you do to make that hell okay so I made a thing called a golden egg you can craft them uh-huh and when you plant them that happens and it makes a little you well let's all do it that's cool turn turn turn in here Oh Gavin that's probably not a good no I'm gonna leave if it starts [ __ ] the ground of killer there goes no cause is not good [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right just throw down next to it put mine down alright Matt's go let's watch Mimi come on this is gonna be crazy maybe a lead you can ride him yeah I rode mine by accident Chiz are you serious Trevor you leashed mine oh how you picked up my way okay they're spinning around [ __ ] come here me buddy I ride him get away Oh God other pieces what's happening [Music] all the glass is going to be bored the explosion stopped it Ryan was drowned her found my egg you got popped mean - I'm trying to ride it beautiful Jeremy you should put him on our lead and then get in a rocket and see if you suck him up in the sky I want baby man don't go to hell I get it my stuff but not yet Matt's character immediately wanted to go to hell monsters hurt these I don't know somebody put a fence post inside so we can make sure their safety yeah that's their drinking water and you're rubbing your job like my child likes my flavor your labor I'm taking that out yeah that's wrong don't say that that's not it really bad actually yeah if you try to go to bed while I'm many of you is looking at you it won't let you go to sleep because quote there are hostile creatures nearby my son this is my son I wonder if I could float if I get on one of those blogs I wonder that too I tried I stood on the edge Oh take it so Jax is checking some of the walls don't kill yourself this time what's wrong with mine maybe freaky buddies minds that mean that's what your is like Trevor's is wearing the potato man yeah no face Travis face is drawn with a marker but at least he has one mine's happy or not let's just go one big eyebrow mentioning that we know it made something else to stop making gun right would you make this that's right you're too close to all the valuable equipment I don't even know what this would do [Music] so much folks there's like an Atlantian throwing tridents a jack ah what'd you do to tick him off Aquaman I can't see him with E okay it's a monster you hit on my side Jason Momoa leave us alone I'll beat him to death with my own bare hands bare hands oh that hurt a lot Oh Jeremy was impaled by drowns the water he'll hold the drowned he is called a drag I'm in love a wall yeah me too everybody get over here so the last fishing Jamboree was one in sky factory yeah yeah we're not in the sky for water that leads to play I built these based off the guy who'd apparently didn't know how to play minecraft a long time ago all right so Jeremy you said you won the last one yeah and what number was that oh he's coming go purple kill the purple blocks help help please all right I didn't save you but I helped thanks all right so all right okay I'll do this one then okay there's mine all righty there's no sorry all right that's Madson and you sprint underwater uh yeah it's called swimming though oh yeah look at that you sarcastic [ __ ] that's bright for me under the sea what was what our chest is full of fish you gotta put another chest down it's big something very satisfying about having a bucket of card what if God was one of us [Laughter] the Dolphins beached oh they dropped all their [ __ ] in the water Gavin do mermaids just pop out eggs do what they just they suck dick yeah have you got a wet man after you go wet man wet man awk woman wet in your [ __ ] damn it Michael now if someone was watching this in front of their mum oh no it might be questions so what's happened in your life since the last Jamboree guys I got divorced yeah what is making that noise is that the sound of the zombie things ah Jeremy all right Charlie's dead no not today we found out that uh semen might be super or nutritious Stevens good for you it's protein about what's incitements it makes babies I mean yeah the babies are full of it this is [ __ ] delicious Jeremy wouldn't drink semen from a lab why are you saying that shocked what do you mean from a lab he means if they like juicy but it was super nutritious what's it taste like semen oh that right there is the whole like yeah I wouldn't do it you know you don't like it why you guys me Barry my thing was we start making it in a lab who's to say they can't make like chocolate flavored and [ __ ] my protein drinks are chocolate I think spicy jizz would be the best I have to disagree with you you want a little like sriracha semen you incur Gaston how spicy is unless on the flavors are we saying your fish have to be in chest now Sarah's hatreds first time at the Mets pretty fast and hard I don't hate her why do you hate why are you so terrible to her I know where Trevor hates her because she [ __ ] up his food all the time yeah Gavin tried to order a meatball sandwich and got tuna fish I did not know Trevor was behind us yeah oh hi Michael alright get that pass you found my fish oh I see you oh [ __ ] I see you're drowning my potion what could you do with a bucket of fish in this game suck it we got things gonna be ringing anytime now okay don't catch any more no more I can't join for wine or you'll what you get your thing that's it I've got my tow Jeff has 68 matter 76 I have a hundred 24 Wow I have a hundred and twenty-one I have 193 to fish baby girl go put up the tarp it's Chowchilla hunter fish rodeo and Jamboree number seven I had 151 oh is this the tower right here in front of gaudi's house okay I'm touching it now thank you that is not a good thing you did where thousands of miles away from that seriously and you killed me and took me away from it why did you build a thousands of miles away where's Ryan there's Ryan fast forwarding again no I didn't know he actually slowed down the whole process I think we have plenty of evidence as to what question Ryan oh you know where the [ __ ] I am anymore I don't know where the [ __ ] that place was you don't know where it was no I was building it Ryan I never had time to [ __ ] around you not know where you were because I spent the time building it I put it from his memory all right all bells drunk again call Matt he'll stop by go Mike Jeremy your house is an affront to taste no I know I look awesome oh my god it looks like a clown [ __ ] on your house that what happened it's mine now yeah that's in the matrix Jeremy look at this screen Jesus Christ is this read the code man I know that was the problem all right boys really for a magical Christmas welcome to Christmas [Music] I found a Christmas you blow up the [ __ ] goddamn North Pole village I didn't make me a snowman no gay [ __ ] Oh snowman swear you said to make it inside that's naughty of you Michael killing a snowman I didn't know you had to be I was in a great mood until I couldn't log into Minecraft anymore that's your first thing I'm going to Christmas kill you all right outside of the Christmas village yeah there's a present full of ingredients to make my favorite snack what is your favorite snack where's the I poop I mean just like do I eat a lot where he eats come come oh why do you know how to make it no I know what it is but Santa eat I just told you mrs. Claus's puss these cookies must be delivered to the mice [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] Cindy Lou Who she would say this but was a foot in front of the bunny that I come back to this chest and take a row of things actually no I changed or column a row okay I just took all the red ok waiting back look you're making okay so you all have your bone meal okay [Music] ah I mean I do do you I do I'm trapped underground now thanks for Michael Ryan well we're not done I don't even know we're crossing over again but I like John Edwards like classic reference very relevant that's me I think I'll be mr. relevant decorate the tree to own the lives I mean it is crisp grass yeah let me look at the rest of these trees here he's first hem so check it out this is the rainbow tree because gay pride also yeah all the colors of the world come together like all the colors of the children around the world that you love and give presents to came around this Christmas tree to celebrate with us and the colors protect the tree and look how colorful it is you just said kids came out our Christmas tree so as you can see here I went with my classic colors here here uh-huh I invented this hopefully no one took my design lights around it summer floating on nothing but I would definitely grade mine for originality and if anybody else copied my tree I would take points away from them because I did it first you see my lovely reindeer Rudolph up here I do what a [ __ ] alright whoa do you [ __ ] him you can go ahead and make a rudolph with all those materials I gave you inside or outside anywhere something's really not right here with us should just start looking at jerking out of his [ __ ] hey [ __ ] ball reindeer [ __ ] the big head range Mont range amok his head and he said I'm white Pinocchio dude I'm assuming you wanted it vertical right I mean not like laid out flat yes I would get covered in snow and I never know that rhymed Oh Michael I want to give you points for this but I don't Christmas Santa it's Christmas that was like I you know what I went outside the box you certainly did clearly unfortunately when packing gifts you have to be in the box well someone is getting cold they wrote the poem hour blocks on his backs I could climb but now just kind of like a slug I don't know what's wrong about mine is that is that correct now but to write a fatass reindeer Oh Michael killed it on that one I did good it only took me 400 episodes you're at the I think the horns are the best really nice windy what the [ __ ] well she wanted the contrast mine yeah I put some blocks up to to climb but it turned into like Rudolph the Hutt well it where's Lindsay it's right next to my Jackie oh my god that's it Lindsay's [Music] Rudolph on a sweater Santa I found a friend for you oh please go I'll bring him to your throne Santa he wants to give me a hug Santa Santa his hug his hug was brutal almost killed six the ground and then let's get rolling rolling no you see that giant spider ha ha ha that is in fact the North Pole Oh someone to go up there and label it damn Ryan Oh Jimmy you're not going to have a fun time when you get to the lid jeromy's done it North Pole factors mind cobblestone better than dirt can't wait to go back to the places everyone would you like a candy cane yes oh it's it's a dead I don't I still don't got one keep giving it to me I still have one kid everyone needs to move I got oh my god I just want one goddamn key I have 13 Tana can I have one hold that real steel real steel yeah on the back of his head start talking in slurs don't pull it out as brain rogue being a very busy man and have to sit on this throne yeah what I think shot Ryan in the head that is that Lindsay was dead yeah what the [ __ ] arrows have gotten real confusing I've misplaced the naughty list okay somewhere around here I'm sure it's up your ass okay I need you to bring it back to me what's it look like Danna is it at my mom's house my mom says I'll make your mom's house [ __ ] your mom dick in her there's a use for the Colca said to spitting fire out is gonna give Santa [ __ ] my mom did you [ __ ] my mom sama I certainly gave her a bowl full of jelly if you know what I'm saying sucking on his candy cane all night [Music] Jeremy's tapping a lot of keys over there having a lot of issues nice that was it I told you I heard him typing I'm good I'm over by the ice [ __ ] find something open jackal Ronny's what's up Jack nothing don't worry about it thanks guys thanks guy don't worry about it don't worry about it don't worry about nothing nothing no nothing no one nothing no one I mean if he gets killed he teleports so that's true IDs got it for good Jack I'm gonna keep her out here till you free something got his [ __ ] cold here loot from him the daylight [Music] jumped around on purpose no food oh I see the chase [Laughter] not if you're reading this and you aren't Santa you're on the list Gavin regardless of whether or not he reads it okay the never ending naughty list Hitler the guy that admitted pop-up ads my neighbor Terrance yes the check the person I forgot to remove the security tag for my favorite sweater it's a good scarred from Subway you misspelled Jared sure over here by this mm-hmm you give me a stack of Turkey please Kido come over to this gift over here by Sarah's gift okay well it came to my attention I have no reindeer none at all but not great there are pigs nearby could you go get me a couple hello polar bear oh there's a pig can i saddle you go buddy that's a blog for me [Music] give one back to channel you are so generous in this seat just find a plethora of pigs Oh the peepee that could be a nut it's a lot of pork yeah I know fourteen christmas-light thank you I need you to make three of these Christmas lights they are iron bars in case you are a pickaxe from Jeffrey I never left you I'm right here at the door all right go here we go this crafting table strike two well there's nothing down here it's dark as balls heroes or we're some [ __ ] trees and six and then we're we like turn it in oh no turn it in back to me so you've got it all ready nice ass Jerry I don't even think he could smelt that quick yeah he has to smelled it still oh oh you found [ __ ] down there you said there's nothing down there he's out of a [ __ ] what I mean there wasn't I started digging no disqualify him Santa tunneling underneath the poles gonna collapse listen it's the Scott structure [Music] [Applause] says his back the thing okay [Music] I'm gonna cave good job Jeff your head it's doing things Merry Christmas I don't like you being sin you kill people there it is I couldn't I couldn't pull off the victory I couldn't I got close there it is Ryan the new Santa Claus clearly exciting on his face though he's already with the exciting games for next year Merry Christmas Merry Christmas hey Jack you know weaker one we could have won but we did it is the season for giving like giving Ryan more were the king though King Ryan best King all hail Miley char King Santa give you the gift of work now make some games Oh Merry Christmas you
Channel: AchievementHaus
Views: 113,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ah, achievement hunter, lets play, let's play, video game, gaming, game, gameplay, game play, best of ah, best of achievement hunter, ah best moments, best moments, multiplayer, gavin free, geoff ramsey, jack pattillo, ryan haywood, jeremy dooley, michael jones, lindsey jones, trevor collins, minecraft, ah minecraft, galacticraft, ah galacticraft, best of minecraft, let's play minecraft, achievement hunter minecraft, Fishing Rodeo And Jamboree, Christmas King, survival, update
Id: Km4tB0E2ujQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 5sec (3065 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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