The Universe's Endgame with Christian Ready

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the universe is young as far as the overall lifetime of the universe it's still in its relative infancy and has perhaps hundreds of trillions of years before it can effectively be said to be at an end still ahead are periods of time where types of stars will exist that literally can't exist now for lack of enough time having been passed in order to form them this has led to thinking such as a solution to the Fermi paradox that the reason we don't see evidence of alien civilizations is that not enough time has passed for very many of them to form and that we're very early as far as such things go this might lead to a future where there was an explosion of intelligence in the universe and civilizations begin to appear with increasing regularity but not just yet at this point in time they and indeed we are rare as the universe ages it will change the dazzling galaxies we see today will completely change character as they become the abode of ancient stars red and eventually blue dwarfs there will be cinders of former giant stars and evaporating black holes my guest today is an astronomer who studies the heavens and how it is but also how it will someday be welcome to event horizon with John Michael Gaudi a [Music] [Music] [Music] Jonah's joined by Christian ready Christian has been an astronomer since the age of 13 where he worked at the Sproul Observatory at Swarthmore College his sins worked at Space Telescope Science Institute and later at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center he's now an instructor at the launchpad astronomy workshop where he teaches writers editors filmmakers and other creative professionals about astronomy Kristin ready welcome to the program thank you for having me John now Kristin you're an astronomer and I'm an amateur astronomer and I remember what initially got me interested in astronomy it was seeing the planet Saturn through a small telescope and just seeing the rings which were very obvious what got you into astronomy you know I think your experience with a telescope mirrors mine and I think just about anyone else who's ever had a chance to look through you always kinda just have that certain moment of awe and inspiration but I think my interest to actually I know that my interest in astronomy began long before I ever looked through a telescope growing up in the early 1970s I was becoming aware of things like television and I would watch Star Trek which at the time had officially been off the air but was still continued in syndication so I watched Star Trek reruns with my parents and I loved the idea of getting in a starship and just traveling and visiting new worlds and new civilizations and exploring the universe then as time went on I became interested in another show called Project UFO and I was suddenly enamored with the idea of aliens and extraterrestrial life and understanding you know unidentified flying objects and want to know what they were - and I remember I think I had to be around six years old when I was thinking about this problem potentially existential threatening problem I was in my bedroom and I was thinking well on the one hand I really really like astronomy I really like the idea of studying the stars in the universe but on the other hand I'm also interested in learning about aliens and UFOs but aliens and UFOs don't seem to want to make themselves known so if I investigate them too much they'll probably come and abduct me for sticking my nose where it doesn't belong whereas I don't think the universe will really care if I study it so I made that decision at six years old to become an astronomer so far I have not been abducted so I think my career choice was a was a smart one yeah but you there you have a problem the universal is it eventually will kill you so it's worse you know I hadn't thought about that at the time I didn't know that we could be killed by universe but yeah you're right there's a lot more ways to die in the universe than there is pot and of aliens but nevertheless between that and my obsession with science fiction and my interest in the cosmos yeah I pretty much knew I wanted to study astronomy or have something to do with it from a very young age then when I was around 13 years old I well really at the suggestion by my parents I just rode my bicycle over to Swarthmore College which was only a couple of miles from where I grew up and there was an observatory there and so I knocked on the door of the observatory and you wouldn't believe who shows up there's this older gentleman well he was probably in his 40s or 50s at the time but you know when you're a little kid that may as well just be you know that he may have all been Gandalf you know anyway he shows up at the door and he's got a thick German accent and you know something like right out of central casting you know this German astronomer named Wolfe Heights and I asked him I said hi my name is Christian Reddy I was wondering if you needed any help here around the observatory and he said yeah sure come back see me tomorrow so I went back the following day and he took me on and kind of was he was my first mentor in astronomy and he gave you my first job in the field using the sproule observatory 24-inch refractor and he showed me how to make images of the stars on what were then photographic plates these were the old Kodak glass plates with emulsion on one side and took images of selected stars in the sky and then brought them downstairs to the basement where we had this gigantic complex nasty machine which would measure their positions down to I think something like one ten thousandth of a meter or something ridiculously highly precise and what we were doing is we were doing what's now called a straw mat REE actually it was called astrometry back then but we were doing astrometry the idea is that we were measuring the positions of stars in the sky and in particular we were observing their parallaxes in other words we would watch nearby stars appear to oscillate in the sky back and forth over the course of the year and that oscillation of course is due to the fact that the earth is traveling around the Sun and the parallax in turn revealed the Stars distance we were charting the universe we were finding the distances to nearby stars and occasionally we discover stars that didn't show up in any catalogs so we were actually discovering stuff I mean there I was I was 13 years old I was actually doing what I hope to do someday from Star Trek so not a bad way to get started you know it's interesting to think about that because I hear that over and over where people were inspired by Star Trek particularly the original series and you have to wonder how many engineers and scientists were first inspired by by that television show and my best guess is thousands and thousands and me and me too you know me too I was watching the reruns of Captain Kirk in the early 80s and maybe you know maybe that was I even decided after a while that the next generation was okay to see I was that was what 1987 so I'd have been 13 so that was my new Star Trek so that kind of is my Star Trek I suppose you could say because this the original series seemed like this thing that was done long in the past even though it had only really been just a little over a decade it just seemed old and then when when we go to the days of Captain Picard it seemed fresh and new and now that's you know long long ago in itself now astronomy even broader scale now with by using the orbit of the earth you know we can look at a star in one month and then a few months later look at it again and try to determine its distance so probably more accurately these days I would assume when he we've got that big of a baseline available to you but does that really affect it well as a matter of fact back in back in the day of the 1980s Aris trauma tree was relying on earth or Earth's orbit as well so the idea is that your baseline becomes 2 astronomical units you've got you know it's a distance from the Sun of the earth in March and then the same distance over again and in September let's say I see so you would take an exposure one month and then another exposure six months later and then compare or to be really more precise we take exposures all throughout the year you know in other words like we had a set number of stars and of course we have some real-world complications if a star is too close to the Sun in one season that's going to affect so what you try to do is you try to take as many exposures over the course of a year as possible and then even then you take you try to image that star over several years to help get rid of you know precision errors or errors in the telescope or you know real-world complications like that cloudy nights so forth so yeah we are taking advantage of the entire or twice the Earth's semi-major axis but now and I should also say that this technique was you know accurate to within about about a hundred a hundred parsecs at best one parsec is 3.26 late years so to the math but we're not talking more than about three hundred some-odd light-years that's relatively close today though we now have a machine called a Gaia satellite and it's able to make reliable parallax's of some 1 billion stars out to well basically from here to the galactic center about 26,000 light-years away so it's able to do work that is on a scale that is many orders of magnitude better than what we could do back in the 1980s with the 24 inch refracting telescope but it was cool to be able to do something you know to be able to be to play a small part in the road that led us to Gaia you know one of the cool things things are for me anyway about about this old refractors we had one here at Washington University in Saint Louis and it was a it's a it's a venerable old Alvin Clark made you know refractor it's not anywhere near 24 inches but it's it's still fairly substantial and now how old is the refractor there yeah it was well actually I should also say that the refractor is no longer there at Swarthmore College it has since been removed from the observatory and has now is now being restored in Arkansas so it's going to go up for public use in a public Observatory down in Arkansas but at the time it was one of the largest I think at the time it was built which would have been in the early 1900s I don't remember the year but I want to say it was around 1910 1913 something like that it was one of the world's largest telescopes period and as a refractor it was extremely well suited to this type of work because it could make extremely razor-sharp images which is exactly what you have to have to do this kind of precision work so it was old I mean by the time I got there in the early 1980s it was already old technology in fact you know as I said we were taking images on photographic plates everything was analog there was no digital anything even the clock was analog a lot of the guidance on the the stars had to be you know there was a clock drive moving the telescope against the apparent motion of the Earth's rotation but you had to guide or tune that guiding yourself so it really did mean you know sitting there looking through an eyepiece that picked up some of the light from the telescope that was heading to the camera and watching a guide star and just keeping that guide star Center making constant manual adjustments it was real old-school astronomy even by even by its day as a matter of fact to measure the positions of the stars on those photographic plates as I said we went downstairs to this big gigantic machine and initially we recorded the data on IBM punch cards I mean that's how old it was it was it was medieval even back then so imagine my delight when we got an apple to see with 500 floppy disks to record our data on Wow I guess you would have also found you know objects that were in a solar system moving around you know an asteroid or something like that something you'll see it in one-one plate but it's not there and the other would you run across oddball stuff like that I never did know nor do I nor do I know if anything like that was ever found at Sproule but but I will tell you one interesting story that predates me back in 1963 the previous Observatory director Peter van de Kaap made headlines because he believed that he detected the wobble a a wobble in the motion of barnard star so as stars move across the sky they exhibit was something called proper motion that's the apparent sideways motion across the sky that stars will make and barnard star has the highest proper motion of any star in the sky that's because for two reasons number one it's relatively close to Earth but number two it's also just has a a high velocity around the galaxy well anyway van de Kamp thought saw what he thought were oscillations in the proper motion of Barnard and concluded that there was at least one planet surrounding Barnard and that drew apparently an awful lot of press that drew a lot of international attention and I was told tales of what was happening at the observatory about 20 years before I got there well anyway my boss who was appointed by von de Kaap to succeed him as the director of super observatory discovered that after the telescope's optics had been removed for cleaning and reinserted that all the wobbling that van de Kamp's saw was just noise and wasn't real and that there was no evidence for a planet around Barnard but then if I could fast forward the story to my college days I went to Villanova University where I was a student of among other people at Guinan and Edie einen recently worked with a international collaboration to use the radial velocity method that we use to measure binary stars to work out that there is in fact a real planet around Barnard so I have the honor of working in two facilities that were instrumental in discovering a planet around Barnard star and I worked at those two places at exactly the wrong times to have any impact on the discovery whatsoever you know that's not so interesting that I've said it out loud you you will not be getting any credit for the planet around Bernhard star now that starts particularly interesting it's a red dwarf right that's right yeah now is it is it a really old red dwarf as it has a calm down or is it still you know a flier stars as they tend to be when they're younger as far as I know I believe I believe Barnard might not be quite so violent quite so active although we have to be a little bit careful about that because we know that for example Proxima Centauri is also a red dwarf star and it's believed to be about the same age as the Sun and it just showed a tremendously powerful flare just last year I don't know if Barnard itself is known to be as a flaring a star but but the fact is that you have a small star with a highly convective interior so that's going to produce a very strong magnetic field and because of its smaller size and conservation of angular momentum it's going to rotate rapidly so you're going to have a very strong and very twisted tangled magnetic field you know if Barnard isn't already flaring it's it's going to someday so I don't know if that means the real estate on Barnard B or Proxima B is is worth investing in right now but at the same time red dwarfs are extraordinarily long-lived mainly because of that convection right it's moving its hydrogen around so it gets to use a lot more of the hydrogen than a larger star would be able to do that's not convecting like that now they can last for billions upon billions of years do they ever get to a stage where the real estate value Rises on a planet near one they do but but you're right though going back to that point about using the hydrogen yeah because their interiors are on a percent convective and if the star starts out presumably in a very simple model as almost entirely hydrogen probably with some helium and some metals thrown in there as well and you're right because of its convective nature it's gonna use up a hundred percent of the hydrogen fuel available to it so if you have for example a red dwarf star that's one-tenth the sun's mass well it's going to have the same amount of fuel to work with as our Sun does in its core but it's gonna use a hundred you know but it's also going to burn that fuel very very slowly so you're right these are extremely long-lived stars only they're not their life spans are not measured in the billions of years they're actually are measured in the trillions of years I mean that's that's really what's amazing about these things these things will go for a long time I think the lowest your the shortest-lived red dwarf star is gonna come in somewhere at around 1.2 trillion years while others can go as long as 10 to 12 trillion years and that's nuts I mean our our own Sun and we're looking at what like a you know it's currently about four-and-a-half billion years old and it has maybe about another five maybe six billion years to go on the main sequence but that's it 12 billion years total and we're talking about something that is just several orders of magnitude longer so to answer your question yes those stars will eventually evolve and in so doing we can expect a couple things that can affect the real-estate values number one we should expect those stars to become a lot more quiet and over time the rotation will slow down because they're losing mass due to their own stellar winds so we expect their rotations to slow down as their own magnetic field lines drag in their own solar wind and that should ease up on the magnetic activity ie flares so we don't expect red dwarf stars to remain as uber deadly as they are when they're young certainly within like the first several hundred million maybe a couple of billion years of their lifetimes so we can expect a relatively lengthy period of red dwarf quiescence but if you have a red dwarf that has just the right mass range around sixteen percent the mass of the Sun they'll warm up and they will get a lot hotter as they evolve and they won't actually become red giant stars but they will get warmer and if you have a situation like you do in the case of Barnard be hard be is far enough away from Barnard that someday Barnard gets warm enough the ice shell could could thaw out on a planet like that and you could have some very nice opportunities for a very earth-like environment for billions of years and you have the added advantage that you have trillions of years for evolution to occur so you could have a situation where it's it's you know maybe and in that exact situation it may be more favorable for a civilization to eventually arise because just the sheer amount of time that life would have to evolve towards it I would think so and I think that red dwarfs present that really nice solution to or a solution to the Fermi paradox which is you know where is everybody well maybe we are just among the first to show up in the universe maybe trillions of years from now there'll be an age of red dwarf civilizations just enjoying life I mean you're talking about the most common type of star in the universe come on the odds the odds of life showing up around those stars especially in the distant future has has got to increase as time goes on well and you could also make the case that you know given that were we're orbiting around this yellow okay that was college it's worth but I have trouble saying that it's really and it's not yellow either and it's just like well maybe we should be calling it a Green Giant Jolly Green Giant yes but the the idea though is that you know our our star is not permanent by any means so perhaps it might be a thought for the human future should we survive to go and colonize the nearest red dwarf we can and simply move civilization there because that will give us you know much much longer lease on life than what we're gonna have here with this star well you certainly yeah that certainly is the right idea and we couldn't ask for a better opportunity because Proxima Centauri is the closest star to our solar system and you know in terms of cosmological distances we're talking about 4.2 light years away that's just down the cosmic street so if we can get to Proxima be the planet that presently lives in próximas so-called habitable zone then yeah that would be the next best place for our descendants to migrate to certainly you know migrating to places like Mars and even the outer solar system like say the moons of Jupiter is this great for a short term solution but but as you point out ya within a couple of billion years the sun's just not going to be very hospitable for her life our earth will cease to be a hospitable planet even Mars will become inhospitable I know it's hospital inhospitable already but even if we match to terraform it will run out of habitability on Mars and I think we'll also see a an erosion of habitability on the Jovian moons so Proxima B is our is our next logical choice and it's it's a place that we need to start thinking about you know sooner rather than later and by that I mean in the in the cosmological timescales well with the Sun you know the sun's luminosity is increasing over time so we're we're we're gonna start having issues with the star in the hundreds of millions of years and so we definitely is it is something we would have to look at but thankfully even if we can't get to Proxima beed it's so far in the future that it's just too distant it's moved away there is no shortage of other red dwarfs in the Milky Way it's by far the most common type of star there is so you just grab one and colonize so to speak you know you make a good point John I I I was making my statement without taking into account the fact that yeah you know Proxima and the Sun are moving and by that point in the future when the Sun has become in hospitable proximal and proximal and the Sun will probably be too far but you're right there would probably be another red dwarf I mean most of the stars near the Sun as it is are presently what red dwarfs yeah wouldn't be surprised of that were the case in a few billion years now the other interesting thing about this is that but the habitability of these dwarf stars there's also the orange dwarfs the what are they type K I think yeah and some people have advanced that these would actually be even better than red dwarfs for habitability because they know you're habitable zones further out and and the star but the problem with that is that that it's really hard to study any planets around these peaches because of their their size and brightness now sun-like stars like you know the type G star we have then you start getting into scarce ur stars and that it's also been thought that maybe maybe this we're just in a really lucky position and you mentioned that we're early in the game we may be early in the game as a solution to the Fermi paradox but if you look at all of the factors that go into how life arose on earth and evolved there was a lot of chance there and a lot of almost unlikely you know circumstances like the formation of the moon you know through the glancing blow theory and things like that tides you know plate tectonics all these things that had to be present that in some way contributed to life on Earth eventually evolving into you know us a civilization on that note we have to go to break we'll be back in a moment with Christian ready if you'd like to support event horizon you'll be pleased to know we've recently launched a patreon link in the description below or alternatively you can use your cellular telephone to scan the assemblage of squares on screen now be sure to LIKE subscribe and share the video and now back to John and we're back with astronomer Christian ready now Christian I joined you on a live stream on new years because of the ultimate tool a flyby now I haven't done any updates on that but we've learned some stuff since then as as to what what does that you know the characteristics of this object are an attorney to be really interesting what have we learned since the flyby yeah I think the biggest surprise first of all Ultima Thule just seems to be surprising us one moment after the next you know first it was this it was expected to be this really lumpy by lobate object and then it turned out to be a snowman well that didn't hold up for very long because now we've gotten images down from New Horizons that show instead of a snowman it's kind of like it's kind of like a walnut and a misshapen hamburger patty or something like that it's it's weird both of these are kind of flattish the larger object named Thule is a little or Wayman I think think the larger one is named Ultima yeah the larger object named Ultima is kind of misshapen as sort of like a you know a patty shaped like structure then you have this walnut smaller object and they're both kind of kind of aligned along their long axes so they're rotating their co-rotating which basically is a nice way of saying they're spinning around whatever the middle the system is and it's really just kind of not what I not unlike anything anyone had expected and so it's really great to see this because now it raises all kinds of new questions assuming that Ultima Thule is a is a normal typical Kuiper belt object you know are they all like this are they all instead of being roundish objects are they all flattish objects the fact that they're flat and the fact that they're rotating along that flat axis makes a certain amount of sense it makes the most sense if you think about a group of smaller objects that are just kind of in a mutual orbit the smallest of the objects either get kicked out of the system or accrete onto the system and then eventually the two larger objects just kind of merge together along perpendicular to their axis of rotation and you end up with with two flat fish objects co-rotating like this it's really interesting now is there is there other possibilities Erik could you have like a trial obaid object form or is that just sort of not in the dynamics of this I you know I really don't know I think that would be a really cool question for the new horizons team and and I'm got my fingers crossed I can hopefully talk to them after they get back from this week's meeting of the planetary and Geological Society down in Texas so I'm that's one of things that I want to find out as well is it possible to have more than two lobes I do know this or I do understand this from the Ultima Thule flyby and that is most objects in the outer solar system are by low B in fact even the objects that started out in the outer solar system but ended up close by such as a comet 67p that the Rosetta spacecraft visited are by lobate so a binary system like Rosetta's 67p or Ultima Thule seems to become and I don't know if a triple or more object or more lobes system as is likely I think it's larger than B by lobate but I'm not sure and I wouldn't be surprised if we were surprised you know speaking of being surprised when and you know as we were talking about sort of the last few decades of astronomical research the outer solar system starting with the flyby of Pluto is proving to be far far more interesting than anybody ever imagined you know we used to think of it back in the 80s as this frozen wasteland you know that just produced comets and things like that but now we're finding as we actually probe it we're finding out it's way more interesting particularly Pluto where you know it's it's this dynamic world you know and it makes you wonder what what awaits us when we look at these these Kuiper belt objects you know that eventually we start exploring them and or what are we going to find you know are they going to be just as dynamic as Pluto or are they going to be it's just it's a really interesting thing because you literally have hundreds and thousands of minor planets to explore and then you've got countless objects like Ultima Thule floating around out there and as we learn more about them they turn out they're far more interesting and what else is interesting about and ultimately is how primitive they are you know these these are almost like fossils of the early solar system and and that's why that's why these are such interesting objects because you're right there are these perfectly preserved I mean that you know doesn't look like there's a whole lot of cratering or a lot of impacts going on you know out there everything's moving so slowly that the impacts such as they are are really just these gentle mergers producing objects like the Ultima Thule so you get this really pristine fossil record of what the early solar nebula was like because it hasn't really changed since the early solar nebula it is effectively a piece of the early solar nebula and I think that's tremendously exciting as to how dynamic things are with Ultima Thule and you know your typical Kuiper belt object probably not as interesting and dynamic as Pluto because Pluto has enough mass to pull itself into a spherical shape it can achieve hydrostatic equilibrium well once you get spherical now you can have geology and yeah it was a huge surprise to see Pluto with this incredibly geologically diverse surface in fact it's the most diverse surface of any world in our solar system next to Earth I don't know how how widely expected that was I'm sure some Pluto experts were anticipating it I mean there was early work welders early work on Pluto going all the way back to Clyde Tombaugh but the most sophisticated work that was done was with the Hubble Space Telescope and the modeling patterns were mapped out onto a sphere and they matched up pretty well with what New Horizons found so when you get to Ultima Thule on the other hand because you lack the hydrostatic equilibrium I think what is what they're likely to find and again I don't know I'm not an expert on on early planetary geology but it seems like what they're likely to find is more of more the results of things happening to Ultima Thule rather than things happening inside of it if that makes any sense like there wouldn't be I wouldn't think there would be any heat source inside Ultima Thule driving convection for example yeah far too small but but Pluto is not and you know one of the also of interest is you know Pluto has organic chemistry going on which and and you know we know from from meteorites associated with comets that there's probably a lot of organics out you know in the outer solar system and that you know this is these are the building blocks of life you know as a matter of fact I think they've actually found in a meteorite that fell in Australia back in the 60s it actually found it me know acids present in it now this isn't biology they're a biotic but at the same time they are what what the building blocks for biology so you know there may be a connection between life on Earth and the outer solar system long ago in the past I would think so I mean after all even the Comets that we see that we've flown through they contain amino acid chains and and you're right they're not they're not life but you need them for life and the fact that those building blocks were most likely delivered to earth via the outer solar system via comets well then that suggests okay you may not expect them you're not gonna find well we wouldn't expect to find life in the Kuiper belt at the origins of life yeah could very well come to us courtesy of the Kuiper belt you could you could say that the stage was set for us in the outer solar system exactly right the ingredients were shipped in you know think of it this way the outer solar system is the cold storage locker where the where the food of life originates yeah exactly it's the refrigerator that where the potatoes are kept now Christian I have one last question for you that completely switches gears but it's a it's a hot topic and I personally wonder if we're going to find something much bigger than a Kuiper belt object in the outer solar system planet 9 as an astronomer what do you think the odds are that we're gonna find that oh boy my expert opinion which is worth exactly as much as anyone elses right I think the evidence that there is a plan tonight I mean the work that Mike Brown and konstantin batygin and others have done it's hard to imagine a situation where there isn't a planet out there you know we can start from the very first principles of okay the universe is always going to surprise us expect the unexpected but look at all that evidence that we see your the this arrangement of these distant solar system objects lined up in such a way you know it's not it's not hard to imagine that could be done by a planet but we don't have to imagine we can run computer simulations and we can see how a planet matching planet nines description generates the orbits that we see as a matter of fact that's how planet nine was was a discovered but really demonstrated to be a viable model so in my humble opinion I think it's probably out there but like like anybody else you know I got to see the data we got to see that image and I know that astronomers around the world are working very hard to get that but it just might take us longer to find it than we expect I mean we are talking about something that's you know could very well be easily lost in the middle of the plane of the Milky Way galaxy if that's the case then we are kind of really having to wait we may just have to wait for the large synoptic survey telescope to come along that will have the dedicated cadence to be able to catch anything moving even at Planet nines proposed magnitude so if it isn't found before Alice's T comes on then I would like to think it would probably be found almost certainly be found out in the coming decade if not then I really want to know how is that you get everything to arrange itself the way it's being arranged and so far I haven't really seen a terribly convincing argument for that yet I for one hope we find it because as we were talking about Pluto it's it's interesting to think about what it might be like you know if it exists what what is this distant planet like is that you know in light of our discussion on Pluto you know how strange it ended up being but we'll save talk about that until after they find it and we'll hopefully you'll come back and we can actually talk about Planet 9 it's an existing object someday that would be a lot of fun it's fun to imagine the far future of the universe will we still be around in some form what will humans trillions of years in the future be like envisioning that if it's possible for us to last that long is difficult but the realities of the universe in the far future will dictate what we do to keep going we would need to harness the energy of things like red dwarfs and perhaps even black holes eventually though time will be up and continuation in this universe will not only be increasingly difficult if not impossible but there may not even be a point to living in a dead universe at what point is existing for very long periods of time not desirable what's it like to be a consciousness trillions of years old I'll probably never know I'm too early in the game and I'm fine with that it's enough for me to simply imagine what the future will be like ah another episode in the can Anna I thought you said the thing Ross was working on was 21 days away well it's being moved forward yeah I know how do you know have you been reading my emails to Ross Kemp oh I didn't know you it you've been talking about it openly with me in the room oh well you may as well tell them sure look I will indeed next week we have a very special show indeed I'll be joined by the co-hosts of the well podcast filmmaker Brandon edge ins and Anson mount who also happens to portray Captain Christopher Pike and Star Trek discovery our first captain on the show see you then [Music] you
Channel: Event Horizon
Views: 47,059
Rating: 4.8637471 out of 5
Keywords: universe, end, of, game, space, science, galaxy, life, universe end, universe end documentary, how our universe will end, how will the universe end?, is our universe infinite?, infinite universe, infinity, pluto, kuiper, belt, new, horizons, ready, launchpad, astronomy, godier, event, horizon, asmr, ultima, thule, planet, nine, nasa, red, dwarf, stars, big crunch, big freeze, big, bang, infinite, pluto update 2019, space 2019, space documentary 2019, futurism
Id: uoozJoRuJ9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 48sec (2448 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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