The uses of cinefoil are seemingly endless.

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how you doing I'm shoddy NYC photographer from the Bronx and this right here is centerfold what centerfold you ask it's basically just aluminum foil that's covered in a black matte coating and it's used on Productions I like to use it to create a spotlight when I have a bunch of light going everywhere I just take a small piece wrap it around the light and then I create shapes with it I can make this into a nice little sliver light something very cinematic and cool and then adjust it however I need to laughs [Music] enough oil is a little bit more expensive than aluminum foil but a lot less expensive than a spotlight what are some of the things that you use it for let me know
Channel: B&H Photo Video Pro Audio
Views: 3,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 38lTFLOCt-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 48sec (48 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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