The Untold Truth of Dubai's Abandoned Supercar Epidemic

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what's up guys big climb 34 coming at you today with a video that I just kind of wanted to make cuz I've always seen these abandoned supercars lurking around on the Internet and I was wondering where they came from so I looked it up and it happens to be that a lot of these cars are coming from Dubai and the reason behind why they just get abandoned you know cars that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars is actually really strange so we're gonna talk about it well that intro real quick though first of all I want to thank you guys for liking this video if you enjoy it and subscribing to the channel to see more like it if you enjoy it if you don't enjoy it rip me apart in the comments I welcome it by the way just a quickie for those of you looking for truck updates about the middle of this upcoming week you should be seeing some traffic updates anyways let's get rolling so talking about Dubai the land of excess in the Middle East it's one of the richest countries on paper and at least from what I've seen on YouTube these guys really like to go above and beyond with their cars with all types of different modifications but simultaneously while Dubai is a rich area and they have all these supercars they also have a large instance of supercars being abandoned and we're not just talking about low-end supercars we're talking about cars that are hundreds of thousands of dollars even approaching a million dollars in some cases that's like double triple four times the average American house price just abandoned sitting there with dirt covering it what the heck is going on when it comes down to is basically the fact that somebody buys laws are pretty insane by American standards if you're here and you don't pay for your car loan what happens you might get an embarrassing tow truck out front of your house telling your car away and it's kind of bad but compared to Dubai it's nowhere near as bad even when you consider that your credits gonna get dinged up and Dubai if you don't pay for your car loan you go to jail I'm not kidding they have this thing called Sharia law that dictates if you fall behind on your car learn enough it's not a civil offense it's a criminal offense I'm gonna read you a quote from a site called viral Nova that reported if you fall behind on your car payment balance a check or stop paying for your credit card or default on a mortgage you go to prison there's no such thing as bankruptcy there and compound that another screwed up thing that I read was up until last year they didn't even have a credit agency or Bureau or whatever we have here well I agree that sometimes in America some of the things that they judge your credit by are a little bit funky just imagine not having any means to do that and being responsible for handing out loans because of this in Dubai it was incredibly easy to get a loan up until 2017 I assume that because they put this in place it's a little bit better now but apparently stuff like this is still happening everyday you can kind of see how maybe that could make a little bit of sense on the surface because I mean it would really make people be incredibly responsible for the money that they're borrowing because you know it as well as I do that there are people here in America who borrow money who have no business trying to borrow that money even though they can get approved they're out here stuntin running up credit cards buying their Gucci and then they can even make their rent but when you dig deeper into it you understand that going to jail isn't necessarily an equal punishment for such a crime then when you consider the fact that something like a bad economy a recession could happen just think about it there's a very good chunk probably the vast majority of Americans that would have been looking at jail time if that was the case here what it all came down to over there is the fact that people were trying to play keep up with the Joneses like I said it's a pretty wealthy area so if you have a buddy who's very wealthy and you have access to this loan a lot of people are like yeah I'll take it and you know I want to look just like him but then it turns out that they can't pay the loan so what do they do they roll up to the airport they leave the car there get on a plane and never come back now this is the part that maybe if you're traveling to Dubai and have a good amount of money now this could come into your favor I read actually two different things in two different places one said that if a car sits there 15 days beyond when it's deemed to be abandoned it will go to impound and then go to auction another place that I read was if after 15 days it goes the impound and then 60 days later it goes to auction but either way from what I understand these cars are then sold for pennies on the dollar I mean if you're buying a super car at auction you're definitely not gonna pay full price anyway because it's always kind of a risk but this could be an amazing come up for somebody who has the cash ready to roll and is ready to buy a super car or made if you want a supercar that's a little bit higher than what you would normally be able to afford you could maybe afford it if you pick it up an auction because somebody just left it behind there's not necessarily anything wrong with it but they left it behind because they couldn't afford it this is believed to happen with about 3,000 or so cars every year guys that's a touch over eight cars every day just thinking about how insane that is that eight people a day are leaving behind their cars just because they can't pay for the loan now just a little fun fact this was a stat pulled in 2007 but at one point in time according to the Seattle Times when they did a piece on this story they claim that 1200 people in Dubai Central Jail we're in there strictly because of this loan situation that's 40 percent of the jail if that is not the craziest thing that I have ever heard I'm not really sure what is anyways guys this was just a quickie hope you enjoyed moral the story if you go to Dubai make sure you pay your loans don't bounce any checks and make sure that your credit cards are up to date otherwise you could end up next to somebody who killed somebody in jail and I don't think that you want to do that because I certainly would anyways guys thanks for the thumbs up thanks for the subscriptions I will talk to you next time [Music]
Channel: BigKleib34
Views: 1,605,801
Rating: 4.5001683 out of 5
Keywords: BigKleib34, BK34, dubai, abandoned, supercar, ferrari
Id: z4Yt5uGyzo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 50sec (350 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 28 2018
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