The Ultimate Minecraft 1.20 Bee and Honey Farming Guide | Auto Farm, Everything Honey and Honeycomb

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bees are a really useful mob in minecraft added in 1.15 you can farm both honey and honeycomb from them and although there is a lot to know about them no worries because this is the ultimate minecraft 1.18 bn honey farming guide let's check it out now bees can be found in almost every single biome that has the oak and the birch trees so it does not spawn in the dark oak forest but it would spawn in the flower forest the sunflower plains the plains the meadow the birch forest and other biomes like that they spawn in these bee hives right here on the side of trees rarely of course i put a few more beehives around here but you do actually find them somewhat commonly in these areas if you're having trouble finding a beehive or you want a whole bunch more of them all you have to do is get yourself a sapling of either a birch sapling or an oak sapling place it down on the ground with a flower of any type right next to it then let it grow naturally or bone meal it and when you bone meal it there is a five percent chance that you will get a beehive that generates right on the side of it like that and what's really cool about this is if you want to farm yourself a large amount of bee hives you can do that pretty simply just by putting a flower next to your wood farm for your birch and oak trees and of course with one in 20 trees having the hives on them you can get yourself a very large amount with not too much effort now once bees have gone to flowers and back a couple times you may notice that some of these beehives will be full to the brim with honey just like this and all you have to do to harvest the honey is right click on it with a glass bottle or right click on it with shears to harvest honeycomb instead however there is a minor problem if we right click on this with our bottle or our shearers without pacifying the bees they'll all come out incredibly angry they'll try and sting us and if they sting us they will die and bee stings can actually be somewhat dangerous if there's a large amount of them and they don't even stop being angry unless they haven't hit you for over 25 seconds so the trick you can do to avoid this is to pacify the bees one of two ways before you harvest the honey from them and those two ways are quite simple all you have to do is either have a campfire below the hive and we'll try that right now in survival hopefully those angry bees don't find us we'll place the campfire right here and what we can do now is we can just harvest the honey let's try it with the bottle again and there we go we even have the advancement be our guest because we know that the bees are pacified and happy that we're getting the honey and you can see that none of them came out none of them are angry and that's a really simple way of doing that however something you should be careful about if you do have a campfire beneath your beehive is that these are a little bit stupid and they will fly right into the campfire and hurt themselves so all you have to do is get a moss carpet or a normal carpet any type you want and put it on top of the campfire just like this seems strange but it actually works that will prevent the bees from flying directly into the fire and burning themselves like that and of course carpets are quite easy to get the other method to harvest the honey really easily is to get yourself a dispenser and have it be facing the hive so i'll try doing that right now and basically just have it so that the face of it is facing the hive from one direction or the other so something like that should work then we'll put a lever on the side and we'll put what type we want to harvest in there so we'll just do glass bottles again since we've been doing that before we'll switch the lever and that will harvest the honey just like that and you can see in here we now have a honey bottle and of course you can put lots of bottles in there and harvest a lot of times but if there's nothing in there then well of course you'll just get some glass bottles out of there so that's a really good trick as well to harvest the honey from there now what you can do is you can also harvest the honey with shears and we'll try that right now and when you do that you don't get honey you get honey comb you can see these bees are now very angry at us and we're probably going to die of the poison effect but what we got from it is we got three honeycomb and honeycomb is really useful and we'll go into the uses of honey and honeycomb a little bit later all right let's say you've harvested some honey and some bees have killed themselves unfortunately by stinging you well all you have to do to get yourself more bees is to simply bring out a flower in your hand and the bees will now follow you now this following mechanic is really useful for tons of different things but the other thing you can do as well is if you get two b's just like this to be right next to you you can right click on both and basically they will breed and then we will have a baby bee which i think is one of the cutest mobs in the entire game probably a bit more realistically sized to be anyway but definitely a cute mob and of course you can breed these multiple times once the breeding timer has reset to populate your colony of bees even more so which is of course really important if you want to have a honey farm just be aware if you're holding a flower you'll have an entire swarm of cute fuzzy bees flying after you now there's two different types of b homes in minecraft there's b nests and b hives i've actually incorrectly been calling these beehives but they're called b nests beehives are ones you can craft yourself now when you get honeycomb from a beehive or a bns that is when right clicking on it with shears all you have to do is put three honeycomb in the crafting grid like this with three oak planks on the top and bottom and that will give you a bee hive now beehive functions identically to a b nest it just looks a little bit different when placing that down if there are bees that don't have a home they're trying to look for one then they can use this bee hive just like a bee nest and that's a really good way of making yourself a large bee farm because of course finding all kinds of these in the wild can be somewhat difficult however something to remember with both the beehive and the be nest is that you cannot break it without silk touch or it'll just break leaving nothing and the bees will fly out actually with a bee hive the beehive will break off and you can pick it up but all the bees will come out of it and be very angry but what you can do to fix this is with the b nest all you have to do is break it with a tool with silk touch axe being the best what's really awesome about this is not only will the bees not be angry at all but the bees will actually stay inside of it which is so cool because you can transport your bees in fact upon placing down the hive like this you can see there's even the honey still in it like there was and if there were bees inside of that which i don't think there were at that point you could move those as well and up to three bees per hive as that's how many fit in there with the b nest here if we break with our fist it will drop off just to be high but of course now all these bees are angry at us but if we were to break it with let's say a tool silk touch and there were bees inside of it the bees would not only not be mad like this one right here but they would also stay inside of it which is of course a really good thing also let's say you did want to move your bees but they're all around pollinating flowers what do you do to move them from one location to another and actually not have them all just be left outside the hive and be picking up a hive with very few bees in it well all you have to do is pick it up when it's nighttime or raining because bees only work in the day so basically when it's not daytime the bees will fly around and then come up here and go into the hive the same when it's raining and they'll stay in there until it's not nighttime anymore or until when it's not raining and because of that though all your bees will be inside that hive then you can easily pick it up just like this and move them around very very simply now something quite interesting about bees is that when they have the pollen on them after pollinating a flower on their way from the flower back to their bee nest or hive they can actually bone meal crops and they can do this 10 times from their pollination in fact you saw it just happen right there if the little pollen particles land on a crop you can see it basically gains another growth stage as if it was bone mealed that's a really cool effect because you can make your crops go incredibly quickly by simply having a path between your beehives and your flowers like this that will give you this free bone meal just from your bees doing their work but what is the strictly technical process by which a bee generates honey in a hive in minecraft well a beehive can have up to three bees in it same with the bee nest and the bees will fly out of it multiple times a day and find a flower this can include tall flowers and also flowering azalea bushes and flowering azalea leaves then just as you saw right up there the bee will basically run around and kind of circle the flower or the flowering azalea and eventually it will get some pollen on it and then once it has the pollen on it'll go right up to its hive and it'll stay in there for about two minutes after it's been there for about two minutes it'll exit the hive and give the hive one honey level you can't visually see honey levels although you can measure them with a comparator and once your b nest or beehive has five honey levels it'll look just like this with the honey dripping out of it of course before it has that the be nest looks like it's empty something like this so for instance this might have a very large amount of honey levels but you'll know when it's full when there's the honey dripping out of it with the particles there and also on the texture and of course if a beehive or nest has three bees in it that are constantly pollinating and coming back and forth it can get more than five honey levels per day but the beehive is capped at five honey levels so any more honey they bring back after that just won't be added to it so you'll want to make sure to harvest those as regularly as possible and the best way of doing that is by making an automatic honey farm and these are actually a lot simpler to make than you might see by looking at this in fact they're one of the simplest farms you can make that's fully automatic basically all this is one repeatable row of blocks that can be made as many times as you want over there and we can see how it works right here and i'll demonstrate how to build one of these yourself because they're incredibly useful and it's probably the best way of getting yourself bulk amounts of honey as well as honeycomb as this farm works with both also i would totally recommend building this bee farm in the nether or the end the reason why is that in the nether and the end there is actually no night time there's also no rain and because bees don't work when it's raining or when it's nighttime you can basically double the efficiency of your farm if you put it in the end now of course this is only if you're going to be afk with the farm that is you know being next to it for a long time not doing anything as it runs but if you just want it in the overworld just to kind of be next to your base to run while you're in there that could work as well but if you want a really efficient design i would suggest building it exactly how i'm about to show you in the nether or in the end you're going to want to start by making a row of blocks where your hopper mine curt's going to be there i'll just make mine maybe 10 blocks long as it's something simple to do something just around here like this so we have five there then three four five just like that that should be ten blocks then from here this is kind of going to be the bottom of your farm then we're gonna go up two blocks like this from this block we're gonna go one over there and then we're gonna go four over here just like this and break this block here then go up one block on the side here like this from this block right here you want to go up two blocks and one over get yourself a slab of any type and put that slab here so we kind of have this shape then what we'll do is we'll finish off by placing one block here and also having one block up here just like this now that's how much of the andesite you're going to need we'll go with the rest of the materials then you're going to need a redstone comparator coming out of this block like this and you need redstone dust basically along here going here here here here and here we'll then get ourselves a dispenser and with that dispenser we're going to place it facing downwards right here so it's kind of facing with the face right there so it's pointing into this block we'll get some dirt some grass some moss or any other block that can have flowers on top of it and we'll place that right here we're gonna get ourselves some glass but you don't actually have to do glass but it's just visually nice and we're gonna place it right here we're then gonna get a b nest that has bees inside of it which you can of course get by getting b nests or hives and breaking them with silk touch when it's nighttime or raining you can also breed up a whole bunch of bees making more nests and more hives until you have let's say at least 10 of these b nests or hives to put into your farm we'll put that in right here and the bees will pop out but that's okay we'll put a flower on top of there it should probably just be a one tall flower it can be a corn flower or a poppy or whatever you really want and more or less the farm is almost done all we have to do is in here but either shears or bottles but both work we'll put shears in here why not the only other thing you have to do is literally just copy what i did right there basically as many times as you want you could do 10 or 20 or 30 or even 100 along here just as long as this hopper mine cart won't be overloaded with the items now of course to make this system down here is also actually quite simple and we'll just pretend we have this section right here extending all the way along here we're going to get ourselves some powered rails and put them all the way down here sort of like they are over there we're going to find a place to put our redstone block and i'll show you where to put that in a second what we're going to want to do first is make the collection system which is very very simple so no worries on this one and all you have to do for this is basically go over here and get ourselves a hopper make it face down into this block and break these two blocks and put in some chests and of course you could put more chests linked to this hopper if you want to not have to check up on this as often then put a powered rail on top of the hopper here get yourself a block let's say andesite and put it right here and of course this block can be anything you want really doesn't have to be endocyte just a solid block then with this block right here we're going to have on the other side of it right here a block there and we're gonna have a block down here and we'll get our comparator which is basically facing out of the hopper so more or less it's checking to see if there are items in this hopper then we'll get a torch and put the torch right here and we're gonna get ourselves another block to put on top of the torch put a redstone dust right there and that will now power this rail which basically means if we put a block here on the other side of our minecart track and also get a piece of redstone that we'll put in a second here we'll have ourselves a system where this will automatically go back and forth unloading things when we need it to just like it is over here but the placement of this redstone block is crucial so we're going to start by doing is actually breaking this piece of redstone right here so we can see this powered off then we'll place a redstone block over here and we'll put some redstone and we'll put some powered rail on top of it and we notice here that the power extends two blocks over we're actually really close all we have to do is place this block right here break this and just have one redstone block on our track of course more of this is a very large track but overall what we're trying to do is have that redstone block only power up to here and not power that rail on top of the hopper because that's what makes the system work then we put a redstone dust right here it'll power that and all we have to do now is put in our hopper minecart which is of course a decently easy item to craft we'll grab that and put that right here and that'll basically go back and forth on here picking up any honey that's spat out into here as you can kind of see this farm would be doing in a second i'll demonstrate that let's say we have some honey that this farm has produced and we'll just drop it right there as an example the hopper mine cart will pick it up quite quickly it'll go over here it'll stop it will unload it into this hopper and into this chest here and once it's done unloading it quite quickly just like this then it'll power that and it'll go back onto that system and this is a very very simple minecart unloader just like that and of course it's loaded by this you may notice this farm isn't actually working well that's because i haven't put any bottles in here but what we can do to make this farm work and kind of see it in action is we'll simply get ourselves some shears let's say because it's actually a little bit more complicated with shears and i'll put the shears in here now shears when you shear your beehive it basically pops out multiple things it pops out three honeycomb instead of one honey bottle with your glass bottle so the system needs to be better to obviously be able to pick up all those different things but what's awesome about the system is it can it can pick up all three of those items that these shears get from harvesting the honeycomb which is really cool we'll just keep putting these in here just like that and of course filling these up all the way is the best idea in fact if you're doing this with the glass bottles and i'll show this on the last one here what you're going to have to do is make sure that every single slot of this dispenser is filled up with the glass bottles because if not some of the glass bottles will stay inside of the dispenser and if they do that they'll eventually spit out but it'll kind of slow down the system so it's a good idea to fill this all the way up with the glass bottle so you immediately get the honey popping out there now of course none of these things have updated because we had this in too late what we can do to kind of fix that is we can basically show off the system working just like this by basically breaking a block and replacing it you can kind of see there it shared it you can see that's gone now and this has picked up the items right in the hopper it has unloaded them into there and there we go we can just kind of go through here quickly showing off how this works by just kind of break replacing you can kind of hear that working there it's kind of shoring up there and making those honeycombs go out you'll notice there's no honeycombs that have spewed out and are kind of just sitting on the ground somewhere that was also the bottle that came out there oh also as an added note here on the side you'll notice that glass bottle came out that's because what i forgot to do is right on the side here you want to have blocks just like that what that'll do is that'll make sure this dispenser knows that it needs to spit out the block on this side and not on this side so be sure on every side to make sure that you have blocks right along here just like that nothing too complicated but just a little bit on the side there to close off your machine but overall other than that one glass bottle which we've now fixed you'll see there are no items that have kind of leaked out or just floating somewhere they've all landed right in this chest just like that and there we have 42 honeycomb and of course that honey bottle if it went in there as well so that's how you make the automatic honey farm which is actually a really cool design and hopefully you guys find that quite useful there's a nice look at this side of it and there's a nice look at this hopper minecart unloader and loader right here but the thing is you have all this honey and honeycomb now what do you actually do with it and there's a lot of really cool uses that i'm going to show you right now the first thing is that the honey bottle is a food source which is a really nice replenisher of hunger here's the other cool thing about that let's say we make a bee angry just like this and it stings us and gives us the poison effect well what we can do is we can actually cure the poison by drinking a honey bottle that will take away the poison effect just like that it looks like i'm probably going to die from all these bees now they're angry at me so it might be a good idea overall just to escape this situation can you really believe that i haven't made any puns in this video yet anyway the other things we can do with honey is we can take four honey bottles and craft those into a honey block but what a lot of people don't know is you can place that honey block right back into the crafting table with those four glass bottles and convert them right back into four honey bottles which is really useful so you can use this to store your honey just like this but the honey block itself is incredibly useful it basically functions just like the slime block except for it can actually move items on top of it so if we had an item on top of this and it was moved by a piston the item would actually stay with it and i'll demonstrate that right now so all we have to do is place down a block with a sticky piston and a lever here we'll place down some items on top of this and actually you can see they slide on the side as well which is a really cool effect we'll place an item there and we make this go back and forth like this the item actually stays with it which is of course not how it works with slime blocks it even lets mobs stay on there so if you go like this you can see i'm actually being moved with it which is incredibly useful for things like flying machines that make you stay stuck to them what's also cool as you kind of just saw there is that items and players will slide down in a really cool way sort of like this it's kind of hard to show yeah you can actually see there i just slid down the side and i even get the advancement sticky situation this also works with items like this you can see them have this really cool slow slide down the honey block effect i've seen people make some very cool item sorters with that and overall because this block is actually a little bit smaller than you think it is you can even crawl along it just like this whereas you normally couldn't because most blocks don't have that little bit of a ledge that you can stay on it also doesn't stick to slime so if you're having a machine that has both honey blocks and slime blocks they will not stick to each other if you're on top of it it slows you down and prevents jumping you can see where i'm trying to jump but it doesn't really work i just can't jump very high it also slows you quite a bit down you can see where i'm moving pretty slowly even without shifting here you can see i am moving but it's a bit slower than it normally would be also something that's a little bit interesting is if you land on top of a honey block it will reduce your fall damage we'll try that right now just like that you can see we only took half a heart of damage or as it usually would take more and as i try and jump off this you see how truly sticky the honey block is so this could be good for some temporary traps although not too much as you can actually break it instantly just like you would with a slime block which is kind of a cool effect now what about honeycomb what can you do with this well i already showed how you can turn it into beehives which is of course a very useful purpose but you can also turn it into honeycomb blocks just like this these are a really cool decorative block that actually have no use outside of decoration but they are quite cool looking just like that and they could be good for a decoration for well whatever you want it to look like if you want to make yourself a giant beehive this could be a perfect block to use but overall it's kind of a nice golden looking block that's perfect for all kinds of different builds and believe it or not that used to be the only uses for honeycomb just making these blocks and making bee hives but with minecraft 1.17 1.18 they added a bunch more uses to it that make it one of the most valuable items you get from the bees all you have to do is place honeycomb and string in the crafting grid like this and that will give you a candle now what's awesome about candles is not only can you light them but you can also dye them so let's say we get ourselves a little bit of dye from this tulip here we turn to red dye put it in the crafting grid like this we will get ourselves a red candle and that works with every single color also when placing them down we can place up to four on one block very similarly to how you place sea pickles and you can even light them and have them be an increasingly good light source the more candles there are on a block so that's a perfect piece of decoration that you can do with the honeycomb the only other thing you can do with them that was added in minecraft 1.17 is if you have copper blocks of any single type or any type of oxidation you can wax them so basically just right click on them with the honeycomb in your hand and it will wax them you can get the achievement wax on you'll see there's these cool golden effects that appear just like that when you wax the honeycomb blocks be if you want them not to be waxed anymore and what waxing does is it makes it so they cannot oxidize this will stay looking shiny forever unlike let's say the statue of liberty or something like that where it turns green slowly if we right click on this you'll see we have the advanced wax off kind of get this metallic-looking white particle and now this can oxidize as you wish but overall it's a really nice thing to do if you want to keep your copper blocks at a certain stage of oxidization or stop them from oxidizing at all anyway i hope you enjoyed that ultimate bee and honey farming guide if you did make sure to press the like button subscribe to see more content like this comment down below whatever you'd like and share this video with your friends also feel free to join the official i craft mcdiscord server reddit and follow me on twitter i'll see you in the next video and have a great day goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Eyecraftmc
Views: 1,208,378
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Keywords: minecraft honey farm, minecraft auto bee farm, minecraft honeycomb farm, How To Bee's - Minecraft 1.18 Bee Tutorial, Everything You Need To Know About Bees In Minecraft 1.18, Intro to Bees Honey & Honeycomb! Minecraft Survival Guide, How To Get Bees Into Your Beehive in Minecraft, How To Craft And Use Beehive - Minecraft, Efficient Bee Crop Farm!, Bees Bee Nests Hives and Honey Minecraft Survival Guide, EVERYTHING in Minecraft 1.15 Buzzy Bees!, How to Farm Bees in Minecraft 1.18
Id: 1F1S_Nw8oS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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