The Ultimate My Hero Academia Quiz! #TaraAnime

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[Music] foreign one Guess the Character what is the name of Mario's mentor [Music] which Hero has this costume [Music] what is all might's real name [Music] foreign [Music] what is the name of this Pro Hero [Music] what is the hero name of Mario tagada [Music] round two Guess The Quirk what is the name of Ed shots quirk Alex foreign [Music] what is the name of Mina's quirk [Music] thank you what is the name of Lady nagance quirk [Music] what is the name of stain's quirk [Music] thank you what is the name of meso's quirk [Music] round three Spot the Difference who is not a part of The Hideout raid team [Music] who is not a Pro Hero [Music] who is not a part of paranormal Liberation Front [Music] thank you who is not from class 1B [Music] foreign [Music] within one for all [Music] round four guess the alias [Music] what is the Alias of tuiasui [Music] thank you what is the Alias of denki kaminari [Music] foreign [Music] minera [Music] what is the Alias of teneeda [Music] what is the Alias of Yuga aama [Music] thank you round five ask the cork user who is the user of the Quark creation [Music] who is the user of The Quirk whirlwind [Music] who is the user of the Quark wave motion thank you foreign [Music] who is the user of the Quark love [Music] who is the user of the Quark stress [Music] round six speed round who is higher on the Quark apprehension test [Music] what is the name of deku's quirk [Music] this is the leader of the shihasekai who is an intern gunheads agency [Music] who won first place in the UA Festival [Music] round seven mixed bag what is bakugo's hero name [Music] thank you [Music] what is this principal's name [Music] foreign [Music] what is the name of this team [Music] what is the name of this prison where all for one was sent to [Music] what is the name of this quirk [Music] thank you round eight hardcore what is dabby's real name [Music] from what school in the west are these characters from thank you [Music] what is not a stolen Quirk of all for one [Music] foreign [Music] how many previous holder of one for all are there before Deku [Music] who is the author of my hero Academia [Music] check out our other videos as well and have a good day [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: TaraAnime
Views: 22,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my hero academia quiz, my hero academia fan quiz, boku no hero academia quiz, my hero academia emoji quiz, my hero academia, what is your quirk my hero academia quiz, my hero academia manga, ultimate anime quiz, guess the my hero academia character, boku no hero academia, my hero academia season 4, my hero academia season 5, my hero academia characters, guess the my hero academia character by emoji, which my hero academia character are you
Id: Bp7IAnozCsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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