The Undiscovered | 5 of 5 | Jill Tarter || Radcliffe Institute

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[MUSIC PLAYING] - As I mentioned, this is the concluding section of our Undiscovered annual Radcliffe's science symposium. And there is a reception afterwards. But we have just a single speaker for this session, who needs almost no introduction. But I'll give her a tiny introduction. And then you can read her incredibly impressive bio, or you can read Carl Sagan's book about her, but only the first part of the book has actually happened. So for those of you who have read the book, Contact, you know that there is the success of Jill Tarter's character in the book, Contact, where contact with aliens is actually made. And that could happen. But it hasn't happened yet. OK, so Jill is well-known for her work in essentially creating the SETI Institute, from which she is now the chair emeritus of SETI research at the SETI Institute. SETI, by the way, stands for Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. But I think Jill will have something to say about what she means by "intelligence." And her whole life, her whole professional life, essentially has been defined by this one question of, are we alone. And you just heard a wonderful session about the possibilities for establishing an environment for life. But again, as you probably know, Jill is trying to go much farther and actually find evidence and communication from life. And I'll just tell you that Jill and I were reminiscing a little bit yesterday. And she reminded me that she started-- I knew she started in radio astronomy. And I knew that her work had something to do with star formation, which my own work does too. But she started out looking for brown dwarfs, which are the kind of stars now that are a dime a dozen. But they were another one of these things that people thought, well, that should exist, but I'm not really sure, and nobody's ever found one. And now that's just, like, old hat. And when I stand here, and we're talking about 4,000 exoplanets, not only when I was born, but when I was in graduate school, there were no planets beyond those in the solar system. And then you look at Nate's thing about the difference between a telephone in 2007-- sorry, in 2017, or now-- it's astonishing how well people can accept change. And so as Jill talks, I want you to all think about how we would accept it if the search for extraterrestrials is successful in our lifetimes. And we'll come back to that at the end. And I just want to thank Jill very, very much for making the trip here. And I'm very excited to hear what she has to say about the undiscovered. So thank you, Jill. [APPLAUSE] - Thank you. So thank you very much, Alyssa, for inviting me to participate in this symposium. And I do need to start with a disclaimer. I work on SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. However, I can't define "intelligence." I don't know how to find it remotely. What we have done historically is use technology as a proxy for intelligence. And if we find evidence of someone else's technology out there, we will infer some intelligent technologist, at least at some point. And so that's what I'm talking about, "The Undiscovered," looking for technosignatures. All right? You've heard about biosignatures in the last session. But technosignatures also fit under that umbrella of astrobiology. And it's really finding habitable worlds through the deliberate actions of the inhabitants. And we had a question about big numbers, and how do astronomers deal with them. And I'm going to talk to you now about the necessity of all of us dealing with them. Because we are intimately related with far away events and long ago times. So we really have to think about what we mean when we say here and now. And I am on a mission to change your perspective. I hope by the end of the afternoon, maybe I'll have done some of that. All right? So here-- obviously, we're here. Right? At the Radcliffe Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Right? And from the altitude of the low Earth orbiting satellites, we would see ourselves here. And since 1968, when Bill Anders, on Christmas Eve, took this Earthrise image as he was coming around the limb of the moon on Apollo 8, we've been able to visualize ourselves here, as a body in space. This is a really potent image and one that we do need to internalize and change our thinking. We're also here. Right? There is, somewhere up there, a little white dot. So this picture was taken a few years ago by Cassini. And we sent out an email, and I hope that you all went out on the lawn and waved to Cassini when we were taking this selfie. [LAUGHTER] And before that, you've seen this Pale Blue Dot from the Voyager spacecraft, as it was heading out of the solar system, past Neptune, and turned around and looked home and caught us in a mote of light and dust. And our Sun is here, right at the edge of this Milky Way galaxy. Now, that's not a picture of the Milky Way galaxy because nobody's gotten outside to look back and take that picture. But it is a galaxy very much what we think the Milky Way would look like if we could get outside. So our Sun is one of 400 billion stars in this galaxy. And our galaxy, which is here-- again, that's not us. We're not outside. But this is representative. This is the Hubble Deep Field, a thumbnail of dark sky that we didn't think contained anything until we spent hundreds of hours staring at it with a fantastic space telescope. And now, we see all of these hundreds of billions of galaxies within the observable universe. And we note that some of those galaxies are smaller and fainter. And that's because they're farther away, which reminds us, as we look out in space, we look back in time. So we now need to think about our now in the context of 13.8 billion years of the evolution of the cosmos. And that's a big long timespan. But really, humans can trace their lineage back a lot farther than you might think in this long history. So humans trace their lineage not just back through the centuries of our families, and not just back through the millennia of our architecture, and art, and many experiments with different forms of governance, we trace our lineage not just back the millions of years since we branched off from the great apes, not just back to the 2.4 billion years ago when cyanobacteria oxygenated the Earth's atmosphere, and not just back 4.6 billion years to the formation of the solar system, but back a few hundred million years earlier than that, where a giant molecular cloud was polluted with the winds of [INAUDIBLE] stars and the detritus of stellar explosions, such as this beautiful modern supernova explosion. Because the atoms, the iron in the hemoglobin molecules of your blood, the calcium in your bones, they were, in fact, cooked up in the center of massive stars that exploded and polluted this cloud, this molecular cloud, which eventually collapsed into our solar system and our planets, just as this supernova may be providing raw material for future generations of stars and planets. And the message here is that you really are intimately connected all the way back. It takes a cosmos to make a human. We've been on this journey of exploration and understanding for millennia as we've pieced together this story. And the journey still has lots of potential in the future as we try and understand the undiscovered. And we're asking questions about who we are, why we are, where we are, when we are, and, of course, is there anybody else out there. That's yet to be discovered. But in my career, a long one and a very enjoyable one, there have been two real game changers. And you've heard about those earlier-- extremophiles and exoplanets. Right? Extremophiles are life as we didn't even know it until a few decades ago. They're thriving in places that we once thought completely hostile to life. But of course, that was our mindset about thinking about we as life. Right? These organisms are beautifully adapted and can live in the most amazing conditions. We can find them almost every place on the planet. Perhaps there are regions of the Atacama Desert that are too dry to support this sort of life. Or perhaps our instruments are not yet sensitive enough to it. Or perhaps those regions are populated by weird life as we haven't yet discovered it. So we are now considering a lot more environmental conditions as being conducive to life. And we now know that there are more planets than stars in the Milky Way. We've heard that today. And that means that there is more potentially habitable real estate than we ever imagined. And I agree with Lisa that this is such an exciting time because we are on the threshold of deciding whether any of those potentially habitable worlds are actually inhabited. And so you heard the story about looking for biosignatures in the atmospheres of exoplanets around other stars. We are also conducting a very significant program of searching through our own solar system to find biomarkers that we can actually observe and study up close and personal. But microbes are wonderful. We're beginning to understand how bacteria dominates the life on this planet, rewriting the tree of life, where the two branches become minuscule compared to the branch that is bacteria. But some of us are interested in not only the microbes, but the potential for the mathematicians out there. And that's what we're doing when we think about plans to try and detect technosignatures. So these technosignature searches will have exactly the same kind of problems that biosignature searches have. We're going to have to deal with false positives, with false negatives. Often, it's going to be absolutely essential that we understand the context in time and space for what we are observing. And the progress forward in this field has been-- it's been very much of a roller coaster in terms of funding because where microbes don't necessarily pose any ethical or religious questions, technosignatures, technologists out there, certainly do. But it is true that the technology that we have in the 21st century is, in fact, detectable over interstellar distances. And so it's a perfectly reasonable question to ask of the universe-- is there anybody else's technology that we could detect with sufficiently systematic and sensitive explorations? So this work began in the modern era, with a paper by Phil Morrison and Giuseppe Cacconi in 1959. And although there are many things that you could consider to be technosignatures, the first ones that we started looking for were signals, were electromagnetic radiation. So we started our search a little more than 50 years ago with radio telescopes. At the beginning of this century, when technologies allowed, we took that into the optical as well. And now, the frontier for these searches for signals are in the near infrared. So what are we looking for in these different wavelengths regimes? We're looking for patterns, patterns in frequency and time, patterns that nature cannot produce, but engineering can. And if we were to find these patterns-- and oh, my goodness-- actually, nature did produce that, well, that's new physics. That's not such a bad booby prize. Right? [LAUGHTER] So for example, this is a waterfall plot. Frequency is along the horizontal axis, and time is on the vertical axis. And each dot gives an indication of the intensity of the signal at that frequency time unit. Lots of snow. Lots of noise. But your eye sees patterns there. And those patterns are not natural. This is, in fact, the way the planet Mars often looks to our radio telescopes when both Mars Express and the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter are on our side of the planet and their carrier waves are being beamed back to the Deep Space Network. So this is what we're looking, for patterns in frequency and time that indicate engineering versus astrophysics. And in the radio, we use frequency compression. We look for signals that occupy only one channel on a 9-billion-channel radio. And in the optical, we look for time compression, pulses of light that last a nanosecond or less. Both of these kinds of signals we have reasons to believe that nature cannot produce. So we need to build our own equipment because astronomers are studying the natural universe, and they're not interested in building the kinds of detectors that would find engineering as opposed to astrophysics. So whether or not SETI succeeds will depend upon whether there are any other technological civilizations out there and what the distance between them is. And that's not just distance across space, but it's distance across time, because longevity of the technological civilization, or at least the technology, is required if we're ever going to be successful. We may be looking for exactly the right thing. And there may be another technology close enough in space for us to detect, but at the wrong time. They have to be coeval, co-temporal with us in this 10-billion-year history of the Milky Way galaxy for us to successfully detect a signal. So longevity is key to success. Now, turn that around, as Philip Morrison has done, and he has called SETI the archeology of our future. It's archeology because of the finite speed of light. So should we ever detect a signal, and should it have any information content, as one of the students was questioning earlier, it will be telling us about their past, because it took the light a long time to get here. But if we detect a signal, if we have a success, then we know that, on average, technological civilizations are long-lived. It couldn't work any other way for us to be successful. And therefore, we know that it's possible for us to have a long future. So you talked about these great filters, the great barriers. Are they in our future or in our past? Well, I think SETI is one of the only ways that we might get to know that, in fact, technology is stabilizing and it is possible to have a long future. That's one of the reasons that I get out of bed every morning to work on this project. I think it's incredibly impactful. So I've said we've been doing this since 1960. And if you take the nine dimensional space that an electromagnetic signal, the nine properties that the signal might have to be detectable, and you say, I'm going to set that volume, that search volume-- I'm gonna set it equal to the volume of all the Earth's oceans, and how much have we searched in 50-plus years? Well, when I did that calculation on SETI's 50th birthday, I said, you know, we've searched one glass out of the ocean in 50 years. Last month, Jason Wright at Penn State and his students published a reexamination of the calculation. And it turns out, by now, it's more like a small swimming pool. [LAUGHTER] But the thing is that we are on the cusp of an exponential improvement in our capabilities, and the tools we can build, and the computing that we can use to search this multi-dimensional space. And so it's a very, very exciting to see how rapidly our abilities are progressing. So we have often used the tools of the astronomer. But at the turn of the century, we decided we needed our own telescope to be on the air all the time, looking for signals. And so at the Hat Creek Observatory in Northern California, in partnership with UC Berkeley, we built the Allen Telescope Array. We'd wanted to build 350 telescopes. But, you know, the technology development took longer. It was more costly. The telescopes are inexpensive but not as inexpensive as we would have liked. So if you've got to stop between somewhere short of 350, it seems like 42 is a good number. [LAUGHTER] Life, the universe, and everything. And this is the first time that we have built a large equivalent telescope out of a large number of small dishes. And that means, for us, that silicon and computing is as absolutely important as aluminum and steel in these fixtures. And we hope that eventually we will be able to expand this fantastic instrument. And starting in 2011, when the Kepler spacecraft began releasing data on exoplanets, we combined the data on they're known exoplanets with the radial velocity exoplanets. And we used those as our targets. And we did that up until about a year and a half ago, when it became obvious that every star has a planet, at least one. And so then we switched over to another mode of observing, which is, our targets are now the 20,000 nearest red dwarf small stars. Because if we look nearer, we can detect fainter signals. And as you heard earlier, there is really a question about whether planets around a red dwarf can maintain an atmosphere, whether the flares from the first billion years of these active small stars are inimical to life. But we haven't looked at this class of stars before. And so that's what we're doing with the Allen Telescope Array right now. And you can see an indication of our technology. You can see this blank strip. This is right ascension and declination. So that's an astronomer's map of the sky. You can see this strip right here. There are no observations. That's because that's the geosynchronous belt, where all of our satellites are orbiting. And those signals are so much stronger than the faint signals that we're trying to detect that when we point our telescopes in that direction, the receivers clamp down. It's just too loud. And so an analogy that I like to say is if you took one of our cellphones, 1 watt transmitter, and put it on the moon, it would be the second loudest radio signal in the sky. So we're looking for very faint signals. And if you want to follow this search, there's a website called that will show you the stars that we are observing currently. We observe three at a time. It helps to distinguish between terrestrial interference and a distant possible signal. And we do our signal processing in real time so you can see what happens to signals that are found and how we follow up on them. So the other large SETI program that is now in action is the breakthrough-- I'm now having a hard time. All right, we can do this this way. All right. The Breakthrough Listen initiative, which started in 2015 with a pledge from Yuri Milner of $100 million over 10 years. And their intention is to look at all the stars within five parsecs, 1,000 stars of all spectral types, out to about 50 parsecs-- that's a 150 light years-- look at a million nearby stars, look at the center regions of at least 100 nearby galaxies, and throw in exotic objects as they come along, like the 'Oumuamua object from a distant solar system that came through our solar system a few months ago. So what are they doing? They are not building their own telescopes. They are renting time on existing large telescopes. And they are building spectacular back end digital signal processing systems to work with those telescopes. So this is the Green Bank telescope in West Virginia, at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. They are also using the Parkes Telescope in New South Wales, in Australia. They are using the Automated Planet Finder Telescope at Lick Observatory in San Jose, California to do optical SETI. And they have recently signed a memorandum of agreement with the FAST, the very, very large telescope that's just coming online in China, with the MeerKAT Array of 64 dishes in South Africa, with the Jodrell Bank telescope in the UK. And we can look forward to observational programs on these telescopes with new back end equipment in the near future. So that's the big city projects. But there is more SETI on the telescopes around the world today than those. How many of you have ever had SETI at home on your computers? Yeah? OK. Well, it's still running. It's 12 years on. And it was developed by UC Berkeley. And I think this is what put distributed computing and citizen science on the map. So you can use a screensaver to look through data recorded Arecibo, or at Green Bank in the same way that we do at the Allen Telescope Array. In real time, you can work on recorded data to try and help process these data for finding SETI signals. There's a new array spreading over Northern Europe and the UK called LOFAR. And they are beginning to look for transient low frequency radio signals. There's a small group in Italy that used the Medicina, a 32-meter telescope, and now, are switching to trying to do SETI on a new radio telescope at 64 meters. And there is a sky survey being done by students at the Goldstone Apple Valley Radio Telescope down near the Deep Space Network in Southern California. And this is a sky survey that the Jet Propulsion Laboratory was proposing to do when we were a NASA project, before the funds were terminated in 1993. NASA was able to move-- I don't know. I think they moved the fence, not the telescope. But now the telescope is outside the fence. And it's been incorporated into this research, student educational facility. And the students are conducting that sky survey today. This is the Mileura Wide Field Array, a lot of very interesting dipoles in the deserts of Western Australia. And they've begun to look for transient SETI signals. In the optical part of the spectrum, Harvard has been leading the way for a long time. The students built their own optical SETI telescope. And it takes about-- let me see. They can look at about 80% of the sky. And I think it takes about 280 clear nights to scan the entire sky, looking for these bright optical flashes. And they re-observe the sky a number of times. The data from the Keck Observatory, from the high-res spectrometer, which is used to find exoplanets with the radial velocity technique, those data have been reanalyzed, looking for lasers, looking for, actually, continuous lasers or bright flashes of lasers. There's an amateur optical SETI observatory at Boquete in Panama. And they are looking at some interesting new signal processing techniques. And as I said before, the near infrared and optical part of the spectrum is being explored at Lick Observatory in San Jose. And we've begun doing some serious data mining. This is a project that Jason Wright and his students at Penn State have undertaken. The WISE spacecraft explored the entire sky at infrared wavelengths. And they're now going through that data to look for very advanced kinds of technology-- a Dyson sphere, something that captures all the energy of its star and would have an infrared excess radiation from the back side of the panels of the Dyson sphere, or even more extraordinary, a civilization of Kardashev 3 type that could control all of the energy from all of the stars in its galaxy. And we are, right now, beginning to prototype and deploy some different optical SETI detectors. So on the left is one of the four VERITAS detectors, which are actually looking for high energy cosmic rays, gamma rays. And they are being retrofitted, or the software is being retrofitted, to find those events which are not long trails on the sky, but our individual pixels that turn out to be the same pixel on the sky from all four telescopes. And we'll see if we can use these Cherenkov detectors in a new way. And then a project called PANO-SETI being developed by a collaboration between Harvard, and UC San Diego, and Berkeley, and the SETI Institute. If you come from Berkeley, you gotta Buckminster Fuller geodesic domes. Well, imagine a geodesic dome with 126 sections, each one of which is filled with a Fresnel lens that's a half a meter across. And that can capture light from a very large area on the sky and focus it onto very fast optical arrays of detectors. And a couple of those will also focus the light onto much more expensive and much newer technology that works in the infrared. And this way, you can build something that looks at 10,000 square degrees on the sky at one time. And then as the sky turns overhead, you get to look at the whole sky eventually. And because you're looking for transience and you want confidence, of course, you'll build two of these-- one in Northern California, one in Southern California. They overlap where they're looking on the sky. And when you get coincidence detection, you have a very strong indication that that was a real transient signal. And then at the SETI Institute, 10,000 square degrees wasn't enough. We wanted to be able to look at all the sky all the time for bright flashes. And so we're building something we call Laser SETI, built on very good quality astronomical cameras with high resolution gradings and fast readout. And so if we can manage to put eight cameras at each of 12 sites around the globe, then we really will be looking at all the sky all the time. So the first prototype of this goes up at the ATA next month, we hope. But in terms of the astronomical future, we need to think about how to use the tools of the astronomer again. And we have these great pieces of telescope coming on air. So the JWST, which you heard about, WFIRST, which we hope will be the next one that flies with a star shade to block out the bright star, and finally, something that we're beginning to think about and design, two options, one called HabEx, one called LUVOIR, the large ultraviolet, infrared telescope. And we need to figure out how we can get access to the data or instrumentation on these telescopes to look for optical SETI. And it's not only from space. But here's a weird telescope that's been proposed to look at only one star system-- and that's the Alpha Centauri star system-- and perhaps be able to make an opacity map of Proxima B, the planet around the very nearest star to us. The devil is in the details. We'll see if this gets supported. We know that these telescopes are coming on the ground-- the 30-meter telescope, the Giant Magellan Telescope, the extremely large telescope at 40 meters, downsized from the overwhelmingly large telescope of 100 meters. We couldn't do that one with this current generation of technology. And finally, the LSST, Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, which, every few days, will give us a new picture of the heavens. And for SETI, FAST will come on the air. Hopefully, the MeerKAT Array will grow into the Square Kilometer Array in South Africa. And we might even get an equivalent in the US of the next generation VLA. We want to be doing SETI on all these instruments. And for me, whether or not SETI succeeds, I think it has a really, really important message. And that's what I'm trying to do today, to change your perspective. Because if you sit and listen to me talk, or anyone talk, or think about SETI, you've got to realize that it's putting a mirror up to everybody on the planet. And the message is, you, you're all the same when compared to something else out there. And I think that this is the perspective, the cosmic perspective, that we need globally in order to attack the challenges that we heard about earlier with respect to energy, and water security, and food security. We need to think and act as one species. We are Earthlings. And I'll leave the last word to Caleb Scharf, who's the chairman of the astrobiology department in Columbia. And he says, "On a finite world"-- that's us-- "a cosmic perspective isn't a luxury, it's a necessity." And so you all have a homework assignment. When you get back to your social media, go in to your profiles and change the first thing that you say about yourself to the fact that you are an earthling, and then act like it. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] [INAUDIBLE] OK. - So we are honored that Jill will answer some questions now. And so we'll use the same procedure. If you could come to the microphone at the center. And again, try to keep your question as a question. And we have time for about maybe 10 minutes of this. I'll come get you. Thanks. - Yes. - Thank you. Really enjoyed the talk. I had a question. You said that detecting a signal would suggest longevity of the civilization. And I'm confused by that. Isn't the fact that you have such a large sample and that they span so much distance and time that statistically you could get a signal-- you have a whole range of worlds from which that could emerge, even if they've had a very short lifespan. - Well, if they had a short lifespan, we would have to be-- let's make it ridiculous. Let's say that somehow the technology arose, and 10 years later, it did itself in, it blew itself up, destroyed its world, whatever. We would have to choose and be very lucky to be looking at that particular world during those 10 years. - So just the fact that we're looking at a very small sample-- - No, we're going to look at a large sample, but the fact that you would have to hit them in just the right 10 years, it makes it much-- statistically, what you're going to detect is the long-lived civilizations. - Hi. My name's Siobhan. I went to Barnstable High School 10 years ago. - Oh, OK. Did you have the same fantastic teacher? - I did. And Caylee's my sister too. So I have to brag about that. But my question is maybe a little silly. But in media, in certain television series like The X-Files, in movies, a lot of them perpetuate this idea that if contact had been made already, our government would hide it from us. And I was just curious about hearing from you, one of the people that would be the first to know-- [LAUGHTER] Do you think that if contact was made, you guys would be allowed to tell the public right away? Because people would panic. Surely some people would panic and get upset. Do you trust the general public with this information? - Yeah, actually, let's start with that piece of it. And the social scientists have done a number of research protocols. And they've asked the question. And they find that already, an overwhelming percentage of the people on the planet feel that it's quite likely that there's life out there. Some of them feel it's visited us already, some of them. But it's not new news. It's really not the kind of news for which you would panic at this point. This idea has seeped out into the culture enough so that we don't really think that there's an opportunity for panic. As to whether the government would try and shut it down, it's really going to be a hell of a difficult secret to keep. We are privately-- - Blink once for yes. - Hmm? - Blink once for yes. - Yeah, right. Exactly. [LAUGHTER] It's not quite that. But there is a-- we do have a false faith that when we observe that, yes, we don't expect that that will be an issue. Certainly, the government, almost any government, but current example, probably, is not good at doing these sort of things. So we intend to tell the world. And we'll tell you what we know. And it may be something that completely comes back with a lot of baggage of caveats. We think this, but we can't prove it. It's possibly this, but it might be that. But we will share the information for whatever we discover. And as we begin to go beyond these kinds of signals that we've been looking for and consider other technological modifications such as-- we heard about the TRAPPIST-1 system. That's seven planets orbiting a small dwarf star, all within the distance of the orbit of Mercury. Those planets are different distances from the star. But what if, when we get these great tools, and we actually make an image of those seven planets, we find out that they all look exactly the same? Now, they shouldn't. Naturally, they should reflect their distance from the star. But maybe somebody out there needed more real estate and they started transforming some of these planets because they had enough energy to be able to do that. That kind of far-out thinking is what's going on with respect to technosignatures these days. And that one's going to be really loaded. I mean, if we ever discover something like that, we'll tell you, but it's going to have an awful lot of caveats. Yeah. - Jill, thanks for a great talk. I was really struck by your metaphor of searching for just the one-- we've searched one glass of water out of an entire ocean. And sometimes, in my own work, I feel like the challenges are insurmountable, whether it is just coping with the distances, the tiny sizes of the signals that we're searching for, or whether it's my proposal got rejected, or funding for science is going down, or whatever. And I was curious, over the arc of your career, what you draw on for inspiration on bad days. - Ah, yeah, those bad days. It's the fact that we can do today what we couldn't conceive of a year ago. And next year, we'll be doing so much better. So you get out of bed, or at least I get out of bed in the morning not thinking, today's the day I'm going to get a signal, because that's bound to have a bad result. But you get out of bed thinking, I gonna make the search better. We'll be able to do this. We'll be able to do that. And maybe, eventually, we're going to be doing the right thing to find whatever is out there. So it's simply to look at 14 or 15 orders of magnitude improvement over Frank Drake's first search in 1960 and understand that with exponentials, the best stuff happens in the last folding, right, the last factor of 2. So yes, it's the opportunity to do something better than we did in the past. - Thank you. Your career is an inspiration to us all. - Oh, Thank you, Laurie. [APPLAUSE] - In respect to the star shade, what exactly would that item give you, give your space telescopes, for recognizing any sort of alien signal? - Well, so there a lot of bright lights up there. And I can put my thumb over one of them. And then I can see if there were anything on the ceiling that were small and faint around that. That would help. But my thumb isn't good enough. As we heard earlier, the Earth, in optical wavelengths, is 10 billion times fainter than the star, the Sun, if you were looking at it from a distance. So what you have to try and do is block out that bright star. You can do it with an instrument inside the telescope called a coronagraph, which actually takes that starlight and scatters it far away. But it's hard to get a factor of 10 billion that way. But the star shade is just that. It flies in front of the telescope, and it serves the same purpose-- blocking out the star light so that you have an opportunity, perhaps, to be able to image the faint planets very close to, around that bright star. - Is there a distance to where it's no longer efficient to use it? - We actually have not flown one yet. We hope that WFIRST will fly one as a technology demonstrator. And it is flying-- oh, I can't remember the distance. Can anybody remember? I think it's a few hundred kilometers out in front of the telescope to cast this big shadow. - Do you give any credence to the TV show Ancient Aliens or-- [LAUGHTER] - I think science fiction is a marvelous way to help us think about things that we can't conceive of. That wouldn't be one of my choices. [LAUGHTER] But I think science fiction is actually fantastic. It gives us examples of stories, where life was detected and we didn't realize that it was alive. It was a life that we didn't yet know, and we didn't realize that it was alive. And we can explore those kinds of ideas and think about how we use them to keep our minds open to future discoveries of the undiscovered. - You've been doing this for a number of years. And I'm just curious about-- there were a couple of times when you thought you got a signal, and what that experience was like. And if it turned out it wasn't, what kind of things would cause you to get that-- yeah. - That adrenaline rush is unbelievable. And you get so excited, you do stupid things. And so every time we have one of these, our list of checklists and what you do next gets longer because we learn from our mistakes. Yes, the one-- the one that was most spectacular for me personally was, we observed with two widely separated telescopes in this project that we call Phoenix. We were using the National Radio Astronomy Observatory telescope. And we had a second telescope in Georgia. And the telescope in Georgia got hit by lightning and it fried a disk drive. So it took FedEx a few days to get in there with a new disk drive. But we still have this telescope in West Virginia. Right? So what can we do? We don't have the differential Doppler signature from the two telescopes to help us distinguish interference from the real thing. So you look at the star that we were pointing at. You see a signal. It's a picket fence in the frequency time plane. That's not natural. And you look away. The signal goes away. You come back on the star. The signal's there. Look off in a different direction, signal goes away. Come back on the star-- hours of this. And early in the process, I thought, well, you know, that picket fence has a very regular spacing in frequency. Why don't I query our database and see if we've ever seen that frequency spacing before from another part of the sky. And I did that. I wrote the program. It compiled. But I was in a hurry, and I didn't do very good formatting. It was kind of a mess when I read it out. And indeed, it was the right question to ask. And indeed, we had seen it from other parts on the sky. But the columns were mixed up, and I didn't see that we actually knew that it wasn't coming from that star. So we spent the day. The star set. And the nature of the signal was changing over time, changing in a way that we knew that it was rising above us to the zenith rather than setting in the west. So we went off, and had some dinner, and did some internet research, and figured out it was the SOHO spacecraft orbiting the sun, getting in a tiny little side lobe of the telescope. And that was really disappointing. But you know what? Our colleagues back in California were all excited because we'd shared this with them. So they stayed up through the night waiting for the star to rise again because I forgot to call them and tell them it wasn't. [LAUGHTER] And I have paid-- I have bought so many drinks in bars over the years to apologize for that bad behavior. - Thank you for that great story. - OK. - Hi. Can you describe what our planet looks like to the observers that are on another planet, looking for us? - It does. The strongest radio signals that we actually have are associated with the radars that are looking-- over the horizon radars. And the most numerous transmitters we have are still the ground-based broadcast television and radio stations. And so if you looked at our planet, and you were looking at the right frequencies, you would see it sparkle as those transmitters came over the limb as the planet rotates. And you would see various frequencies light up from these signals. And indeed, there's a great study by Woody Sullivan a long time ago that we need to redo. But you could actually-- back in the day, when it was all broadcast television, you could figure out the different parts of the globe assigned different television stations, slightly different frequencies. So you might be able to conclude that geopolitical structure on the planet was not global, had some differences. But-- how we doing? [APPLAUSE] - Thank you very much. - You're very welcome. - Well, that was certainly worth waiting for. Thank you, again, Jill. Thank you. And it falls to me to try to say a few things that connect what we heard today. And before I do that, I just would like to point out something that's kind of a preamble to what I'll say in a minute, which is, this is the list of countries where people are now listening and watching what's happening here-- the United States, Canada, Belgium, Argentina, India, the Netherlands, Turkey, Chile, the United Kingdom, Israel, Sweden, and Taiwan, as far as we know. So there are hundreds or thousands of people watching this live. And that's been possible for the last-- I don't know-- decade or something. It's become much more popular now. And you know, even in places as far away as Taiwan, people are clearly up in the night watching this. So thank you very much, Taiwan. And what this is allowing here is an example of Radcliffe. My friend Immaculata here, my colleague, Immaculata de Vivo, the other director for science, said, you know, Radcliffe is being discovered and used to be part of the undiscovered. And technology is allowing us to talk to more people. And what we're doing is we're transmitting information. And I think the theme that you heard today is that we've gotten to the point where there is so much information and our ability to gather this information, and to put it together, and to process it using ever faster computers is necessarily changing how we emit the truth about how we do science. So in other words, you used to have to share data with close colleagues and not share beyond there, because there wasn't so much to go around. But now, in almost every field, there's too much information for people to process on their own. So you heard about teams. You heard about people using new algorithms and finding cures for diseases or finding out that Alzheimer's might have something to do with viruses, when that was clearly not something anybody was looking for. And so stepping back and saying-- I think Nate's word that he used several times was "reframing." We have to reframe the kinds of questions we can ask in the presence of so much information. And you heard a lot of people use the phrase "big data." I don't particularly like that phrase because what's important-- and I do do data science sometimes in my day job. And I know what's important there is what you heard some of here today, which is combining. You just heard Jill tell you about so many different telescopes being used in the search to answer one question. So you have a lot of cases where you have a lot of different kinds of information being brought to bear on a question. And we like to call that "wide data." You can think of it as data diversity. OK? So there's this plethora of information that's just getting larger and larger. And we're inviting more people into the conversation. You heard about Citizen Science. Sometimes you hear this phrase, "democratization of data." Most importantly, you heard the unbelievable questions from the Barnstable High School students. Thank you again. And you heard about transitions. When we were talking, for example, about climate, you heard that there are some transitions, in some cases, that we just want, like the transition that we were talking about today about how we teach education, and some that we need, like the way that we handle the climate. And so we're at this point where we have to have a conversation with the public about science, which I was trying to think about it. And it's a little bit about how you're a parent. And so I'm lucky enough that my parents are here today. My daughter happens to be in Morocco. She's not on the list of people watching this. But-- [LAUGHTER] But thinking about being a parent and being a child, there's this need to respect your parents that you're taught when you're very young. And there's a need to respect scientists. And there's a need to respect what's in the book and what you have to learn from what's in the book and all that stuff that Stuart told us this morning about what you have to know. But then at some point, many points in your life as a child, you have to learn when to ask questions, and when to stop just completely-- I'm sorry to my parents-- respecting authority, and just go a little bit outside. I think earlier I called it something like out-of-the-book thinking. OK? So going beyond what your parents tell you. But the thing is, the danger here is that we need to admit uncertainty. We need to admit ignorance. We need to admit the mist that Stuart was talking about, this fog that we look at science through. And if people haven't had the experience and they haven't been taught in the right way, they are going to come to the conclusion that that means we don't know what we're doing. And if you have good parents, you don't ever come to that conclusion about them. Right? You still respect them. But you can question them. And that's how scientists have to behave with their colleagues as well. And you heard these stories about people having data in a drawer that they didn't want to put out there because it was going to violate conventional wisdom, and it was going to question authority in a way that they thought they might not get tenure or something like that. And I think that when we have much information, and a lot of it-- you heard people talking about open data and open software. We have this need and this desire now for transparency. And yeah, we'll get to the point of more reproducible research. But really, it's not about reproducing research. It's about opening new avenues and about this idea of the undiscovered. And I think that there are so many questions to be asked in this vast realm of ignorance-- thank you, Stuart-- that I would just like to close-- I want to thank a few people. And then, what I would like is to capture that spirit of the undiscovered one more time by asking Caylee to have her poem read for her by us one more time. But I guess my closing thought is that in this era of so much information that you heard about across all of these fields and this so much more inviting, instead of capable-- or capabilities that we have in terms of ways of dealing with it, and the more people who are involved, we can't hide any more. We have to be open about our ignorance. And we have to somehow do it in a way where we still respect our parents or the people who gave us this education that we had that led us to ask these intelligent questions. And so with that, I would really like to thank all of the speakers for bringing us this wonderful set of talks. So let's have round of applause for the speakers. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] And then you see so many people scurrying around, making this all look effortless. But there really was about a year of preparation for this event. And I can't name them all one at a time because there are just so many people helping. But I would just like to thank the staff who participated in making this such a fantastic event. [APPLAUSE] Thank you. And I'll remind you that, after Caylee reads her poem, we can move to the place where there are copies of her poem, the poster session. We'll continue next door with, this time, a reception instead of lunch. And I would just like to say thank you all for coming and for making this such a fantastic day. And let me turn it over to Caylee. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] - You all ready for round two? [LAUGHS] So I hope that, because of all of these amazing speakers we've had here today, that you can recontextualize this poem I've written and have a much deeper understanding of the meaning behind it. So in case you missed it the first time, the poem's title is "Method Versus Muse." "People have drawn a thick line between art and science. But what is science without the arts? The questions that need to be asked can't come from a formula, when, for centuries, they've been deeply rooted in the hearts of geniuses and prophets with brains full of thought. It seems that, over time, humanity forgot how to think critically and to question with care. And in an age of internet access, the answers are always right there. And schools are so focused on students having all the right answers that they forget that we're poets, and designers, and dancers. They draw facts on young minds like piles of heavy bricks and expect us to absorb information stacked miles thick. They teach us so much. But now, we need to build from it. They marched with us to base camp. But our goals are at the summit. Applying what we know to explore the unforeseen and the undiscovered is easier said than done when curiosities lie dormant and smothered. Every day I see young minds afraid to ask questions. It cripples the scientific world at its very foundation. Research never comes without curiosity, without a spark. And my spark would have died too, but I found my light in the dark. My creativity led me to ask all the right things. And now I stand here before you to ask, when will you change the tune that you sing? What will it take for schools to open their eyes to a world of unmatched opportunity that very clearly lies in the minds of young people who still have their fire? When will you take their thoughts and lift them up higher? Maybe you will be the one to inspire someone's great questions or someone's desire. Teach young minds to fall in love with the unknown. For every question we ask, there are many more to go. Nurture the creativity we all harbor in our hearts. And maybe we will give way for a new way of thinking to start." Thank you. [APPLAUSE] [MUSIC PLAYING] - Thank you. Thank you so much.
Channel: Harvard University
Views: 2,963
Rating: 4.7288136 out of 5
Keywords: Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, The Undiscovered, science symposium, conference, Jill Tarter
Id: gfDbpi-8UJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 1sec (3781 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2018
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