The ultimate intro to Graph Neural Networks. Maybe.

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Hello, welcome to the AI Coffee Break!  Today, Ms. Coffee Bean has prepared the   definitive introduction to Graph  Neural Networks! Or GNNs in short.  But Ms. Coffee Bean, are you not a little  over-confident to say "definitive"? Phsssht!   I just wonder if… psshht! Ok, ehm, here we go: I always struggled with Graph Neural Networks   in machine learning classes. But one day, I could  not get around them anymore and had to learn them!   They are such a huge topic in machine learning for  a very obvious reason: graphs are everywhere! And   not just here artistically represented in this  stock image. Let's take for example air travel.  Flights from origin to destination  with perhaps a stop in the middle,   can be represented as a graph, where airlines try  to maximize the number of passengers transported   by trying to minimize fuel, time and other costs. Navigation systems on smaller scales,   on street maps, also do graph optimization  for getting you to your destination.  Other examples of graphs are personal connections  or graphs that social media apps live of.  Or even text is also a graph if we think of it not  as a sequence, but if we analyze it linguistically   in terms of the dependency parse, for example. Images are graphs too in multiple senses: We make   one kind of graph interpretation of images when  we represent each pixel as a graph node and each   pixel is connected with an edge to its neighbors.  This is a very regular kind of graph, a grid.  Another, more semantic graph interpretation of  an image, can be in terms of the scene graph,   where objects and entities are nodes,  connected by their relation in the image.  One more example and we get finally to Graph  Neural Networks: In NLP people are interested   in the knowledge graphs comprising facts  about the world, like these true facts here.  Well, I hope you are now convinced  now how ubiquitous graphs are,   so of course we need a deep neural model to  handle these structures, right? Well, graph   neural networks are the deep and neural solution  to this. They come in many shapes and flavors,   but we want here to stay simple and explain  only the Graph Convolutional Neural Networks.   If you understand this one, you will also  understand the basics of the others architectures,   because they work based on the same principles. And Graph Convolutional Neural Nets are not hard,   you just have to apply this formula iteratively  and you are done. Wait what? Well if that’s it,   let’s break it down to every detail: First, let’s talk about the nodes.   They are denoted here with h, where h is a vector  representation of the nodes. These vectors are   chosen depending on the application: They can be  word vectors when working with knowledge bases,   they can be pixel values when working with images.  They can be a combination of image features and   word vectors if working with scene graphs! In Graph Neural Networks, the idea is that   we have initial vector representations for our  problem. But we can do even better, if we take   the neighbors and relations into account. So  in principle, we update our initial vectors   using information in the graph structure and  get vectors that represent the problem better.   So the key is not in the initial representation  of the nodes, but in how one aggregates the   representations of the neighbors in order to get  an even better representation than the original.   This is why we apply this formula recursively, to  get another, better vector h at each time step.   Only the question now, is how do we  exactly get this better representation?  First, when computing the new representation,  we want to keep something from the old one. For   example when working with a knowledge base that  truthfully says that Ms. Coffee Bean is a star,   when computing a new vector for her, now knowing  that she is a star, we still want to keep the   knowledge of her identity. This is why, we  take the old representation and multiply it   by a weight matrix, deciding how this previous  knowledge should be transformed. But how do we   know this weight matrix? Well, we don’t! We let  a neural network decide for it! We train it on   our given data of node labels, edge labels or  other predictions from the graph structure.   When training with these objectives, the neural  network learns to make right predictions given   the new representations, so it better should  learn the weight matrix that helps to get this   new representation. This is how we decide on what  and how to keep from our original representation.  Now, we also want to aggregate the  information from the neighbors.   So we take their representation and also let a  neural network decide how to transform it and   what to keep from it for being able to solve the  given task, for example node label prediction.  And here is where the magic of the graph  convolutional neural network happens:  In the aggregation function.  By this sum we say that we sum over all  transformed neighbor representations.   By c_ij we mean that we normalize the  vectors differently for each neighbor.   But this is not really important, because crucial  here, is that the normalizing sum here is a   permutation-invariant aggregation function.  A whaat now? Well, this means that however   we aggregate the information from the neighbors,  the way we do this has to be insensitive to order.   Because there is no intrinsic ordering to a  graph, how would we ever decide if we take node 4   or node 2 first? So we don’t decide, because we  take a permutation-invariant function, delivering   the same result given any order. Another  example for a permutation-invariant function   would be the product or the maximum function,  because they do not depend on argument order.   And because we aggregate the information from  the nodes, similarly to how we do in CNNs   (convolutional neural networks), this is then  called the convolutional graph neural network.   Of course, the name "convolution" is misleading,  because the convolution in images is not   permutation-invariant (you can check it), but  still, it is a valid operation if we regard   images as graphs, because images are a special  type of graphs, where the order is given. So yes,   the name convolution is misleading, but it is how  it is! And here we are: If we apply this formula   iteratively, at each timestep we learn a better  graph representation comprising node information   also from neighbors and their neighbors. These new informed and refined representations   should be then suitable to be used for the  new task of, for example link prediction, node   classification or even entire graph classification  and many other tasks. GNNs have been successfully   applied in the medical domain for example, to  predict side-effects due to drug interactions.   Or in numerous graph optimization problems,  like the travelling salesman problem.   Or for various applications in knowledge  graph prediction. They can be even used for   predicting object trajectories from video. These  applications are just a few from a very big list.   Where there is a graph (so everywhere), there can  be a graph neural network solving the problem.  So this was it, we hope that now you have  a better understanding of Graph Neural   Networks and are curious enough to go out  and explore the topic of GNNs by yourself!  Hey, do not forget to like and subscribe! See you!
Channel: AI Coffee Break with Letitia
Views: 63,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graph Convolutional Networks, Graph Neural Networks, GNN, knowledge graphs, aggregation function, convolution, graph, GCN, scene graph, image processing, transformation, CNN, convolutional neural net, neural networks, CV, NLP, AI, artificial intelligence, computer vision, learning, machine learning, deep learning, easy, explained, simply, comprehensible, research, teaching, education, computer science, basics, algorithm, beginner, short, example, for beginners, animated, animation
Id: me3UsMm9QEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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