The Unsafe Risk Taker

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[Music] throughout history every marvel of engineering and construction venture has been made possible by the contributions of those who make it happen the workers it is the deliberate actions and decisions of the people involved that will dramatically shape this landscape of wood rock and steel but most of these individuals share common ambitions and as such wish to avoid any potential dangers that would keep them from achieving these goals in a perfect world there exists harmony among the workforce it's responsible for each other safety each insuring that they all return home to the arms of their loving families to enjoy all the fruits of their labor there is however a particular type of worker whose existence has baffled scientists for centuries the unsafe risk taker often referred to as the u.s. party for centuries the scourge has always seemed to find its way on to work sites endangering the lives of others and exhibiting a complete disregard for following proper safety procedures and perhaps most alarmingly indirectly inspiring others to do the same the u.s. RT are at first glance Zimmer and appearance to every other worker but it is their behaviors and actions that make them unmistakably different some are tribute their existence to the indifference of other workers lack of intervention as unwittingly allowed them to flourish amongst us the unsafe risk taker is easily distracted this lack of focus can yield destructive results one must always strive to keep one's mind on the task at hand even the slightest moment of carelessness even accidental conclude fatal whether due to laziness or a desire to impress their superiors u.s. artis often takes shortcuts or attempt to rush through their tasks they fail to understand that the right way to do something and the safe way never failed to be one and the same an old hand knows that speed will come with experience but must never be at the expense of safety but even old dogs can find it difficult to shake old habits tools and techniques and ever resolving it is the unsafe risk take us that choose to remain in the past perhaps worst of all is the arrogance of thinking the rules are not meant for them but injury can only happen to some complacency is a dangerous trap any risk is something to be taken seriously what you may get away with today will most certainly catch up with you tomorrow injury or worse will result in a significant loss of income for the affected party and those dependent on them for sustenance would fall victim by way of collateral damage caused by the u.s. artis actions like the hyenas circling the wounded Buffalo the US arty will see even the slightest lacks in safety regulations as an opportunity to selfishly break the rules remarkably some workers see this behavior and attempt to short-sighted ly follow the poor examples sent by the u.s. RT one might remark that after all unsafe see unsafe doom unless these unsafe risk takers are eliminated they will spread like wildfire slowly making the workplace hazardous for others and causing the eventual breakdown of projects everywhere fortunately there are ways to stop the infestation from taking hold workers must make it a key priority so watch out for others on the jobsite recognizing unsafe behavior in others is the first line of defense against the unsafe risk taker u.s. artis must be made examples of this is the workforces best chance to strike fear into the of any us artis lurking in the shadows safe workers must remain constantly vigilant risk-taking must become a thing of the past only by actively intervening against all or any unsafe behavior can one hope to reveal the unsafe risk takers for the very virus they are
Channel: Wood
Views: 439,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: safety, workplace safety, unsafe, engineering safety, USRT, HSSE, HSE, health safety security
Id: 9UW_afuUFlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2016
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