THE UNDERWORLD - Hollywood English Action Full Movie | Dwayne Johnson "Rock" Superhit Action Movie

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[Music] foreign [Music] Mike I understand but the bottom line is I need to buy all four rigs anything less than that there's no point I may as well just keep Leasing well that's what they do those haulers they get together once a year then they raise the rates before the gas prices they do because they know they can get away with it [Music] is it a contract yeah it's real I just don't know when it's going to start how much money am I gonna have to borrow all right let's move some Equity around I've been rolling the dice my whole life might as well do it again I gotta go solid week boys thank you I figured Annalisa would have you put enough ribbons in balloon oh I'm still out getting Mrs cake good luck with that I need it have a good weekend Wayne see you know there's no OT unless it's authorized Pro t-shirt it's got broken pout I get my bags out of the weather it's gonna rain tonight good heads up I'm sure I got this seriously I don't want you to get there all right let's do it together John Matthews Daniel James good to meet you Danny don't worry about it how long you've been working here too many working for you about three weeks now are you think about giving me that raise already five chance buddy you gotta try right gotta give it a whirl [ __ ] all right package for Jason Collins oh yeah that's me all right sound right there have a good one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you having fun on your birthday hey Sylvie hey let me call you back what they tell you anything just don't wait here until we're called treating him like he's some kind of major criminal talk I'll straighten it out it's the end of my last name of yours you know he changed it to mine why are you even asking do that without his ideas all right my son Jason Collins take a seat and wait to be called you at least tell me where he is notice anything different like what with him who he's been hanging with anything out of the ordinary no John I haven't noticed anything yeah this is such [ __ ] he is a good kid Mike's sending a lawyer didn't you quit that's right Mrs Matthews yeah it's coming where's Jason um they're moving him from his holding cell to a courtroom he's scheduled to be arraigned this evening but could take a little while all right leave him in jail for a little bit scare the hell out of him no one's trying to scare yourself is a federal case the amount of MDMA or ecstasy they found means they've charged Jason with distribution of Narcotics Jason said that a friend asked to have the drug sent to the house what friend uh from by the name of Craig Johnson that's his best friend I have known Craig since he was little Mr Johnson was arrested trying to mail the pills and agreed to work with the government the man agreed to read to both Craig and Jason are being charged under Federal mandatory minimum sentencing laws these laws were designed to ensnare high-level drug traffickers get them to snitch on other traffickers in order to reduce their own sentence however most of the convictions over half have been first-time offenders like your son so Craig is implicating Jason yes in order to reduce the sentence Craig told the DEA that Jason agreed to have the pills sent to the house and also has agreed to help sell them what now Jason has denied both of these accusations do you believe him of course I believe him he would never be involved in anything like this are we talking about probation here or could he actually go to jail for this the mandatory minimum laws are very simple the amount of jail time depends upon the amount of drugs there are no mitigating factors what does that mean Jason is facing a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison 10 years are you out of your mind he just got accepted to college John tell him thank you foreign [Music] [Music] States versus Jason Collins I've been arrested before you wanna know the truth I knew something like this was going to happen I forget if I just got him off to college but no Jason has no goddamn idea what real responsibility means especially with Sylvie babying him all the time and when your own son doesn't want to have anything to do with you anymore that's not true it's not true that's not true at all it's just really hard for kids who go through divorces it was I acted out when my father left yeah well he's not a kid anymore not while he's sitting in that cell are the sprinklers on because everything have to go to [ __ ] foreign it's very simple you help them make trafficking rests and they will reduce your sentence from 10 years to two one suspended I don't know anyone else just Craig [ __ ] your mom told me she smelled marijuana on you before where'd you get that from huh come on honey you gotta tell us who sold you the pot grows it he has a medicinal license it's legal we just took some I just wanted to try it any of your friends who do drugs who might be interested in selling well like setting someone up like Craig did to me no way no way you better wake up you better wake up right now because this is really happening you're going to take that plea and you're going to help them make the arrest you hear me I'll take my chances in court no you won't no you won't you do not work with the prosecutors and they can raise the minimum limit to 30 years which means you'll be having time for your 50th birthday and they are batting over 90 on convictions oh God Jason baby please listen to him we don't have another choice [Music] yes you are listen to me dammit you think you know what you're doing you have no idea until you spend the next 10 years of your life in prison I can let that happen you son you hear me you're not the one that have to do it [Music] [Music] foreign they said the other two will be ready next month yeah great I got to make a call Teddy John Matthews good we definitely got to get out we'll hit a few very soon hey let me ask you something you have a connection to Joanne Keegan the U.S attorney downtown go ahead and have a seat Mr Matthews you have a lot of friends in this city I received four phone calls in a matter of an hour I'm sure you do the same for your kids I don't know I don't know all right well let's see 18 years old well you must have had him when you were quite young sophomore in college and me and his mom were high school sweethearts well you have my sympathies uh but uh I believe in the mandatory minimum laws we're fighting a war right now not just on drugs but on the violence they bring turn this around it's Keegan I agree I do but my son Jason he's not a drug dealer he's a good kid and he just made a really dumb naive mistake and he's willing to do anything he can to help out his situation the only drug dealer that he knows is Craig Johnson who you already have in custody [Music] well I'm sorry to hear that please there's got to be something I could do well no the the laws are designed to preclude any special circumstances so it's really quite simple we need your son to help us make arrests before we can help him reduce the sentence if he can't do that or is I'm willing to do that then there's really nothing we can do and now um to be somewhere else what if I did it for what what if I helped you make a rest uh it's not the way it works please I just want to help my son I understand and I really am sorry but my hands are tied there's nothing I can do thank you for stopping by e how you doing hey who are you to sing Jason Collins just sign in proceedable three thank you you know that you punk ass again too [Music] [Music] what happened no way it's okay it's me son you tell me you remember when someone kept tping in your house it's me I would sit around the corner and laugh and watch you try and clean it off doesn't matter now the last time I did it you know you're out of town yourself I pretended I was just stopping by opted hated you got to live in that place that way your family me and Mom were just stuck in that old one I wanted you to live with me I wanted you in my life it was my fault not yours I was always gone I was always on those trucks I was always working I got so caught up and not failing he was a father I should have never taken that package and I knew what was in it should have just told the guy you had the wrong address but I didn't but I swear to you that I would never ever I wasn't planning on helping to sell that stuff I'm not a drug dealer believe me right and I know I should I should be punished for what I did not like this [Music] and cry don't cry just not near me and Jason you gotta show them you're gonna stand up for yourself in here you have to promise you I'm gonna get you out of here oh you just gotta trust me love you thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] look man be real about it Money Talks [Music] too much what the hell were you thinking I know I'm sorry I threw your name down at the station your son is not going to be better off if you're dead well clearly what I did last night didn't work clearly please what do I got to do you are so stubborn you're not gonna stop are you no I'm not all right hypothetically I would need an airtight arrest of someone in possession of Narcotics in the amount that would constitute conspiracy to distribute if we're talking cocaine that would be at least 500 grams or half a kilo what I'm in a construction business and we have ex-cons who are working the yard all the time maybe someone knows someone who knows someone you're their boss why would they trust you let me worry about that believe me I am not worried because the risk is all yours [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] come on and give you a lift thank you but I'm good hey I'm the boss get in that's a drop tree the fact that I got a job look I guess I'm just trying to say thank you me and my family we appreciate the opportunity so I mean it's got to be hard for uh x-con so that that's why we're here you need to talk to me about my past look and I was completely honest on my application but if there's anything else no I just that's that's that's not it okay a couple years ago I caught two of my drivers they were transporting some stuff they know that the cops rarely stopped semis and if they did I sure as hell didn't have time to search them anyway that was small time I was hoping that someone with a connection into that world you accused me yourself deserved you think I've done something no no no no no with all due respect sir why don't you just go ahead and tell me what it is that you want from me an introduction yeah I can't help you with them you give me in front of the right people I give you five grand something good comes out of it I'll give you another five that's ten Grands like I said I can't help you with that [Music] why not you see that so I'm in a little trying to get my life in order okay and I'm doing that for my family that's why I work like I do that's why I sweat my ass off every day in that yard this little conversation just this but right and that gets me 25. I don't know what I'd I'd appreciate it maybe just pretend that this never happened okay okay I see it works I just need an introduction I think yeah to go home you have to be happy with what you got thank you for the cuff Daniel [Music] 20 grand I'll double it because of the risk you're taking [Music] so right there let's go inside man now go go on why you keep my feet hold up if you're sling what you're slaying on y'all smoke what you smoke people who holds each other if that's what you want but I'm gonna tell you right now you gotta stay away from my son you hear me thank you this guy's a shock caller from the East side that's it hey dad why'd you Andy go play your game all right what happened nothing happened [ __ ] uh-huh what are you doing to work I mean work Larry called told me you have to be there in an hour well if you can't do that he'd just call you 7 30 at night you can do whatever he wants Daniel that is if I want to keep my job thank you look I'm already late there's food for both of you on the stove let me ask you something real quick let me write something with me and my little partner over there before bedtime we cruised to the office huh every time you guess fatten up them tips make it work for everybody you know what I'm saying I'd like that okay I have to don't go to work don't go to work I love you I love you hey get on the couch man but how do we move him we move so you won't have to hang out with fools like that that's why all right there ain't nobody else to hang with around here I want to go back to our old apartment you know we can't so don't say it look man I know it's hard because sometimes life is but I promise you one day we gotta move somewhere and you got to get real friends real friend ain't got to prove nothing to him you ain't got to do nothing for him with those punks out there I mean you're better than that let me tell you something else you better than me man you're so much better than me what's a shock collar would you hear that don't worry about that I love you man proud of you you need to be smart it's your homework man we're gonna bang it out foreign [Music] [Music] don't stop good I need to go along first this guy in here Malik if he's not too even a little bit full of [ __ ] I'm gonna tell you right now I mean you're Never Gonna Leave This block it's a promise [Music] [Music] I seen your ass wow she was in last Sandstone man that's right it's cold as hell up there wasn't it cuz that's the truth [Music] [Music] or me and no boy right here we used to get it in the product like we was the United Nations and [ __ ] because you know when it comes to that paper what color that matters is green that's how long you been home man just now come to see me come on Malik you know I can't be associated with no known as criminals now I hear you that's why I've been here two Strikers like us man we can't walk the street ain't safe I'm saying do you back in the game right I come here across town with your home she can't have any of your homies getting any bad ideas man I'm telling you them days they ever for me that's it right here that's a one time [Music] yeah that's smart cuz month keep that bank to yourself [Music] [Music] thank you I'm John Mathis I see that's the reaction I was looking for a player ain't never had no wire on your grill before huh see if he was the po-po then you'd be the biggest [ __ ] Pig I ever seen and let's have an honest conversation as to why you in my career about my product or distribution but I do no business if anyone needed transportation provide that with no risk so always raise my way minimizes it see what I want to know is why a successful businessman yourself want to take any risk at all I'm in the construction business the way the economy is today it's all gone to [ __ ] and I don't see any chance of it coming back and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep my business afloat I've worked too hard for too long I was weak and you move my trucks half a ton without attracting attention half a ton man if I was in a thousand pound business I wouldn't be sitting in this dump right now all I'm saying is whatever you want to move it won't matter in my trucks you know the waiting trucks at the state lines are right how you gonna cover that we offset the way counts off all the time police get lucky they'll only get the driver who won't be there for the loading or unloading sound like you ready for the game that's what you talking player 15 wholesale I'll get nobody over 10 percent I know I got something to proved too first run goes good then we renegotiate you gonna drive the first load everybody knew what game and leak in need to see if you for real first and then maybe just maybe we go back to talking don't chill outside for a minute let me and my boy Cruiser here have a word you gonna ride a shotgun like maybe you misunderstood why I'm here I'm here for an introduction hell cruise up see you wouldn't be vouching for no fish if it was back in the yard you know how this worked we ain't talking no whole time homie we're in the street that's three strikes bro and a third strike but means the third strength for you my man so you better be convincing me right now he's smoking and we can act like none this never happened she'll call me [Music] this first round I'm gonna be going with you but we do it my way I see how it goes what do you mean I want to get paid today okay so I don't know if we have to go see your Banker you don't care man go rob the store but I need to get paid don't worry don't worry you'll get your 10 grand no 10 grand man we said 20 grand that's what you said and then what you skipped town on me with all the money so you come with me on this first run that's fine the moment it's done you'll get your other 10. my word your word only reason this is going down is because I went on the line for you three days ago man I was working a job I was staying clean I was doing everything I was supposed to do and out here I am back in I think there's some kind of thrill for me would you just please take me don't check them out with them [ __ ] at Sandstone they saying crews are solid it's on the mainland like you said soldiering up putting in work like Goodwood should even head keys to the yard for a minute that's the cruiser I know fat crib the wife little girl he ain't five oh that's for sure he better not be put this here on us with El Topo no the new TV spots are testing really well with decor and why am I down by five points because the Liberals think you're a [ __ ] oh maybe I should go to a gay wedding it wouldn't hurt your 900 convictions last year alone they speak volumes to our core right but to win this primary they keep this private it's getting some crossovers your next meeting is checking it down in security was it John Matthews I'll need a coffee let's go over our press schedule all I'm saying is whatever you want to move it won't matter in my trucks so I looked at it as a business thing what do I have that they want impressed you're natural you're lucky didn't rip you open man he's a heavy hitter runs the entire Adams district now what's his jacket he uh earned his stripes on the corner as a punk ass kid did a nickel for ADW three more for distribution Rivals robbed his bank last year instead of sending out his policy to do a drive-by tracked them each down and let them out with a buck knife personally all right I'm signing off Cooper's my witness we arrest Mr Anderson and I will reduce Jake's sentence Jason right just sorry Jason's sentence by how much I'll cut it to a year come on I can't let him get off scot-free and with the time that he's already served Jason will probably be out in six months that is the best that I can do okay all right rock and roll is she going to keep her word don't give her a reason not to [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hey honey how long are you going to wait for are you sure you have to go now you know with everything going on with Jason yeah we need the car especially after those new trucks we bought come on is [Music] [Music] you're getting ready to go out on one of those trucks too how long are you going for [ __ ] we're going to it's a good thing your boss is giving you more responsibility that is a good thing wires in the semi are in place we'll do the same to the warehouse once you're gone no you've done this before Undercover if you have any advice yourself John try to be something you're not they're Bloodhounds they'll smell it right away you're a family man you're trying to stay afloat that means they can use that's it you hide in plain sight you just keep doing what you're doing and they'll believe it because it's the truth all right Audi is up here we go trucks GPS service fail you got it [Music] here [Music] [Music] thank you where we're going out passing right by the border it's over a thousand miles bunch of things let's go around the corner [Music] [Music] you don't mind me asking how long were you in prison for a little over a nickel you never told me if you had kids you dealing with just don't do that when he'd ask me about my life all right and I won't ask you about yours let's just thank you [Music] guys so we're about 150 miles out [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Wilson [Music] you're good [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I was left from my hit towards his right in the process it's Torres mobile negative we got local PDS responding to shots fired tell Torres to supersede PD no one sets foot in that yard No One tips off the league suppliers to what I was talking to me let's go let's go what the hell was that I don't know man we gotta hide this thing no we gotta get back on the interstate public moving [Music] yeah man I'm sorry for your trouble your driver he has 42. the end of the situation very well we will use that glad to hear it I'll let you know when it get here misses don't play boy smoked every one of them Busters they all back digging ditches right now who try to Jack man I don't even care [ __ ] all I care about is otopo loving them trucks gonna take our game to a whole other level yeah foreign [Music] I got your message about your meeting being delayed um but Izzy's really excited to make you dinner tomorrow night I love you bye all right everybody get live [Applause] thank you all right we're here black Yukons on worth and fourth put the work in the back of your boy's truck and follow it like you know that had nothing to do with us man man this handle business a good day homie it's changing up to me he said he wants us to put in your pickup there's a hidden compartment behind the back seat where are you going take a leak [Music] [Music] tell me you got a wire on that truck the dash in the back Sims get that Helo on him too I need Raven one over the following location foreign [Music] I ask you a question who'd you call man my wife your wife just make me believe that you go ahead and grab that Beam for me and I said grab that I turned your ass around grab that beep [Applause] John you need to know that if this comes down to either you or me take your life I will shoot you where you stand do you understand me I'ma asked you one last time who did you call my wife it was more about Daniel it was my wife you have a cell phone in your truck why didn't you use it what I didn't see the caller ID from the warehouse so she believes that I'm working my ass off to save the company that's the truth you did this you did this [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] Is On Target we'll take them on their way out Welcome to the Real Party player heard it cracked off early ain't got cold feet do you I'm here [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] get on you quick huh [Music] it's 10 G's a key you're welcome [Music] a visual confirm of the exchange to hold until my signal [Music] I got some people that want to sit down and talk it could be some serious paper real serious when I'll let you know you're back in the yard [Music] where they actually what do you want to do [Music] let them go repeat [Music] repeat let him go all right John let's go man we're done let's get out of here man let's go what are you looking at man just making sure they're gone they're gone dude what's with you stuff I tell that's it let's go [Music] foreign [Music] I thought you were coming home for dinner where were you at work no there's something going on we're supposed to be an open book remember is this about Jason please talk to me I have no idea what's going on if I help them make a rest they'll reduce Jason's sentence okay how how are you supposed to help them by doing a drug deal are you out of your mind you wanted to know people get shot I know that annalize this is my son you have more than one child I'm trying the same thing for her you know that but this is not my rules okay it's their rules which means every move that I make or I don't make Jason won't have to live with for the next 10 years of his life what if you don't live baby have you thought about that you have a family here too [Music] all right and I hope that I have your support when the time comes you're not old enough to vote though are you John my secretary said you need to see him he said all we needed was Malik and the drugs in the same place it's exactly what we had last night we had a deal we had it done calm down calm down here Malik's supplier is going to be at the next Exchange Cooper made the call and it was the right when you go for the highest Target John you just have to be patient take the next meeting your son will be all right oh great you had Malik single-handed with tankies and you let him go he would have given up everybody I had to make a judgment call no you didn't it is my call and I will decide exactly how this comes down do you understand is that clear hey selfie into what yo Manny number bro [Music] but I came to visit Jason they wouldn't let me see him they said he was in the infirmary what happened he was assaulted they said he had over 36 stitches when they say assaulted I don't know if they said that they were going to keep him in there for at least two more days and there was no way that you and I could even see him I'm trying here right I talked to the lawyers at project innocence and they said that they were good it's not gonna last that long see you getting anywhere [Music] oh dude [Music] I should have noticed that a note he was in trouble I should have been able to protect him nightmare [Music] so it's done what's going on you follow me here you visit it's my son look man he made a mistake his friend set him up and he said if we cooperate if we help him we made a deal you got any idea what they're gonna do to us man you have any idea they just make man it's it's a cartel man you know what they've got to do to our families My Son Your Son what about my son man I got a son John dead man [Music] hey where's your mom she's sleeping is this what you've been doing on your work trip huh can't even take care of your own goddamn stuff Vanessa's in the other room look it's not what you think okay listen to me it is not what you think you made me a promise Daniel baby listen I need you okay clean and you stay away from that life remember I understand baby but right now what I need you to do is I need you to pack a bag for you and Anthony you need to go stay with your mom tell me what to do not after lunch okay please don't do that Vanessa sweetheart wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait do it again I can't watch you go to prisoner dead I couldn't do this to us again laughs [Music] just came right in where's Isabelle she's still at school get her take her to your sisters now go go [Music] what are you doing here bleak I like your old lady she in a hurry huh who you want you want that paper right what about Daniel [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes or no foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] listos I understand your business is in a complicated spot to make money when you work for us you will be treated like family this of course includes your wife your child I hear is a very so beautiful girl do an annalize are very lucky to have thank you [Music] you will make this next trip alone once you make the pickup you will take it into Mexico we will unload your Construction Supplies as well before you cross back over the boredom so everything looks legitimate for this year we pay 250 000. everyone goes well we will see much more show us your loyalty the future will be right my friend [Music] foreign I will call you the day after tomorrow 10 a.m with an address be ready to leave by Malik for us now [Music] let's get one thing clear man he still works for me got it just hand me a business plan because I ain't letting nobody get in the way of me and my bread thank you [Music] John are you okay are you a cabbage yet I'm like 30 minutes I can go there now why I need you to pull over so we can talk about this no goddamn tell me now what is happening is my sister in danger mommy where are we I love you John I do [Music] thank you [Music] they knew my wife and kid's name damn it what did they know about Jason they don't how the hell do you know that because from the moment we started this operation we logged you separately into natives what is natives it's a Fed database anyone who logs into your case File runs your name or Jason's they notify me they ran your name yesterday at noon that's why they know about Annalisa and Isabelle and not Jason no because he's listed under his mother's maiden name and you don't have the same address he's safe who'd you meet with and we'd call them no Topo [Music] who is he he's won Carlos Pantera they call him the mole Topo he's ex-mexican paramilitarian he runs this region for the Nuevo Leon cartel that's who he is getting Pantera was seriously [ __ ] their organization what did he say about the Run just so there was another pickup and I gotta take it into Mexico why [Music] does that means you're running their money this time you see John one of the ways that we're fighting the cartel is to stop them getting their profits right now it's virtually impossible for them to wire money in so they have to physically transport it hundreds of millions of dollars this could be an incredible opportunity for us especially if we got Centerra too I'll talk to you for a minute yeah oh sure John would you excuse us for a second we had I'd appreciate it we just thanks you know damn well what altopo is a game changer and he's way out of his depth are you kidding me we can still bring in Malik no squeeze him for a third strike we get there's no way El topo's gonna be attached I'm missing this opportunity even if we don't get him you know the way this works you follow the drugs you get players you follow the money you get a king yeah you know that if he crosses that border he's never coming back you good with that John sit down you drink no coffee no we had a deal I delivered Malik to you you reduce my son sentence to a year I'm really sorry but we are way past Malik now if we pick him up we're going to tip off the cartel and what if I go to a judge you can if you want to but with the mandatory minimum laws a judge has no say to reduce the sentence only the federal prosecutor does and that's me look this is the last stop you've been very patient I give you my word your son is coming home soon immediately excuse me I go through with this Jason comes home that instant then I'll make sure that every parent out there knows how compassionate you've been to my son okay with this and I will have the judge release your son but I need the money and the arrest of a cartel player nothing less hey John they calling you with the pickup address 10 30. the reason they picked Sunday is a high traffic day at the border less inspections you don't think this is a good idea do you hey man no matter what I think made a deal with the Dragon Lady not me John you got to know there's a reason they picked you so quick for this run cartels don't use their own people to carry loads they recruit guys like you favorite Target is a middle class kid in a school make it sound all exciting to carry a backpack full of dope for Pockets full of cash and they do it these guys threatened to kill their families they use them they abuse them they end up in a barrel full of acid that's it they're gone done easy come easy go because there's always going to be another mule to take their place brother you gotta know this is one serious backpack you're about to carry [Music] hello I'm here to see my son he should be out of the infirmary I see under Matthews Jason Collins to sign in go to window four all right thank you foreign [Music] [Music] they say anything about moving you how's everybody how's is he doing all right [Music] I've been wanting to tell you something I admire you so much the stand you're taking he didn't take the easy way out setting up one of your friends do what you did so it looks like you're the one teaching me what real character integrity okay I love you sir I love you too [Music] it's John what are you doing here man parked a few blocks away just in case somebody's watching Daniel thank you for not ratting me out believe me man I thought about it if I don't go through with this then I can release my son which you don't understand man you you play nice with the feds man but what happens when Malik and everyone finds out you're an informant what happens to me that puts me right with you they know I'm a rat they will hunt us down man they're gonna come after our family's Channel Daniel I know I'm the one who put us all in this Danger and I got to live with that there is no way I'm gonna let either side date our Fates no way [Music] foreign [Music] it's going to take about an hour and a half to get there the route is only 52 miles west of your Warehouse well it's still going to take 90 minutes in a semi no longer leave it now [Music] before I was loud and clear our guy's 12 miles [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's do a drive by [Music] anybody hear anything voices struggle hell are you doing I'll take you so long just lost a DEA we're on hey John you sure you can pull this off right not without your part no I need that number all right [Music] [Music] we counted every dollar you will be responsible for it [Music] we can't try and get away to sell maybe it's turned off why would he get chess what's the address to Mexico to the main border crossing I will tell you which lane only you are going to be an attractive voice suspicion we're gonna fall on the cars once you cross deepon Waters they're gonna direct you to the final stop all right [Music] [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I wish [Music] them yard tactics homie Big Bone Rush that's the cruise I know I need a number on El Topo bro [Music] Emily oh my God number one I mean you both know they already on their way [Music] yeah you and I both know by Crossing New Mexico I'm a dead man so you think you're better off going alone despite what you might think of me John I am your only protection on this yeah maybe so but as many times you guys change your game on me I had to put some things into play first yeah like what exactly you know my deal with kegels for the money and the bust well now I'm gonna make sure that it happens on this side of the border is [Music] track the cell number that I'm on I'm in one of my other trucks right now and it's filled with their cash the honest man I just got a hit on Native somebody connected you to Jason I don't know who it is but we're working on it John can you hear me pull over now what's happening there they know get Jason the protective custody there are people on the inside don't you worry about him we're on it we got units coming to him now you already have the prison on lockdown he's an isolation cell locate a second number it's 517-55-0199 give me that number track now [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hello did you get him yeah we locked his position off his cell attacked the teams on Route I'm shot in the leg god listen to me hang in there I got you just responding to you now just get off at Woodward it's the next exit I'll have them converge there [Music] kitchen clear the house is all clear just missed him turn around he's heading north on Nichols sail the perimeter [Music] I was stupid all right show me hands show the hands now don't know [Music] shut it off keep them up foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen we are here today to announce the arrest of Juan Carlos quintera and other key members of the Nuevo Leon cartel rest assured you will be safer tonight thank you so you're going to vote for John you did a great thing thank you so much I only wish I could tell people about it that's okay as long as I see Jason free in the morning it's all I need 7 A.M sharp will be up so how's your family dealing with going into Witness Protection I haven't told him yet [Music] Daniel James hey is he arm I'll live heard you refuse in woodseek yeah we we got a plan I'm just gonna disappear on our own that's what you need me to do a statement right this one here you start by signing that wait a second man what is that listen you got nothing to worry about Daniel we know you're instrumental in this bust a hundred geez I guess reward money for capture Juan Carlos Pantera let's show Matthew's money man well he said something about having to lay you off let's get started [Music] thank you [Music] foreign thank you
Channel: Blockbuster English Movies
Views: 7,837,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollywood movies full action hd, hollywood movie 2023, hollywood movie in english, Hollywood Movies In english 2023, new hollywood movies in english 2023, new hollywood movies 2023, hollywood movie english mai, hollywood movie, movies 2023 full movie, hollywood movie english, hollywood movie english 2023, action movie, the underworld full movie in english, hollywood action movie in english, Dwayne Johnson movies, the underworld, hollywood full action movie, Dwayne Johnson
Id: Wuq8hToKKKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 15sec (6255 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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