THE UNSHAKEABLE MIND - Ultimate Stoic affirmations

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remember today that you may face ignorance rudeness and opposing opinions don't get caught off guard when any of these happen they will happen at some point so prepared to say i knew this would happen i will not allow it to be anything more than a mild annoyance don't allow this mild annoyance to ruin your day week year or life [Music] [Music] remember today that you learn nothing when you speak but you learn when you listen try to listen more truly listen to what people say can you understand them and their actions without any bias can you show them more empathy can you learn from and understand even the people you dislike [Music] [Music] remember today that if there is no enemy within then the enemy outside can do us no harm it is often your own internal dialogue which can be your worst critic regardless of your circumstances you can still choose to fill your head with positive or negative knowledge or ignorance your thoughts become actions your actions can change your life start with good thoughts and it's likely over time to lead to good actions [Music] [Music] remember today that the more we value things outside our control the less control we have the more you desire the more you feel you don't have they are rich who are content with the least [Music] bob marley once said money is numbers and numbers never end if it takes money to be happy your search for happiness will never end [Music] [Music] [Music] remember today when you are struggling to see past the judgment of others if you would not seek them for advice then you shouldn't be putting so much thought into that criticism [Music] [Music] remember today that when you feel like procrastinating you should first question yourself and your actions do you really wake up every morning and go to sleep every night excited at the idea of scrolling through twitter what then is it that does bring you fulfillment learning helping others teaching or anything else do these leave you feeling good why then waste your time scrolling through pages of models who digitally manipulate themselves this does no good for you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] remember today this quote by zan oku may the flowers remind us why the rain was so necessary don't be afraid of challenge don't be afraid of change these can both give way to growth and development be afraid of comfort and stagnation it is in stagnation that the mold grows and what is living will slowly decay what was once good is now lost embrace change in challenge accept growth [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] remember today that it is the truth you are after it is personal progress that you seek if someone were to lumbast you about your actions or beliefs if you were called out on your mistakes if they claim you're wrong that you have the wrong perspective ignore their aggression and rudeness but look into their remarks without bias is there truth in what they say can you use this as a chance to grow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] remember today not to sabotage your future for momentary comfort and pleasure if you burn down your home to keep warm tomorrow you'll be without a home and you'll still be cold your future self is just you but living with the circumstances of your present actions make the right decision so your future self is in a better position than you are now remember today that all hard times you've been through the adversities that have now passed they have left you what remains is the wisdom and strength that you acquired hardships will pass but their lessons will always remain remember this if you're going through difficult times [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let this guide you today if you are stuck the stoics believed that things are either good bad or indifferent virtues are good vices are bad and everything else is indifferent when you are not sure what actions to take try to remember this and let it be your guide act with virtue and not on vices [Music] remember that the people you will face today may be rude ignorant and dishonest don't expect to never encounter these people and don't place the balance of your well-being in their actions instead seek to learn patience honesty empathy and kindness so encounters with these people will leave you with wisdom and experience at the day's end you may have encountered three people who taught you patience by attempting to irritate you [Music] [Music] [Music] remember today this quote by confucius we have two lives and the second begins when we realize we only have one stop waiting for that dream life you have in your head and start today appreciate the life you have now and understand that this is the life you get to live you can improve it but you have to accept it [Music] [Music] prepare to be ridiculed at your attempts people will mock you whenever you do something they don't dare to do it's easier for them to try bring you down to their level than it is to rise up to the challenge don't ever be halted by their doubt and don't ever stop for then you will face mockery again in the face of defeat [Music] [Music] [Music] remember today that you don't have to turn a situation into something more than it is you can choose to let it pass and it will disappear as a momentary annoyance or you can react to it giving it more power and growth in your mind and life you can choose to let them get to you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] remember today that it does no good to speak badly of people it only reflects your character to the people who listen you paint yourself as a gossiper and they will see that you talk ill of others look for and talk about the good in people those that listen will grow confident that you have good intentions and will believe that you see and talk good about them it is possible that you will start to see good in everything including yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] remember today that any person capable of angering you becomes your master by reacting in anger they win good decisions are not made out of anger when a person or situation makes you feel angry you must take a step away and let it pass a better decision will be made later when your anger is gone [Music] [Music] [Music] remember today that when you look back at your past and cringe it's because you have grown since then understand that some of the feelings and resentments you have of the past are because you now have a better understanding and perspective don't beat yourself up for understanding your mistakes and downfalls you are growing and [Music] learning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] think before you act especially if you're angry you cannot take back a stone once it has been thrown once your character is tarnished the damage is done it takes years to build a character yet it can be taken down by your own anger in seconds is anger really the best reaction does acting out of anger really benefit you it seems you only stoop down to their level and lose integrity [Music] so [Music] [Music] remember today that anger blinds us and removes our ability to make rational decisions anything anger can achieve will be better done through reason and wisdom if a problem needs sorting then give time to let anger pass in order to reply with the best course of action not a reply borne out of revenge do what is actually best not what your anger desires [Music] [Music] remind yourself today that you don't have to wait for other people's approval their opinions do not change your truth you are smart enough you are strong enough and you are brave enough it does not matter if they tell you that you can't you know your truth and their approval does nothing give you your own approval and belief [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] remember today that you have been strong enough to make it through all adversities and challenges you faced before these struggles have only made you stronger and wiser today then it is true that you are strong enough to make it through your current struggles [Music] [Music] [Music] remember today to always be honest to yourself tell yourself the truth and don't lie you know what you should and shouldn't be doing you know what is best for you we have all been guilty of lying to ourselves to make us feel comfortable we might say we tried when we didn't we might say we are better off playing games than going for a walk we might say they wronged us when they didn't be honest with yourself face your flaws in order to grow [Music] [Music] [Music] remember today to be an island in a sea of craziness you cannot control these outward forces you can however be the best version of yourself someone who is prepared for the outcome someone who is ready to accept the storm it is in this acceptance that you become an island the waves may crash over you but you won't drown others will gain hope from you [Music] do not go about your day seeking to criticize others are you not guilty of the same mistakes are you guilty of similar errors if so can you look towards improving yourself and removing these bad habits from your life why give so much attention to others when you can fix your own problems and improve your own life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] remember today that failure is not the end failure is simply a step it is a step in the right direction only those who try can feel failure failure is the greatest teacher and it is proof that you are trying and facing a challenge facing failure takes great courage and is the fastest route to growth and wisdom [Music] [Music] remember today not to get angry at other people's mistakes the best path is to use it as an opportunity to teach don't mock people for not knowing we all took the same path from not knowing to becoming educated in that field they could laugh at you for not knowing something that they specialize in treat yourself the same way don't be disheartened by mistakes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] remember today that regardless of how you spend your time it will pass if the time will pass regardless of the things you give your energy to isn't it better that you give your energy to the positive the good the things that help better your life and the people around you spend your time building instead of destroying [Music] [Music] [Music] stop holding expectations they can only lead to either it happening or to be let down in the case of being let down you receive a necessary sadness emptiness or resentment if you remove expectations then you won't have those feelings whatever happens will still happen but your emotional investments haven't been shattered [Music] [Music] [Music] remember today that if you put your time energy or love into something and you realize it's not for you or you have made a mistake you can stop it can be disappointing but you have to realize that your efforts were to realize that you belong on a different path don't hold on to a boiling pot because of the time it took you to boil [Music] [Music] [Music] remember today not to get caught up in or put your emotions in other people's gossip don't be stressed out or worried because of the gossip going on in their life don't lower yourself to be talking ill of people it only adds negativity to your own life and create problems that were not there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] remember today that holding on to hate will never help you like a great weight all it will do is hold you back all times the hatred you hold on to will hang on to you make efforts to let go of this hatred not for them but for you let go of this burden clear your mind stay positive sometimes you don't even realize you're blocking your own blessings by thinking negatively and holding on to the past learn to let go [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Everyday Stoic
Views: 9,593
Rating: 4.9254079 out of 5
Keywords: stoic affirmations, stoic, stoic quotes, affirmations, stoicism affirmations, victory affirmations, stoic philosophy, stoic lessons, wealth affirmations, how to be a stoic, power affirmations, warrior affirmations, daily stoic, success affirmations, willpower affirmations, discipline affirmations, strength affirmations, powerful stoic quotes, self confidence affirmations, ryan holiday stoic, 3 practical stoic lessons, greatest stoic quotes, lessons from stoic philosophy
Id: akFAR1vArXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 25sec (2125 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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