The ULTIMATE VLADIMIR GUIDE SEASON 14 | BEST Builds & Runes | How to carry as Vladimir | S14 Split 1

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well hello there my name is k I'm A League of Legends coach and content creator and I'm glad to see that you're interested in my season 14 Vladimir guide I've made tons of Vladimir guides in the past so for this guide I had the idea to create my very own Vladimir Bible a guide that includes all my knowledge this guide will offer both new content for season 14 specifically but also content from my previous fim guides because some things haven't changed yet so it would be a time waste to go over something that hasn't changed at all so for example the ability overview section in the guide will be the exact same as the ability overview from my last guide this allows me to create the ultimate Vladimir guide my very own Vladimir Bible now obviously League of Legends has two components the knowledge component and the actual implementation component that's why this guide will also be split up in two parts this video serves as the first part which includes all kinds of information about mindset Champion identity abilities Summoner spells items combos game plans common mist Stakes tips and tricks matchups and skins in the second part of this guide which is a separate video I will be commentating on actual in-game Vladimir content to show you how to implement the knowledge from this video in actual solo que games now on top of that you can also book my personal coaching so if you're really serious about climbing the ranked leather and achieving your season 14 ranked goals you can definitely order my personal coaching so if you're interested in that feel free to check out the link in the description down below all right let's get started the first first thing you need to understand in order to become a Vladimir main or enhance your Vladimir skills is the specific Vladimir identity and the mindset that comes with that a Champion's identity is basically all the specific things that make your Champion stand out from all the other Champions while also understanding the weaknesses and strengths that are a consequence of those Champion specific attributes now let's take a look at Vladimir's specific Champion attributes and afterwards we'll take an in-depth look at each attribute first of all Vladimir is one of the strongest scaling champions in League of Legends meaning that Vladimir isn't that strong early on but that's compensated by his ridiculously strong late game secondly Vladimir is all about healing and sustain Vlad can get healing from his q w and ult and last but not least Vladimir is an aob Champion meaning that Vladimir excels at dealing damage to multiple people at the same time as opposed to picking off people in the 1 V one now that we know what the Vladimir specific attributes are let's take a closer look at them so first of all we said that Vladimir is a scaling Champion now lots of people know that Vladimir is an amazing scaling Champion however not a lot of people fully understand what scaling means scaling doesn't mean that it's okay to give up all pry and all objectives until you're strong if you play like that you will find yourself reaching your Peak strength at the same time when the enemies have already reached your Nexus scaling actually means that whenever the enemy team captures an objective or makes a play somewhere on the map we're going to be making a trade as well somewhere else on the map this is called objective trading for example whenever the enemy team takes a dragon maybe see if you can dive the enemy top laner or at the very least push your lane and look to take third plates yes taking plates might be less value compared to taking a dragon but that's the meaning of scaling scaling means that we're still going to do objective trading but we're okay with trading something back of lesser value because we're not as strong as the enemy team in the early stages of the game it's just crucial that we always trade something back otherwise the gold cap will be so big that the enemy team will finish the game game before you've become strong enough to carry the game yourself so please whenever the enemy team has pry and starts a dragon and there's nothing you can do about it don't just recall and do nothing but try to take as many minion waves turret plates enemy jungle camps as possible or even look to kill the enemies on the other side of the map okay now that we understand what scaling means how do we actually scale the main thing the very fundamental idea of FLIR is that you scale most consistently by constantly farming throughout the game it's impossible to know before game how many kills or objectives you'll be able to secure but it's definitely possible to control how much you farm in a game which makes farming a very consistent way to obtain gold and XP my personal rule of thumb is that you should never have less than 8 CS per minute on average no matter what rank you playing and keep in mind that 8cs per minute isn't even that good also keep in mind that I'm not just talking about having 8cs per minute during the laning phase but throughout the entire game as a Vladimir player it's crucial that you never stop farming throughout the entire game it's not as if you farm until you have two items and then you just stop farming because you're strong enough no you always need to keep on farming I can't stress this enough practically this means that once the laning face is over you will have to be disciplined and go to the S side Lanes to consistently soak solo XP and gold Vladimir's second specific attribute is his built-in sustain a lot of people do not actively play around fimir sustain understanding the role of your sustain is necessary to consistently win Lanes in the late game Vladimir one shots entire teams so playing around sustain isn't that important in the late game however playing around your sustain is crucial during the laning phase because in the early stages of the lane phase Vladimir has some significant weaknesses such as high cooldowns and low Mobility so if you want to consistently get high CS numbers or even win your lanes you will have to be creative and out play your opponents sustain is one of the main tools that allows you to do that you need to understand that even if you're playing versus Lane bullies such as Victor you can still outplay them by draining their monopol with your sustain all you have to do is take trades with Victor even if the trade seems bad at first because you can heal up after and Victor can't so you will still win the trade and if you repeat this process slowly but surely you will drain his monopol and you will have a free Lane and last but not least Vladimir's third specific attribute is his AOE damage you need to understand that Vladimir has an old ew combo that can one shot an entire team team with just that one combo so it doesn't make sense that you would focus on killing people in the 1 V one if you can force a five versus five fight around an objective like a baron and then you just get a Penta so your role as Vladimir is to scale as quickly as possible to become as strong as possible to dominate team fights if you have three items including a rabadon's death capap and you have everything at your disposal like your ultimate and Summoner spells you need to force a big fight to kill the enemy team instead of using all your resources like suer spells and ult to pick up of the enemy ADC before the dragon fight now that we understand flir's Champion identity and we already know some very important practical implications that come with that specific Champion identity we're ready to take a look at the mindset you need to adopt to successfully climb the ranked Lea with Vladimir first of all being patient and having discipline is crucial you need to understand that whenever you're playing Vladimir it's more important to not fall behind than to get ahead I'll give you a clear example to explain this concept if you're playing an easy matchup for examp example of Vladimir versus Ari you will have a lot of kill pressure but let's say the enemy team has a Sho so a jungler who likes to gank early and on repeat even though you theoretically have kill pressure on Ari it could be very dangerous to try and kill Ari because of the enemy Sho who's probably going to gank you on repeat if you give him the opportunity so here it's very easy to say if you're playing Vlad I'm going to chill and scale instead of Perma fighting arri because I'm a scaling champion and fighting early against Sho Ari might be dangerous this is a luxury that we have as Vladimir players cuz imagine that you play something like LeBlanc and you're not able to snowball early your game might actually be over now something else that's very important when it comes to discipline is that you always have to keep on farming throughout the game no matter what your team says if you have a huge wave under your turret but your jungler is asking you to come to Scuttle do not give in and keep on farming the minions and ignore your jungler especially if you're not used to this type of play style you might be very tempted to help your teammates and give up too much Farm while doing so so a great tip is to mute everyone in your game and have discipline and keep on farming no matter what it's better that you overdo the farming and that you're not as impactful in the mid game or something than that you're always roaming and that you're underdoing the farming now in order to make you understand how gold Reliant Vladimir is let us compare Vladimir to other scaling Champions like cadan and kill for example both cadan and kill could hard carry games the second they hit level 16 even if their Farm is not that good as opposed to killan cadan Vladimir does not become extremely strong at level 16 in fact Vladimir's ultimate damage at level 16 compared to level 15 when you had only two points in R is quite underwhelming so yes Vladimir does outscale a cadan and even a kill but not because you have a stronger power Spike at level 16 but because your Champion is very Farm oriented if you don't have good CS you will be outscaled by level 16 Casten and the kale now another misconception that's ingrained in the mindset of most Vladimir players is that Vladimir is weak early on and as a result they play way too passively and avoid all early fighting Vladimir is not as weak early on as everybody thinks he just has some weaknesses that in some matchups might make it hard for you to get something done early on so most of the time you should be able to farm almost perfectly while also being able to trade with your lane opponent and look for early opportunities even Ram opportunities yes we're playing the scaling Champion but we are far from weak early on and we should always look to get something done and that's where limit testing comes in limit testing is the most important part of playing Vladimir Vladimir is this Ultra scaling selfish champion this Champion shouldn't even be viable in Solo Q because solo Q is extremely chaotic and often solo Q games do not allow you to get to the late game stages of the game so Vladimir is far from a broken Champion unless you can find a way to become this Ultra strong raid boss in the mid game instead of in the late game you can only become Ultra strong in the mid game if you know your limits perfectly imagine a Vladimir player with zero kills zero deaths and zero assists with 160 CS at 20 minutes into the game so 8 CS per minute this Vladimir will be pretty strong but far from broken but imagine the same Vladimir but now with 200 farm at 20 minutes so 10 C per minute and three kills instead of zero now this fimir is absolutely broken and you can consistently be broken in the majority of your games if you know your limits because knowing your limits is the difference between killing your lane opponent or getting killed and the outcome of that can snowball and completely decide your game now something else that should be ingrained in your mindset is understanding your role as a Vladimir Vladimir's role is to dominate team fights with his AOE abilities like his ultimate how do you dominate team fights by one-shotting the enemy high value backline targets such as the enemy ADC and midlaner you should almost never do anything else than this dominating team fights and going for the enemy backline is your role and you do not want to start compensating Your Role to help your teammates fulfill their role role you do not carry games by helping your teammates achieving what they need to do because that doesn't give you time to do what you have to do and if you are extremely good at what you need to do fulfilling Your Role you will hard carry games anyway even though your teammates might be struggling now something else that's extremely important to become a great Vladimir player is understanding how people can counter Vladimir because if you understand how people can counter you you can come up with a way to prevent them from countering you now Vladimir can be countered in two main ways first of all people can bully you in lane and make your life miserable Champions that fit into this category are champions with consistent poke such as contro mes like Victor and Oriana or Champions that are really good at running you down like Champions such as irelia for example Vladimir also gets countered by Champions who are really good at roaming so Champions like Twisted Fate for example aren't that strong into the Vladimir if you look at the 1 V one Vladimir can even Dodge Twisted Fate's gold card with pool but starting from level six Twisted Fate can choose to Perma shift the way wave and out roam you the goal of the Twisted Fate in this scenario is not to kill you in the 1 V one but to help out his team to the point that his team will end the game before you've become strong now that we understand how Vladimir gets countered we can create play styles to prevent this from being countered in these situations there's two ways to counter us and that leads to two fundamentals that we always have to think about fundamental number one make sure that you don't die in Lane now this is obviously easier said than done but we can do this by focusing on Wave mechanics selecting the right setup such as runes similar spells and builds and also warding properly fundamental number two is make sure your opponent can't out roam you you can do this by focusing on Wave mechanics and fighting your lane opponent whenever they want to roam to keep them in lane and focusing on your Tempo recalls is also a great method to make sure your lane opponent doesn't out roam you and last but not least there's something you really need to understand in order to play Vladimir at the highest level you could argue if this belongs in the mindset section but I I deem it so important that I feel like it's become part of the Vladimir mindset I'm talking about understanding Vladimir's main weakness Mobility even if you find yourself in late game and you're turbo strong all it takes is one stun or maybe even a slow or an exhaust to completely make you useless so when you're playing Vladimir you should look for tools that enhance your Mobility for example face rush and Nimbus cloak and runes or ghost and Flash in suer spells Etc okay now that we finally and fully understand both Vlad Champion identity and the mindset that comes with that we're ready to take a look at Vladimir's abilities first of all we have Vladimir's passive Crimson pack Vladimir gains one ability power for every 30 bonus Health he also gains 1.6 Max Health per one ability power so basically the more AP you have the more Health you get and the more bonus Health you have the more AP you get bonus health is basically any health you gain except for health from levels then we have vlad's q transfusion Vladimir drains his targets life force dealing magic damage and restoring health after using this ability twice Vladimir gains move speed for 0.5 seconds and empowers the next use of his ability for 2.5 seconds the empowered version of this ability deals more magic damage and restores Health Plus missing Health it's extremely important to knowe that empowered healing is reduced to 30% against minions a lot of people think that both vat's normal cues and empowered cues have L healing on minions but this is only the case for vlat and powerered qes so this is how vat's Q Works vat's normal Q heals you the same amount whether it's from Minions from Champions or from Jungle camps vat and powered que heals the same amount from Champions as from Jungle camps but from Minions you get less healing wonderful oh then we have vlad's W his pool Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood for 2 seconds gaining decaying move speed for 1 second and becoming untargetable and ghosted while slowing enemies in the pool by 40% Vladimir deals magic damage over the duration and restores health equal to 15% of the damage dealt so vat spool slows enemies it gives himself decaying move speed deals damage to enemies and restores health based on the damage deth so whenever you're fighting with somebody and you're planning on pulling underneath him try to simultaneously pull underneath as many minions as possible as this will increase your healing or if you're fighting against multiple enemies try to pull underneath all of them to heal as much as possible another great tip with this could be that if you're fighting around jungle camps try to pull underneath the jungle camp and the enemy simultaneously to maximize your healing however keep in mind that activating your W costs a lot of Health as well so it's important to restore as much much health as possible and last but not least you can cancel vet's Q animation with your pool Vladimir's e is called tides of blood and does the following begin charging Vladimir charges up a reservoir blood spending Health while at full charge Vladimir is slowed by 20% release Vladimir unleashes a torrent of blood missiles at surrounding enemies dealing more damage based on charge time if this ability was charged for at least 1 second it also slows targets by 40% for 0.5 seconds so here it's important to know that your e can slow enemies and that you can combine e with W so you press e first then you press W and then you can charge your e while in W so that you can hit more people and the enemies can't interrupt your e charging another important thing you should know about vet e is that if your e gets cancelled while you're charging it the damage from the already stored blood won't go off so you'll lose the HP but the damage won't go off which can be very frustrating when your e is fully charged it will automatically release after a while and you can also release your e by using Q so if you're charging your e and while charging you use Q then your e will release however in theory this is a nice mechanic because the E into Q combo is a very useful combo but it feels extremely clunky so instead of releasing e with Q you should release e manually by lifting your finger off your e button and then just quickly pressing your Q after and last but not least you can activate ghost while in E to get in range of enemies and this mechanic is especially good with Nimbus cloak now let's take a look at Vladimir's ultimate hemo plague Vladimir creates a plague causing its victims to take 10% increased damage from all sources for 4 seconds after it expires Vladimir deals magic damage to all infected targets Vladimir restores Health if he hits a champion and restores additional health for each Champion beyond the first here is extremely important to know that when you hit your ultimate onto enemies they will take 10% extra damage from all sources afterwards so if you want to maximize your damage your combo should start with your ultimate so that your other abilities can do 10% increased damage another useful tip could be that you can actually proc face Rush with the first part of your ultimate the first part of your ultimate doesn't do damage and I think that's why people don't know about this but you can infect proc face Rush with the first part of your ultimate when it comes to suar spouts for Vladimir especially in season 14 ghost flash is almost always the best setup you could go ghost is just so versatile you could use ghost during the early Lane phase to take an amazing trade with your lane opponent that you would not have been able to take without the extra movement speed of ghost this can either help you to fix a bad Lane state or to even start win your lane so ghost partially replaces teleport because if you're creative with your ghost usage you can go even or even win difficult matchups without having to go teleport ghost flash is also amazing for S side laning whenever you're in a sid Lane like bot or top you really need extra tools for Mobility to run down your opponents in these long Lanes or to escape from enemies trying to run you down in these long lanes and obviously ghost flash is the best setup you can go for team fights because Vladimir's biggest weakness is mobility but ghost Flash flash makes you a very mobile Champion which allows you to hard carry team fights now theoretically you could go teleport Flash in very hard Lanes like anvia or Oriana for example but like I said if you're creative with your ghost usage you don't need teleport at all you could also go ignite flash or ignite ghost but personally I feel like ghost flash almost always outperforms these setups unless you're playing Vladimir top if you play Vladimir top going ghost ignite is a very good option because in Top Lane you will be forced to fist fight your opponent a lot more compared to to M so having ignite and ghost to match very aggressive Champs is crucial in the Top Lane because if you die once and top your game might be over due to how snowb the Top Lane is but obviously going ghost Flash and Top Lane is also really good I just prefer ghost ignite in matchups where I can't avoid fighting my Lane opponent like a Riven or Fiora for example but you could also go ghost Knight in midlin for example lately I've been really enjoying going ghost Knight with conqueror and fist fight match ups like silus ultimately all of this is personal preference but ghost flash is objective the most versatile setup and the best for late game scaling so if you're able to be creative with it you can also make it work in the early game and that's why it has the most potential specifically as well for season 14 that's it for the Summoner spells overview now let's take a look at the runes all right when we talk about Rune Pages for Vladimir there are an insane amount of options available we could theoretically think of things like conqueror electrocute Predator potentially even dark Harvest a obviously face rush you could even go grasp in certain matchups or first strike and unsealed spell book now all of these setups are viable in some kind of way does that mean they're always optimal no I'm not going to talk about all of these setups cuz in my opinion there are three setups that are currently specifically in season 14 dominating all of the other setups and thus outperforming all of the other setups in the majority of your games those three setups the setups that I'm going to be talking about today are conqueror ay and face Rush does that mean that for example if you want to go Predator you can't because I said it's not optimal no you can still go Predator I just believe that in most of your games you're going to be outperforming Predator if you go either conqueror AR or face fish and this counts for all the potential Rune setups let's start with conqueror this is one of the three setups that I really want to talk about now before we make the Rune page and we talk about adaptations of the Rune page why would we ever go conqueror I would go conqueror in two situations and like in two conditions both conditions need to be met for me to go conqueror the first condition would be when I'm playing play versus Champion that it's almost going to be impossible to avoid fighting them for example when you fight versus a yaso or a yon or a silus these are matchups that whether you like it or not you're almost always going to have to fight them level one 2 3 4 five you won't be able to avoid fighting them at all so then having that extra fist fighting Power of conqueror is going to help you a lot also conqueror will be able to like you will be able to stack it quite efficiently because you're playing versus melee Champions like a Al like Aon like a silus right you can get in a lot of attacks because they're melee so you can basically stack your conqueror quite well now obviously I wouldn't go conqueror even though I have a good mid lane match up to use it if the enemy team exists out of a lot of ranged squishy Champions because against range squishy Champions I will not be able to stack my conqueror because they will be one- shable so I will just kill them immediately and then having more birds like I don't know every Scorch or electrocute would be better so the second condition to be met when you go conqueror is that the enemy team have multiple melee or tank Bruiser type of Champions for example situation where conqueror would be great is if the enemy team has something like a Canan Top Lane within the mumu jungle and the silus Midland they have three beefy Bruiser or even tank Champions that allows you to stack your conquer quite efficiently and having a silus in the midgame match up in the mid lane match up will also help you like conquer would also be very efficient in that matchup now that we know what conditions need to be met to go conqueror let's make the standard conqueror Rune page so the standard conquer room page is going to look something like this so obviously we select conqueror Triumph Legend tenacity here L and nimus cloak Transcendence this is going to be the standard conqueror setup obviously they also change like what I like to call the mini runes here so nowadays I like to go this for scaling this to compensate with some damage and then obviously go Health scaling if the enemy team has a lot of CC you could go with 10% extra tenacity and slow resist this is obviously extremely good on Vladimir obviously if they don't have that much CC you just go with health scaling cuz that's also very good on miror now this is the main setup could you adjust something to this main setup and why would you do it now I would say yes you can make some adjustment to this just not that much I would change anything of the primary uh Rune page here but the second Rune tree here the sorcery Rune tree we can make some adjustments if you want to focus more on roaming you could go for example Solarity and water walking or you could instead of going Transcendence you could go with or like instead of lius cloak you could go with um Gathering storm and Transcendence what's the difference difference here this will help you more with scaling if you go with Gathering storm instead of nimus cloak you're going to be missing out on some movement speed now if you have ghost flash nimus cloak isn't that important it's always useful but it's not crucial if you have ghost flash as a sar spell setup now if you go something like ghost Knight then it might be a lot more important to say I'm not going to go Gathering storm but I'm going to go nimis cloak and Transcendence personally I wouldn't really change Transcendence here you could change it to this for more roaming but honestly I feel like Transcendence is extremely crucial on vadir and you should almost never change it so then the only two adaptations that I would make is either go for scorch here for even more fist fight power go for numus cloak especially if you have ignite and you could go Gathering storm if you're playing for more scaling but Gathering storm it doesn't make that much sense in my opinion because we're going with conqueror because we're in a very fist fight heavy match up so then we're not thinking too much about scaling anyway we should be thinking more about going Scorch or Nimbus cloak then for the extra uh Mobility to win the the lane or for the extra damage to win the lane now theoretically you could also go into the resolve tree if you're playing versus something like poke or burst you could go uh bone plating into burst second Twin against pooke and you could go something like this very Lane oriented now personally I'm not a big fan of mixing resolve tree with the Precision tree I feel like if you go conquerer you're kind of forced to go Transcendence here to go to the sorcery page just for the Transcendence and then you can either select nimus cloak or scorch with Transcendence right but I would always go Transcendence that's why I don't like to go uh into the resolve tree because if you go resolve yes you might have some more sustain but you're giving up the Transcendence which is extremely valuable in my opinion all right now that we know what the Conqueror page looks up uh looks like and what the adaptations are let's start a new Rune page and now we're going to be looking at Airy now why would you ever go Airy so before we're going to make the Rune page and we're going to look at the adaptations why would we want to go ay a gives you even more fist fight power and Lane domination than conquer will ever give you every Scorch is basically the easiest way to get some extra damage you don't have to do a lot for it just Auto attack or using ability and it does quite an insane amount of damage especially when combined with Scorch in very free Lanes I like to go a Scorch and Lanes where I can consistently damage my opponent and Lanes where I know I have kill pressure onto them and those Lanes I like to go every Scorch conqueror could be both good in lane and in the mid game every scorch obviously doesn't scale that good towards the mid game stages or the late game stages of the game but you do get more fist fight power in the early Lane so I like to go AA Scorch in very free matchups or in match ups where I just need the extra fist fight power for example again against a Fizz or Rana for example in those matchups it could be really nice to have Airy Scorch CU they're melee they're extremely short ranged and you can definitely constantly poke them with Airy and Scorch for example here now I especially like to go a with Scorch for example very Lane oriented when I have a jingler and a support perhaps who allows me to play aggressively for example even if I'm playing versus zakana but the enemy team have a Sho jungle and I have a cars jungle so the enemy team has a very ganking type of jungler and I have a scaling type of jungler going every scores and Perma fist fighting my Lane opponent might not be the smartest thing to do cuz that means that I might be pushing towards my Lane opponent and now I get ganked by Sho and my cartis who's farming and scaling obviously can't back me up so now there's not much point of going Aries scor and playing for Lane if you have a scaling type of jingler and the enemy team has a aggressive type of jingler however when I have something like a needy or a l or a Jarvan or an Elise or a Sho you name it anything that's somewhat aggressive and I'm playing versus aana I will go every Scorch because not only can I bully and destroy my Lane opponents but I also have a jungler and perhaps even a support that likes to roam like a Pik or rakan who can help me like when I'm pushing in the opponent they can help me with even securing the kill and turret diving and stuff like that so A Scorch is very aggressive and personally I'm the type of Vladimir who likes to go aggressive I'm the type of Vladimir who likes to get more out of Lane than just scaling sitting back and relaxing cuz if you have a 5-0 Draven and the enemy team it's all for than games if you have like 10 C per minute but if you don't have any kills it's still going to be hard to shut down that Draven so in those situations it might be better to go like a Scorch so that you can like kill your lane opponent get have an easier time creating that initial lead and now you might actually be able to deal with the Draven so I also like to go AR Scorch when I see that the enemy team has a lot of snowball heavy Champions something like a very aggressive type of champion that's very good at once they get a kill they snowball like a Katarina or a Draven those type of Champions right or even a Kiana or a Fizz now what does the Airy Scorch or the Airy I like to call it Airy Scorch because I always go Scorch with a so that's why I call it a Scorch how does this setup like what does this setup look like well it looks like this you go nimus cloak I'm just going to show you the standard run page right and then we go this well actually this but this is going to be the standard Airy Scorch run page now could you make some adaptations yes you could make some adaptations against certain matchups especially if you go ghost flash you could again give up Nimbus cloak and go for nullifying orb for example if you really wish to for those of you who don't know nullifying or is basically a hex Rinker passive so if you play versus an AP champion who you like to fist fight a lot and you think you can fist fight them and you have kill pressure like a fist for example but the fist might also have kill pressure onto you because they like to go ignite then nullifying or is a great option if you don't want to go nimus cloak so here you either go nimus cloak or nullifying or so I'm just going to put it on nimus cloak CU this is like the most standard setup and then here you could go absolute Focus for even more damage but like I said I will never change Transcendence I think it's absolutely ridiculous how significant this Rune is for Vladimir so I will never change it I will always go transcend Transcendence out of these three when I'm playing Vladimir and then here I don't really see this as an option it could be if you want to roam but I don't really see it as an option um you you could go with Scorch or gathering storm I don't see Gathering storm as an option either because I feel like the whole point of me picking AR is to have more like aggressive potential in Lane I have more kill pressure in lane then why would I choose here for scaling if I want to go Gathering storm with scaling I could go a more scaling Rune setup like face Rish and that's something we're going to talk about in just a bit so here since I go ay I like to go Scorch I also believe that Ary is like only viable if you combine it with Scorch I don't see it being viable without Scorch because it's a combination that's so deadly now in the second run tree we can make some more adaptations you can see here that the standard setup here is magical Footwear and Cosmic Insight now magical footware and Cosmic Insight is scaling this basically says we have some kind of scaling in our setup in some matchups however you do not want to go magical footware and some matchups you might need in early boots for example in matchups where you have to dodge skill shots like a copia q if you get hit by a copia q you need to dodge it otherwise you get hit and you lose your entire HP bar because you got the hit once SP in ability so in some match ships it's very important it's crucial to dodge skill shs and then you want to buy your boots early on magical Footwear doesn't allow you to do that so if you're if you're in a game and for some reason you need to buy boots early on don't go magical Footwear instead you could go with Futures market and Cosmic Insight now Cosmic Insight here is extremely valuable because we said that flir's main weakness is mobility now the strongest thing about Cosmic Insight is that it gives you subar spell haste so you will literally have your ghost and FL more available which is obviously amazing because now that means that you have more mobility and that you're less immobile however sometimes we can't go Cosmic Insight even though how amazing it is sometimes you play against something like a Fizz or a Kiana and you notice hey and this is personal right some people struggle more in matchups than other people but if you find yourself struggling in a certain matchup even though you go every Scorch you might want to go into the resolve tree and pick up some more resistances if you play versus burst you could go something like bone plating against a burst and then scale in resistances with overgrowth or you could go Revitalize for even more healing in the lane and sustain or you could even go in flinching personally I don't like to go in flinching and this is more when the enemy teams have like a lot of CC then you could go this but then I'm going to go with the Precision tree anyway so I don't like to go this I never go this so I either go bone plating with Revitalize or bone plating with overgrowth against burst and against poke I go second wind with Revitalize or second wind with overgrowth when do I decide between Revitalize an overgrowth well it basically means can I win my Lane with second wind or do I need the extra healing power from a vitalize if I notice that I need the extra healing power from the fight lights I go this otherwise I'm going to cheese my way into overgrowth and get some scaling resistances you could theoretically also go conditioning here but conditioning only gives you resistances after 20 minutes basically and that might be too late so if you're really playing for the early laning phase you might need some bone plating or Second Wind in the early game and then you can choose between overgrowth and provide now I also told you that when the enemy team have a lot of CC especially like in Lane itself for example you could go with something like Triumph here and then Legend tenacity this will give you more uh tenacity so you're less uh you're more immune to crowd control which could be very useful now if I don't need the tenacity if I don't need the extra sustain versus the crowd control I'm going to go with Last Stand again for the extra damage the lower we get the more damage we do and it's very likely that we're going to get somewhat low because we go every scorch so we're prepared to fist fight our lane opponent and if you're prepared to fist fight your lane opponent you're probably going to get low at some point and then last hand will last hand will help you with damage the lower you get so it's amazing so here typically I like to go L stand and uh Triumph actually I think I showed it like this Triumph and mag tenacity but I like to go Triumph and last stand right and if I need more tenacity resist J team has a lot of crowd control I like to go Last Stand and then go tenacity so this combination or this combination here but always go Last Stand that's basically it for this setup here in the mini runes obviously you could go this a little bit more scaling and even tenacity but since I play for Lane and early game damage I like to go with two adaptive forces here then some scaling health or tenacity depending on the game now that's it for the a scz setup now let's take a look at the last setup or like the last M's optimal setup in my opinion like out of all the setups I think face R is the best scaling one doesn't mean it's the most optimal setup in the entire game for but it's one of those three most optimal setups so face rush for example when would you ever want to go face Rush well basically when you're really focus on scaling if you go face Rush as opposed to going something like a Scorch or conqueror you will have a lot less fist fighting Power in Lane that's just what it is but you will have more scaling face Rush helps you with more Mobility so it's amazing for those late game team fights and also in Lane if you play versus something like a copia or an Oriana or any hard match up really you can go face r because because it helps you escape and avoid taking an insane amount of damage and it helps you as well about like it avoids you being run down even if you play versus something like a trendir in the top lane or a rumble or an aelia you could instead of going conquer or something very fist fight heavy you could go face rush and use that slow resist and actual uh movement speed burst to escape their rundown potential that also means that face R is really great for sight laning as well because in the sight laning a lot of times Mobility is a problem you'll either get run down in long lane or you will be able to run down your opponent and face R helps you with both of those things so face R is again very versatile it's just about can we get away with using face rush in the early game or do we need some more fist fight power to get some kills for example if I'm playing versus and Sho in the enemy jungle and then I'm typically not really prone to fist fight my opponent because I know if I fist fight my opponent I can easily get ganged by Sho so in this match up I want to scale and then I'm going to go face rush but let's say I have like a needly jungle and I'm playing versus aana and the enemy team have a Draven as well they have a very snowb team and I have a good jungler who can back me up when I want to play aggressive then I wouldn't go with face rush cuz I might need a SCS to secure some kills early on to be able to deal with that Draven in case he gets fed but face is really for scaling and most of the time you go face R into very hard matchups like an anivia or an Oriana matchup and those M or like a Nico match up and those matchups um where enemies poke you a lot you can't really fist fight them and then you might have to go the scaling route and then phas R is obviously your best option now phas R the setup for it looks something like this so this is going to be the standard phas R setup actually this is already it and then here we're going to change this so this is the standard phase R setup um in terms of adaptations what we could do again if you play vers something like an anvia you might want to go nullifying orb it just gives you that extra bit of sustain that the hex Rinker passive basically which might be the difference between you dying and not dying or between you dying and theia escaping with 2 Hp or you killing theia so nullifying or might be great option especially if you go ghost flash which you typically do when you go face R because if you go face R you're planning on scaling and then ghost flash is obviously the best scaling setup so if you go ghost flash you're it's not crucial that you go nimus cloak it's still useful but it's not necessary it's not crucial so you could swap this out for nullifying or for some extra resistances then here I would never change anything I think Transcendence once more I think it's amazing on vadir so I would never change it and then here again you could go for roaming um which does make sense cuz if you're looking to scale you're trying to avoid playing in your lane and you might look for other moments other situations or opportunities onto the map to move towards but then again you also like to take face R and hard matchups cuz why would you not take fist fight setup early on if you think that you can't if you think that you have no kill pressure on your lane opponent typically those are matchups where you don't have kill pressure on your lane opponent but they might have kill pressure onto you and then it might be hard to roam if they constantly like push you under your turret then I typically like to go Gathering storm just full scaling or some people like to go Scorch to have that extra bit of fist fight power personally I think it's viable I think you could go it it's just personal preference but most of the time I like to go Gathering storm and then nimus clo here full scaling if you want to contest your lane opponent a little bit more you're going to go with nullifying orb Scorch with this setup with face R you're still going to scale amazingly and you will have some more pressure in Lane as well against like those AP Champion like a Victor and anvia and or stuff like that for now I'll just leave it on the standard setup so that's going to be this then this is basically the standard setup Again full scaling with magical Footwear and Cosmic Insight but once again we typically take face R and very hard matchups and then this might be too greedy so we might have to swap the sou for resolve to get some extra resistances against poke which is OB like and a lot of hard matchups those are match ups that can poke you like those control mes like a Victor now if they can poke you you typically want to go with second wind and then you could either go with scaling resistance es or you could say this is personal preference depending on how you experience the matchup no this match up is too hard I need Revitalize for the early game I can't get away with scaling resistances of the overgrowth or if you play against burst you could go with bone plating Revitalize or bone plating overgrowth if you can get away with it now a little bit later in this gu we're going to be talking about some different builds and stuff like that and at some point I'm going to mention the elite 500 build in which he likes to go partially tank and he likes to go conditioning and overgrowth with that because if you go tank those items are very cheap you become relatively strong you get them around minute 15 conditioning overgrowth skills also so at that point you will also have some more armor magic resist and some more HP so combined with that tanky build this is a very nice setup to go typically I don't often times go conditioning with overgrowth because in a lot of those matchups where I like to go face R it's match ups where I'm struggling and then I like to go this for optimal and maximum survivability there are some matchups in which I like overgrowth and um conditioning here and that could be against for example something like an aali an aali isn't that big of a threat to you early on but once she hits those level six level seven level eight levels she might become a big threat at that point having some more HP due to overgrowth and having the resistances of conditioning can actually prevent her from just one tapping you from 100 to z% and that might be amazing so in certain matchups where like especially assassin matchups that are not really a big threat to me early on but they might be once they get like level 7 8 9 10 11 then conditioning over grow could be great as well but there aren't too many matchups I basically only go this into a Ki match up and you also could go grasp and that match up you could also go every scorge conquer there's a lot of setups ultimately it all becomes personal preference now another change you could do here is you could go to the Precision tree and you could go for example something like Last Stand again with if you play vers a l of CC Legend tenacity or um Triumph here with Last Stand now typically if you go this you basically say well I'm going to go a little bit more on the aggressive with lost end and then you probably want to swap out Gathering storm for scorch here and this is also a pretty fine setup that allows you to have a little bit more kill pressure or like a little bit more fist fight power to match your lane opponent and not go full scaling here um this depends on personal preference now those are basically all the setups that I want to talk about those are the three main setups does that mean that Predator is not viable for example like if you want to go Predator doesn't mean that you can't cuz in this guide It's Not Included no go ahead limit test you could go dark Harvest for all like care try it out limit test try to find new things and it's not because I haven't mentioned it in this skyp that therefore it's not viable I just believe that most of the time in most of your games is going to get outperformed by either conqueror face rush or ay Scorch but that depends on your personal preference if you have a very specific Niche play style then Predator might even be the most optimal setup for you so it all depends on personal preference it all depends on your play style but for my play style and for the majority of the Vladimir out there for their play style going either conqueror face r or ay Scorch is going going to be the best setup in the majority of their games all right now let's talk about the items that we can go on fimir personally I Believe season 14 is amazing for items on fimir there are multiple builds there's more than just one build that's amazing there are multiple setups that I'm currently enjoying and I would love to share them with you guys now let's not get too hyped and let's get started with the beginning let's take a look at the starting items not much has changed here you could go either dark seal d-ring or a d Shield depending on the situation now personally when I'm in a difficult match up a match up where I can get poked a lot for example something like an anivia or a Victor or an Oriana I'm inclined to go D Shield because this will give you the most sustain versus people who can constantly poke you and it's hard for you to trade back onto them so a lot of those artillery Mages or long range control Mages who can just constantly poke you and you can't really get onto them D Shield is going to help you with sustaining a lot in those matchups now we also have the other Spectrum where you have the champion where it's almost unavoidable to fist fight them you can easily get onto them but they can also get easily onto you I'm talking about match ups like a silus or a yon or Yasuo in those matchups it's a lot more beneficial to go doran's ring because this is going to give you the damage that you need but also even more sustain and D Shield even though you're fighting those people due to how the DOR ring works the DOR ring is the best setup when you play against Champions who like to first fight you early on like level 1 2 3 4 5 and then dark seal is basically saying hey I'm going to be as gold efficient as possible as scaling as possible as snowb as possible but only if I can get away with it so an easy matchups for example if you play versus something like a corki you could easily go dark seal and just greed your way through the early game you have to see like this dark seal is most of the time the best option if you can go it but there's not a lot of matchups where you can go it at least in season 14 I feel like most match ups you want to go D ring and sometimes you want to go D shield now obviously in terms of potions if you go D Shield you can only go one potion if you go ding you can go two potions and if you go dark seal you have multiple options you could go either refillable potion or you could go three red pots refillable potion gives you if I'm not mistaken around 300 HP and three red pots gives you around 450 HP in terms of healing if I'm not mistaken now it's very obvious obviously you're going to get more healing from uh the red pots but it might be well it is actually less gold efficient than refillable potion so when do you want to go red three red pots and when do you want to go refillable potion you want to go three red pots versus ignite players so even though like let's say you play versus yaso sometimes especially in the lower elos you might say oh this yaso doesn't punish me a lot like typically Asos in these elos they don't punish me a lot it's a chill matchup so in those match ships if you know that in your ELO you can get away in some match ups with just scaling you can go dark seal but if they go ignite you might want to go three red potions to sustain them even more than usual if they don't have ignite if you play versus a Katarina with TP for example you could go dark seal cuz it's an easy match up and refillable potion CU you're not going to need to sustain CU there's not any danger there's not any threat of Katarina killing you because she has ignite or because she has teleport but obviously typically I like to push my advantages in those Lanes like Katarina where it's an easy match up and then I just like to go D ring instead of going dark seal with three red potions but that is an option if you're a fan of the dark seal you could go three red potions against ignite players and refillable potion against teleport players for example or barrier players whatever now if you look at the early buy here basically all over the Internet most people have been going ionian boots into fish codex you might ask why have ionian boots become this popular well they have become even more gold efficient than last season they are currently 900 gold for an insane amount of stats so basically if you go ionion boots your queue immediately gets onto a very short coold down and then if you go build a fish codex afterward you have so much ability haste that at this point you have so much sustainment your queue you're unkillable so this is an extremely easy setup to go it's always good no matter what game you play in the early game this will make you invincible you just cannot die so when you're like and when I would have to recommend a player who just like he says oh I I'm in ranked and I accidentally picked Vladimir for example like I'm playing this Champion for the first time but I don't want to Dodge I would recommend this setup towards him because it's so easy if you don't have a lot of experience on vadir it's so easy you're almost unkillable it's extremely easy to play this however that doesn't mean that this is always the optimal build I'm not saying that it isn't optimal I'm just saying it's not always optimal sometimes you have better setups that not a lot of people like to go nowadays I've seen but personally my favorite is not the easiest setup but it's the most potential setup in certain team coms and that's the pen boots into hex stack alternator this combination even though it's more like it's more expensive than this setup but it gives you an insane amount of burst for still a small amount of gold only now obviously I wouldn't go go this when the enemy teams have like three tanks and like a beefy champion in the mid lane like a silus then I would obviously go ionians with fishh and this I would build my fishh into a riff maker we're going to talk about that in just a bit but if I'm in a lane where I have a lot of kill pressure and I know that their entire team comp in the enemies is like very squishy like they have something like a looke support instead of a Leona and they have something like a kindred jungle or like um an Elite Jungle instead of like a beefy Champion like in a Mumu when they have a relatively squishy team comp like I would say three or more squishy Champions and I have a lane in which I have a lot of kill pressure I like to go sourcer R shoes and hex stack alternator as a start and you can literally one shot everybody at level six it's insane it's ridiculous how much damage this build does and it's my personal favorite over the very popular ionian fish start now if you go back to the ionian Finish start we would upgrade this into the very widely known popular standard build Rift maker leandre's death capap voids so this is the standard build that everybody likes to go again this gives you HP it gives you extra healing this gives you HP and ultimately with this ability has as well you become this guy who has permac cues you do a good amount of consistent damage you have an insane amount of healing so you're this raid boss who just doesn't die and who does decent amount of damage now it depends if they have a lot of beefy Champions LeAndre is amazing but sometimes you just don't need it I've noticed that okay most people go this build in every single game but it's just not always optimal what if you don't play versus B Champions what if we play against that teamc that I just talked about where the enemy team has like three squishy Champions or even more then I don't like to go I only Rift maker LeAndre CU I could do so much more damage so if I'm focusing on one-shotting people I like to go the more burst build and I never I almost Nobody Does this build it's ridiculous how few people do this build it's just literally my favorite build it's the best 1 v9 build currently that there is on Vladimir and it's because if you go against squishies this is just super easy to do you just blow them up it's not even difficult it's so it's ridiculous that it becomes very funny to just blow up people and you don't have to do anything for it now obviously this build here the rift maker lean with I onion boost this is again it's a lot more easy to play it's a lot more forgiving you make a mistake who cares you have a lot of HP you have a lot of ability haste and you basically are unkillable cuz you also have a lot of healing but therefore it's not always the best um setup if you talk if we talk about playing versus squishy coms then going this is a lot better yes if you make a mistake you might die because it's not as forgiving but if the enemies make a mistake you might get a panther that's the difference so I like to go this build a lot more so this is currently my go-to build you could replace storm search with Shadow flame I haven't tried it too much but currently I believe that from my current experience storm search is a lot more reliable than Shadow flame but I'm going to experiment a little bit more with Shadow flame as well in the future now if you go pan boots and you go hex alterntive here and we try to upgrade this into a um storm search for example this is my go-to build you are very you go very hard on the pen boots or like on the pen the magical penetration um side of things and you have a lot of burst you want that people you are basically an assassin at this point but ultimately that's fine because it's your first item you're not going to be team fighting a lot in this stage of the game but obviously for our second and third item we have to think more about our role as Vladimir we're not just that assassin who picks people up in the 1 V one we also want to team fight and kill entire teams so we might need a bit more things that are more forgiving like ability haste where we have oh we we screw up something well we have more ability haste so we can do our combo again or uh we have more mobility and Cosmic Drive is an amazing item for that it's very gold efficient and it gives us all the stats we need to become also more relevant for team fights instead of just to 1 V one so slowly but surely we're going to turn this assassin build into a more team fight build with Cosmic drive then obviously L death cap after that for full team fight domination and then typically a void stuff if you need to burst you could even go with Shadow flame if they don't have a lot of magic resist but or like crit Bloom but typically I like to go void stuff because it scales the best now there's also another build and this is more what I like to call the extremely gold efficient build this is the build that is so cheap that it becomes extremely good these all these items if you look at the AP items that are viable on Vladimir and you would Express in a percentage how good efficient each item was these three items are the most gold efficient items that are viable on Vladimir so it's basically just combination of all the most gold efficient items so that you become as strong as possible as quickly as possible so here we go ionians into Cosmic drive or you could even go Morelos first into Cosmic drive or just Cosmic drive into Morelos and now you might wonder wait didn't you say in the past that Morelos is useless on Vlad yes but I feel like this season there has been a lot more healing right especially with this new items under sky and stuff like that there has been so much healing into the game and a lot of Champions who are strong nowadays are champions with healing like an hro for example orenza and Morelos is just so good for that and why has it become a viable item on Vladimir well not because suddenly like there's more healing so we need to have more anti-heal that's like a very small reason why but the main reason is it's 2.2k gold for this item even if you don't need the healing look at the stats that you get 90 AP and 15 ability haste with this Grievous wounds passive for 2.2k gold I would even dare say that even if you don't need the healing the enemy team doesn't have any healing it's still a good item to buy because you get 90 AP and 15 ability haste for 2.2k gold now if you buy this against a team comp with an atro and a sraa it becomes even more gold efficient to a point where it's just ridiculous so is Morel norican this season currently with his current like price viable on Vladimir 100% it is and then obviously crit Bloom not a lot of people buy crit Bloom on Vladimir I feel like a lot of people don't know what crit Bloom is what the difference is with void well crit Bloom is basically an early void stuff you have to think of it like that it gives you less ability power it gives you Le less magic penetration than void but it also gives you some ability haste and a nice passive and also for Less gold than void stuff so this is 80 AP 40% pen 30% pen 70 ability power but 15 ability haste and a nice passive and it's cheaper so Bloom if you want to pick it up on Vladimir I typically don't pick it up that much on Vladimir almost like the reason why I don't pick it up on Vladimir a lot of times is because it doesn't really make that much sense the only thing about FLIR is in the early game you want to prioritize other things than percentage pen and then at the point where you want to really invest into Magic Pen it's already Sol late into the game that you want to go for the most amount of Magic Pen because that skills the best best cuz in my opinion because this gives you less magic penetration and less AP and more ability haste and ability haste is obviously better in the early game than in late game so this is more of an early item so a good second or third item but on Vladimir you typically don't really want to invest in percentage Bend this early on so then if you want to buy like percentage Spanish or fourth item you might as well go with the best scaling option because at that point enemies will either already have magic resist or they will start investing into it and then obviously having the most Magic Pen is going to be the best so void s definitely skills the best now if you do go this build and you do go CRP Bloom and you get to a full build feel free to change your ionian boots into pan boots and feel free to change your Bloom into a void stuff if you're full buil and you have some extra gold but currently obviously this is my favorite build and this is the build that I go against more tanky team comps this is more of an experimental build that I like to go in the beginning of the season and basically since I like this build so much I kind of stopped going this build but it's definitely still viable then we have the elite 5 00 buildt I'm going to call it that because he started it 100% sure or at least that's what I think cuz I saw Elite 500 played for the first time now the build that he goes is Ion boots into Rift maker and then he either goes immediately tank or he goes like the component of leandri like haunting guys into tank or he completes his LeAndre and then goes tank now you might think why would you ever want to go tank on flaty bear like what is this well it's because the armor and the magic resist items are so strong and they're very gold efficient they're extremely cheap so what does this allow you armor and Magic resist it allows you to become to join mid game and even early game team fights and become ridiculously strong in those team fights because people don't have armor penetration in early game they don't have magic penetration in early game so you become extremely hard to kill and if you combine that with a lot of healing with flat bear skit and Rift maker and also consistent damage with like the rift maker and theand you have an insane amount of setup for midgame Domination the only problem with this build is it doesn't scale that good and also if your teammates are not performing well and you don't have a lot of damage in your team and you go this tank build you might actually struggle with carrying the game but this build is especially great when your teammates when you have already like a full damage team comp and you don't have a lot of Peel you don't have a lot of tanks and the enemy team like they have a lot of one kind of damage like ad for example then you could invest into a frozen heart that's how I view it and then you become quite strong you become like ridiculously strong in the mid game or even the late like uh the early game already but this build doesn't skill that well because in the later stage of the game people build armor penetration they buil magic penetration and they will shred through through you no matter what even though you have those items you will not be tanky enough they will still like a Caitlyn with her passive and armor penetration she will just one tap you through this build so it doesn't scale that great you could go this build personally I'm not that big of a fan of this build I believe that this build and this build I'll perform the elite 500 build at this point um that's what I believe about it so currently I go this build and I go this build is this build bad no I've tested it out in some games it's ridiculously op but personally I like to go these builds one one of these two builds in the majority of my games all right so from this point on there will be some segments that are literally copy pasted from my previous FLIR guide to this guide the reason for that is that the information from my previous FMA guides about these segments still uphold today and there's nothing to change about it except for some couple of side notes that I will mention today I still want to include those segments even though they're the same information from my previous video because this video really counts I really want to make this video the number one ultimate Vladimir knowledge guide so before we listen to the combo guide that's going to follow in just a bit there's a quick side note I want to mention that I've come to value a lot more by playing Vladimir and the higher elos in season 14 during the combo guide I will be talking about at some point about not using your e in the early stages of the lane phase now that's still true it's typically not beneficial to spam your e in the early levels however especially when your opponent is pushing towards you on the first couple of waves it's crucial that you try and prevent them from pushing in the wave under your turret this way you can hold the wave on your side of the lane for as long as possible which gives you a lot of benefits now in order to do this you might have to use your e on the entire wave already even when you're just level two or level three and that's okay so in gen generally speaking it's not that good to use your e or spam your e in the early levels but it's definitely very important and sometimes even crucial to use your e to contest the early wave prior to make sure that you can keep the wave as long as possible on your side of the lane instead of just letting it crash into your turret okay that's it for the combo guides now you can listen to the actual information about the combo guide that's basically the same for my previous liima guide in terms of combos there's not that much to say during the Ling phase you don't want to eat a lot because it costs a lot of health so in the early game you mainly look to get some cheeky Q's off it can be interesting to know that you can cancel your Q animation by going into pool immediately after pressing Q another great tip is that whenever a minion is low your opponent will often think that you'll use your Q to Lost h a minion instead walk up and lost set a minion with an auto attack and then try to queue your opponent something else I often do is when I walk up to queue my midl opponent and he walks backwards so I can't queue him I act like I'm going to walk back by briefly clicking behind me and then clicking back towards my opponent so I'm basically punishing my opponent's bad reaction time and spacing now sometimes you can obviously EQ enemies keep in mind that you should never release your e with your q but you should always release e manually and then press Q right after like we discussed when we were looking at the abilities as for the usage of your pool and early game combos there is no usage obviously you can do an ewq combo but since both your e and w cost you a lot of HP it's very likely that you're going to lose the trade and on top of that your W is your only defensive tool so you shouldn't just waste it for a quick trade trade now if you do end up using your W4 trade try to W simultaneously underneath your opponent and the enemy minions to restore as much health as possible now once you're level six you unlock your main combo that will allow you to literally 1 v9 games the best 1 v9 combo on Vladimir is Flash into ult into ew and then you either get out or keep on trading with Q This combo makes sure that people can't One Tap you or cancel your e or even exhaust you it's almost a Zero counterplay Combo however what I see a lot of people do is they charge e and then flash into R that's bad for multiple reasons number one while you're charging e you give the enemies the time to damage you or even one-hot you two you give enemies the opportunity to cancel your e and number three after you've e flashed into R you can't e w because obviously your e is on cool down so you either W underneath them which doesn't do a lot of damage or you wait for your e to come off cool down again but once again that's a window for enemies to kill you and reason number four if you e flash you're only hitting the enemies that stand in front of their teammates but if you eat W you can pull underneath everybody and then release your e to hit the entire enemy team and let me also stress that you can activate ghost while charging e which could actually be the difference between killing someone or barely being out of range and missing out on the kill now sometimes you can e into flash into rqw and this combo is good for picking off people over walls if you know that they don't have Vision on you if they don't have vision of you they won't be able to cancel your e or kill you while charging so this is one of the only situations where you can actually use this combo another situation where you can use this combo is to finish off people in Lane by surprising them if your mid lane opponent is low you can act like you're using your e to clear the wave but then at the very last second you flash on your opponent finishing them off with your e keep in mind that against batter players they will understand what you're about to do and you might have to fake e so you might have to charge e and fake that you're about to flash to burn their flash first and then you can do it again with your flash Advantage also you can use rocket B together with all these Combos and you can use rocket belt while in pool and last but not least I want to show you that you can proc face Rush with the first part of your ultimate this is not something you use an awful lot but you can use it a lot more than you actually would expect I'm a universal reci I'm a universal re City wonder wonder the all right so with the general game plan just like with the combo guides this second will be completely copy pasted from a previous Vladimir guide to this guide so all of the information still upholds and the information that doesn't uphold I'm going to talk about that right now so the first remark I want to make is that in this segment I will talk about items like night Harvester that aren't in the game anymore at this point but that doesn't matter because the information still upholds it's just the item names that have changed instead of night harvestor you should think of Riff maker or you should think of something like a cosmic drive or a storm surch it's the reason behind it that's important not the names of the old item items now second of all at some point I wrote down on the general game plan here that in the early game you should focus on perfects and avoid fighting now that's partially true yes you should focus on perfect yes but you shouldn't avoid fighting I've come to notice that fighting is a lot of times very important you want to take sometimes even bad trates so that you can out sustain your opponent afterwards because you can just heal up with your que and they don't have that kind of sustain in their kit and now you either drain their HP bar or you drain their monopol whatever it is it's still going to be beneficial for you so fighting is not always bad now I knew that at the time as well I just wrote it down to basically tell you guys that ideally theoretically you should avoid fighting and you should skill this is better for the new Vladimir players the people who are not that used to Vladimir But ultimately fighting shouldn't be avoided you should just be smart with your fighting don't trade when your ab when your opponent has all their abilities up but when they waste their abilities and they miss their key abilities like Ari misses her charm go ahead and look for a trade don't just avoid fighting cuz your Champion isn't weak and then a last thing that I pretty sure that I don't mention in the segment is something that I found out about in season 14 here is that especially in the mid game a lot of FLIR players that I coach they tend to sight Lane too long like when you get out of base and you have three items including your death cap so you recall you just got your death cap you bought it in base they have suer spells they have old they will go back to the bot lane or the top or the Top Lane to side and push out the waves don't especially if you play like below master or even in master if you're this strong you know you can carry team fights just go mid lane with your team don't just try to fight immediately try to get as close as possible towards the enemy Nexus so push the waves until the first turret push as far as possible towards the enemy side of the map and then you force a fight if you know you're strong enough that's when you should do this then you should win the fight and since you fought so closely to the enemy Nexus you probably have have enough time while the enemies are dead to just take a turret take an inhibitor take the Nexus turret and kill the Nexus whereas if you take a fight in the midline very close to your side of the map by the time you get to the enemy Nexus the enemies might already have respawned and now you can't end so this is a neat trick that I've kind of developed in season 14 is that whenever I'm strong enough especially in like Master like low master or below Master instead of Sid laning when I'm super strong I just go midline try to push as deeply as possible then take a fight that I know I'm going to win and now since we're this close to the Nexus we can just end the game while the enemies are dead so that's something I quickly wanted to mention as well because I'm pretty sure you're not going to understand that from the uh video itself because this is copy pasted from last guide and I probably didn't mention it in there that's about it for the general game plan so now have fun and watch the general uh game plan information in the early game you want to prioritize getting Cs and setting up good wave mechanics instead of Perma trading and joining fights basically every time you complete a full item like night har vesser death capap void stuff you have a very big Power Spike that you should use to win fights too often do I see flat players during my coachings get an early night Harvester because they're farming well but then they don't do anything with it they just sit back in lane and keep on farming you have to use your power spikes this is absolutely crucial so if you just came out of base with your Mythic item before your midlan opponent and you have both your sums up please look to start a Harold fight or a dragon fight look to dive the enemy bot lane or just look to invade the enemy jungler scaling doesn't mean sitting back doing nothing and giving up every objective for the first 30 minutes of the game scaling means that you can't fight and contest as much as other Champions can in the early stage of the game but you can still fight around your power spikes on top of that you can also do objective trading if the enemy team is doing dragon and heral is up don't just sit back mid because you're scaling no try to shove the wave take a couple of turret plates and get that Herald scaling means that you can still be proactive on the map but you need to be smart about it and put pressure at the right times and don't get me wrong this is by far far the hardest thing to balance for any flat player it's not easy to balance scaling and being proactive on the map but the best way to find a balance between this is by playing off item power spikes specifically when you're playing Vladimir most scaling Champions are Level dominant meaning that they need to scale to a certain level to become all powerful for example kale and cin at level 16 Vladimir is gold dominant instead of level dominant being level 16 on Vlad doesn't give you any crazy stats but having night Harvester death capap and void St at 25 minutes does so the goal of vlat is focusing on CS early on playing off of fresh item power spikes and team fighting team fighting is the key to winning games with flat too often do I see flat players flash ghost ult for the enemy midlaner 30 seconds before Dragon spawns if the enemy can respond in time for Dragon the enemy has a big Advantage cuz you're a walking minion because you wasted your Summoner spells 30 seconds ago and even if that midlaner that you killed won't be able to get to dragon fight in time you'll still be useless in that fight and it will basically be be a four versus 4 so I want you to ask yourself the following question do you prefer to fight a five versus four and your team's Advantage but you're basically going to be useless or do you prefer fighting a five versus five but you're a dominant AOE Force at its strongest because you have your Summoner spells up you should always go for the second scenario don't bother picking off one person when you have the strength to Penta kill the entire enemy team you do not win games by picking off people on V you win them by forcing the enemy team to fight and then just running over them in fact a lot of the time when I have an angle to pick someone off before an important fight I won't I won't because that could cause the enemy team to give up the objective because they might not feel comfortable fighting a four versus five but I don't want that I don't want a dragon I want a five versus five dragon fight that results in me killing the entire enemy team getting that dragon and because all the enemies are dead I can also take towers and Inhibitors so it all comes down to this during the laning phase you want to focus on CS but you can look to make proactive plays when you have an item power Spike and at least one of your similar spells is off cool down after the Ling phase you want to go Sid Lane to get solo gold and solo XP and after shoving out the S Side Lane you can look to join a fight or create fights around objectives and win them by using your Summoner spells and ultimate properly afterwards you can go sight laning again and wait for your Summoner spells and ultimate to be of cool down again if that's the case you can look to join or create fights again you just repeat this process over and over again until you get to the enemy Nexus when playing Vladimir you can have two type of matchups in the laning phase the first one being range versus rang and the second one being range versus Melly let's start with a range versus Range scenario typically in these type of matchups both players will just perac clear waves and look to establish mid pry however even though Vladimir is a range Champion he's relatively short range compared to cont Mages and his high cooldowns and lack of Mobility aren't helping him so a range versus Range match up when playing Vladimir is not that similar to a standard range versus Range match up because control mes can easily abuse you in lane or shove you in and move on to the map the way you can prevent both these things from happening is by freezing The Wave in front of your turrets this way your midlane opponent has to overstep to Cs and thus he's viable to gangs from your jungler or all in from you as flat however pre six it will be hard to freeze your lane opponent but once you get your fish codex and especially once you have your ultimate you should be able to freeze most Lane opponents now if you're playing versus a Melly match up like silus for example then you're playing range versus Melly since you're the range Champion you can poke your lane opponent and establish Lane pryo especially on the first couple of waves this means that you could do a two-wave or a three-wave crash and while doing so poking your midlan opponent after you've done that you can let the wave push towards you and look to freeze it you definitely don't want to be on the Melly Champion side of the map because almost all Melly Champions have an easy time all ining you especially when you're Vladimir all right so just as with the previous Parts like the combo guide the the general game plan the lane Phase game plan the common mistakes plus tips and tricks segment here will also be copy pasted from my previous Vladimir guide again simply because that information mainly still upholds to this date however there are two side notes two additional things that I want to add to make this updated to season 14 once you get at number five you will learn about that I wrote down there that going an aggressive setup on Vladimir should not be done with the focus for solo kills but rather with the focus to help your aggressive jingler like a needle or something with early skirmishes cuz if you play something like a needy you need to be able to do something in the early game at snowball or your Champion is useless otherwise you will get outskilled very easily so as a Vladimir it's very important to support your uh jungler and support even and let them roam onto the map let them do what they want to do and therefore you might have to go an aggressive setup however I'm here to add that especially with my new found experience in season 14 it's very okay to also go in aggressive setup with the aim of solo killing your opponent now I knew this back at the time as well the only way why I wrote it down like this is that people wouldn't lose sight of the big picture and go way too Ham on the aggressiveness but it's definitely okay to go an aggressive setup with the aim of going for solo kills because getting a solo kill gives you an initial lead and that initial lead allows you to scale stronger to dominate those team fights but that's how you should view it a solo kill leads to quicker scaling and that leads to better domination of those team fights don't get lost and all of the aggressiveness and over Force things in the early game if you can do that then it's very okay to focus on solo kills as long as you can keep sight of the general game plan of fimir now on top of that there's a second thing I want to add and that's about number eight that you will encounter in just a bit and number eight I wrote down that a lot of people make the mistake of not forcing a recall when they have enough gold for fish codex which is 900 gold now obviously since this is from last season this season there are some more alternatives you could wait until you have 1.1k gold for your sourcery shoes or instead of fish codex you could build you could build um ionian boots or you could go for a hex alternator on your first base or you could even go for an amplifying tone with a dark seal there are multiple options right now and instead of just that fish codex specifically in season 14 what you have to understand here is that it doesn't really matter what you pick up it's more that you do have to pick something up in the early game it's not okay to just chill in lane and have 3K gos now it depends on the situation but let's say you're playing versus a Victor and you've come at a point in the lane where the Victor has no mana and you know if you recall he will also have a recall timer and then he will be back in L with full mana and he might actually be able to abuse you and poke you and annoy you so a lot of people due to that reason they keep him in lane and they just farm and they think hey I have free scaling and in some games that's true but what if you're in a game where the enemy Top Lane rton or the enemy bot Lane Draven they are snowballing really hard and they're consistently denying your Bot Lane minions or for your Top Lane minions or they're destroying your Bot on Top Lane they're diving them they're getting double kills stuff like that in those games it's not enough to just sit back in lane and say oh I'm out scaling this Victor anyway cuz he's in Lane he has no Mana he can't contest me and I'm out scaling him so this is great well yes you might have skilled the enemy team but this Draven might become so fat that by the time you finally fully skilled and got to three items he already finished the game so in those games where you see that the enemy team the sidelanes or the jungler is snowballing be very aware of that and for some early recalls to make sure that you can impact the game as quickly as possible maybe if you didn't sit in Lane with 3K gold and you recall that like 1.1k gold you picked up sourcery shoes maybe that would have allowed you to get the pry in Lane to move to the B site and shut down the two Z Draven instead of letting him get to five kills and now he's in killable so that's the thing that you have to understand about this concept but with that being said enjoy the common mistakes plus tips and tricks segment number one not knowing when to build build Magi there are two situations when you can or should buy Magi number one you can buy Magi when you're snowballing but it's important that you're not the only strong member on your team cuz if you're the only strong member on your team and you put all your gold in the Magis you're basically just coin flipping the game number two you can also buy Magi when the game is going very bad and if the game basically looks doomed then Magi is a perfect item because Magi might actually be the only Miracle thing that could get you back into this game so it might be a great option to go for Point number two not syncing up your Summoner spells having flashh or ghost up is nice but having both of them can actually be gamechanging so whenever you have a Summoner spell up and your second Summoner spell is about to come up in let's say 30 seconds and dragon spawns for example in 40 seconds then you have the opportunity to have both sums up for that dragon fight however what I see a lot of people do they will randomly burn their flesh for a kill that doesn't even matter and now they have to fight a dragon fight with only one suar spell instead of two which could actually be game-changing number three always fighting front to back a lot of flat players even when they have two sums up they will choose to ghost flash past the entire enemy front line with a chance of getting ceed or killed in the process just to get to the enemy backline instead they should buy Contra ws and play around Vision to flank the enemy backline this way they don't risk getting themselves killed or cced as much number four not playing around sustain almost every single flat player doesn't fully optimize the sustain vlat Q gives him a lot of healing which allows him to control lanes that he shouldn't be able to control when used properly a lot of the time when I coach flat players I see them playing safe with full HP being full HP on vlat is literally one of the worst things you could do you literally have zero benefit from your sustain because there's nothing to heal because you're full HP instead look to trade with your opponent and then use your sustain to heal up from the minions or jungle cams and repeat this process also even if you're getting low in Lane feel free to ult your lane opponent just to get some health back number five going electrocute or Airy plus ignite for solo kills you can definitely get solo kills with electrocute or Airy but that's not the main reason why you sometimes want to go it on flood you mainly go electrocute or Airy plus ignite when you think your jungler will force cuttle fights or early skirmishes in general early on into the game your rather aggressive Rune and suar spell setup allows you to keep your lane opponent in Lane you basically get more early Lane control which can be useful if you have an early game Junger like sin El or need number six not thinking enough about enemy sustain this is a big one I rarely see people do this once you're in loading screen you can literally opdg your life game and literally check the enemy's runes this way you can check what kind of sustainability they have for example if you're playing versus an aali and you see in her runes that she has Second Wind then there's a big chance that she will go D shield now killing an aalii as Vlad in early game when the aali has a dorant shield plus second wind is actually realistic so you shouldn't even bother trying to kill her so don't go doran's ring but instead opt for Doran Shield or dark seal number seven not using enough potions against assassins I see this a lot specifically with Vladimir players Vladimir players tend to wait way too long with using their potions against assassins I think it's because they want to heal up with q and greet to not have to use their potions but if you're playing versus let's say lablanc Z aali you need to use your potions in time or you will literally be one tapped number eight not forcing a recall when you have enough gold for fish codex a lot of people think that you only need to force a recall when you're in a bad spot but this is wrong once you have the gold for finish codex you should look to reset and you can even use old to force a reset if needed you need finish to start being proactive on the map and as long as you don't have that you're basically useless number nine accidentally breaking freezes by tanking too much minion damage when you have a freeze but you're standing too close to the enemy wave the wave will start to protect you and that can literally break your freeze so be sure to not take too much minion damage number 10 Perma freezing when winning your lane and this is probably the worst mistake you could make on vad and yet almost every single vad M player out there does this when you're winning Lane you shouldn't be perm freezing freezing is extremely good in the early levels but after the early laning phase is over it's not that good anymore Instead try to impact the map with your lead instead of freezing your opponent there's so much more you could actually be doing you could use your mid prior to secure dragon or Herald invade enemy jungler take his jungle cams dive b or top or dive minid and take third place ETC number 11 not knowing when to go Blue trinket or sweeper blue trinket is great for sideling and not having to face check bushes however if you're fat and the enemies don't have a lot of CC you can use sweeper to Clear Vision and find flank angles in team fights if you have blue trinket you need to buy control WS to find flank angles in team fights number 12 buying to many control WS you need every single source of gold on Vlad so don't just waste it on control WS if you can't use or protect them for example if you're per freezing then putting a control W down is not going to do a lot also you only need a control W for crucial moments in the game for example to find a flank angle in a game deciding Baron fight number 13 doing the wrong all-in combo it's essential that you use the following combo for 1 V ning team fights flash into R into ew number 14 viewing conqueror as a late game Rune setup conqueror is actually great for early fist fighting for example at level 1 to4 and it's good in mid game skirmishes and team fights but face R is still by far the best scaling run setup especially if you want to win team fights number 15 using e in the early game to trade or Farm minions in the early game charging your e cost you a lot of HP that you can't miss so you shouldn't do it too often on top of that your e has a high cooldown and a lot of FLIR players do not respect that that I often see them in a situation where they need to hard shove a wave but they used e to Lost at one minion and now they can't hard shove the wave because of the E High coold down number 16 having a weak and toxic mentality I literally don't understand how so many flat players completely lose it when their team is behind or when they die once themselves you're literally playing oneof if not the best scaling champion in the game so sometimes you're just going to be playing from behind happens but I'd rather play from behind while I'm playing a champion at actually scales to ridiculous levels then that I'm playing from behind with LeBlanc who can't even onot a Yumi when she's behind number 17 let it be known for now and always you cannot Dodge tethers by going into pool once you're hit by a tether like L Blanc chain you can't Dodge it with pool it will stun you in pool and you will still take the damage and against clatt it also pulls you back towards him even if you're in pool and last but not least number 18 please stop using your pool like it's on a minus 3 second cool down and cost no HP i' literally rather die by waiting too long to use my pool than create a bad habit of always pulling early because that will get you killed 10 times more okay guys so specifically for you guys just for you I made this matchup tier list cuz personally I don't really care about it I know a lot of you guys put a lot of value to matchup dealers but honestly I don't really care cuz whether I'm in a hard matchup or in an easy matchup I will always try my best to win the lane and to win the game obviously and I noticed that when I coach people and I notice that they're a hard match up they get tilted by the fact that theoretically it's a difficult match up even though they're playing versus like an iron an Nivia so these matchups and these tier lists are very dependent on the ELO that you play in they're very dependent on the jungle match ups that you play in the support matchups it depends on a lot of factors it depends on your play style so these matchups depends on a lot of factors so it's not always easy to put a certain Champion into a certain tier but obviously some matchups are harder than others and that's all you need to know you just need to know how to play in those matchups so I'm going to give you guys a very very quick and brief breakdown about every single matchup here this might be like one sentence or one thing uh I'm not going to cover all of them very in dep that would take me ages to do so but we'll go about them um in like very briefly now take into account yes they are ordered in tier but within the same tier there is no order it's just random for example here in the very difficult tier it's not because anivia is like in front of karma that therefore it's a harder match of than Karma so there's no order within the tier they're just ordered based on tier and that's it all right so let's get started so the first match up here let's start with the most difficult match ups we have anivia Karma Nico and Rise anivia is a very hard matchup but it's playable pre6 because you can just pull her Q if she hits her q and then an E Auto attack she gets electrocute you don't want to get that so you want to pull either her queue if you can or just um yeah Dodge the que now after six that's when this match up becomes hard why um even if you dodge the CU with pull she can just press her ult and now she can also e get the empowered e off and you will take a ton of damage so it becomes a very difficult match up um typically you can't really go fist fight heavy runes in this match up so you need to go full scaling go second wind reviz face Rush go for the scaling game then we have Karma I believe Karma has never been this strong before in the mid lane season 14 just made Karma completely broken and busted so it's a very difficult matchup back in season 13 I felt like you could go something like conqueror or a Scorch with ghost Knight and just beat the out of her like at least match her nowadays you can't I've tried you can't is very difficult if you're playing versus a Good Karma it's almost impossible to kill her with an aggressive setup so just go with the scaling setup go face Rush go perhaps even nullifying orb with second wind Revitalize and play the scaling game the same goes for Nico very hard to fist fight it's pure torture honestly there's nothing you can do about it really it's again going full scaling not going aggressive then we have Rise um rise could honestly be into the heart here cuz I don't think the matchup is that unplayable however I feel like a lot of the rise M especially in the high OS you don't see that many rise MS uh or like you don't see that many rise players but once you see a rise that's mainly when they're a main because rice is not really that good into the meta so whenever you see a rise they're probably a rise Main and that makes it a little bit more difficult because if you play against a rise who really knows what he's doing the metup becomes quite difficult but most Rises and the lower elos are not that good so that's why you could put them into the heart or the skill match up tier even um sometimes even easy but if you play versus rise and he knows what he's doing he's very aware of the fact that he slightly arranges you it becomes a very difficult match up now if you go to the hard match ups we have azir azir is a very difficult match up I would say you could go fist fight setup into azir that's what makes it a not unplayable match up it's a hard match up but not unplayable because you can go fist fight and actually just beat the out of him with either conqueror or a Scorch and D ring and it's very important uh against azir that whenever he cues with a soldier you need to stand next to the wave so that when he cues you now his Soldier is not in range anymore to farm your minion wave so now you can walk up you can Farm whatever you want to and you can also walk up and take a trade with him because his soldiers are next to the wave so he can't use the range of his soldiers to farm right now so now he needs to walk up manually with his a attacks and that's your window basically to um attack him air is also very all inable at level six you just have to pull his ult and then everything is fine um so it's a hard match up but it's definitely playable then we have C copia against copia it's almost unplayable if you're against a very good copia but if you do Rush boots you have a lot of counterplay I would definitely advise going ionian boots in the early game against copia it gives you more sustain and more moving speed to dodge those cues and then you're fine typically what I've noticed is if that you start trying to fist fight a copia you will typically end up on the bad side of things because it's a lot easier for her to run you down than the other way around so just chill and whenever she gets out of Mana or whenever she misses a queue look for an opportunity to take a very short trade but don't look to make extended trades also a nice tip is that when a copia tries to queue you they will typically just assume that you will walk behind like you will walk towards your turret you will try to dodge the Que by walking backwards whereas a lot of times I try to bait them I try like since I know that they think that instead of walking backwards to do Q I walk towards the copia and now they miss the queue and I'm closer to them so I have a very small and easy opportunity to trade with them and then I just get out then we have aelia I think aelia is fine in the early levels like level 1 2 three maybe even four five you can definitely trade with her especially in the mid lane this lanee isn't super long so she can't really run you down that easily and you definitely do a lot of damage so I would definitely advise you to go something like ignite ghost or when you go ghost flash at least go something like a Scorch or conqueror and then you might have some kill pressure the only problem with aelia like I think it's more of a skill match up in the mid lane and Top Lane I would say it's a heart match up but I would still put aelia in the heart match up even though you play against her mid lane because in the mid game and in the late game she might go something like a Bor and with sent and then she's basically the unkillable Demon King bork Champions just just destroy Vladimir and if they go with sand as well it becomes absolutely unplayable and that's exactly what I really likes to build against you so in the early game it's difficult but it's fine it's manageable but in the mid and late game it can become living hell to Sid Lane against an nelia so definitely I would say a hard matchup then we have LeBlanc I think LeBlanc is a very hard matchup um you have to dodge her e so pull her e if you can do that then it's fine also I advise you not to go scaling into LeBlanc but to go aggressive with a Scorch I really like that setup and then it becomes a little bit more playable it becomes even a skill match up I would say but if you go like full scaling you will just literally abuse you um if you don't like Dodge her e once you lose your entire HP bar so therefore it's very important that you go aggressive and that you try to always think of her e usage and against LeBlanc don't ever fall for the Trap where if your minions are low and you position behind your minions and you think that you're safe she can just double you onto the low minions now your minions are dead and now she can freely hit her e onto you never fall for that all right then we have the lisandra match up lisandra is almost in killable um you can't ult her because she just ult herself also it's very hard to get onto her with her CC with her W and her e and her ult she also has quite some good wave clear so she can also decide to just keep you under your turret and brome I wouldn't say it's that hard of a matchup but if she has a good jungler that's constantly hovering her it becomes unplayable because she will just spma shove you under Tower you don't have any kill pressure onto her and now she just moves onto the map also even if she doesn't do that even if she doesn't have a great jungler but the bot and Top Lane in her team are really performing it's very hard to kill her so it's very difficult to say oh I'm going to Shen Leandra and help my S side Lanes cuz she has a lot of wave clear and also it's very hard to solo kill her so that might become a bit of a drag as well that's why I would put lisandra into the hard matchup then we have Oriana Oriana is honestly one of the worst matchups you could ever face but I've noticed that most Oriana players are really really bad at this game they either pick it to counter pick you or they're just in generally not good enough to play the champion and then at level six you have a lot of Allin potential now once they have last chapter typically this match becomes unplayable but with the new ionian boots like how cheap they are and then you just go ion into fish codex I think you have a lot of sustain against Oriana so the match up it should be really really bad but a lot of Ariana players are very bad as well and you have a pretty decent setup with ionian boots and finish codex to a point where it actually becomes manageable this matchup and sometimes it's just even easy right if you don't play against a very good Oriana and there aren't that many good orias I noticed it becomes even easy but I'm going to put it in heart because it's kind of illegal to put it in easy you know all right then we have the Rumble match up I think Rumble match up Top Lane is near impossible it's possible but it's very difficult in the mid lane just like aelia match up he can't run you down as easily so I think it's a lot more fine I would say it's maybe even a skill matchup it's not that um difficult at the moment I felt I feel like rimble has been stronger in the past uh but I'm going to put it in hard because if you make one mistake you miss pull once you're just dead if he makes one mistake he's not dead that's the only reason why I put it in heart it's a lot more forgiving the match up for him than and it is for you then we have syndra syndra used to be one of your hardest matchups if not your hardest matchup but in season 14 she is not that strong anymore so cra is not that not that strong anymore she's not that good at Lane bullying you anymore so she's not weak it's not an easy matchup um but it's definitely not an ultra hard matchup anymore it's definitely manageable so I would put it either in skill matchup or heart I'm going to put it in hard because if you play against a really good Sy the match up still is quite difficult but then lower elos if you play against like an emerald s or something you're going to have an easy time now you have Twisted Fate Twisted Fate I would say is never easy because he counters you right he can just out roam you and you can counter him by just Perma shiing him the moment he gets a name at level six you just ult him get him low HP yes but what if he has a jingler who just ganks you gets you low or jingler who allows him to push in the wave and now he gets to roam for free you might think well this never happens in my Platinum Games or silver games well if you play in higho that might happen and that's why this is very difficult match up cuz it depends on the jungle match up if he has a good jungler it becomes very very difficult also the new ADF is a lot more of a difficult Lane than the like APF from previous season so I think that's why I would put it in heart the laning phase has become a little bit more rough and it's always a counter to you not in the 1 V one but more in the grand scheme of things then we have the Victor Victor match up is always hard he can obviously poke you from a distance uh from a distance but what you want to do is you want to drain out his Mana bar or his HP with your sustain so you can actually go not the scaling setup you could actually go like AR Scorch or conqueror with revitalized win for example and basically just beat him take very nasty traits level one level two level three and then just heal up and basically out sustain him that's a very nice way to go about it now if you want to have more the phase Rush approach the more scaling approach against a Victor you can definitely do that as well just make sure that you don't always tank his q and empowered Auto attack it's okay to tank his q but not the empowered Auto attack and since the que has more range than the empowered Auto attack you can just bait him into queuing you at max range and then you just walk away and if he does that he doesn't have the damage like not the monopol to kill you with his damage in the early game then we have Zoe Zoe is a very hard match up in my opinion but honestly I haven't even seen her in season 14 for some reason this Champion is dead but this has always been a very hard match up so for now just going to leave it there but I haven't even played against Z zoi in season 14 then we have akan akan is always very difficult to play against because it's almost impossible to One V one this guy you do have some kill pressure on him at level six if you play it correctly but it's very difficult especially if he has ignite and also he can just from very early on into the game just Perma shove you in and get out and even if your jingler comes he just swings out with the E he's safe and he just does all of that all over again when you're jungler a stopper bot so it becomes very difficult to play against aan he either kills you or if you play it really good you might somewhat survive and somewhat contest him but he can always just out roam you and for some reason nobody knows aan can get invisible they all fall for it and he just get fre kills all over the map so um I hate this match up I hate auan so so definitely a hard matchup then we have brand I would say brand is very annoying in the sense that he can literally just W on your backline minions and you will basically get hits even though you stand in Narnia you could stand in your own base he could e or like w a minion in the midwave and you're still going to get hit in your base that's how much range this guy has brand is also extremely strong in team fights so you have to blow him up in laning Phase though after level six you do have Allin potential on him that's why it's not a very hard match up it's just normally hard but the good brand can definitely poke you and make life miserable um especially pre-level six that's why I put it in heart then we have a looks a looks a very good looks is a very difficult matchup and she has multiple options she can go for making your life miserable pre six and then after level six she can just Perma shove you in and move on to the map now looks isn't that good for RS that's why I wouldn't put her in like unplayable tier because even if she shoves you in she typically can't do that much in terms of rams and stuff like that but she's always very annoying to you that's why I put it in the heart it's very difficult for you to kill a Luke players most Luke players also go something like barrier that makes it very annoying to kill her so just solo killing this Champion like every single match up that I struggle with solo killing or that's very little chance of me solo killing her I will put them most of the time in heart because if the enemy team is doing well in the top and Bot Lane I don't have much counterplay because I can't really solo kill the looks and I can't also roam because you can just shove me in under my turret as well then we have Gallo Gallo is a very hard Champion again he has a lot of wave clear extremely hard to kill him and he has actually a surprising amount of kill pressure onto you which makes it quite difficult um so that's why I don't like this matchup then we can move on towards the skill match up tier uh basically every single skill match up you can outplay it mechanically let that be clear so first of all we have Heimerdinger Heimerdinger is difficult why he just Perma shs you in under third and there's nothing you can do about it he just takes plates he also skills ridiculously well only benefit is you don't really see him that often he doesn't get picked that much and also most hydinger players are not that good so it's definitely playable mechanically you can definitely surprise them especially at level six pre six against a decent himer Dinger you're not going to kill him you can try all you want but you're not going to kill him then we have Diana I think Diana is also skill match up um I think it's fine you can pull her ult but she does have a ridiculous amount of damage so if you ever screw up your pool the match up is over she can just kill you she can get you from 100 to zero especially if she has ignite but most Diana midlane players do go ignite so that makes the match up even harder then we have aelan soul I think aelan soul is really fine the problem is he is to Bro strong right now at this moment of making this video he is extremely strong he's like sitting at 57% win rate in the mid lane he's too bro strong the thing is with Oran soul that if you don't fight him early on as fimir you should be fine and you out skill him anyway but I feel like he's so strong that right now if there's like a void group fight and he goes there he gets a double kill That's How Strong he is that's why I'm going to put him in skill matchup it's not always easy you can definitely not fight him pre6 or you can but you need to take short traes it becomes difficult and after six you might get to One Tap him but you have to be very careful of his Q damage because it's ridiculous right now that was like your main strength in previous Seasons where in the early Lane he is a lot stronger than you but starting from level six on you actually become a lot stronger than him in the 1 V one but the problem is nowadays he's so strong with his Q damage it's ridiculous that it even after six becomes quite a difficult match up so I would say skill match up definitely out playable but a lot more difficult than the previous season then we have Annie a good Annie can Zone you from the minions actually she can be very annoying uh you want to avoid trading with her in the early game and basically this match up is a lot harder than most people expect so definitely keep an eye out for it most an players aren't that smart though that's why I put it in skill matchup cuz you can almost always outplay any player but a very good one I would even consider to put any match up into heart or even in the unplayable tier because it does become unplayable it it becomes very very difficult to play against any against a very good one but I've almost never ever faced a very good Annie so that's why I put it in skill matchup then we have aalii aalii is basically I don't know it it feels like this Champion isn't killable I've played a lot of aalii myself and it feels like aalii isn't in killable basically and she has skill pressure onto to you starting from level six mainly so you always have to keep keep an eye out for this Champion it's very obvious what she wants to do but she does do a ridiculous amount of damage so you still have to keep an eye out if you up once you misplay with your pool and she can all in you you're just dead it's a lot harder to kill an aalii than that she can kill you because she has a lot more Mobility than you and that makes it difficult after like I would say in team fight obviously you heavily out skill her but in laning Phase especially level seven beware of getting killed right play it safe don't like you can take trades but it's very straightforward what she wants to do but you might be surprised by her damage so always pull the second part of her e you can get hit by the first e never try to pull the first part of the E always try to pull the second part of the E all right and then after six it becomes very difficult CU if you pull the e you might still alen you with ult so you might not be too far up in the lane so you always have to be careful of this matchup then we have Echo um I don't know Echo mid most of the time they're pretty good right and you don't see too many Echo mid players but one like when you see Echo mid players they're typically Mains and they're not that bad um against Echo it's very crucial that you bully them early on they're not that strong early on some echos might start um e to you or uh yeah most of the time actually they do if they're a good Echo and it's very important that you basically always try to pull their e because once they get on to you it becomes very difficult right it's a very difficult match to be aware you can easily get surprised by his damage uh but you have to try and Bully him early on cuz after level six he becomes quite impossible to kill then we have cast matchup I don't know this could even be a hard matchup because Caston doesn't outscale you but he can easily outpace you in terms of scaling Caston has more Mobility with his old starting from level six so if he has somewhat of a good jungler that can play around him help him shove out waves and he can get onto your Bot Lane like he can get there so much faster than you that it's so easy to get some a couple of kills on cadan meaning that he can snowball like outpace you in terms of scaling he can't outscale you but he can be stronger at some moments if he just outscales you like outpaces you in scaling and I feel like due to his mobility and burst he's a lot better at that than a Vladimir now pre six you win this match up very very easily if you play it well but most Caston players especially since Fleet is so strong right now they just go Fleet with second wind and they have so much sustain nowadays that it also becomes more of a skill matchup pre six and then after six I feel like Casten has the upper hand um depending on the build and uh also because of his snowball potential so you could potentially put this Champion Into the Heart match up but typically I can 36 I can abuse them quite a bit and then I have the upper hand for the rest of the game if I just keep on farming then we have the malahar match up malahar match up could be hard personally I feel like malahar malahar players have like two IQ they're not really good they try to perm if you time your e with their W you should be able to contest her push quite a bit also pre six you can abuse him so try to kill try to play as aggressive as possible against the malahar and pre six after six you have to be a bit more careful because especially if he has a good ganging jungler like a Sani or something or even a Junger with burst like Elise or Talon you might have to be careful if he Els you then we have Talon Talon isn't that difficult I would say if you play it correctly I would even put it an easy matchup but if you misplayed once against Talon with your pool again you're just dead so it's not a super forgiving matchup it's quite easy it's not that hard like it's not that easy to it up you just have to hold your pool but if you screw it up once you might just be dead and that's why I'm going to put it in skill match up then we have silus um silus a lot of people think this is a very hard match up cuz they get overwhelmed by his aggressiveness it's definitely not a hard matchup I would say it's a skill match up if you go conqueror you can definitely face him um considered going Oblivion or this season into silence because yes Moralo is a viable option on Vladimir because it's 2.2k gold that helps a lot in this match up as well going that Oblivion orb knowing that you can upgrade it into Moralo because it's 2.2k gold so that's a very good option helps a lot in this match up but obviously the main thing in this match up you can W the silus W if you do that you win it's as simple as that if he W's onto you you wed his healing and the Damage then he's just it's fine like you just win 100% especially if you go conqueror every Scorch cuz the W is a main part of his kids you just have to get the timing right that's it it's a skill diff right like I said skill matchup then we have Trana I don't know about Trana I haven't played too much against Tristana but I did want to include her because sometimes when I coach people I get some questions about this matchup so apparently Tristana gets picked in the lower elos a bit more than in the higher elos in the mid line I would say tral isn't that hard to play against you can obviously the second she like ease you you can just pull the only thing is if you m time it you might get screwed so personally I don't think it's that hard of a matchup I've played against very few Trana players but they were pretty good they were High ELO so I would say from my experience the match up isn't that difficult but obviously pre6 you can easily get bullied but after six it feels like pretty easy only problem is with this match up she can also choose to just Perma push take some plates or Perma move and then it becomes a bit scary but if you can try and keep her in Lane everything is fine then velos velos is a match up that personally I really hate to play against uh all the artillery Mages are a little bit annoying in my opinion they just stand at their turret they constantly wave clear and move or they just like velos is this Champion where if you want smithp and he completely alleng you with ewq old you're just dead he can want tap you basically if you uh misuse your pool so I wouldn't say it's that difficult against the velos if you play good around your pool you get some free scaling but if you do misplay with your pool once he just gets to One Tap you and I don't think that's fair that's why I put him in skill mat up it's not forgiving for you if you make one mistake you're dead then we have yon um I'm going to talk about yon and yaso here at the same time I think yaso is very easily all you have to do is not try and kill him yaso players have literally minus 100 IQ they will Perma push they will Perma e through the way if you get free pokes onto them they get to low you can look to freeze the wave or like slow push and dive that's also an option Ys are typically really really bad they also a lot of yo players don't know that they can't W your Q so that surprises them as well all you have to make sure is after level six you have to make sure you don't get Ed and you can use your pool for that don't be surprised in the early Levels by his by his little Tempo that's it but I think Yas isn't that hard of a match up just don't try and kill him but you can go conqueror that's really good against yasa but don't like fist fight him and take extremely long trades on his side of the lane play safe play on your side of the lane and once he's willing to get on to you on your side of the lane take a very long trade and you will just win it because you can always go back to your tur now yon is a little bit more difficult um yon has an insane amount of Allin potential and with his e and his third Q uh this Champion is a lot more uh a lot less forgiving if you play against him one mistake against yasua is fine one mistake against yon is you're just dead so yon is all about punishing him level one level two level three or have to be a bit careful so typically what I like to do towards yon is I like to bully him level one I like to bully him level two I crash the wave under his thirt so that I get level three like so that he doesn't get level three under his thirt and I'm not on his side of the lane then when the lane pushes back towards me yes he will get level three first but I'm not on his side at the lane at that point the wave is pushing back towards me so I'm just chilling and then once I get level three I try to freeze the wave on my side of the lane and that typically works but yon in the S Side Lane can become very difficult um yon is one of those Champions who goes Bor who has little Tempo and those type of Champions he can also go with sand those type of Champions almost always have kill pressure at you during the entire game so you always have to be careful of Y own you need to make sure that his third que doesn't hit you because he can also do this third Q into Old combo and then you're just screwed so if you you need to make sure that you keep your pull for the Y otherwise you're just screwed you can't just let him queue you and then like try to pull the third queue you have to make sure that you have pull for his ultimate or you're dead then we have zets um honestly Z you might think hey why isn't Z an easy match up don't I counter him yes you can pull the Z the Z ult but I feel like very unforgiving match up Z doesn't need to to kill you I feel like if you make one misplay like pre six it's a pretty fine match up it's pretty easy for you but after six he like once he gets a rated Durk he becomes so ridiculously in terms of damage that he doesn't even eat he doesn't even need the ult to kill you he can just play around with his W EQ combo and I would say that most Zs are really bad so it's very easy to dodge those combos but if you play against a good zad the matchup is a lot more difficult than most people think so be sure to have that discipline and pull his ultimate and also try to find creative ways to dodge his WQ combo then we have the VX matchup I think VX is I don't know VX is annoying because in early I feel like she can kind of punish you level 1 2 3 4 5 at level six she do have a lot of all in potential and the matchup isn't that hard but she can easily roam with the range on her ult if it's a good Vex she might snowball really really hard and get a lot of impact on the game with her old if it's a bad Vex who's bad at hitting skill shots you're just chilling you out skill the Vex very easily but it's just that this is champing with a lot of snowball potential she has some potential to bully you and Lane a little bit as well so um it becomes dangerous if you're facing a good Vex um so sometimes you just have to keep her in lanee that's like the main thing you outscale her so you just want to keep her in lane and prevent her from roaming then we have zix zix is one of those match ups where he just sits at his Nexus and he still hits you with his bombs very annoying a very good zix is in killable he sits at his third and there's no way for you to get onto him honestly a good zix would be in the hard tier he also skills extremely well so I could even put him into the Virgin tier but honestly most six that I play against have minus 200 IQ they're really really bad and at level six you just all in them um Pantheon is quite easily because you can W his W the only thing about Pantheon is he does a ridiculous amount of damage in season 14 with new items and I don't know I feel like if you make one misplay against Pantheon you can lose your entire HP bar or you always have to take like you always have to be patient of his ultimate as well he could always ult you it's very difficult to shove in Lane sometimes so against panon it's I would say it's a skill match up it's not super hard in a one V one but he can easily surprise you and it's easy like it's easy to make a mistake against a panon and then you just again it's not a forgiving match up that's why I'm going to put it in skill match up and not in easy then we have Ari Ari is an easy match up you just Q she cued you just win it's as simple as that um don't go face first into Ari you need to go a Scorch or conqueror and the match becomes very very easy um then we have fizz fizz is also pretty easy against Fizz I like to go a Scorch with nullifying orp if you go full Lane oriented against Fizz there's not much he can do in terms of like deing and a Scorch nullifying orb bone plating Revitalize if you go that setup he doesn't have a lot of counterplay you can also pull his ultimate um so you should be fine the only thing is level one level two level three you want to bully him but make sure at level three he doesn't get it amazing Allin angle onto you but other than that this match up is pretty fine the only difficult part about this match up is that he goes ignite and then if you go face rush and he goes ignite you might struggle so therefore typically I always go a Scorch with nullifying or second wind R vitalize so that when I'm playing versus an ignite Fizz there's not much he can do like he literally has no counterplay then we have the Katrina match up Katrina match up is quite easy as well you can just poke her very very easily just make sure that at level three she doesn't have an option to run you down so make sure you're not at her side of the line at level three so you could do like a level two crash or if you can bully her a lot a level three crash Kiana also very very easily um the only problem with Kiana is once she has serrated DK even though she's behind she does a ridiculous amount of damage so you always have to be careful about her Allin potential and obviously just pull her ultimate um if you need to and then it's an easy match up against Kiana also make sure and the same goes for Katarina that they don't out roam you so in these matchups it might be very interesting to put a wart in the middle of the lane and whenever there's a play on the map that you think they might roam towards just walk up try to ult them try to Quee them try to keep them in lane then we have Swain Swain is easy Swain can't really do anything towards you unless you get Perma grabed but that's basically your bat if you feel like you're struggling that you Perman permanently get grabbed just buy some early boots and you will be fine um Swain is pretty strong in team fights people underestimate him though but you're stronger so as long as you ignore the Swain in team fights and you go for his backline you will be fine then we have tiia tiia is I don't know a good tiia might make it somewhat difficult for you to play the lane but after level six I don't see how even a good Talia can stop you from doing anything after level six if you have ghost flash dude there's nothing she can do about it you just all in her permanently so yeah that's that then we have carero KERO also very easy he's an artillery Mage so it can become annoying if he perac you but if he per accuse you you just shove in the wave and then you roam or you recall and it's fine anyway um it only becomes difficult this match up if you stand into your minion wave constantly or if you stand behind your minion wave that's when it becomes difficult because then he can hit you and the wave at the same time and now you're low and he Perma gets pryo in the lane so you have to stand next to your minion wave then we have vagar vagar is free scaling um I feel like is just chilling early on you don't want to fist fight this guy too much um the only annoying thing is that yeah he is kind of relevant in team fights it's almost impossible for vagar to die without just one tapping somebody so he will always have some value in team fights that's a bit annoying but especially at level six you can Perma dive him you can just pull his cage and there's not really a lot he can do about it then we have yasa we already discussed this match up so let's move on towards the piss easy deer and there we have corki I think corki can't really do anything against you be aware piss easy doesn't mean like oh I'm just going to walk up at level one and fight the corki you're going to lose if you do that cuz corki level one is actually really really strong so what you want to do is you just let him fight you like he needs to be the one that decides his match up cuz corki is a lot stronger than most people think in the early game but if you just chill and you keep the wave on your side of the lane which you can easily do you're just chilling and then at level six you just one tap him level six there's not a lot he can do he will try to farm the way from distance but if he overextends once like he doesn't uh respect his ultimate range and he walks up too far you just all in him with ghost flash then we have Jace jaay doesn't get picked too much in the mid lane anymore but you can basically just W his entire combo when he likes to q w onto you you just pull you dodge it and boom J has no damage anymore it's a free match that's everything for the match ups I tried to avoid rambling too much um but I had to give some quick thoughts about every single match up so this is going to be this is going to last a little bit longer than I thought it would be but at least now you guys have some information about every single matchup all right so instead of doing something as boring as a matchup deer list let's get started with something fun like the skin tier list so obviously um if you if you're wondering why is Cafe cuties in like this Cafe virgin segment like dude honestly if you even consider playing Vladimir with the cafe cutie skin just leave this video don't ever touch Vladimir again it's just not for you now if you look at the D tier there we have count Vladimir and the broken Covenant Vladimir first of all I'm not a big fan of count Vladimir just nothing special it doesn't feel that good I'm not a big fan of it then the broken Covenant skin you might think why is the latest and greatest Fus skin in the deter well one I just don't like it I hate a q animation and the W is a church floor or something I really don't like it it's also pink so I don't want to play a raid boss that's pink like that could be something that you're into but yeah miss me with that honestly um then also what's really aning about the skin is that I had great expectations for it when I heard that there finally was a new Vladimir skin I was extremely hyped and then they they pulled this crap off so no thank you but uh let's go to the CER in the CER we have the standard the basic Vladimir skin um honestly I put it in the C here because it's not that bad but honestly I played it way too much and second of all also they could have done more with it you're basically completely red and yeah they could have done more with it then to the B tier these are skins that are actually not that bad I enjoy playing these skins once in a while like um The Academy Vladimir skin and Vandal Vladimir I think van Vandal Vladimir is so old but because it's so old it feels no nostalgic and I actually like playing it every once in a while I'm not saying it's a great skin but I do enjoy playing it once in a while and same goes for Academy Vladimir I think the scarf has something like offers a nice touch it becomes very boring very quickly but I don't know sometimes I just like playing it now we go to the better skins um and the a tier these are most of these Skins are skins that are actually pretty good and feel smooth but I just personally don't really like them that much to put them in the Ace s tier so we have dark Waters Vladimir the skin looks pretty well looks pretty fine um it feels really smooth and also the ultimate is quite good because it's pay to win especially if you ult in the river they will literally not see it but honestly the character model with the skin the character design it becomes very boring very quickly like it's in the beginning I found this to be like an S tier skin but it became very boring very quickly and then here we have the cosmic devour Vladimir skin um also becomes very boring this it has some annoying sounds like I think it's when you hit the e or something at Max charge or something or maybe a red q but it has annoying sounds I you really don't like it I think it's the E actually if you release it at Max charge and yeah I hate it so the skin also becomes quite boring quite fast then we have I think it's called nightbringer Vladimir and this skin is actually not that bad but I don't know back in the day I love this skin and now since I played blood Lord and stuff a lot more it feels like this skin is a little bit cheap like if you look at the Cape of nightbringer in game it doesn't look that good and it just bothers me quite a bit now if you go to the S tier um obviously blood Lord is by far my favorite skin on Vladimir it feels amazing you you feel like the character model is very very big and that makes you feel like a rain boss also when you laugh when you control four on your keyboard and you laugh is very amazing to tilt the out of your enemies with your laugh so overall amazing skin then we have Maris maybe a surpris b skin I don't know like a lot of people don't think this is a very good skin but the character model on Vladimir and this skin feels so tiny so small that whenever I play the skin I feel like I can dodge every skill shot in the game especially when you play like 20 games of blood Lord and then you go back to the Marquees skin it feels like you can dodge every skill shot in the game and that feeling I don't know it's unmatched by all the other skins so I love Maris especially after I've been playing blood Lord then Maris just becomes an is tier skin like Maris is basically the skin where that you use to basically basically say I'm going to style on you like if you want to show to your lane opponent that you're going to destroy them Maris is the skin to do it it's literally saying I'm not going to get hit by one skill shot I'm going to style on you that's Maris and then we have nost Fatu uh this is the balamir skin um I really love this skin like there's nothing as satisfying as going the balir skin and going conqueror and just clapping your opponents like honestly the cape on this skin is amazing it's the best cape on of all the skins and also you're bald so what more do you need but no honestly I think this skin goes very well in team with what Vladimir is all about and I just like it it has this very grim look with a very dark black cape it's also a very big cape and for some reason it feels amazing um especially when I go conqueror and just destroy team fights it makes me feel like a raid boss as well um so that's why I put an stier honestly if you're still watching at this point and I don't know how long this guide is about to be but I think it's going to be quite long so if you're still watching at this point you're an absolute legend or maybe you're even slightly crazy but I'm the person who made this guide and I put even a lot more time in it than the length of this video so that makes me crazy as well so let's be crazy together now something that's not crazy is liking and subscribing to this video if you've enjoyed it and if you're looking out for more content like this in the future if you have any tips and tricks or any comments any questions feel free to ask me in the description down below and definitely don't forget to check out my coaching in the description down below as well thank you so much for watching you're an absolute Legend and I hope to see you in my other videos as well bye
Channel: Kyan
Views: 20,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, vladimir, league of legends guide, lol, how to get better at league of legends, league of legends coaching, Vladimir, lol vladimir guide, how to play vlad, how to play vladimir, how to play vladimir lol, climb with vlad, climb with vladimir, lol how to play vlad season 14, climb with vladimir s14, how to climb as vladimir in season 14, league of legends vladimir guide season 14, vladimir best runes and builds season 14, how to carry with vladimir season 14, split
Id: Cc_H6FHtqVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 2sec (7262 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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