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what's going on guys it's your boy scrubby here back again and now I am animated yeah Yahoo once a week I'm gonna have a little clip of the video animated stuff but you guys can enjoy some intimate immolated animated things that's a word yeah as you can tell from title the thumbnail today we're gonna be talking about then I did it my job so let's go so when I was a 17 and a senior in high school I worked at a movie theater and you know it was pretty cool I guess I would walk up and down the hallways with a flashlight and like shine lights on things and that's pretty cool you know everybody likes a good flashlight shinin job I don't really know who likes flashlight shining jobs and if you do you're probably a little bit lame but you guys get the idea and one thing they made is keep an eye out for these movie theaters were people that would movie hop which is the art of going from one movie to another without paying for another ticket basically it was our job as flashlight people to make sure that nobody was sneaking from movie to movie ripping us off and stealing all of the profit for themselves and most of the time people were super cool and would basically leave the movie and go home like normal people you know get in your car and drive away it the way that normal people do things drive home grandma you're you're drunk anyways though sometimes every now and then you would get a miscreant a criminal who was willing to stoop the lowest levels to enjoy a free movie I don't actually think you're evil by the way if you're just trying to get to a free movie but I had a job alright and I ain't gonna get fired so that way you can see Beauty and the Beast twice without paying for it trust me it wasn't worth paying for it the first time there's a lot of angry people in my comments right now and this is gonna be the person that I dealt with that uh definitely definitely took things too far lady okay if you're watching this I want you to get some help I don't know what type of help you need but you need help I can promise you that much that's a guarantee so one day I'm sitting there just doing my flashlight job walking up and down the hallways with the flashlight as you do in the movie theater and I see a movie start to get out so I go down there and I'm just keeping an eye out and a lady with a big old purse with a Chihuahua in her purse which is already against the rules darts from the exit of that movie to the entrance of another movie and I'm like oh no you don't I turn on my lights I pull her over mm-hmm excuse me ma'am excuse me do you have a ticket for this movie and she looks at me and goes who do you think you are and it's at this moment I realized this is not going to be as easy as I hoped it was going to be so after getting yelled at I try to double back a little bit you know I'm like hey oh ho I just work here I saw you leave the exit of that movie in coming to this one so I'm just asking to make sure that you have a ticket and she looks at me and goes well I don't think that you have any right to talk to me like that who I does it matter if I have a ticket and I'm sitting here scratching my noggin like because lady if you didn't pay for a ticket I can't let you enjoy the movie like that style this works alright you gave me money to see that movie but you they give me money to see this movie alright so like I if I don't care that I make no money and that's not a good thing all right it's just not good what know every everyone can win here you don't have to cause this many problems woman and that sets her off and usually I was trying to be chill bruh I would just be like get out and then you would leave and I wouldn't go tell my supervisor I wouldn't get anything involved because technically they could call the police and get you in trouble because you know what you're doing is illegal jumping from movie to movie is just like stealing I guess yeah there were that old cheesy commercial it's like I you wouldn't steal a car first of all if it was possible I definitely would steal a car or like download a car sorry you know they're like oh you wouldn't download a car you wouldn't download a house Oh catch me with Facebook offering me a free house to download and oh I would never download a house you're lying but you guys get the idea it's illegal and so I'm kind of like ma'am keep your voice down because if my managers hear it then it's gonna be an issue and my managers aren't exactly the best people in the world these are the same people that you know tried to fire me because of the fact that a boomer got angry that I tried to give her a free drink they're not exactly understanding people so might relax I'm trying to let you off here and she's like oh you're trying to let me off by letting me go into movie that I paid for and I go ma'am if you paid for it then just show me your ticket I don't see a ticket first of all if you came in here and bought tickets to two different movies that's kind of weird second of all I don't see a ticket like you show me a ticket if you show me a ticket you're good to go I'll let you go I'm trying to explain this right I'm like hey if you paid for the movie then it's no big deal just show me your ticket she's like what's on my phone I'm like okay well you can you can pull out your phone like show me the ticket if I see to take it you're good she's like I don't have to show my phone to you and I'm like I owe okay okay stop yelling stop yelling and my manager is walking by and instead of doing the smart thing here and not talking to him this woman decides that she's going to get my manager involved which is a very bad idea because when I was given the flashlight this guy my manager who kind of looked like a skinny Peter Griffin had given me this entire speech about the responsibility that comes with this flashlight and how it is up to me to preserve the sanctity in security of this movie theater and I'm like sir this is a flashlight I'm really just trying to get my job done and go home I'm not trying to be paul Blart out here so uh if you can make it where I don't actually have any responsibility with this flashlight I'd really appreciate it so the manager that is screaming at me that it's my job to keep the sanctity of this movie theater intact is now getting called over and he is not going to have any sympathy for this woman I'm telling you that because this guy I've never seen somebody more passionate about movie theater security all right like you know how we get excited when a new video game comes out he you get excited when a new season of a series you really like drops this guy would sit there and be like oh gee willikers we got new guidelines on it on theater security like he was a nerd so she calls him over and she says and your employee here is trying to make me show him the ticket for this movie theater my phone is off because I was enjoying another film please tell him it's ridiculous to ask me such ludicrous questions and so my manager looks at me he goes well why did you ask her to show a ticket and at this point I'm not being nice to this lady anymore okay I was trying to let you off and just let you go home so now I tell him I said well she walked out of this theater and was walking over to this one and she was being all sneaky while doing it and looked suspicious so I asked her to see her ticket and she keeps telling me no and I'm like I don't know if she has a ticket all I'm saying is it look suspicious and she's refusing to show me the ticket that she bought and of course my manager who was in fact mr. Boy Scout mr. movie safety is like ma'am if my workers have reason to believe in your movie hopping then I have to do my due diligence and investigate like you know Inspector Gadget out here was really on to crack the case of the missing movie ticket I swear it was like the most important thing in this guy's entire life to make sure that this woman needed to be here and so he's like well you're gonna have to show me your ticket ma'am and she gets all offended how dare you assume that I'm stealing do I look like a thief and my manager gets all like quiet he's like no but those are the ones that trick you the most alright Batman calm down you're not locking up the Joker right now you're locking up a soccer mom with an affliction for Disney movies so whatever she starts digging through her purse trying to make it look like she has a ticket that she's looking for when I'm I know for a fact that she doesn't at this point and to be honest with you guys I really really was not pressed at all I walked up to her and just asked her if she would have said oh you know no I don't and gone and bought one it would have been fine no big deal I wouldn't even have said anything I don't care at all I could have been like oh maybe you just forgot to buy it I was gonna be super chill about it I was not trying to cause a problem but whatever a Boomer just gets mad at me for doing my job like I don't know what you want me to do maybe you should stop just movie hopping and listen if you movie hop I don't care like surprisingly in terms of my moral disagreements with people movie hopping is not near the top of the list I've never been at a party and been like oh you movie hop Wow Hitler like that's just never something that I've thought I don't really care so this lady's kind of brought this onto herself we really did not have to make things this complicated she decided to get my manager involved and so she's getting through a person she's like oh my gosh I must have misplaced it and my managers like oh okay that's fine let's go into the other theatre and look for it together ma'am I'll help you look but I can't let you go into this movie without a ticket and she's like no it's whatever I feel disrespected anyway so I'm just gonna leave and he goes ma'am were you trying to steal from the theatre and she gets like this like nervous look on her face and she goes no like a child all right imagine a child that has cookie crumbs all over their face and then their mom is like oh were you trying to steal cookies and they try to go no I wasn't like this is a grown woman trying to act kawaii when we all know for a fact that she was trying to sneak into a movie right and so my manager says ma'am you're gonna have to come with me to the front of the movie theater I'm gonna have to get the police involved and she's like the police don't have to be involved I'm so sorry I must have misplaced my ticket and he goes ma'am it's too late for that I take crime in my theater very seriously so I'm gonna check the computer for every credit card transaction to see if you really did buy a ticket and if you did then we're good and I greatly apologize but ma'am I do believe you're committing a crime here obviously my taking this very very seriously all right like he thought he was a cop bro this man wanted to be paul Blart so bad so bad so they go to the front and obviously this chick just doesn't have the ability to prove that she bought a ticket because she didn't which is why I was asking her in the first place right and she starts trying to talk to my manager and it's like oh haha I must have forgotten that I didn't buy a ticket oh gee willikers that's so crazy oh no I'll never come back I'm so embarrassed and the managers like no we're gonna get to the bottom of this you lied to my employees like my manager was he was a dork all right but at least he was a dork with a good heart so my manager tells her that since she didn't buy a ticket he has to inform the police and obviously she's like no please don't do that and he's like well then you need to admit that you're never gonna come back to this theater and tentative that if I ever see you in here again I'm calling the police and she's like okay whatever and so obviously she's kind of annoyed and she's embarrassed so she's leaving and before she leaves she turns back she looks at me she goes look what you did you could have just let me sneak into the theater and I was like ma'am you are a full grown woman you have kids all right you have a 401k you have a retirement portfolio and you're gonna be mad at me because you were the one trying to sneak into a movie theater and got caught I'm sorry I'm doing my job lady I don't know what you want me to do I'm not getting fired so that a Karen can enjoy a double feature of Beauty and the Beast it's just not worth it right and so I'm kind of like okay ma'am and she just starts getting snippy with me and she's like the fact that you stoop so low to embarrass customers that pay your salary is ridiculous and I looked at her I went lady do you honestly think I have a salary you think that me the child working at this establishment has a salary are you kidding me my manager doesn't have a salary so no I'm not gonna risk letting you sneak into a movie theater and me getting fired because I don't know you have some weird urge to do illegal things because you and your law husbands life is boring wait I don't know what you want me to do and she says well your manager just cares way too much about the movie theater I'm like yeah okay you're not wrong I'm not denying that my managers a little bit weird but I don't understand all that's my fault and I guess that was the last straw because next thing I know she had like a large coke in her hand and we had very large cokes I'm having to play dodgeball with coca-cola dodgeball with diabetes get out of the way because she had thrown and I mean thrown this ginormous cup of coke at me so I dodged it and it smacks into the glass of the big thud coca-cola goes everywhere my manager was still in the office filling out paperwork comes out and asked what happens and this woman tries to go oh he tried to attack me like yeah oh you know me super passionate about my job I was totally gonna let you leave after you were tried to sneak into the movie theater till you decided to throw coke at my head like I don't want you to do I don't know what you want me to do my manager looks at her he's like ma'am you need to leave now and she's like gladly I would never want to spend another minute here I'm like wow that's crazy talk coming from somebody who's standing right there and obviously my manager walks up to me ask you what happened so I kind of tell him that she was mad at me so I was like look it's not my fault that you tried to sneak into the movie theater like you can't blame me and she threw the drink at me and my manager looks at me and he goes you're a good employee looks at the mess and says now go ahead and clean this up I had to clean up the mess that this lady did for me so if you're watching this lady not only were you not cool and ended up getting in trouble but on top of that you made a mess and then I had to clean it up you attacked me with a can of coke a cup of coke and I had to clean it I don't understand what type of fascism this is but it's not cool regardless though guys what ended up happening to that lady is actually pretty aids she tried to come back like a week later and just thought that nobody was gonna remember her and obviously we did my same manager was working so I told him hey look it's the lady that we were supposed to bed and he was like oh my god you're right and called the police right and I was getting off in about ten minutes so I was like look I'm gonna skedaddle before they get here because I really don't want to be involved in this at all but basically movie hopping is in a way illegal I don't really know how it works all right I'm not an expert on movie law but yeah he called the cops on her and from what I've heard she ended up getting arrested because she tried to fight the police in the lobby of a movie theater which might be the weirdest place to have a standoff with the police and the best part is look she got in trouble right but I was about to get off in about ten minutes I was working in concessions that day she walks in looks at me in the concession line says oh I can't be served by him and goes to a different line this lady acting like she didn't just throw coke at my head like I wasn't gonna remember her you know me Oh what Wow I have no idea why this woman has a sudden hatred for me it's serving her coca-cola like I don't even know I don't know man I swear to god something about soccer moms in their brain makes them think that they life just isn't real you know like there's no rules in life they can just do whatever they want because their husband bought them a Range Rover I don't really know what type of lifestyle it is but all I know is that uh I really hope whoever I end up marrying does not get that delusional and crazy cuz that's just got to be pretty embarrassing but uh yeah on that note guys that's gonna do it for the video hopefully you enjoyed if you did be sure to press the like button on the comment section down below if you enjoyed and as always don't get anyone pregnant if you do make sure your ha today's notification shadow goes to Tristan Trevor 2008 big shout out to you for having on notifications if you want a notification shout out to run notification send a screenshot to my instagram at scrubby if you guys like the animated stuff be sure to comment down below all that good stuff have a beautiful Christmas get yourself some scrubbing merch use code scrubby of the chief you'll check out and hopefully I'll see you guys tomorrow with another video I'm out peace
Channel: undefined
Views: 728,123
Rating: 4.9539199 out of 5
Keywords: scrubby storytime, scrubby, satire, story time, storytime, stories, life story, fortnite commentary, crazy story, luna, austin, ffa, life, life stories, funny story, funny stories, crazy life story, high school story, insane
Id: 2OHcybR0neI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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