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hello welcome to conscious mind my name is Jordi and it's a pleasure to be here with you today in this space we aim to explore the depths of our mind and learn how to connect more intimately with the universe around us [Music] [Music] today we will focus on a powerful practice requesting from the quantum field this meditation is intended to deeply connect with the universe to manifest our deepest desires and Achieve our goals the quantum field is an infinite source of energy and possibilities and by tuning into its frequency we can co-create and transform our reality in a way that reflects our most authentic dreams and aspirations before we begin I would like you to find a comfortable and quiet place place where you can sit or lie down without interruptions make sure your environment is prepared to allow you to relax completely and open up to the experience we are about to share we will start with a few moments of deep relaxation I invite you to gently close your eyes take a deep breath inhale peace exhale tension feel how every part of your body begins to relax with each breath allow any stress or worry to fade [Music] away remember this is a time just for you a moment to nourish your mind and [Music] spirit thank you for allowing me to be part of your journey today I invite you to gently direct your attention to your breathing notice how fresh air enters through your nostrils filling your lungs with life and energy feel the slight Descent of the warmer air as you exhale a gentle sign of relaxation and release do not try to change your breathing just observe it be a witness to its natural Rhythm how it flows in and out like the waves of the sea [Music] each inhalation brings you more into the present each exhalation releases what you no longer need imagine that with each breath you are more anchored in the here and now more rooted in this moment the past and future Fade Away only this instant exists and you are fully present in it more rooted in this moment the past and future Fade Away only this instant exists and you are fully present in it with each cycle of breath feel how you become lighter as if each exhalation released a bit more weight from your shoulders this simple yet powerful Act of conscious breathing is a transformative tool It Centers you stabilizes you and prepares you to receive you are here now fully present and aware let's continue on this inner Journey with Open Hearts and Minds ready to connect with the universe and manifest our deepest [Music] intentions now f visualize that from the base of your spine from that point of contact with the ground Roots begin to grow these are not ordinary Roots they are energetic luminous and vibrant imagine how they extend from your body into the Earth beneath you penetrating deeply into the [Music] soil feel how these roots connect you to the Earth strong and and firmly as if you were a majestic and robust tree with each inhalation these roots strengthen and with each exhalation they expand more and more these roots anchor you to the here and now keeping you centered and stable no matter the storms that may come visualize how through these roots you absorb the energy of the earth it's a soothing stabilizing energy that Rises up through your roots enters your body and fills every cell of your being this Earth Energy nourishes you revitalizes you and balances you allowing you to feel more present and connected as your roots take hold in the earth feel how your mind frees itself from distractions the past and future lose their grip and only the present moment is Amplified you are here firmly planted in the now fully immersed in the experience of this [Music] moment this grounding exercise is a powerful reminder of your connection with the physical world and with nature through this visualization you become part of something much larger stable and calm whenever you feel scattered or disconnected remember these roots and let them guide you back to the center back to the now now that you are deeply anchored and centered let's direct our attention to the vast and mysterious Quantum field imagine that around you and within you there is a vibrant energy field a bright light that permeates everything this is the Quantum field a fabric of pure energy that connects all matter all thought and all existence visualize this light as a soft glow that slowly intensifies around you it could be golden White or any color that you find powerful and peaceful watch as this light envelops your entire body penetrating every cell every fiber of your being feel how this energy wraps you in warmth and the glow that soothes and energizes you at the same time as this light surrounds you imagine that it also expands Beyond you connecting you with the environment with the people around you and with the University self this light represents the quantum field that binds everything that exists through this connection you are part of an infinite network of energy and possibilities [Music] feel how this vibrant light connects you not only physically but also mentally and spiritually with the cosmos each thought you have each desire you Harbor is transmitted through this field resonating and creating waves in the universe this field is not just around you it passes through you offering you direct access to the infinite possibilities that exist [Music] as you bathe in this bright light allow any sense of separation between you and the universe to dissolve feel how you are part of something larger interconnected and dynamic where your desires and your energy have the power to influence and manifest here in this space you are perfectly aligned with the vast network of quantum energy ready to co-create and shape your reality [Music] continuing with our connection to the quantum field let us now deepen our feeling of unity with the universe breathe deeply and with each exhale imagine that you can dissolve the barriers of the ego those mental constructions that often make us feel separated and isolated visualize that each particle of your being blends with the light of the quantum field feel how your individuality expands diffusing into the Infinite Space that surrounds [Music] you you are beginning to perceive that you are not an isolated entity but an integral part of a much larger hole now imagine that this Union allows you to feel what others feel to deeply understand that we all share the same Joys fears and hopes life around you from the smallest of creatures to the stars in the sky is interconnected by the same vital energy that you now feel pulsating within [Music] you as you immerse your yourself in this feeling of unity observe how concerns based on fear and separation begin to lose their power over you in their place a deeper understanding of love and connection takes root you are part of the earth you walk on the air you breathe and every being that inhabits this planet Embrace this feeling of being intertwined with the fabric of the universe with each breath strengthen this connection allowing the feeling of unity to fill you with peace and a deep sense of belonging from this place of unity your ability to influence the world and manifest positive changes is magnified because you act as part of a harmonious whole not just for individual interests this is the true power of connecting with the quantum field recognizing that everything that exists is an expression of the same life force and that each of us has the potential to affect and be affected by this vast and dynamic universe [Music] imagine that you are in a space of soft gentle light and within this space you have the ability to create anything you desire allow me to guide you in the process of making a clear and Powerful request to the quantum field a request that can transform your [Music] reality breathe deeply and as you exhale release any concerns or distractions Focus your attention at the center of your being at the heart of your Consciousness from this place of calm and Clarity let's explore what you truly wish to manifest in your life think about what you want to achieve or receive visualize this Desire with all the details you can imagine if it's a new job imagine the ideal work environment your future colleagues the office where you'd like to be even the type of projects you'd like to work on if you seek inner peace feel that Tranquility flooding every part of your being a deep calm that permeates your day-to-day life now with this clear image in your mind transform that desire into words phrase it as if it were already happening in the present tense for example I am working in an environment that stimulates my creativity and skills collaborating with colleagues who respect and inspire me or I feel at peace with myself and my surroundings more Serene and centered every day keep this image and these words flowing in your Consciousness feel the emotion of it already being real the joy and gratitude for having it now imagine that each word you emit is a seed planted in the fertile soil of the quantum field where everything is possible now from this place of power and possibility release your request to the universe trust that the quantum field has received your desire and is working to manifest it feel gratitude not only for what will come but also for all that you already have breathe deeply once more and as you exhale feel how you fill with confidence and peace knowing that what you have asked for is on its way to you in perfect harmony with the [Music] universe stay a few moments longer in this Sacred Space feeling the connection with all that exists and when you are ready bring your Consciousness back to the present moment carrying with you the certainty that your desires are in the process of manifesting breathe deeply allowing the air to refresh your being and with each exhalation release any tension you may feel you are in a safe space a space where anything is possible now that you have made your request to the quantum field let's let's Infuse it with the energy of your emotions imagine that your wish has already been fulfilled not in the distant future But Here and Now visualize this outcome with all the details you can if your desire is a new job see yourself going to work feeling the satisfaction of contributing in an environment that values your skills and passions listen to the conversations feel the tech mixture of the materials in your new workplace smell the morning coffee shared with friendly colleagues if what you desire is a relationship imagine being with that person sharing moments of joy and understanding feel the touch of a hug the warmth of a shared smile the security of sincere and loving company with every detail you visualize allow a wave of positive emotion to flood you feel the joy the Gratitude and the excitement as if your dream were already a reality there emot I are powerful and act like magnets attracting your desire from the field of possibilities into your real experience feel the happiness bubbling within you the Deep satisfaction of seeing your wish manifested each time you breathe these emotions intensify becoming more real more tangible [Music] hold this image and these emotions for a few moments longer live them with all your heart as if they were already your present reality this is the power of emotional visualization not just to see but to feel not just to wish but to experience in advance continuing on our journey of deep connection and manifestation through the quantum field allow yourself now to remain in that state of complete realization visualize your wish already manifested not as a possible future but as a current vibrant presence in your life with each breath dive deeper into the details of this visualization imagine how you feel waking up each morning knowing you have achieved what you most desired how does your morning routine change change what emotions feel your chest as you start the day [Music] if your wish involves a professional change visualize your desk the tools you use the projects you are involved in feel the satisfaction of a job well done the joy of collaborating with colleagues who respect and value your ideas and the Tranquility of knowing you are exactly where you need to be hear the sounds of the work [Music] environment maybe the click of keyboards productive conversations laughter shared during a break if it's a relationship you visualized feel the presence of that special person by your side imagine everyday activities together from cooking meals to walking in a park feel the mutual support the respect and the love that flows between you visualize deep conversations and light laughter and feel the security and warmth of a sincere Bond [Music] and if what you've requested is personal growth like inner peace or happiness feel how your life is with these new States how do you react to challenges now how do you interact with others visualize your calm your easy smile the lightness of your step feel the release of old burdens and the freshness of a new beginning each day in this visualization allow yourself to fully experience the emotions associated with your fulfilled wish feel the joy the Gratitude the confidence and the peace that comes with knowing you have achieved what you set out to do each emotion you experience is an echo in the quantum field a vibration that attracts your desired reality toward you continue breathing gently letting each breath strengthen this experience with each inhalation absorb more of that energy of realization with each exhalation expand that energy into the universe reaffirming your creation hold this image and these Sensations a bit longer you are creating not just a vision but a reality in the fabric of space and time woven with the threads of your intention and emotion here in this space of creation everything you imagine can and will become reality [Music] maintain the visualization of your wish already manifested and feel how the emotion of realization flows through you now in this state of fulfillment and satisfaction let's direct our heart and mind toward a deep and expansive feeling gratitude first be thankful for this ability to visualize and feel your desire as already realized feel gratitude for the power that resides in you for the ability to co-create with the universe and for the quantum field that connects us all and responds to Our intention and emotion think of the blessings that are already present in your life perhaps they are nurturing relationships opportunities you enjoy or simply the health that sustains your body each day for each element large or small feel a wave of gratitude filling your heart each breath brings more recognition for the abundances you already possess [Music] next extend that gratitude toward what is to come trust at the seeds you planted today through your visualization and emotions will blossom into future blessings thank the quantum field for his infinite generosity and for always responding to your calls be grateful for what is on its way to you knowing that the Universe works in mysterious ways to bring you what is for your highest good [Music] allow yourself to feel this gratitude not just as a thought but as an energy that radiates from you imagine that each thank you is a light you send out to the universe and that this light returns to you multiplied bringing even more reasons to be grateful keep breathing gently and with each breath strengthen this feeling of gratitude allow yourself to immerse in this feeling letting it fill every space of your being you are here connected with the power of the universe surrounded by your own creations and blessings gratitude is the bridge that links your heart to the cosmos reinforcing each manifestation and each dream continue you in this space of gratitude for a moment longer breathing and allowing the energy of gratitude to envelop and sustain you [Music] as you continue immersed in this state of deep gratitude and connection with the universe let's make a smooth transition to a space of personal reflection allow me to guide you toward a moment of quiet introspection where you can consider the insights and messages you've received during our meditation breathe deeply and as you exhale release any remaining tension in your body Let each muscle relax more deeply allowing calm to spread from the tips of your toes to the top of your head feel how your breath becomes softer and slower preparing you for deep rest now in this state of complete relaxation reflect on the experience you just had you may want to recall a specific moment that arose during the meditation or simply allow yourself to feel the general essence of what you experienced if any thought image or emotion stands out welome come it gently recognize any message that emerged observing it with curiosity and [Music] openness as you contemplate these thoughts or images do not strive to analyze them too much instead allow them to flow freely in your mind like passing clouds in a clear sky each of these messages is a gift from the universe a piece of the puzzle of your life that helps you better understand your path and desires now slowly begin to deepen your breath inviting Tranquility into every part of your being with each inhalation feel how peace settles more deeply within you you with each exhalation imagine that you are letting go of the day preparing to enter into restorative sleep allow me now to guide you toward the threshold of sleep imagine that you are in a beautiful and peaceful place a safe place where you can rest without worries perhaps it's a beach with gentle waves caressing the sand or a quiet Meadow under a Starry Sky whatever it is feel that this place invites you to completely let go and surrender any weight you may still be carrying as you delve deeper into this place of rest allow Serenity to envelop you like a warm soft blanket you are safe here protected and free from worries the night welcomes you into its arms promising renewal and sweet dreams continue breathing gently allowing each breath to bring you closer to [Music] sleep there's no rush no place you need to be right now you are just here in this moment ready to G gently cross into sleep carrying with you the peace and insights from this meditation sleep well knowing that you are in harmony with the universe and that each dream you have is another step in your journey toward personal fulfillment rest now and may your dreams be lucid and filled with peace [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] for e [Music] for [Music] for e [Music] [Music] e e [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] for [Music] e e for [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] for [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] e [Music] [Music] for e for [Music] [Music] e
Channel: Conscious Mind
Views: 5,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guided sleep meditation, Sleep meditation, Positive affirmations for sleep, Sleep affirmation meditation, I am sleep meditation, Mental reprogramming, Positive affirmations, Powerful decrees, Transformation, Universal energy, Manifestation, Beliefs, Autosuggestion, Inner power, Positive changes, Mental resilience, Divine connection, Reality co-creator, Positive frequency, Nighttime meditation, Personal development, Spiritual growth, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy.
Id: gSTlXOWWneg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 5sec (5405 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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