Recap of Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective (RECAPitation)

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Released by Capcom in 2010 on the Nintendo DS,  Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective would be a visual   novel adventure game. Written and directed by Shu  Takumi, who also created the Ace Attorney Series,   the game would focus on solving various  environmental puzzles in real time with   unique interactions called Ghost Tricks. The  story only gets larger from here, so let's   cut it down to size with a RECAPitation. As the game begins, a spirit wakes up to see   a redheaded woman at gunpoint to another man,  and presumes their own dead body is there in   the middle. Within this Ghost World, time in the  real world pauses, as another strange voice tells   them they must save the girl even though  they are just a soul. However, as a soul,   there are unique abilities it has, like the  ability to possess nearby objects and manipulate   them. With his Ghost Trick, the red-suited man  startles the gunman long enough to delay the   fate of the woman just a little, but finds he  is limited to a short reach and cannot possess   a dead body to help. Unfortunately, the man with  the golden shotgun kills the woman and reports   his assignment completion. Nearby, the source  of the voice turns to him, possessing a lamp,   and informs him that while he couldn't save the  girl this time, hope isn't lost. Teaching the man   more about being a ghost, the Voice reveals the  man simply gained special powers when he died,   which not everyone does. In fact, by connecting  to the girl's soul, he can go back into the past,   4 minutes before her death and alter events. This  oddly specific power only works on corpses no   older than a day, and finding it works, the ghost  rewinds time to see the girl right when she found   his body freshly shot, and the hitman saying the  last traces of Temsik are to be eliminated.   Rewriting the past, the ghost is able to buy the  girl more time, and through possessing a ladder   that's technically a step ladder, he's able to  reach a wrecking ball and flatten the killer.   Now that the girl's fate is averted, the ghost  reflects how he saved someone he doesn't even   know, coming to the horrible realization that  he has no memories at all. Not knowing who he   was or why he died, the Voice, calling itself  Ray, tells him his story isn't over yet, though,   like all dead, will disappear at the next sunrise.  The ghost wonders if he can reverse his own death,   but Ray points out he already tried, and the  ghost figures he would like to at least know why   he died, figuring the girl to be his best lead. As  Ray agrees the girl is the key to everything, the   ghost follows the girl, passing by the red-suited  body where a strange black cat hangs nearby.   The timely phone call from the person who ordered  his death now rings in, and with his ghost powers,   the spirit is able to see the person on the other  end, and move through the phone lines to them.   Before the ghost leaves, Ray says he's about out  of energy, but leaves one last messsage that there   will be a lot of strange events tonight,  and the ghost is the only one who will be   able to find out the truth behind it all, which  will also solve the mystery of his murder.   Racing against the clock now, the ghost  overhears his murderer order the girl,   named Lynne, to be taken out as well. In  addition, the foreign assassins refer to   him as Sissel while mentioning a deal going  down tonight for some world-changing power.   Hearing now that another hitman has been sent  to Lynne's apartment, Sissel jumps over there   to see the hitman laying in wait beside a little  girl that's tied up beside a dead little dog.   Connecting to the dearly departed doggo, Sissel  finds the Pomeranian has retained his memories,   introducing himself as Missile and  wishing to save his master Kamila.   Using him as a gateway to the past, Sissel rewinds  time to see Kamila enjoying music with headphones   on, not hearing her upset neighbor, nor the hitman  who enters and immediately shoots Missile.   Redoing events, Sissel manages to distract  the two long enough to save Missile as the   assassin gets word that Lynne is still at the  junkyard and leaves. Before following him,   Sissel is somehow able to connect to Missile  despite him being alive, and stranger still,   Missile remembers his time being dead somehow.  At the same time, Lynne calls Kamila, warning   her of the danger, and telling her to meet her  at the Chicken Kitchen restaurant on Dead End   Drive and instructs her to bring a particular  music box with her. However, a man with a bird   approaches Lynne, startling her and Kamila,  who drops the phone with Sissel in it.   Unable to leap to where Lynne is, Sissel hears the  phone ringing in the apartment next door where the   irritated neighbor is, and thinking to borrow her  line, moves in that direction. Saying goodbye to   Missle again, the little dog tells him he won't  give up on saving the girls, and tries to open the   door on his own, determined to make his own path.  Meanwhile, Sissel sees the woman next door is a   struggling writer trying to find inspiration at  the bottom of a bottle, while also tending to her   fever-stricken daughter Amelie. The little girl  points out today is her father's birthday, wanting   to call him, and is aware her parents are fighting  over something. Sissel makes it to the phone in   time to linger for a short conversation with the  woman’s husband, the justice minister, begging   her to return home, and he returns to the junkyard  to see a forensics team examining his dead body.   Ray informs Sissel that Lynne was taken into  custody by the police as well, who mention   Lynn was a rookie detective with ties to top  investigator Inspector Cabanela of the Special   Investigation Unit. Swaggering onto the scene is  the light footed Inspector Cabanela himself, who   is also overseeing a stake out in the park at the  same time, who declares with a flair that he'll be   the one to interview Lynne as a suspect. As the  doctor on site explains, the cause of death was   likely the shot through the chest in Sissel, and  nearby is Lynne’s gun further implicating her.   Following a call for the doctor to the  superintendent's office, Sissel finds Lynn   has been shot through the window right in front of  the inspector and the bird-bearing superintendent.   Connecting to Lynne's soul, Sissel tries to remind  her of who she is, but she mistakenly assumes   the form of Cabanela, misunderstanding that she's  the dead one. Getting caught up on the situation,   Lynne goes with the flow on her postmortem  predicament, bringing up it was Sissel who   invited her to the junkyard for some reason.  Sissel tells her he is going to revive her   and in return, asks her to find out who he was  and why he was killed before tomorrow morning.   However, Lynne is reluctant to agree as she  knows she was already investigating something   very important to her and so cannot make that  promise. Smirking, Sissel understands but promises   to help save her anyway, telling himself that with  her blunt honesty, he feels he can trust her.   Rewinding time, Sissel uses the opportunity to  crush another hitman to save Lynne, and alive   again, Lynne makes a call to the prison before  escaping on her own. Chasing that lead, Sissel   leaps over to overhear Lynne calling the prison  again to try and talk to someone but be denied.   Leaping back to Lynne, she's been killed again,  but this time by a bizarre rube goldberg machine   with a lethal conclusion. Sissel saves her  again, but they both wonder what's in this   room that is worth killing someone over. At this  time, Lynne shares she's trying to solve a murder   case by herself that was allegedly solved, but  knows they convicted the wrong person. However,   Sissel tells her what he learned with Missile and  Kamila, warning her that there is a target on her   back. Still uneasy about Sissel, Lynne makes a  deal that she'll cooperate with him if he does her   the favor of sneaking into prison, and learning  the work schedule for prisoner D99 tomorrow.   Telling him to meet her at the Chicken Kitchen,  Lynne sneaks out of the junkyard to go on ahead   as Sissel splits off and learns the prison was  built to hold those related to special cases. For   example, one prisoner called C38 was imprisoned  for publically leaking national secrets as part   of their band's performance. Another, labeled  C74 assaulted the police commissioner's office   with a flamethrower, demanding good  curry. Sissel also learns about D99,   who was found guilty of shooting his wife, yet  the case is somehow a matter of national secrecy.   Finding the prisoner, who is painting something  in his cell, Sissel learns he has forgotten   how to read, but it doesn't matter because the  man is not assigned anything tomorrow.Finally,   he also learns D99's identity is Jowd, a  detective still well-respected among the police,   and is shocked to see he has painted Sissel's  portrait as a means to never forget him.   Soon after, the prison gets a call from the  police chief and Cabanela, and spying on them,   Sissel sees security footage presented by Cabanela  of Lynne shooting Sissel, though something seems   off. The Chief points out the scene of the  murder and the place were the body was found are   different, and the Inspector reveals it was just  a random black cat that tampered with the body.   Suddenly, they get an alert from the  stakeout point that they have set up,   reporting that Lynne has been spotted there but  this is soon followed by the sound of a crash. As   Cabanela calls the scene, it turns out the stake  out point is the Chicken Kitchen restaurant,   as Sissel borrows the phone line to travel  there to find Lynne has perished yet again.   Sissel immediately asks her about why the video  showed her shooting him, but she swears she   doesn't remember the details of that meeting  at all, and denies being the one to shoot him.   Seeing this is a dead end, he then shares Jowd's  blank schedule, and horrified, Lynne explains this   means he's to be executed tonight. She also adds  the reason she said to meet up here was because   Sissel's body had a note on it to be at the  restaurant at this time, which makes Sissel think   the police were originally looking out for him.She  asks what he'll do if it turns out she did shoot   him, and he says he'll still save her for now, as  they still don't know everything, like who he was   and why he was killed. Understanding, the two form  an uneasy alliance, agreeing to at least use each   other until they get their respective answers. Rewinding time, Sissel sees Lynne die after   pushing a waitress to safety first, but  also observes some foreign agents here for   the deal who are also aware of the confidential  incidents involving the special case prisoners.   Seeing the driver of a van crash through the  restaurant and die as well, Sissel thinks to   connect to the driver's soul and go back 4 minutes  beyond then to stop the wreck from happening.   As it turns out, his attempt to eavesdrop on the  foreigners in the restaurant causes him to crash   in the first place, when his receiver overloads  and knocks him out. However, the receiver starting   this tragic chain of events all was placed by the  waitress who was another undercover agent for the   police, and by sourcing and switching the bugged  chicken, Sissel is able to save everyone. Having   saved Lynne, Sissel feels it's time she told him  about the case she's working on, and she begins   by saying Jowd is her hero, having saved her life  10 years ago. Another thing is Inspector Cabanela,   his friendly rival at the time, who has taken  care of Lynne since Jowd's arrest five years ago,   smoothing her way through her detective career  while aggressively climbing the career ladder   himself. In addition, 3 days after the murder  incident, she recieved a strange music box from   Jowd, who told her to hold onto it and give  it a certain person after the case was over   and settled. However, she's unable to open  the box and doesn't know what's inside.   Back in the present, Lynne learns Jowd's execution  has been moved up and will take place in a few   minutes, and nothing short of a stay of execution  from the justice minister can change that.   Alarmed, Lynne tells Sissel to go on ahead  to the prison and stop the execution somehow,   while she goes straight to the Justice minister.  Arriving at the prison, Sissel finds they are   experiencing a power outage, spurring one of  the guards to literally dance out of panic,   and caused by an explosion of the electric chair  that killed Jowd. Connecting to Jowd's soul,   the detective doesn't have  his memories back fully,   and so Sissel rewinds time to see Jowd die  by the chair, but not in the way intended.   Fixing things, Sissel prematurely destroys the  chair to delay Jowd's death, which still causes a   blackout and unlocks the prisoner cells, spurring  the two to make a break for freedom. Escorting the   detective past the armed guards with night vision  goggles, Sissel saves Jowd, telling him Lynne has   gone to the Justice Minister and he thinks to  follow her too, but is caught by Cabanela who is   there to stop him from committing another crime Held at gunpoint, Jowd quickly tells Sissel the   ghost is not who he thinks he is, and tells him  to open the music box with Lynne for more answers.   He also adds the reason he was accepting of  his death penalty was not for the verdict   of his murdered wife, but for ten years ago  when he killed a man in order to save Lynne.   As one more favor for Sissel, he calls the Justice  Minister's office to open a path for the ghost,   telling him not to trust the memories of  others and seek out his own truth. With this,   Cabanela tosses Jowd a pocket watch as he takes  him away, and Sissel moves ahead to join Lynne.   Finding her not dead for once this evening,  he updates her on Jowd's situation,   and finds the Justice minister is the one  dead this time. Connecting to his soul,   Sissel sees the overworked man suffer from a fatal  heart attack, from the stress of a threatening   phone call from the foreign agents informing  him they have his daughter Amelie hostage,   under terms that Jowd be executed immediately.  At least saving the minister's life for now by   getting him his heart pills, the revised  present has him debating with Lynne the   validity of the trial convicting Jowd, as there  was no evidence beyond Jowd's own confession.   Knowing the Minister won't cooperate until his  daughter is safe, Sissel heads to the hideout   of the kidnappers to learn the foreign  agents actually stole Kamila, not Amelie.   What more, the hideout is actually Kamila's old  house, and he notices Kamila has a core meaning   she recently died and was saved. Connecting to  her, she says she never arrived at the restaurant,   instead cutting through Temsik park and was  kidnapped, dropping the music box there.   She also reveals Jowd is her father, and she is  the one who set up the Rube Goldberg contraption   that accidentally killed her mother, identical  to the one in the junkyard. Interrupting them,   the female agent announces out loud that she can  sense the presence of Sissel, warning him not to   try anything, as they relocate with Kamila. Reporting this turn of events back to Lynne, Lynne   tries to tell the Minister his daughter wasn't  kidnapped and urges him to call his wife and   verify, but his wife won't answer due to her mood.  Strutting onto the scene is Inspector Cabanela,   bringing Jowd with him, as Lynn thinks he did  so just to take credit and protect his spotless   record. Connecting to Jowd, the detective is  alarmed to hear his daughter is the one in danger,   but is willing to pay the price for her freedom,  though Sissel counters it won't end Kamila's   suffering. Speaking more to the incident of  his wife's death, Jowd said Kamila told him   her contraption moved impossibly, and before  tonight, never thought twice about it. However,   seeing Sissel and his seemingly impossible  powers, now he's not so sure, especially   since the kidnappers also are aware of the powers  of the dead. Determined now to solve the mystery   of his wife's murder with this new information,  Jowd adds he removed the antique smoking gun that   shot his wife, placed it in a box, and gave it to  Lynne, who thought it was a broken music box.   Digesting all of this, Lynne tells him there's  still time to solve the mystery from 5 years ago,   and prove it was neither him nor Kamila who  killed his wife. With renewed hope, Jowd agrees,   telling her they need to retrieve the gun as  important evidence, and Lynne hurries off to   the park, telling Sissel to do something  about the Minister's family problem.   Jumping over to Lynne's writing neighbor, he  manages to get the daughter access to the phone   and call her father, wishing him a happy  birthday and assuring him things are fine,   and relieved, the Minister says to apologize  to his wife for almost making a costly mistake.   Back in his office, the minister thanks Sissel  for saving his daughter, revealing he knows of   ghosts and their powers, including controlling  people. Sissel admits he has powers but not the   ability to control people, and is curious how the  minister knows of other manipulators. Explaining,   the minister says the three special prisoners  all had two things in common; a lack of motive in   their crimes, and that the nature of their crimes  were impossible. It was then theorized an outside   manipulator was behind things and so the prison  also doubled as a research facility to that end,   with Cabanela leading the studies. After what  just happened tonight, he also confesses when   he signed Jowd's execution, he now knows for  sure he was being controlled as well, knowing   such powers exist firsthand despite his memory of  the event at the time being hazy. It rattled him,   but with no proof, he could not openly report  it to anyone. Even when he told his wife,   she quickly demanded he correct the mistake  before innocent people died, going so far to move   out with Amelie until he fixed things. But now,  he's confident in not only acknowledging ghosts,   but their power and interference so far. Cabanela is shaken that everyone in the room can   hear the ghost except him, and quickly excuses  himself, as Lynne calls in and says Sissel's   help is urgently needed in the park. Arriving,  Lynne tells Sissel she hasn't found the box yet,   but has found a recently deceased body crushed  under a rock in the park. Connecting to the soul   and looking back, a peaceful protester witnessed  the kidnapping of Kamila, picked up the box she   dropped, and somehow was crushed by the park's  mascot giant rock in an impossible manner.   Looking closer, he spots another ghost  behind the trick, and connecting to it,   it turns out to be Missile, dead again,  but proud to have been able to save Kamila.   Sissel asks how he died this time, and Missile  reveals he managed to work past the door of the   apartment and follow Kamila down to the park,  but was run over the foreign agent’s bike when   they were on their way to kidnap her, dying in a  crater that emanated with a strange power nearby.   As a ghost, he saw he was too late to save  Kamila from being crushed by the rock,   and in his desperation, discovered new powers,  including the ability to rewind time like Sissel,   and the ability to swap the places of  similarly shaped things. With this he was able   to save Kamila while killing the protester, but  understanding now, the two ghosts now rewind time   again to tag team their powers and save both. Cheering for their success, Sissel now offers to   save Missile's life, but the little dog pauses and  thinks it may be for the best that he stays dead a   little while longer, so as to continue protecting  Kamila with his ghost powers. Returning to the   present, though Kamila would of course be captured  anyway, the protester would now be alive to return   the box to Lynne, and recognize her from the  incident 10 years ago. He leads her to the   crater where Missile's body is, and the protester  explains this is the site where a meteorite once   crashed in the park, and is still underground to  this day. He recounts how when Lynne was taken   hostage by a man in a standoff with Detective  Jowd, the meteorite crashed down in the park and a   fragment struck the criminal, killing him. Dubbed  the Temsik meteorite after the name of the park,   Sissel wonders why Jowd forgot to mention such  an uncanny event in his story earlier.   Returning to Jowd, the detective takes the gun  out of the case and reveals how it lines up with   the other evidence in the room that concludes  the contraption killed his wife. Convinced,   the minister orders a stay of execution for the  detective, though the next step is to learn more   about the manipulator truly behind all of this,  as Lynne feels it's likely she was manipulated   into shooting Sissel. Now circling to the topic of  Temsik, Jowd says it is true the meteorite killed   the criminal, but he was going to shoot anyway,  admitting he was a young rash detective who was   more focused on getting the bad guy. He apologizes  for putting her in danger and treating her safety   second in that moment, but more to the point,  reveals the man that died that night 10 years   ago was the man in red, but says that man's name  wasn't Sissel. If anything, Jowd is more confused   why Sissel looks like the man in red. This revelation is interrupted by a call from   Cabanela demanding Jowd be executed  tonight or his daughter will die.   Traveling quickly to Cabanela's side, Sissel is  shocked to see the Inspector is actually shot dead   by the man in red who he thought he was, somehow  alive. The man in red calls the foreign leader,   telling him the job is done, and the foreign  man begins the final stages of the deal,   revealing he is operating inside of a submarine.  Connecting to the inspector's soul, Sissel rewinds   time to see the Inspector made the threatening  call under duress by the man in red, who says he   pulled everyone who was involved in his death 10  years ago together like this, for simple revenge.   Quickly, the Inspector shoots the man in red, who  crumples over, but then eerily stands up again as   if nothing happened, casually manipulating objects  in the room to disarm the detective and shoot   him dead. The ghost of Cabanela picks up that  Sissel looks like the man in red but isn't him,   and Sissel agees, promising to save the Inspector  at least, but when he rewinds time, finds the man   in red lacks a core yet is emanating with the same  strange ghost power like him. At the same time,   he finds the room below where the recreated  contraption was, completely demolished somehow,   and finds the superintendent dead as well.  Connecting to him, he learns the man in red   blew up the room, and through him, the ghosts all  go back 4 minutes even further in the past.   They now see Cabanela wait as the superintendent  runs a diagnostic on the man in red's corpse,   as the super identifies his source of power,  and Cabanela warns him the manipulator’s true   form is a spirit. Chuckling, the man  in red wakes up, and confirms this,   saying he did die 10 years ago and this body  is just a hollow shell. What more, one of his   powers is to control vessels like this shell or  other people, confessing he also controlled the   justice minister and Lynne. He framed Lynne on  camera to convict her as a murderer as revenge,   and turns to the super, calling him a proffessor,  saying he has to die for knowing too much,   as he sets off dynamite near him and blows up the  room, seriously wounding Cabanela in the blast.   Afterwards, Cabanela’s ghost reveals the entire  junkyard scene was set up by the man in red,   including the bomb and even the doctor who  was inspecting his corpse who made a deal   to return his body. Seeing through the fake  examiner, Cabanela instead paid him off to   have the corpse brought to this room, where the  professor was to find the source of his powers.   To himself, Sissel also thinks it's odd that  Ray said spirits disappear at the next dawn,   but here is the man in red, 10 years later. Not sure how to stop the man in red for now,   the professor thinks to at least have  Sissel save him from the explosion without   the man in red noticing, and just in time,  Missile arrives to lend his aid. Together,   they manage to slip the professor away in time to  avoid dying, and even fake the death of Cabanela   in the split second the man in red shoots him,  thanks to Cabanela's theatrics. Glad to be alive,   the inspector and professor confess this event  has shown them more than the 10 years of research   they've tried to accomplish. With a little time  now, Sissel learns from Cabanela that it was his   mistake in being a brash young detective that  drove the man in red into a corner in the first   place 10 years ago, and being so focused on  results made an amateur mistake of leaving his   gun in reach for the man in red to grab. As for the deal, the man in red was putting   himself and his powers for sale to foreigners  who were keen to use them, giving them a sample   with the two special case incidents the two  other prisoners were arrested for. In fact,   he plans to leave the country tonight in a  submarine belonging to the foreign country.   He also confesses the reason he cares so much  about his position and spotless record is because   it affords him privileges and resources, including  heading research into the manipulator. One of the   ways he was using his position was investigating  the truth behind the murder of Jowd's wife,   never believing the detective actually did it but  lacked evidence to prove otherwise. Regardless of   Lynne and Jowd's own rogue actions, Cabanela was  determined to prove Jowd's innocence and halt his   execution legally, and that meant stopping Lynne  and Jowd themselves if they stepped outside the   law like escaping from jail. Even though stalling  for time and looking suspicious made him look bad   to Lynne, he knew she would get over it. The Superintendent also reveals he was once a   medical examiner for the police, and he was the  one who performed the autopsy on the man in red   10 years ago. However, he never performed  it because the body, despite being dead,   had such a strong healing factor that even the  incision of the scalpel would heal the moment he   tried to cut, with no scarring or blood. The body  then disappeared on its own, as if it just got up   and walked away, because it did. The scan he did  before the bomb went off indicated the body was   exuding some sort of radiation, more specfically  matching that of the meteorite fragment.   In addition, working with Jowd is why he has  a replica of the murder scene in his basement,   and pursuit of this unsolved mystery  is why he left the force.   At this time, Lynne arrives and is caught up  on everything, apologizing to Cabanela for   misunderstanding him, and Jowd arrives as well,  ready to close this case once and for all. Always   believing, the professor has Jowd's old coat ready  for action again, as Jowd thanks Cabanela for the   watch earlier and the inspector wishes him well  for this final leg, still too injured himself.   A few hours pass, and Jowd manages to  get aboard the sub, calling Sissel in,   as his cover is blown. Laughing in defiance, Jowd  reveals to the foreigners that Cabanela shot the   man in red with a tracker knowing he was trying to  run, and gave Jowd a receiver in the form of the   pocket watch. However, the foreign leader, named  Commander Sith, reveals the man in red has left   his shell for now to possess Kamila, and chuckles  that the man in red has underestimated them too,   as they have already researched the source of his  powers, and quickly extract the meteorite fragment   from the shell. Having the last laugh, Sith  now jettisons the entire room, as an explosion   rocks the entire sub while Sissel and Missile  arrive to find Lynne deceased yet again.   Rewinding back, they see the man in red was  hiding inside Kamila with a gun, planning to   shoot Jowd as he came to rescue his daughter, but  the unexpected explosion caused Lynne to save the   man in red and Kamila while she was killed by  the debris instead. They also see Sith escape   in a minisub with the fragment, leaving everyone  one behind to die from a self-directed torpedo.   Preventing the torpedo from at least detonating,  Sissel alters fate just enough to buy time for him   and Missile to guide the girls out of the sinking  sub. However, the man in red is still on board as   well, forming a giant claw and surprisingly,  saving the two, and calling out Sissel, aware   all along that the unnatural events all evening  must have been the work of an enemy standing by.   Confronting him, Sissle drops his self-image,  unwilling to maintain it and demanding to   know who he really is. With a makeshift body, the  manipulator backs off, defeated and admitting the   foreigners got him good this time, getting away  with the fragment too. Stuck here with no way out,   he decides to explain everything, revealing  the meteorite gives the living and dead powers   individually, assuming they died while exposed  to its radiation, and those powers actually   change and grow over time. Also, the meteorite  allows one to replay the moment of death, like   Sissel's rewind ability, though in his case, with  the fragment stuck in his body, it was constantly   resetting him to the moment between life and  death, seemingly immortal and invulnerable   when he's really just stuck in time. Regarding the foreigners, aside from   underestimating what they knew, he reveals they  really wanted to eliminate anyone involved with   the Temsik meteorite, including him. Speaking to  the junkyard incident, he admits Lynne’s willpower   fought off his possession so well, it was the  first time he struggled controlling someone,   causing him to fire and even miss the first  shot. It was at this time he saw the foreigners   were taking matters into their own hands and  ignoring his schemes for revenge, but he also   saw a new ghost emerge from the incident, Sissel.  After that, the rest of the evening is history,   as the manipulator says this sub was meant to be  his coffin from the beginning. Hearing all this,   Lynne feels genuinely sorry for the  manipulator, much to his surprise.   Regardless, Sissel wonders why Sith ejected  the manipulator's body into the sea after they   got what they wanted, and suddenly Lynne comes up  with the idea to use the tracker to find the body,   which is where Jowd is, and shoot a dud torpedo  to them with the ghosts onboard. Their desperate   plan works, as they find Jowd dead, and connect to  him, as the detective recognizes the manipulator   and calls him by his real name, Yomiel. Confused  on why the foreigners called him a different name,   Yomeil tells Sissel he was just using an alias.  He reveals he was once a hotshot systems engineer,   reorganizing the nation's top-secret information  with a new multidimensional programming theory.   Naturally, this attracted the attention of spies,  which led to Yomeil being accused of being one,   which is why the police arrested him, starting  all of the events that fateful day ten years ago.   Jowd adds Yomiel was actually proven innocent  6 months after his death, but it was too   late and Yomiel was already sinking into despair  at wanting to disappear but was unable to do so.   This feeling festered into revenge which lead  to Yomiel killing Jowd's wife 5 years ago,   while making the deal with Sith to help  him with his revenge plot and set up a new   life for himself somewhere else and try to  live a normal life and die a normal death.   He admits he was manipulated himself and never  saw the betrayal coming, as both of their nations   were researching and battling an invisible war to  understand and obtain the Temsik meteorite.   Now deciding to rewind time, they see Sith's  muscle man was just a remote-controlled robot,   Yomiel's body was discarded as insurance, and  Jowd was gunned down. Yomiel realizes that   with the Temsik fragment removed, his shell is  now a regular corpse, no longer stuck in time,   and Sissel thinks they can now go back to 4  minutes before Yomiel’s death, even though   that death was 10 years ago. Rewinding all the  way to the standoff Yomeil had with a young   Lynne and Jowd, they see a strange black cat was  also there right before the impact ended things.   Sissel suggests they save Yomiel's life, but Jowd  points out the younger him was going to take the   shot and kill Yomiel anyway. Reflecting, Yomiel  says he’s ready to stop running and accept his   overdue fate, and working together, the ghost team  deflects the meteorite from striking him. Instead,   they use their three powers to merely wound Jowd,  stab but not kill Yomiel, and save Lynne from her   habit of dying young. In the end Yomiel would be  crushed but not killed, and he’s happy with that,   as Lynne finds the black cat, and Yomiel explains  Sissel's fate is about to change in a big way.   Shocked, Sissel realizes the odd black  cat was actually him this entire time,   as during the standoff, he was a stray that served  as Yomiel's first vessel to possess. When Yomiel   regained his memories and then body, he left  the cat and rushed home to his fiancee. However,   she had committed suicide in order to  follow him in death, and depressed,   Yomiel's mind twisted but he found companionship  in the black cat, naming it Sissel after her.   That night in the junkyard, he escaped the  scene of the crime by borrowing the body of   his old friend again, but this time came to  the horrible realization Sissel was dead.   By accident, when Yomiel was struggling to control  Lynne, his first shot accidently killed his friend   Sissel, and because Sissel was next to the Temsik  fragment, is why he woke up as a ghost with   powers. Sissel realizes he only thought he was  Yomiel because he was the first corpse he saw,   even though it wasn't the only one there.  Yomiel then tells his friend that even though   he knew he was helping Lynne this whole time,  he couldn't do anything about stopping Sissel's   time rewinding power, since he didn't have that  power himself. He adds that if he did, the first   thing he would have done was save Sissel's  life, both his friend and his fiancee.   However, the past is now altered and everyone's  alive, meaning his fiancee is too. To himself,   Yomiel is glad his revenge ended in failure,  thinking Lynne's empathy for him in the end   saved his soul. He tells the other three ghosts  that even though a new 10 years will play out for   all of them, they will all retain their memories  of this timeline as ghosts, and Jowd is glad to   have the chance to redo the greatest mistake in  his life. Before time resumes for them all, Yomiel   apologizes to them all, and Sissel forgives his  friend, remarking it's a lost past now. Missile   promises to see them all again, and Jowd offers to  adopt Sissel for now. Cutting in is Ray, somehow   talking to Sissel again in this time period,  and Sissel asks to know who he really is.   Agreeing to tell the story, Ray begins by saying  this isn't the first timeline to be attempted to   fix things, as in another version of these ten  years, there was a time when Yomiel was present   when the assassins came to Lynne's apartment,  killing both Missile and Kamila, though Missile   was in the presence of the radiation this time.  He still gained his swapping powers, and though   he also made it to the end with the man in red  in the sea, he could not save this timeline.   So, he rewound time and went back 10 years using  the man in red just like they did, but this time,   he would wait it out until that fateful  night in the junkyard would take place again.   Revealing himself to be Missile from the lost  timeline, he remarks that 10 years is a very long   time in dog years as his swap powers grew weak  and he instead grew weak manipulation like Sissel,   but needed Sissel's strength this time. Sissel  also had a unique kit of powers he didn't have,   and he knew this because he met the Sissel of that  timeline who died and gained powers too. However,   that Sissel selfishly refused to cooperate  with him, and so in the next timeline,   Missile knew to leverage Sissel's selfishness  and confusion. He also admits the bit about   disappearing the next morning was just  a lie to get Sissel focused on a series   of unfortunate events about to take place  that night. However, he will not be able to   exist in this new timeline he helped build, and  thanks Sissel for helping make it happen.   As the game ends, a new present unfolds, as Lynne  celebrates her promotion to detective with Jowd,   who introduces her to his daughter Kamila  and cat Sissel, who oddly has not seemed to   have aged a day. Jowd's wife would join them  in the party, as would Cabanela and Missile,   and elsewhere, the justice minister would have  a much healthier marriage and work/life balance.   Finally, Yomiel, though proven innocent of  being a spy, would still go to jail for his   other crimes committed that night, though after  finishing a painting of his best friend the Ace   Pet Detective, would go out into the world to  his waiting fiancee, a free man with a fresh   start. Recognizing the kitten as the same one  from 10 years ago, Lynne greets Sissel again,   as to himself, Sissel reveals the deflected Temisk  struck him instead in the past, preserving himself   between life and death, and his Ghost Tricks. Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective has enjoyed   the success of selling over 380  thousand copies worldwide.   Thanks for watching the video, I hope one  day this crosses over with Ace Attorney as   the creator once wanted to. If you enjoyed the  recap, then leave a like, and big thanks to the   patron and channel member detectives. Links are  in the description for how to support the channel   and get extra videos. Thanks for Watching  and I'll see you on the next battlefield.
Channel: Oni Black Mage
Views: 11,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: story, plot, summary, recap, explained, what happens, what is, oni black mage, recapitation, retrospective, review, synopsis, plot summary, story explained, complete story, story recap, ghost trick, ghost trick phantom detective, ghost trick story, ghost trick ending, ghost trick explained, ghost trick recap, ghost trick phantom detective story, ghost trick phantom detective ending, ghost trick phantom detective recap, ghost trick phantom detective explained, ghost trick recapitation
Id: vWuFWXa85W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 51sec (1851 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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