The Unstoppable Rise Of Hisense (The Antithesis To TCL)

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HISENSE: Recently, I made a video about the legendary rise   of TCL. TCL didn’t even enter the North American  TV market till 2013, but within just 10 years,   they have grown to be the 2nd largest player  in the market, even overtaking LG. TCL isn’t   the only Chinese brand that has had a tremendous  run over the past decade though. Another Chinese   brand that’s been killing it is Hisense. In  fact, for much of 2023, Hisense was even ahead   of TCL and ranked as the 2nd largest TV maker  for 3 straight quarters, and Hisense didn’t   even enter the US TV market till late 2015. But,  Hisense has had a far different journey to the   top. While they did blow up rather quickly within  Western markets just like TCL, they’ve been slowly   grinding their way up in the TV market for over  50 years now. And while they do control roughly   the same amount of market share as TCL, the brand  sentiment surrounding each brand is far different.   TCL has started to form a sort of fan club by  partnering with an array of top YouTubers and   influencers like Linus Tech Tips and iJustine.  Digital Trends even named TCL a fan favorite for   CES 2024. Hisense, however, doesn’t have that sort  of reputation or hype. Much of their popularity   can simply be explained by their ability to  produce highly economical TVs. You can buy a   55-inch Hisense for just $278, a 65-inch Hisense  for just $400, a 75-inch Hisense for just $500,   and even an 85-inch Hisense for less than $1,000.  But while the brands have had far different ways   of rising to the top, it seems clear that TCL and  Hisense are by far the most likely candidates to   finally dethrone Samsung as the world's largest  TV maker, a title they’ve held for nearly 20   years. So, here’s the slow and methodical  rise of Hisense - the antithesis to TCL. FORCED TO MAKE TVS:  If you're interested in deeper dives, interviews  with insiders, and exclusive tech analysis,   consider subscribing to our free weekly  newsletter. But anyway, taking a look back,   the story of Hisense takes us back to September  of 1969 to Qingdao China. This was right after the   Chinese cultural revolution started to cool down  and a new government was starting to take shape:   the modern CCP. Most of the people who were  already in power were let go, and a new group of   leaders were chosen by Revolutionary Committees.  And this shuffling in power led to a new era of   Chinese electronics. Party leaders wanted the  country to become a leader in global electronics,   and as such, they very much pushed for the  creation of a slew of consumer electronics   companies. One of the companies that rose  from these ashes was of course Hisense,   but they weren’t called Hisense at the time and  they weren’t producing TVs. Rather, they actually   went by the name Red Lantern, and the company  wasn’t really even a company. It was just a small   factory that specialized in making radios. They  didn’t have any ambitions to enter the TV market   either, it was actually something that was forced  onto them by the government or more specifically,   the Shandong National Defense Office. The Office  would arrange for 3 Red Lantern employees to be   trained at a nearby factory where they would learn  the ins and outs of producing black and white   televisions. Using this training, Red Lantern  would produce their first batch of 82 televisions   in 1971. For perspective, TCL wasn’t even founded  till 1981 and they didn’t get involved with   TV production till the late 2000s. So, Red  Lantern definitely had a massive headstart,   but it was by no means a fast process. In fact,  it took several years to actually bring their   TVs to market, and once again, this wasn’t  really by choice. For most of the 1970s, Red   Lantern was tasked with research and development  as well as experimentation. For example, by 1975,   they figured out how to produce transistor TVs,  and by 1978, they would produce their first broad   market model: the CJD18. Unfortunately, there  aren’t any images of this TV available online,   but it probably looked something like this. What  really made Red Lantern TVs popular though was yet   another government order. In 1979, the Ministry of  Electronics in Beijing decided that it was time to   double down on their electronics push and that  combining efforts would be the most beneficial.   So, they ordered that Red Lantern be merged with  several local electronics makers leading to the   creation of Qingdao General Television Factory.  This was much more of a full-on company than the   single factory that Red Lantern started with but  government officials weren’t exactly pleased with   the rate of progress at Red Lantern. It had been  nearly a decade since they tasked the company with   developing TVs, but they had yet to even figure  out how to produce color TVs. This strategy   of internal R&D was clearly not going great,  so Qingdao began looking for outside help to   further their TV knowledge. Aka, they would start  ripping off successful TV brands. Something that   should be noted though is that they did this  with class. They didn’t just buy a Panasonic   TV and reverse engineer it. Instead, they went  to Panasonic’s founder, Konosuke Matsushita,   and bought a color TV production line from him  so that they could learn. They would go on to do   the same thing with Hitachi, Lucent, NEC, Sanyo,  Toshiba, and Qualcomm. This finally gave them the   technological push they needed to produce modern  TVs, and they would emerge into the 1990s as a   rapidly growing TV giant within China. In line  with this new status within the market, Qingdao   changed their name to Hisense in 1994  leading us into a new era for the company. CREATED IN CHINA: Most Asian brands start off making a bunch   of random electronics and appliances to become  known for one hero product over time. Panasonic,   for example, started off making bicycle lights  but they eventually became known for making TVs,   microwaves, and landline phones. Similarly,  LG actually started off as a cosmetics maker,   yet they’re now known for making home appliances  and beautiful OLED TVs. Hisense, however, followed   the exact opposite path. They started off making  TVs and then they started making everything else,   but they’re still just known for making TVs.  The 1990s was the era in which Hisense started   making everything else. This included air  conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines,   ovens, and cell phones. They also started to  export all of these products beginning in 1991.   If you were around during this time though,  you probably never actually heard the name   Hisense because they largely operated as an  OEM, meaning that they made parts for brands   that you’re actually familiar with. The brands  that they worked with are mostly unknown largely   because no one really cared about a random Chinese  OEM manufacturer back in the 90s in 2000s, so it   wasn’t really all that well documented. We do  know that TCL was one of Samsung’s LCD suppliers,   so Hisense likely had similar partnerships with  such brands behind the scenes. Hisense didn’t   want to be a background player forever though,  and so over time, they did slowly step into the   spotlight. For example, in 1997, they went public  on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. And in 2002, they   formed a public air conditioning partnership with  Hitachi that gave them a lot more exposure. But,   what really started shaping the Hisense brand was  of course TVs. Hisense’s first breakthrough came   in 2005 when they created China’s first industrial  digital video processing chip, meaning that China   could officially stop relying on foreign chips.  Funnily enough, it took Hisense 35 years after   entering the TV market to make this breakthrough,  but now that they had finally started forging   their own road, things were about to move fast.  Just 2 years later in 2007, Hisense would start   China’s first color TV LCD module production  line. And a couple of years later in 2010,   Hinsense’s Chairman would deliver an invigorating  speech at the CES Summit Forum about how Hisense   was gonna change things from made in China to  created in China. While that was quite a bold   speech though, Hisense still had a long way to go  to become any sort of market leader. The reality   was that while Hisense was finally making organic  internal progress, they were still far behind the   market leaders who were well past LCD and even  LED. The leaders were very much busy with OLED   while Hisense was still messing with LCD.  Historically, this is when Hisense would’ve   turned to buying out an LED or OLED production  line from one of the leaders, but this time,   Hisense decided to stay true to “created in China”  and they took a completely different approach.   They decided to skip OLED altogether and create  their own digital standard called ULED which they   launched in 2014. Hisense likes to claim that they  created a display that’s better than OLED which is   simply not true. But, what they did create was  something that was way better than regular LED   displays and only a fraction of the cost of OLED.  Naturally, this turned out to be a pretty popular   option amongst everyday consumers, and Hisense  was yet to even enter the US TV market. Being   such a big player though already, Hisense  was about to annihilate Western markets. GLOBAL DOMINATION: Hisense entered Western markets   with a completely different strategy than TCL.  One of TCL’s core strategies was thriving as the   no-name brand. They felt that this was actually  their biggest advantage. While they didn’t have a   brand image or reputation working in their favor,  they also didn’t have any brand baggage working   against them. This meant that the products and  prices could do all the talking, and judging by   where TCL is today, I’d say that worked out pretty  well. Hisense, on the other hand, decided to take   the exact opposite strategy by buying out a brand  with a bunch of baggage: Sharp. Back in the 90s   and 2000s, Sharp was a leading TV brand, but with  the rise of Samsung and LG and new TV standards,   Sharp was largely left in the dust. In fact, they  were pretty much ready to abandon the American TV   market and that’s exactly where Hisense stepped  in. In 2015, they agreed to pay Sharp $23.7   million for the branding rights for the Sharp  brand for the next 5 years, and this is how   Hisense entered the American market. This was a  rather clever strategy as it allowed them to learn   about the American TV market and iron out any  issues without hurting their own brand, and let’s   just say, they had some serious issues. In fact,  Sharp’s parent company, Foxconn, would actually   sue Hisense for making crappy TVs and tarnishing  the Sharp brand. Hisense would of course deny   these allegations, but you can take that for what  you will. Sharp wasn’t the only brand that Hisense   experimented with either. In 2017, Hisense would  buy out 95% of Toshiba’s TV business for a mere   $83 million. This gave Hisense access to Toshiba’s  production plants, R&D, marketing department,   and brand for 40 years. Using all the knowledge  they could get from Toshiba and Sharp, Hisense   would make an all-out push for the US TV market  with the Hisense brand. This was by no means a   perfect push, but it was an extremely powerful  push. While we did start seeing quality control   complaints pop up, quality control has only gotten  better and better, and in the meantime, Hisense’s   economical TVs were gobbling up market share.  Hisense simply threw this trend into overdrive by   forming a few critical marketing partnerships. For  example, Hisense became an official sponsor of the   2018 World Cup and the 2022 World Cup. In 2020,  they also became a major sponsor of the NRL or the   National Rugby League. And most recently, in 2023,  Hisense became the official TV sponsor of the NBA.   Despite all these partnerships and market share  though, the one thing that Hisense still seems   to be lacking is a strong community. TCL was also  lacking this for the longest time, but it seems   that their recent push into 100+ inch TVs has  garnered them a new community of TV enthusiasts.   Hisense, however, is still for the most part just  an economical brand and nothing more. Who knows   though, Hisense has survived in the TV market  for over 50 years, so maybe they have one more   evolution up their sleeve to overtake TCL. But,  even if they don’t, I suspect that Hisense will be   a really strong number 2 and that is the slow and  methodical rise of Hisense. If you're interested   in having companies pay you, check out our bond  investing platform Silo in the description below.
Channel: Logically Answered
Views: 99,467
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Keywords: hisense, the rise of hisense, is hisense a good brand, is hisense a reliable brand, hisense review, the insane rise of hisense, how hisense overtook sony, how hisense overtook lg, how hisense became the 2nd largest tv maker, how hisense became the 2nd largest tv producer, hisense history, hisense company history, history of hisense, hisense vs tcl, tcl vs hisense, hisense vs samsung, samsung vs hisense, are hisense tvs good, is hisense trustworthy, hisense tvs, hisense tv, tvs
Id: gWgdHH9vOmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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