The Ultimate Plan B Real Estate Plan

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I recently spent a weekend at a celebrity's luxury Villa in Europe and he owns properties all around the world giving him countless options of where to live no matter what happens and that inspired me to put together the ultimate Plan B real estate plan if you could buy properties anywhere in the world to give yourself total freedom where would it be let's get started [Music] and if you're from North America one of the first places that I would add to my real estate diversification plan is right next door in Mexico because Robert Kiyosaki told our Nomad capitalist live audience that when things get bad you have three days to get somewhere safe I think Mexico is increasingly going to be a safe haven it is going to increasingly be neutral I think Mexican residents and the potential to lead to citizenship which is a pretty good citizenship is a pretty good asset to have it's a pretty good country to be in having property in Mexico can not only help you get residents although not really needed but it is diverse diversification in a country that is increasingly valuable to Americans you have beautiful areas a lot of Americans and Canadians are going to Baja they're going to Punta Mita they're going all over the country if you own property in the coast you'll need to own that in a Bank Trust that's relatively straightforward but for me especially if you're from the United States being able to have access to a country right next door and having a home in that would be part of an ultimate Plan B and I'm going to give you more places where I would own real estate for not only a great lifestyle but is a great plan B some come with free residence permits and even citizenships and some are in tax-friendly countries to where you can save more of your own money I'll get to that in a minute but we're actually putting together a very intimate small group who want to spend three days with me and some of the key members of my team making a plan B for how to have properties how to have residence permits how to have citizenships and this is bigger than the plan service that we create for clients remotely if you you want to handle your taxes if you want to handle a holistic plan we already do that for folks you can go to but if you'd like to spend three days in the field with me and my team or do some really luxurious stuff exploring the opportunities that are available for Plan B go to Mastermind we're opening this up right now for a small group probably three or four people at a higher price point than the plan service but if you want to be in person and do this together with me go to Mastermind and learn more now let's talk about one place where a lot of people want to have a home and that's in Europe that's where I spent time in this luxury Villa you can buy in let's say parts of Italy hundreds of Acres if you want you can buy entire towns and renovate those you can do that in parts of Spain you can buy land you can go to parts of Greece lots of southern Europe has real estate that is still of an incredible value and while prices in Portugal have gone through the roof thanks to their golden Visa program over the years Spain Italy Greece not saying these are the best investments but if you want a lifestyle and you want a different place to go there are areas you can kind of be away from it all and so if you're thinking hey I'm from the U.S or Canada or Australia I'd rather be in Europe where I can move in different directions if something happens but I want that laid-back lifestyle you can get some beautiful properties for a lot less than you pay in California or in Australia in a place in southern Europe but what I would do looking for the ultimate Plan B is number one what kind of residence permit does it get me and so in places in southern Europe you have Greece for example you get a residence permit Spain you get a residence permit by buying property Italy is talking about that but you don't really need the real estate to get residents if you want it a Portugal has gotten rid of that but those also those countries have some level of tax friendliness to where if you ever wanted to live there full time they have tax incentives particularly Italy and Greece to a lesser extent Portugal until much lesser expense Spain you can go there and you could potentially reduce your taxes dramatically even though they're technically High tax countries but not for foreigners coming in who haven't lived there before one place that is certainly detached from the mainland that could be a good thing that could be a bad thing Ireland you can buy property that does not allow you to get a residence permit and property is very expensive certainly in Dublin but if you want a place that is relatively safe you open the back door the kids run outside you have more of that Island it's an English-speaking country you can get a residence permit through other means if you want and if you were to live there full time you can have tax friendliness and become a citizen if you live there obviously you already speak the language so Europe is one place that I would look at and there's so many options it'd be hard to nail down maybe you have a claim to citizenship by dissent from someone in your family and you can become Hungarian or Slovak or check or polish and maybe you want to have a property there just to have is a connection to that ancestry and to pass down throughout the generations you can do that too now the third place I'm looking at my plan B property is somewhere in South America so we have Mexico that's next door to where I'm at I want to find someone with a little bit more space now I have an apartment in Bogota I'll spend a week or two a year there and I want other people use it when I'm not there I actually think Colombia is underrated I think it will become one of the better economies in the next 10 to 20 years but let's talk about if you want wide open land what's great about Latin America is by and large foreigners can own land next door to Colombia it has taken a left turn but I follow the Doug Casey principle of what he talked about living in Argentina yeah they kind of leave you alone if you are the the wealthy Foreigner Ecuador is a country where you can get a residence and if you wanted to live there not only if you're paying tax somewhere else do you have a really good tax incentive even if you're not paying tax somewhere else it's not bad and you can work towards citizenship in a matter of years it is a totally different kinds of country which I think for an ultimate Plan B I want to have a passport in my portfolio like Native American or Canadian and maybe I get my polish citizenship that allows me to live anywhere in the European Union whenever I want and travel anywhere I want I'd like to have something like Ecuador in the portfolio that's just lightweight and they're not going to bother me and I can go and I can buy 200 acres for 300 000 somewhere and maybe I'll have a stream going through my property or I'll have monkeys or I can build something very cheaply and there's a lot less bureaucracy in terms of building than what I may find somewhere else and I can just be totally detached and have that plan B self-sufficient property in case something happens other people are talking about Paraguay people want to be as far away from the ks and the rest of the world as possible you don't get much further away than Paraguay incredibly cheap property in Paraguay they have a residence program that requires practically no investment there's a permanent residence program that requires a mid five figure investment and you can work towards citizenship again if you were to live there in a short number of years in either case you'll need to learn some Spanish so that's certainly something that would give you greater diversification but Park wise a real up and comer get residents through buying property and if you want that citizenship you can work towards that if you want a bit more of an upscale experience in South America one place I've talked to the gentleman I was meeting with was in Uruguay far away from it all great quality passport if you want to spend a few years there you will need to integrate into the culture and actually spend time there to get that passport they've called it the Switzerland of South America it is very small there's not a lot going on but if you like that beautiful views economically stable one of the more free countries in that region beats even countries like the US in some metrics and so that's going to be a higher price point but it's going to give you the same access to Residents and to citizenship and by the way Uruguay and Paraguay in particular if you ever wanted to live there full time can be very very tax friendly at least for a large number of years where I also want to have Eastern Europe I believe one of the freedom destinations we've had a lot of particularly Australians and new Islanders who have moved to Eastern Europe over the years because they say hey there's a lot of soft Freedom there westerners are used to hard Freedom it's written here in the Constitution politicians don't always follow that in Eastern Europe I think people are used to just being more independent they do things the way they should the government and everything's more a little bit more laissez-faire in real life now turkey if you want to call that Eastern Europe you can get citizenship by investment by buying a property that can be an apartment in the shantashi in Istanbul that can be a beautiful Villa somewhere so Bodrum is where the Turkish celebrities hang out antaly is a little bit more mass Market there's plenty of areas all around you can get incredibly cheap properties in some of these areas even Istanbul the prices have gone up since the Russia Ukraine war but it was one of the cheapest cities in the world and I don't entirely want to bet against a mega City in a country with a large domestic population that has increasingly built up its manufacturing sector and its agricultural sector to become more of a regional player in a multi-polar world I think turkey has some influence I think if you're a dual citizen with turkey that's something that potentially for many people is interesting and so that's a way you get citizenship rather quickly by buying a property you can also get a residence permit by buying a cheaper property if you don't want to spend mid six figures and they're talking about rolling out a golden Visa in traditional Eastern Europe so the Balkans Serbia is certainly a hub property prices are not really that cheap anymore rental prices have gone through the roof since the war because a lot of Russians for example have gone there but I think it's a relatively neutral place and again Serbia is talking about roaming at a simplified citizenship program that doesn't even require you to learn Serbian we'll see how that comes along if you want to learn more about programs like that just leave a comment below and we'll know that you're interested but Serbia right next to Europe and so we might have a home somewhere in Europe maybe we have a home maybe we've got a ski chalet in Andorra maybe we've got uh you know a summer home somewhere in Spain I'm not a big fan of investing in Spain but maybe it's a lifestyle thing for you or Italy Montenegro right down the uh the coast from Croatia where a lot of people go it's not the cheapest place because they have the Euros but they have a beautiful Yacht Club lots of services lots of things to do you get a residence permit by buying property if you want to live there they'll keep renewing it for you I think you know that is as a NATO country might be interesting to some folks Serbia very much just you know doing their own thing though with the the door of Europe but we're not going to follow what Europe does we're going to be our own country and I think it's not a bad thing their passport's one of the best performing passports in terms of growth in the last 10 to 12 years it's become a really a top quality t or B plus passport Albania is the bargain in that region if you want some of the cheapest property left in Europe there it is in Albania beautiful Coastal properties much less development perhaps some of that will come in the years to come I think places like Georgia have become more expensive the time to buy was when we talked about it years ago certainly there's beautiful areas in Georgia if you like food and wine that could be a place to go buying Vineyards in Georgia could be interesting but more restrictions on land ownership there so I think the ball can perhaps would be my choice if I had to pick one even though I really do love Georgia and the food and the wine I would also have something in Southeast Asia so could you have a plan B in let's say Korea they've just jacked up the price for real estate investment to get a residence permit into 700 and some thousand US dollars so it's not cheap I know people who've done that I perhaps think southeast Asia is a bit more laissez-faire relatively open for immigration relatively tax friendly if you ever wanted to live there full time Malaysia stands out to me because foreigners can own land it's one of about four countries in Southeastern East Asia where foreigners can actually own the land underneath and so I happen to enjoy living in Kuala Lumpur have two properties there but you can live in Penang a lot of Australians and folks who like the beach they go to Penang you can't buy there's some properties that are designated for for kind of what are called boomi lands but most places you can own land and there's lots of coasts you could develop something a lot of opportunities in Malaysia tax friendly immigration friendly the immigration has become a bit more expensive in terms of putting money into the bank and having some income but I think a very attractive Place English speaking we're not trying to get citizenship in Asia because it's not really the game but I think very very friendly people and if things are happening in the world I'd like to be around friendly people with good conditions I would lastly add some kind of exotic location something really far away from it all so you know Malaysia obviously is well connected you've got consumer culture that in your Western Europe Place those are going to be the places where hey my country's going in the wrong direction the taxes are going up there's civil unrest who knows what's happening call them poor you'll have a delight or Penang somewhere in Malaysia you'll have the time of your life Western Europe people feel comfortable with that those to me are your big you know Mainstays and then the other ones are more Investments diversification protecting my assets having a toe into you know getting residents or citizenships that are unique and that offer me true diversification in this let's call it a new world order not the conspiratory way just in the way of the world's changing the West is becoming a little bit less relevant and then even the further field in South South America I would add some exotic locations so you know vanowatu the citizenship program has really taken a beating I don't know that you need that unless you just want to really build a very robust passport portfolio but you can buy property there they are kind of like the Serbia of the South Pacific in my opinion and so tax-free country very laid back not a lot of regulations could be a place to go if you have the Vanuatu passport you can fly through Australia or New Zealand transit to get to your home in Vanuatu otherwise you need a passport that allows you to fly through Australia or New Zealand and so that could be one Mauritius is one I was talking to this gentleman about there is a path to citizenship it is a bit discretionary but it could come as fast as two years very unique neutral high quality passport Mauritius one of the two countries in Africa that has visa-free travel to Europe as well as Russia and China and the UK very robust country almost feels to me when I was there it's kind of like the Malaysia of the Indian Ocean open to immigration not zero tax but low tax also friendly people Multicultural to some extent which I like that's one I would I would honestly look at and they have a program if you buy villas for example you can get permanent residence and you can work towards many things from there that's a place you could spend your Winters let's say you're in Europe in the summer you want to be something like Mauritius in the winter easier to get to through a place like uh you could fly through Istanbul Qatar I think Dubai very easy to get to more so than Vanuatu for example so if I'm putting the other portfolio for example for a ultra high net worth individual like I've recently spent the weekend with I'm looking at Mexico better than something in California in my opinion you've got a lot of Creature Comforts there but I think it's going to be a more and more important country in years to come and I think it's going to become stronger Europe is your base just to feel comfortable maybe that's a summer destination you actually use that as a plan a place to hang out with a family South America less you know populated continent you could be far away from from the rest of the chaos the world Eastern Europe yes it's at Europe's doorstep you've got cultures that are beating to their own drummer southeast Asia another creature Comfort Asia I think does well in the future Malaysian real estate probably not going to grow tremendously in the next five to ten years but long term I think does well that's a lifestyle versus investment philosophy there as to whether Malaysia is your country certainly there are others Thailand Cambodia could be an interesting Plan B location certain people can get Cambodian citizenship by making large Investments That would be a really Off the Grid kind of place exotic locations Mauritius Vanuatu all I've been thrown in Egypt a million dollars you can see an incredible Villa in places like from Cairo to Hurghada you can get citizenship instantly by doing that so depending on where you want to go there's lots of Plan B options if this is something that interests you and you'd like to put together the homes the residences the citizenships as a plan B and you have several million dollars to invest go to Nomad Mastermind check out what we're putting together until terms of these very intimate small group events again we service people who just want holistic plans we do that remotely you can learn about that on our website as well and that's a more affordable price point but if you want something that's very intimate it's very Hands-On where we're actually looking at opportunities where we're in citizenship countries where we're you know very high touch flying on Planes together you know doing the high-class lifestyle that a high level Nomad capitalist would expect we're putting together a couple of these small group events go to Mastermind it is going to be certainly a premium price point and you can learn more about that on the site [Music]
Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 344,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nomad capitalist, PlanB Real Estate, Property Diversification, InvestmentOpportunities, Residence Permits, FreedomOfChoice, MastermindEvent, Mastermind Event, GlobalCitizen, ExploreTheWorld, DreamHome, PropertyInvestment, HighClassLifestyle, SecureYourFuture, LuxuryVillas, InvestmentPortfolio, FinancialFreedom, go where you are treated best, real estate investing, investment, andrew henderson, real estate
Id: Sq-lW-tiVbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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