The US Is Testing Its New Deadliest Submarine

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it is no secret that all marine waters are patrolling by unnoticed hunters that rarely surface these dangerous submarines are sneaking up silently to hit enemy warships in the most unexpected moment and cover under the waters staying completely undiscovered by hostile anti-submarine ships how could they achieve such sophisticated power and what features do these most dangerous subs have stay until the end of this video to find out seawolf class usa it's certainly the world's finest attack submarine the usc wolf is a costly but sophisticated weapon of war they were conceived and developed to reclaim lost technical dominance and shift the power balance since the mid-1980s they gave them a significant edge over the other countries at the time submarines of the typhoon and akula classes were their main targets with the weaponry of mark 48 torpedoes sub-harpoon anti-ship missiles and tomahawk cruise missiles and a diving depth of 487 meters this thing is sure to blow some stuff up for good originally 12 submarines were scheduled for production but only three were completed the three are now serving in the military after that the u.s navy turned to the virginia-class submarines which were less expensive and at high speeds this military vessel is remarkably silent most ships must fly at speeds of less than 5 knots to prevent detection but this class can sail at speeds of up to 20 knots without being detected these boats can operate at greater depths and under the polar ice caps than existing submarines by all accounts it's a tough submarine astute class uk the astute-class attack submarines are the biggest and most modern ever constructed for the royal navy astute is the first royal navy submarine without optical periscopes high-tech camera equipment is used to search the horizon instead and the vessel is the quietest ever built the astute class of nuclear-powered submarines the first commissioned by the royal navy in 2010 is a powerful vessel that represents the future of warfare seven of them are being designed to replace the swift shure class of submarines which are getting old they are significantly more stealthy and heavily armed than their trafalgar forerunners they can fire spearfish torpedoes sub-harpoon anti-ship missiles and tomahawk cruise missiles thanks to their six 533-millimeter torpedo tubes when it came to arms this new submarine set the bar for the royal navy as well as the british army sierra 2 class russia the sierra 2 series which is the successor to the ill-fated alpha class has two light and heavy titanium hulls the sierra class can dive to great heights has lower radiated noise levels and is more torpedo resistant those sly soviets had much more sophisticated titanium technology than the west at the time enabling them to withstand much more energy a better weld was achieved with fewer passes the hulls are very costly to build and there were only a handful of these warships this thing packs a punch with its torpedoes ssn15 starfish or ssn 16 stallion anti-submarine missiles ssn 21 samson cruise missiles and a depth dive of around 400 meters it first entered service in 1992. the russian navy retains these ships despite their high maintenance costs in recent years russians have completed a complete overhaul and launched a new style zved dhaka the ship's defects were discussed as well as nuclear fuel and all electrical devices virginia class usa the virginia class the successor to the los angeles class of submarines was created as a lighter less expensive and more robust replacement to the sea wolf class this class which is the pride of the us navy features a modern anechoic plant separated deck frames and a new propulsion system to provide a low acoustic signature its decibel level is reportedly comparable to that of the seawolf class the tomahawk cruise missiles are launched from 12 vertical launch tubes on these killers they still have four 533 millimeter torpedo tubes on board these vessels may also be used for special operations thanks to built-in navy seal staging areas the 3512b v12 marine diesel engine powers the auxiliary generator soryu class japan the soyu class which was first commissioned in 2009 has diesel electric propulsion systems they also have air-free propulsion systems that enable them to remain underwater for extended periods of time without having to surface to recharge their batteries this extends their underwater stamina from days to weeks they've also improved their camouflage and tactical skills as compared to competing nuclear powered attack submarines they have less range and endurance the soryu class features hydrodynamic structures and anecdoic coating as well as type 89 torpedoes and sub-harpoon anti-ship missiles the loader modules of their devices are often sound isolated in their interiors in comparison to the other ships on this list the sorya lacks vertical launch systems and has a small payload granny class russia the new russian nuclear submarines are the project 885 yasen code named granny class by nato the whole of the lead vessel severod vinsk was laid in 1993 but the ship was halted due to funding issues the russian navy only recently recommissioned the program in 2013. six of these are reportedly in the works in russia and they will be used to replace the older akula class these ships have 24 cruise missile launch tubes and 8 650 millimeter torpedo tubes for anti-ship missiles and torpedoes improved los angeles class usa the us navy still maintains about 400 of these submarines including their age in contrast to the sea wolf and virginia classes this sub has a depth dive of 450 meters and entered service in 1988. they've proven to be very effective asw sites these upgraded boats are about seven times louder than their counterparts this subclass possesses a formidable arsenal of weapons the submarine is equipped with raytheon's tomahawk missiles in both land attack and anti-ship versions the 2 500 kilometer range of the land attack tomahawk is impressive the missile is guided towards the target by a t-a-i-n-s tur-com aided inertial navigation system which flies at subsonic speeds at an altitude of 20 meters to 100 meters a better propulsion system and navstar global positioning system gps guidance capabilities are among the block 3 enhancements the tomahawk can be equipped with a nuclear warhead which the los angeles class does not usually carry the tomahawk anti-ship missile has inertial guidance as well as an integrated radar and anti-radiation homing head it has a range of up to 450 kilometers akula class russia the akula class one of the most famous attack submarines and russia's pride debuted in the late 1980s they were much quieter and had better sensors than their forerunner ssns and they represented a significant change in soviet submarine construction so much so that it outperformed expectations in western countries the akula ii class was the first russian submarine to be quieter than the most recent american attack submarines at the time there are four 650 millimeter torpedo tubes and four 533 millimeter torpedo tubes on these vessels they entered service in 1986 and made up about half of russia's submarine fleet ohio class usa originally intended to transport intercontinental ballistic missiles that could strike from below the water's level the four oldest ships in the ohio class were converted to carry cruise missiles between 2002 and 2008 trident 2 ballistic missiles were replaced by smaller tomahawk cruise missiles in ohio michigan florida and georgia each converted ship will now accommodate approximately 154 of these missiles these boats also have torpedo tubes with a length of 533 meters there is space inside these tubes for canisters that the crew can use they will also transport special forces troops and provide lockout chambers oscar 2 class russia nato refers to this class as the oscar 2 and it is known to the russians as project 949a ante in terms of displacement and weight oscar 2s are the third largest subs the soviet typhoon and the american ohio classes are the only ones that are longer it's worth noting that despite its long history the oscar 2 is perhaps the most versatile among current russian submarines only four of the proposed 19 have been completed and only 11 have been completed they are not the most stealthy warships by today's standards the air shaft feeds the compressors with hf and uhf antenna mass radio direction finder mass and satellite communication and navigation mass the submarine has a floating antenna buoy that allows it to receive radio messages target assignment data and satellite navigation signals at great depths and under ice they are however powerful weapons designed to destroy us aircraft carriers these massive submarines have torpedo tubes measuring 650 millimeters and millimeters that can fire warheads and can sink to 500 meters that's all for today's video we hoped that you enjoyed looking at these amazing submarines which are considered some of the most dangerous in the world if you enjoyed or learned something new make sure to like subscribe and hit the bell for more insane reality videos see you next time you
Channel: Insane Reality
Views: 35,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: submarine, deadliest, navy, us, marine, ship, military, nuclear, weapon, indonesia submarine, secret, testing, top 10, top, insane reality, missiles, launch, submarines
Id: HKvkOTF_wBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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