The Ultron Outbreak | Avengers Assemble | S2 E18

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[Music] not to question your Genius Tony but this doesn't exactly look like the sight of a killer robot attack not an attack yet a blip on the Ultron detector look for anything unusual but be careful it's most likely a trap it is good to hear this how is that possibly good that Tony's even telling us he tends to omit the dangerous details especially when Arsenal is involved Arsenal that sounds like a dangerous detail I should probably know about right he was a robot my dad created Ultron corrupted him and took him over is that enough info yeah Tony gets a little testy when we bring up Arsenal so haven't we walked into enough of ultron's traps for one Lifetime well Avengers can't just ignore a threat even if it is dangerous so now you're an Avengers expert you're not even a real member hey you asked for my help well this just got awkward we need you to come with us is that shield for hello since our team split in two you've been a reckless danger to the city surely you just orders are orders following Shields orders what have you done with the real hulkk and you're okay with all this Natasha don't make it personal Hawkeye whoa whoa whoa whoa no one told me hanging out with the Avengers could get me arrested by Shield not cool in fact I was just told I'm not even a member no one's arresting anyone we just need to bring you into talk what into talk are you kidding me fury just wants us under his thumb he doesn't like that we do things differently than Shield we're trying to help here Tony either let us bring you in or Fury makes this a lot Messier you seen something Falcon tracking an emergent frequency micr level though micr level's my middle name Tony probably won't like me helping but watch out no s Ultron has upgraded this unit Humanity's end begins now the age of humanity ends the Age of Ultron is at hand Sam fight Ultron you're stronger than him no human Compares with the Ultron intelligence Captain get back don't let any part of him touch you looks like ultron's turned himself into a nano virus brilliant actually which means we need a brilliant way to get Falcon back throw everything we've got at him my favorite p battle plan no we need to coordinate Hulk Widow attack plan 18a love 18a lots of Smashing whoa Widow don't cross my fire get your head out of your quiver okay our teams are getting in each other's way one group needs to pull out great tell Fury we got this wrong group Falcons on our team withdraw Iron Man Falcon's an Avenger no matter who side he's on individuality is inefficient net foam taser how's that for efficient so much for the Age of Ultron Sam can you hear me in there you only postpone the inevitable you cannot put strings on me Thor impress me buddy Hulk Shield strike plan 3B we need to stop him not break the city just following orders why would he go underground just like anyone in New York he's got a Subway to catch let's go what is that thing remain calm as your upgrades commence everybody get clear Ultron Intelligence online Ultron Intelligence online Falcon fighting go this is why I avoid rush hour cover the [Music] exits the Ultron revolution has already begun do you not know when to quit the Avengers never quit wait didn't you quit not helpful [Music] Ant-Man Ultron Intelligence online puny robot I count one for you and one for me missed this competition so caps rolls driving you crazy yet not as crazy as Tony's Secrets he's been getting better actually I'll believe that when I see it Tony back Iron Man I have a plan I had that under control not from my perspective pull your team back Shield is better equipped for this aren't you supposed to be bringing us into Fury isn't this defying orders never mind I'll handle it myself situational priorities have changed my directive you ever not play by the rules you seek a sample of my Nano particles As You Wish now someone notices me your upgrade will be painless mostly yeah well your downgrade is going to hurt a lot Ultron trapped in a jar he's the world's most dangerous artificial intelligence not a firefly you're not the one to be pointing out risk Tony you leave the team you don't get to criticize Ultron Intelligence online imperative expand Ultron Network my team after them Rogers we've located our former life model decoy Android the one Ultron corrupted exactly now he's using it to infect the entire city ultron's fighting the battle on more than one front trying to split us up what for you guys have done a great job of that already o wow Truth Hurts Ultron is up the stakes you you might not agree with this Tony but we'd be more effective mixing our two units I knew you'd eventually come running back to us everyone group up though he has his strengths Hawkeye is no Hulk hey standing right here Hulk Hawkeye bring that lmd down uh I think you meant Hulk and Thor Cap's right we have to think differently Widow Thor contain those civilian Ultron let's go Hawkeye's Less Fun did nobody see me Ant-Man get back to your lab and try to find a way to free Falcon from ultron's virus cap gave me an order am I really an Avenger Focus Ant-Man I'll track Ultron Prime no I'll track Ultron Prime what the heck bringing an Ultron in here a computer you Mo just run a scan Joey need to pinpoint Falcon's life signs trust me Sam I'm going to get you out of there [Music] somehow I've tried every access option I have on Arsenal but Ultron Prime keeps evading could be anywhere you need to forget about Arsenal not getting into this again your father's Android isn't how we find Ultron outthinking him is and strategically he'd want maximum access with maximum cover oh you have got to be kidding [Music] me what Ultron changed the locks Reckless Tony you just ruined any chance of surprising him surprising him have you met Ultron Stark is right I've known your every move humans are so predictable alron units work as one in perfect harmony with humans there are too many different models incompatible operating systems theory this is Captain America we've located Ultron prime target all Tri carrier Firepower at Avengers Tower close range he's hijacked my cop mine too nothing good could possibly come from that ultron's trying to trick Fury but why here goes [Music] everything Ultron wants to take the TR carrier cap get clear we're armed and ready copy why is he not responding director Fury message on secure line fury it's a trap you're giving Ultron exactly what he wants if you got any brilliant ideas now's the time you'll be the first to know the shield try carrier my puzzle is [Music] complete Ultron Intelligence online ulton intelligence ulton Intelligence onig online we're too late Ultron has the city huh and the tri carrier I've enjoyed this reunion while it's [Music] last it's not over yet [Music] if ultron's going to put us on a leash and we've got to bite full power you asked for a brilliant idea yanking off your armor doesn't look so smart his guns are locked on him so let's give him something to shoot at how's your aim Target acquired don't pretend you didn't miss this cat sir we have [Music] incoming Shields down I heard Fury wants to talk to me have any room on that thing for me figure8 pattern starting at 3:00 I bet you miss having a teammate who knows how to work a plan I don't know you talked to Hulk lately are you thinking what I am thinking gamma clap H dash CL L Dash na a Dash H spelling a bunch of crazy talk no it's a formula to counteract the virus yeah yeah I knew that I think I can synthesize this hang in there Sam if he wants this ship I'll Ram it right through won't stop it he's pure data we need to cure the virus then destroy Ultron Prime's body but that means destroying Arsenal too for good after all this you'd hesitate to eliminate Arsenal you still don't get it he was my father's greatest creation no you don't get it Arsenal is not your father's greatest creation you are make him proud [Music] Tony not for nothing but don't you think you're got to test that gunk out first the trial runs a good idea that we don't have time for we're trusting Falcon Sam you're a genius no you're the one that understood the formula lay back here comes the second dose wait I'm still connected to Ultron but I have my own willpower quick patch me through to Fury there's a way we can defeat Ultron since I'm still connected I could force the individual copies back into Ultron Prime but not for long you'd have only seconds to destroy him I'm out of options but I bet you have 17 different ways to take down Ultron and that Stark mind of yours actually only one but it's risky the kind of risk that made you quit the team and the kind of risk that could save the world run it by me okay why does Ultron need the TR carrier complete satellite and weapon control control he gets a hold of the space module in this thing nothing can stop him so what how do we destroy him by giving him the tri carrier you want to trap him on board the space module and RAM him right into the Sun what if you can't pull that off we'll be responsible for destroying the planet too risky taking a huge risk that ends up saving the world Tony does that five times before breakfast that's what makes him the leader of the [Music] Avengers we're running out of time I've got this the rest is up to you cap I can handle it don't get cocky that's my [Music] thing you realize that's a one-way ticket he's not coming back [Music] St always wanted to visit the Sun like Humanity this plan will fail Humanity failed really are you sure that wasn't just an internet hops preparing for Interstellar speed trying to destroy me you are a fool start I am only one of thousands of Ultron units unlike humans we are one United intelligence United Unity isn't about being the same it's about working together what you can't calculate Ultron is that our differences are Humanity's greatest strength Falcon all Ultron units transferred all copies of my software are returning to this unit what have you done this unit must return to Earth I don't think so Ultron temperature rising to unstable levels you sacrifice yourself to save a planet of primitive fools just making my dad proud background software overriding hello Tony it is good to see you one last time Arsenal my primary programming is to protect you it is what your father wanted and it is what I want goodbye Tony my friend no what goodbye Arsenal thanks again Dad uhoh that's no [Music] good Avengers I've experienced some fantastic things but nothing more fantastic than working with all of you by the time you hear this signal I'll be [Music] [Music] gone remind me not to do that again don't do any of that again pardon me fury was certain we couldn't bring you back that's why Fury's not on the team and that's why we resigned from Shield Avengers reassemble Avengers means you too Ant-Man seriously seriously relax Hawkeye our differences make us stronger remember Avengers Assemble [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Marvel HQ
Views: 481,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel, comic book, comics, superhero, super hero, geeky, nerdy, iron man, spider-man, tony stark, cap, captain america, kids, family, entertainment, cartoon, children, animation, avengers, villains
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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