Smoked Tomahawk Ribeye! | Chuds BBQ

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what's going on everybody welcome back to chud's bbq my name is bradley robinson and today i'm going to show you how i made this beautiful smoky medium rare delicious steak dinner for me girl coming up valentine's day is right around the corner folks and if you're like me you'll take pretty much any excuse you can to make a big juicy steak dinner so that being said today i've got the king of all steaks the tomahawk rib eye i'm going to show you how i like to cook it up make a few sides and it is going to be delicious before we get started with this steak i want to give a big shout out to my new friend brian ivey he's got a plasma cutting table and he offered to cut me out my logo to install on this table he came over yesterday and helped put it on and everything and it looks bad ass it's a huge shout out to brian make sure to give him a follow he is on instagram at lazy eye design and if you're in the austin region be sure to hit them up if you need anything cut out of steel brian thank you looks so good this is a usda prime tomahawk ribeye and if you're not sure what a tomahawk ribeye is it's essentially a really thick steak on the rib bone and it's mostly just for presentation's sake the bone can kind of help insulate the meat when you're cooking it but at the same time you're paying just as much for this big bone as you are for the meat so it can be a bit expensive and it's really just a presentation thing though best saved for special occasions this behemoth is weighing in at just over three pounds real thick and as you can see the marbling on it is just beautiful one thing i'm going to do while i'm here with a knife is just go ahead and clean this bone up a little bit they did a pretty good job of getting it nice and clean but again we want this thing to look as cool as possible because there's nothing more badass than eating a big steak on the bone and this bone will not go to waste i always save bones whenever i have a bone in ribeye like this and just put them in the freezer for your next big batch of stock there we go bone is as clean as i'm gonna get it you can also go through it this time and take off anything weird that's hanging off or just make it look pretty but that is looking good to me one other thing i like to do with these big thick steaks especially with the rib eye is tied up that's because of this muscle on the outside the cap the spinalis has a tendency to separate once this gets cooked and that's because all this fat in the middle here will kind of render and the two muscles will want to separate and especially because we're gonna be handling this a lot because it's a big stake flipping it back and forth with the bone here i don't want anything falling apart so i'm going to tie it up with some butcher's twine and to do so is super easy we're just going to go around the bone here do a nice little loopty loop and then just come right around the muscles and we'll do the nice little twisty twist knot here the old butcher's knot and then we'll just tie this nice and snug and this will just help it keep its shape keep everything together when it comes to a big thick steak like this i always like to season it at least a few hours ahead of time what that's going to do is allow time for the salt to really penetrate all the way through the meat making sure each bite is super flavorful because we don't want to end up with a really salty exterior and a really bland interior you can always go through at the end too and throw some flaky salt on top this way the steak gets seasoned all the way through the meat we don't have to worry about it falling off and flaking off during the cooking process but it's also going to help dry out the exterior of the meat which will help get us a very nice thick crust which is what we're all after on a good steak like this you can't really over season a piece of meat this big so just go heavy all the way around and then we're gonna pop it in the fridge on this rack uncovered for the next three four hours or until i'm ready to throw it on the pit speaking of pits we've got a few options to choose from today here in the old chud shop we've got the old 65 version two the old 65 version three this is the eighth inch thick and that is the 5 16 inch thick now we've got this 115 which i'd like to fire up but i don't think i can get that done today but this one however is damn near ready to go just gotta finish up the grill on the end here burn it out put some drain holes in and we'll fire it up finally got ourselves a gas tank for this hero welder makes a huge difference not having these dirty dirty beads all the time should have done that sooner but yeah this girl's coming along just about time to whack fire it up tell you what drilling out a hole in this 3 8 inch thick pipe is no joke [Music] and just like that this smoker is done well i still have to build the actual cooking grate but i can do that while we fire it up this is a part of the show then i forgot to turn the microphone on fire building noise birds chirping in the background leaf blower noise gotta love the clean burning nature of the 115 beautiful thing is ripping just going to burn it out get it nice and hot and then we'll start seasoning the inside and outside make this thing ready to cook on ah january is over [Music] very nice now we got this thing ripping hot 400 450 degrees now i'm gonna season it with some boiled linseed oil with the assistance of this flame thrower the smoker is done it has been seasoned inside and out i went with avocado oil on the inside this time around but right now it's still at about 600 degrees so while we wait for that metal to cool down a little bit let's go ahead and get our steak seasoned up the rest of the way here we are about four or five hours later and as you can see all the salt on the meat has disappeared into the meat and it's got a beautiful red color to it however you can still see all the salt on the fat because it doesn't dissolve into fat to help our other seasonings stick i like to add a little bit of oil at this time and lately i've been going with some white truffle oil this stuff is real cheap and if you're gonna add oil you might as well add something with a little bit of flavor to it not too much and i like to really rub it in it's going to help kind of thicken it up and get a tacky surface which is really going to help the pepper and garlic stick to it as well as make sure nothing drips off taking seasoning with it this is a great tip for ribs or briskets too if you're going to use an oil as a slather but i like to rub it in until it gets this nice opaque color like that and then i'm just going to hit it with some black pepper i like a good amount on there because i'm not using fresh cracked it's not going to be too strong just kind of pat it on make sure it sticks as you can see nothing's fallen off of that which is perfect now we're going to hit it with a little bit of garlic as well i like garlic powder on steak so i think it adds a nice flavor if i was doing a traditional pan seared steak with garlic in the pan with the butter basting i wouldn't add garlic powder but that is looking perfect for me now to do the other sides i know truffle oil is kind of bougie and a buzzword these days but again that was like a four dollar bottle and it tastes great especially with steak oh yes perfect i'm gonna do the top and bottom too off camera beautiful looking good let's throw it on the pit when it comes to cooking a super thick steak like this the reverse sear method is definitely the way to go about it and traditionally that's done by putting your steak into a low temperature oven and letting the internal temperature come up gradually giving you that nice edge to edge medium where they were looking for and that's what we want because we're going to avoid that well done gray layer on either side of the steak which we definitely don't want with rib eye because this exterior muscle the spineless is the best part and we don't want to overcook it so that being said i'm going to throw this on this pit rocking right around 250 degrees until it comes up to temp but as always you can do whatever you like if you like a really smoky steak you can cook it lower down to 225 200 degrees if you're in a hurry or you just want a kiss of smoke you can cook upwards of 300 325 but for me between 250 275 is just enough smoke and we'll get this thing cooked in a reasonable amount of time we're gonna throw this on fat cap towards the fire right about halfway through this smoker we'll come back in a little bit while we wait for our steak to come up to an internal temperature of 118 degrees we've got just enough time on our hands to get our sides going oops a little salt a little pep a little garlic piana who doesn't love tiny potatoes am i right smells so good me es bueno [Music] now that we got our cast iron skillet nice and toasty we're going to go down with a nice knob of some butter next up shallots in now these are cooked down a little bit we're going to go in with our mushrooms these are just some brown bella mushrooms that i sliced up while our mushrooms cook down start releasing all their water start caramelizing we're gonna go ahead and get our potatoes going as well and for that i like to use one of these this is just a perforated frying pan essentially and this is great for anything that's small like shrimp or little potatoes that you want to kind of keep together but still have on the grill and get that fire flavor so i'm gonna put this on right over the heat and go in with our potatoes don't underestimate the beautiful powers of duck fat it warms my heart seeing a 115 in full action like this the real technique for cooking potatoes like this is just kind of keep it moving you don't want any part to get overcooked or burnt smells good this steak is reading right around 120 degrees 119. we're going to pull it off and let it rest now that these mushrooms have cooked down a little bit they're looking a little bit dry so we're going to go in and deglaze this pan with some beef stock unsalted that's gonna help rehydrate them while giving them some really nice flavor it's also at this time we're gonna go in with our chopped parsley this is gonna add some nice color a little bit of flavor potatoes are done you can tell by the nice wrinkled skin as well with the probe test they're feeling nice and tinder so we're going to pop them up top keep them warm huh all right steak has been seared we're about to slice in but first we're going to drop down these brussels sprouts into our cute little deep fryer here starting with our bacon it's going to get that crisped up real quick after about 30 40 seconds most of the water is cooked out we're looking like that and before it gets too crispy we're going in with our brussels sprouts and after just a few moments these are looking beautiful we're just going by color here and as you can tell they are nice and crispy and fresh out of the fryer we're going to hit it with a little bit of lime juice just to give it a little more life boom oh look at that hot sea can't beat it the bacon to brussel ratio here is in our favor a little little parmesan on there why not first things first folks take off that string oh real pit master floss is right there we're going to carve this right off the bone come on don't you want to gnaw on that [Music] oh smoky there it is folks the beautiful medium rare nice and juicy hope this light is doing it justice carl that prime meat pulls right apart very tasty nice and juicy can't go wrong folks that was a delicious uh i don't know that i've ever had that flavor in my mouth before [Music] it's on these special days valentine's day when you really need to share the food that you love with the people you love carl will you be my valentine i would love to be your valentine sir have some steak buddy hmm it's hard to beat a good no pee that's not for you pal good juicy steak you know what i mean peeps get it yeah not often penelope eats prime ribeye but damn son i don't even know what to say about that one i'm into it mm-hmm i mean how do you go wrong with a big-ass tomahawk right that's insane you want to take a nibble off the bone i would love to do the honors yep oh my god gnawing off the bone man dude you make good meat i love your meat i love your meat well there's some vegetables too if you go okay okay i'll get some bacon and some yeah i like to pick around the brussels just go for the bacon i'm trying to show this to the camera and the dog is just no no no you'll get yours later that bone though i like this how we're just kind of eating with our hands yeah it's got a good primal feeling to it [Music] oh boy just pulls apart there goes all that uh new year's resolution yeah that's all right you made it till february that's all man i did i did well for a minute we actually put a pretty good dent into this big-ass stuff i know you could hurt someone with this no no you could you could carl did you wake up this morning thinking you'd be eating deep fried bacon i i did not i didn't there's worse ways to end the day shayla beef all right y'all and that is it that is how i like to cook a big old tomahawk ribeye steak i highly recommend picking one of these up next time you get a chance because it really is the king of all steaks that tender rich fatty medium rare meat with a nice hint of smoke and a beautiful thick crust on the outside you cannot go wrong but that being said if you pick one up anytime soon be sure to tag me on instagram at chudsbbq i'd love to see what y'all are cooking feel free to drop a comment down below let me know what you want to see me cook next head over to for all pit inquiries waitlists and all that good stuff also if you want to join me and evan leroy for a brisket trim seasoning cooking tutorial we're doing an online zoom class on february 19th you can head over to the roy and luke's instagram page and sign up for that tickets are now available for sale and you can learn all of our secrets with that being said please subscribe to the channel it helps me out so much and until the next time i see you please go cook something outside peace
Channel: Chuds BBQ
Views: 66,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smoker, bbq, barbecue, texas, steak, reversesear, beef, livefire, chudpit, austin, meat, smoke, pitmaster, cooking, bacon, brisket, valentines, dinner, steakdinner, Backyard BBQ
Id: C0at3nfN_U0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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