The Van life in Los Angeles: Exposed 2019

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my name is Zev I live with my man here in Los Angeles because the van life is interesting it's an adventure every day the van life is a mixture of luxury because you get the beautiful views you can park wherever mixed with a little bit of like homeless when I see text cuz like technically we're home is like that we live in a family don't have a house the van catches a lot of attention especially if I'm just kicking it and then the doors are open people usually come up and see what's up they talk if they seem cool enough then I'll invite them and if they're clean enough okay but an Instagram or whatever YouTube they hype them like so much they hype it up and it's beautiful and it looks cool but then if you actually like go around a lei or anywhere else any other city and see the people that are living that's not that's not people don't mess with people who live in the rain normal people have like houses and stuff walking around they don't mess with people who live in bands because you guess they think something's wrong I mean we have to be a little crazy to be crazy enough to live in a band yeah but we're not gonna hurt you what do you have what does a home have okay yeah so then I have a bed I have a front door right here I run solely off of solar panels you know and I how're my TV my computer my Nintendo switch which is a necessity and my fridge first I don't pay rent the rent out here is insane I don't have to sit through traffic to get to work it's time the time to work and hustle is now live at a lower standard of living to be able to live a lot higher later in life it's an investment when I first came out here I had an apartment I was seen how much I was working yeah and how much I was sitting traffic and how much I was spending at the end it was not much bigger than my van right so I saw that it was like causing me stress and just to say that I have an apartment or just to say that that I live this certain life you know that's I'm not to do that for another person if I see something's better for me then I don't care what anyone else is thinking what what do you do to make money that the clothes I designed for certain people professionals that design for architects and interior designers and I also design clothes it's actually the brand Scott's a father so see a f8d oh so this is the latest shirt today it's the obviously The Misfits logo with the stuff on the logo like any legal collaboration don't tell them who's it for oh man it's for the people who are crazy enough to do what they want to do the ones crazy enough to not listen to the the opinions and judgments of others I couldn't I couldn't have this brand if I wasn't living the lifestyle if my lifestyle ever becomes something different than the brand is then I'll have to end the brand I'm a different person we're all different people so we all take different paths to get to what we want you know so that's what the brand is for so my mom is the craziest woman you'll ever meet man in the best way obviously she taught me everything I know so my moms are like a you're living in a in LA I save money live in a van for a little bit get a better life later I love you so it's a father as a word in Spanish that means loose so when something's loose like a nod or bolt then you say oh that thing is a father right so then she called Mesa five-o because I should say that something was loose in her head so like growing up my whole life she likes that's how father's that's my father so there's like my nickname that's where the brand came from yeah so I'm just being just being a little crazy crazy enough to do what you want so if you're thinking about living in a van I think the first step is okay you gotta go on Craigslist you gotta you gotta go out there and look at vans and you buy you you don't even have to know exactly how to build it you don't need to know anything about solar panels plumbing electricity anything you just buy it as soon as you make that first step that momentum was just like push you forward and you'll start looking for ways to learn to get it done
Channel: Fashion Fanatics
Views: 30,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vanlife, Van, Video Games, Los Angeles, Travel, Beach
Id: 2gR_s2wJr0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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