Book League's, The Ultimate Pigeon Read Aloud Compilation - 28 Minutes of Hilarity!

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in a world filled with Annoying pigs and elephants comes a magnificent pigeon who always gets what he wants wait who wrote this uh whatever do you mean you wrote this didn't you I've read all your books and you never get what you want a guy can dream can he I guess you're right um let me try this uh and tell let me know what you think comes a magnificent pigeon who rarely gets what he wants but we love him anyway that'll work book League storytime Adventures presents to you a nine book compilation of all the pigeon read alouds in one place warning don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus stay up late ride roller coasters Etc and check the description for the elephant and piggy compilation there's 25 books in it hey stick to the good stuff okay please enjoy all the way through or skip to the the book of your choice in the chapters below let's go oh yeah hi I'm the bus driver listen I've got to leave for a little while so can you watch things for me until I get back thanks oh and remember don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus words and pictures by Mo Willams let's go H I thought he'd never leave huh hey can I drive the bus [Music] please I'll be careful I tell you what I'll just steer my cousin herb drives a bus almost every day true story hry vroom vroom vroomy vroom vroom pigeon at the wheel no I never get to do anything hey I've got an idea let's play drive the bus I'll go first huh come on just what's around the block I'll be your best friend and how about I give you five bucks no fair I'll bet your mom would let me what's the big deal it's just a bus I have dreams you know fine let me dve the B I'm back you didn't let the pigeon drive the bus did you great thanks a lot uh-oh [Music] bye hey ooh wow I have a new dream I want to drive a semitruck while I figure out how to do that you should go down in the description and check out the Pigeon books I got all of them down there in the playlist you can watch them all I think there's like eight there's also a a elephant and piggy playlist with all 25 books see you soon hello book Leaguers welcome to book League storytime Adventures I have another pigeon book for you it's called The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog words and pictures by Mo Willams with special guest star the duckling the ducklings really funny let's get right into it let's go ooh a hot dog yummy yummy yummy can I help you is that a hot dog not a hot dog my hot dog I have a question I've never had a hot dog before what do they taste like well they are a taste sensation each morsel is a joy a celebration in a bun H if you've never experienced the Splendor of a hot dog you really should wait a second this hot dog is mine I found it of course enjoy go on would you say it tastes like chicken can you believe this bird what it just tastes like a hot dog okay okay okay so it doesn't taste like chicken then oh for goodness sake hey I'm a curious Bird that's it it's my hot dog right mine mine mine this is unbelievable Finders Keepers is what I always say I'm a curious bird what do they taste like blah blah blah yeah right I can't stand it anymore what am I supposed to do I think I've got an idea you know you're pretty clever for a duckling H needs mustard wow that was a very good hot dog don't forget to check the description below for the Pigeon books there's a playlist that has my books in it and there's also a elephant and piggy playlist not sure that's not as good as my books but it's still pretty good check those out too all 25 books down there bye hello book leers welcome to book League storytime Adventures I have another pigeon book for you don't let the pigeons stay up late words and pictures by Mo Williams check out the description below for my pigeon playlist and I'm going to turn over this intro to the bus driver oh good it's you listen it's getting late and I need to brush my teeth can you do me a favor don't let the pigeons stay up late thanks first of all I'm not even tired in fact I'm in the mood for a hot dog party what do you say no I hear there's a good show about birds on TV tonight should be very educational how about five more minutes come on what's five minutes in the grand scheme of things what what I'm not tired you know we never get to talk anymore tell me about your day oh I've got a great idea we could count the Stars can I have a glass of water studies show that pigeons hardly need any sleep at all it's the middle of the day in China I'll go to bed early tomorrow night instead hey hey ho ho this hair pigeon just won't go hey hey ho ho this hair pigeon just won't go [Music] Poli my bunny wants to stay up too you can't say no to a bunny can you okay that was not a yawn I was stretching I'm 110% awake you haven't heard the Yar of me great work thanks good night do so good oh what a great night's sleep I'm glad I told myself to go to bed early you know that's that's just who I am I'm very very responsible anyway uh there's a playlist with pigeon books on it you should watch those and also elephant and Piggies as well all 25 books they say ah I haven't read them yet but I hear they're pretty good bye hello book Leaguers welcome to book League storytime Adventures I have another pigeon book for you it's called the pigeon wants a puppy I really do words and pictures by Mo Williams check out the description for the pigeon playlist now let's go oh hello how are you I'm fine thanks for asking by the way do you know what I want what I've wanted Forever at least since last Tuesday a puppy puppy puppy puppy oh don't worry I'll take care of it I promise I'll Water it once a month what everybody knows that puppies need plenty of sunshine in water oh I get it you don't want me to be happy do you you don't want me to take a piggyback ride on my puppy or play tennis with it you just don't understand I'm a puppy loving pigeon aw puppy I want a puppy right here right now what's that is it possible have my dreams come true it's huge the teeth the hair that wet nose the slobber the claws I mentioned the teeth right really I had no idea I've changed my mind I want a walrus a so I'm looking for a walrus if you could send me one of those that'd be great and while you're at it check out the description for the pigeon playlist and also the elephant and piggy playlist all right bye hello book Leaguers welcome to book League Story Time adventures I have another pigeon book for you however this one Stars Duck it's called the duckling gets a cookie words and pictures by Mo Willams check the description for the playlist with all the Pigeon books in it also elephant and piggy too without further Ado let's go I do not like the looks of that title hello may I have a cookie please oh thanks that was very nice of you oh look at all those nuts hey how did you get that cookie I asked for it you asked for it politely say does that cookie have nuts yes so you got a cookie with nuts just by asking politely I ask for things all the time I ask to drive the bus I ask ask for hot dog parties do I ask for candy I do it doesn't have to be a big bus you know I'll ask for a french fry robot every now and then I've asked for a walrus right now I'm asking why why why why oh there's more sometimes I ask for a hug or I'll ask for one more story I can't count the times I've asked for my own personal Iceberg I asked to stay up late oh yeah I'm asking his pigeon in town but do I get what I asked for [Applause] no it's not fair ducklings get everything pigeons like cookies too especially with nuts why did you get that cookie so I could give it to you and another thing hubba you're giving me that cookie with the nuts that is so nice thank you thank you very much that that is one cool duckling yes sir bye may I have another cookie please but this time with no nuts oh now I get it he only gave it to me cuz he doesn't like nuts oh well it's okay I finally got what I asked for and I'm happy what would make me even more happy is if you would check out the description for the pigeon playlist and watch my other videos and also elephant and piggy uh like I've said before they got 25 books and uh book league did all of them see you hello book Leaguers welcome to book League storytime Adventures I'm going to read another pigeon book it's called the pigeon needs a bath I do not I it looks like you do I need some help on this introduction bus driver can you help me hi I don't know if you've noticed but the pigeon is filthy so I could use your help because the pigeon needs a bath that is a matter of opinion words and pictures by Mo Willams what a ker I don't really need a bath I took one last month I think it was last month clean dirty they just words right I Feel clean maybe you need a a bath yeah when was the last time you had a bath oh that was pretty recently life is so short why waste it on unimportant things like taking a bath what smell I don't smell anything and if I do it's a very normal smell for a pigeon you know in some places it is impolite to bathe all of these flies buzzing around me are purely coincidental hey you yuck let's get out of here take a bath dude okay fine if it means so much to you I'll take a bath whoa I'm not going to like this one bit H the water is too hot uh too cold C too too look warm right now yeah um too hot too wet I hate wet things too cold not enough toys too many toys now too deep not deep enough it's too cold now it's too hot again too reflective that is still too hot well I guess this is okay hey this is fun wash wash wash washy la la la la sing it in the top I love Bubbles look at my wrinkly toes hello hello how are you I'm fine I'm a fish I'm a fish 10 hours later can I stay in the tub forever well I'm getting clean go ahead and check the description out for more pigeon books there's also lots of elephant and piggy books this guy Rich from book League he's done all the elephant and piggy books and he's just now getting around the mine which makes me really mad but since I'm in the bath I'm happy now like I said I've always loved baths I love being clean right bye-bye hello book Leaguers welcome to book League storytime Adventures I have another pigeon book for you wait don't read that title um I I'm going to read it okay I have to please I have to do it it's called the pigeon has to go to school words and pictures by Mo Willams check out the description for more pigeon books my playlist is down there so is my elephant and piggy playlist without further Ado let's go too late rats why do I have to go to school I already know everything go on ask me a question any question well I I know almost everything does school start in the morning because you know what I'm like in the morning it is not pretty I wish I was a little chick again a little itty bitty not going to school baby Wy pigeon what if I don't like school what if I really don't like it what what if I really really don't like it what if oh a what if the teacher doesn't like pigeons and the stuff what about all the stuff there is so much stuff to learn what if I learn too much my head might pop right off I'm scared what will happen at school what if there is math or numbers why does the alphabet have so many letters reading can be hard with one big eye what about lunch what will the other birds think of me will finger paints stick to my feathers what's up with those heavy backpacks I'm a fragile bird the unknown stresses me out dude there should be a place to practice those things with experts to help you in books and classrooms and other birds to work and play with maybe a playground oh that is school well how am I supposed to get there anyway W step aside coming through the pigeon has to go to school ha wow I love school why didn't you tell me anyway while I'm learning all sorts of cool stuff and hanging out with my bird friends you guys click on the playlist in the description below and watch all the other pigeon books they're great and also elephant and piggy all 25 books are in the playlist down there see you soon hello book leers I have another pigeon book for you it's called The Pigeon will ride the roller coaster words and pictures by Mo Willams check out the description for my pigeon playlist and also my elephant and piggy playlist but without further Ado let's go roller coaster I have been a quiver with anticipation ever since I first heard about them 10 minutes ago riding will not be easy I will need a ticket but I will have a ticket there will be a line but I will demonstrate exemplary patience the question is not will I be ready for the roller coaster but will it be ready for me I can see it in all of its roller coaster Reg Glory we Zoom waga waga so fast oh oh feels so good it will be so awesome sure when it is over I am going to feel a lot of things I will be excited because it was so thrilling I will feel sad because it is over will I ready to do it again you bet I will feel proud because I did it I will feel dizzy because it is a roller coaster phew I amazed myself what am I waiting for the time is now this pigeon will ride the roller coaster a line just as I suspected wait wait wait wait Wy wait my turn ticket ticket here I go [Music] um um you have got to be kidding me again you bet wow that roller coaster experience was exactly what I imagined cuz I have such a good imagination while I'm riding this roller coaster again check out the description for the pigeon playlist watch all of them and there's also the elephant and piggy playlist not as cool as my books but still pretty cool because I think I'm in at least one of them anyway talk to you soon [Applause] bye ho ho welcome to book League story time Adventures Hi I'm Santa listen I've got to leave for a little while to wrap some gifts so can you watch things for me thanks oh and remember don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Sligh Let's Go whoo oh hello happy happy holidays season's greetings festive feathers and peaceful plumage Jingle Bells joy and can I drive the slay come on where's your holiday spirit it would be a Christmas miracle don't you want to be part of a Christmas miracle I haven't been so naughty and you are so nice B also humbug I can do Santa stuff how hard can it be can I eat cookies I can I can rap PR present and deliver them I can be jolly fine let me drive the [Laughter] SL what is the big deal look at it it's just a SLE hey wait a second where's the clutch or the steer thing or the Honker I do not get it what even makes that thing go and phew what is that smell oh oh [Music] my forget it I have better things to do than drive some sleigh egg delivery anyone happy holidays everyone um I hear that uh whoever this guy is from book league is going to start doing pigeon stuff because he's done all the elephant and piggy videos and if you want to see him look in the description below because they're linked down there for some reason oh and I'm contractually obligated to tell you to keep reading my books and all those all those other books too uh especially the ones by Mo Willams bye-bye
Channel: Book League Storytime Adventures
Views: 14,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: readaloud, storytime, book, bookleague, read aloud, read along, story time, books for kids, books for children, kids book read aloud, kids book read along, kids books read aloud, books read aloud, book league, bedtime stories, Book League, Book League StoryTime Adventures, book league storytime, book league story time, kids books online, pigeon books, mo willems
Id: MKMwOw1bj7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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