Alaskan Forged Chef Knives - Full Build!

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accept these years [Applause] exciting morning here just made this little sample piece yesterday knife handles we'll see how this goes [Music] I've been thinking about knife handles it's been on the list of things like many other things for quite a while and Tyson at Carbon Peaks hit me up checked out his Instagram page and yeah pretty excited about this see how it goes [Music] hey hey Chris how you doing nice to meet you man good to meet you welcome to card piece thank you thanks for the invite wow look at that thing I know we're interested in talking about some knife handles and stuff and some material you possibly are putting together this is what we were talking about all right let's take a look oh man look how gorgeous that is kind of gauge it I cannot wait to start using this yeah I'd love to see some other handles yeah it's I uh acquired a bunch of handle material uh this knife maker kind of a hoarder so whatever handle material I can get a hold of I normally get a hold of what is this one this is uh mammitusk this is what the actual whoa this is what the actual Tusk looks like did you send that off to be stabilized no this hasn't been stabilized at all this is this is raw so I liked this one what is that one called again it's a it's a Damascus sandbox all right so I know we were talking about at Damascus knife and you were looking at the sand my earlier um so we're gonna do like 150 to 180 layers of uh just random pattern Damascus standby so what I'd like to do is I'm going to start with a 15 in 20 and then a 1084 15 20 10 95 15 and 20 1084 and I'll continue altering May 4th 15 and 20. so right here I keep a solid three to four billets out of that so this will be cut into three or four probably four separate billets and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to order some more adcrv2 which is what this is so this will be the core material that we're going to use and once we get the billets made I'll actually be able to take this adcrb core material and fold all this over on itself so that we actually get a sand mic Billet I'm super excited about this it is it's fun yeah it's good fun this is going to be red I can't wait to I can't wait to see the the wood the handle material is phenomenal so we just have to send these out get them stabilized professionally stabilized and then we'll come back make some knives awesome thank you thank you [Music] wow that was great really excited to make these knives at least the handles but got to finish these get these done and next chaotic blocks and knife handles can't wait welcome back everybody to carbon Peaks Knives Out of Wasilla Alaska it's going to be cutting and grinding making some billets for some knives that we're doing each bill is going to contain 19 layers and then we're going to cut and rest that twice that's going to give us 152 layers we want to get these billets really really clean so we don't get any inclusions in the steel when we go to welding these billets up and Forge welding them and we'll take this big massive stack of Steel here and I will cut it up into four uh smaller Village there we go one clean cup Billet foreign [Applause] 's actually going to do I don't have a I don't have a TIG welder at home or big so I'm just using sticks so I'm really interested to see how clean it's actually going to be you know not having any other material introduced into the billets that I have to grind off so yeah for sure just a small piece of the amount of work you have to do in the yeah absolutely you get to be doing the process with me and getting the handles on them and everything and then eventually be coming out to my shop to actually Forge them out so I'll be cool thank you the cleanest pre-forged welded billets ever [Applause] which is fun so this has been a really nice break from Woodworking and actually being able to fire fire up the welders with a purpose so love it over thank you [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] well Tyson made me get my hands dirty and I gotta say he sure makes it look easy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign Fisher Norris 1850 Fisher North wow foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] so right now we're just we're gonna be at the final 412 and what I'm trying to do is make sure these pieces are equal it's gonna be 152 layer sand my over hdrv2 and I want to make sure that what we have going on here is equal layers so I guess you don't count so even though this is 150 total you only count this is 75. yeah because it's only one one piece of that's only 75 you're gonna have a cord that's in between that so you really only have seven layers of Damascus showing on either side here we go third last round [Music] [Music] I'm gonna draw this is going to dip out here more [Music] let's see [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you is [Music] [Music] please let this look good I always get a sneak peek before you get to see it yeah it's awesome thank you at this point I am filming three separate videos here the main batch of chaotic blocks which I will go into a lot more depth on how this process works and then I did this chaotic bench for my wife out of the scraps which was a great video in this video making the knife handles now the chaotic process is pretty repetitive it's three or four times of doing the same technique over and over doing it with the knife handles to get the kind of detail that I needed was pretty extensive I went through 10 whole cycles of the ripping the boards down gluing them planing them in repeat [Music] thank you thank you [Music] so there it is the final Dimension this is stacked so I can get to two inches so we took a 12 inch piece ripped it down in half flip it so it's two inches thick six inches wide was 12. foreign so that was probably way too much glue I mean it was too much glue I was wondering how many clamps this would take I guess the right answer was all of them being that this was the first time gluing up chaotic two inches thick as far as the edge grain thickness goes I think I'm gonna go about this a different way next time in fact I'm sure I'm gonna go about it a different way next time but this should this should work pretty well not too bad [Music] [Music] been waiting uh eight weeks for this wow [Applause] look at that I took the piece that I made in the very beginning of the video and I ripped it into four pieces I sent two of those blocks out to be professionally stabilized along with a bunch of other sample pieces that I was working on I picked up a pressure pot in a vacuum chamber and did a bunch of testing myself to see if I could learn the process and it turns out my stabilized pieces came out pretty good once I got the professional stuff in was able to compare them side by side I was pleasantly surprised that mine held up and seemingly were just as good and Tyson the knife maker uh he agreed so from now on all of my standard blocks will get sent out to be professionally stabilized because it's just too labor intensive but the laminated stuff I'm going to do in-house because it came out so well [Music] thank you [Music] myself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're gonna see I'm going to be putting the Maker's Mark somewhere around here lying a lot of here you can see my Maker's Mark is in there so if we're going to be placing that all it is is salt water and vinegar positive end goes on the knife negative makeup pads I like using these get it a little bit soaking wet turn on your battery charger what this is going to do is just remove a little bit of Steel at a time and it's going to turn black what I'm going to do is just clean up the edges make sure I don't have any at least make sure I have crisp lines going around so Windex it is [Applause] foreign [Music] back up with the Windex I'll put them back in the edge we'll just keep doing that until all these streaks are going I acquired a trojan horse knife ice and this thing is an absolute Game Changer but this knife Vice is something else put it back in the edge [Music] all right so I'm over here at Carbon Peaks we just made the the big batch of blocks here and he's going to go over processing these knife handles and these were test samples that we did they came out really really bitching so all right so what we're going to do the liner's already on uh we use black liners here what we're going to do is we're actually going to take these we're going to book match them and I'm going to put them together with two-sided tape and once we do that put the knife on here and then we're going to go over to the drill press and drill the holes and that'll be the kind of the first step to this process yeah see there's like virtually no tear out whatsoever these the blocks are so good drew the line on there and I'll go to hand sand it too so man that's a lot of hand salmon ah it's not too bad [Music] uh buffing wheel wow [Applause] [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] foreign super rough profile pretty sweet yeah man [Music] that's a little at a time thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so we're back in the little shop here and yesterday going over there with Tyson and doing those knife handles and seeing seeing his whole process and how that all works was just awesome these are all like size dimensions I mean they're identical Dimensions they're going to get an average weight we need to weigh them on the scale because we are going to dry them in the electric smoker here it's a brand new electric smoker besides only going through this process so even with the quality moisture meter it's really hard to to you can't read below four or five percent and you need to get these as dry as possible so we're going to slowly work our way up on the electric smoker to weave we feel like we've evaporated all the moisture content and we'll keep weighing these to make sure that they've stopped losing any weight once they stop losing any weight then they've evaporated all the moisture from there we're going to pull them out of the little Kiln and bag them up right away so while they're cooling down they don't gain they don't suck in the moisture from the air and you can't just put them right into the resin because at that temperature the resin would cure right onto the outside and then it would pretty much render it useless so from there we go into the resin bath vacuum Chambers and the pressure pot and we will repeat that for a couple of weeks you just want to see me work you want to say hi to everybody you want to show them your eye on your poor eyes [Music] [Laughter] you're cutie pie okay bye okay I'll see you in a minute nice and tight now I'm gonna make full use five gallon five gallon so here's the activator here's the resin the activator has to be heated before it starts its curing process foreign [Applause] because the blocks will float once you fill the bucket with resin I cleaned up some rebar welded it up and placed them on top that way it helps keep all the blocks down inside the resin throughout the process [Music] I do this process of going back and forth between the pressure pot and the vacuum pot twice a day for approximately two weeks until there's no more air bubbles to be seen once they're under vacuumed so we did a little test cure on some they went great and then here's a half of the batch here time to do the other half Daddy Day Care got the kiddo today wife is working a couple hours we'll be ready [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] so those are individual knife scale full blocks Two by Two by six some pin turning blanks [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] all right so we are back enticing shot so I already got three of them sharpened up so I got the two 10 inch and one of the seven inch sharpened up what we're going to do is sharpen the last one super slow Bell [Applause] all right so I decided I had to buy one of these so this this one's actually my name [Laughter] [Music] I try to find a piece of hardwood kicking that Burr off of there before I strap it kind of a haircut test I got no hair left but I mean if it doesn't cut if it doesn't cut hair which we need to do a little bit more the tip is good back is getting good I can just drop it a little bit more Some people prefer a super polished Edge but I prefer them to be a little more subdued [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kris DeVo
Views: 445,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wood, working, woodworking, fine, diy, tips, tricks, slicer, small shop, shop, dewalt, festool, laguna, grizzly, tools, tool, handmade, hand, made, maker, makermade, Alaska, cutting board, butcher block, bowl, turning, craft, custom, funiture, maker made, exotic, food grade, hack, manufacture, knife making, blade hq, knife designer, knife making videos, knife making japanese, knife making forge, knife making handle, knife making damascus, custom knives, meet your maker, woodworking asmr
Id: RaN_xaD_UGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 58sec (1918 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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