The Upcoming Financial Crisis That Will Dwarf That of 2008 - Expect Civil Unrest
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Channel: Evie Courtlandt
Views: 695,903
Rating: 4.6067629 out of 5
Keywords: S&P, Dow Jones, Paul Tudor Jones, unemployment, interest rates, federal reserve, inflation, U.S. Treasuries, Italy, GE, investment grade, NASDAQ, Deutsche Bank, 2008
Id: EHieYyi-vxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 11sec (2831 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 15 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I hereby create £10.00 as promissory note that I owe to myself but since it is created "as is from nothing" I see fit to write down £7.00 of that amount and to constantly monitor the creation of said debt to myself through algorithm that will tell me how I must act in regard to the economy which blows hot and cold according to how much money creation there is need for. There is a constant free lunch - money creation from nothing has always been a free lunch, with the profits redirected. I do not need to borrow my own currency from any other nation but my own country of "me" There are many "organisations/countries" who are anxious to collapse our system which only needs tweaking to survive. Don't let them do it.There is no Ponzi scheme excepting governments that refuse to borrow money from themselves and go to "friends" !! who are not actually friends but countries that want to collapse u for their own gain. This is home security territory which is making an attack on our system