THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO LATTE ART w/ 2x Latte Art World Champion Lance Hedrick

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what's up everybody lance here i've won a couple of the world latter championships and have done uh really well in a lot of throw downs around the country and around the world and on top of that i've trained people uh from america and outside of america through instagram dms and in person so um i've done a lot of stuff with latte art and i've had a lot of requests ever since that milk steaming video to do a lottery tutorial well good news i was planning on doing it anyway and we're doing it right now so before we begin it's important that you all have incredible milk texture in order to really go forth with latte art now in order to get that proper milk texture i'm going to link right here my video for milk steaming now i want you to be able to steam the milk incredibly silky and i want it to pass the shake test before you really try to do this because a lot of people are going to try these things i'm about to show you they're not going to get it the first time they're going to give this video a dislike and get really upset but i can tell you what if you have proper milk texture and you go through this video a few times i promise you you'll be able to do some incredible things especially with a lot of practice just remember that baristas don't get latter their first day so likelihood is you won't either to understand latter you need to understand three basic things and we're gonna go over these and i'm gonna do something that's famous on tick tock i'm gonna go first thing is spout proximity second thing is i feel like a loser doing this the cup rotation and the last thing is flow rate these are the three phrases that we're going to get embedded in our heads and understand properly before we're able to go forward and really attempt any type of latte art so what are these three things you ask well they're all kind of self-explanatory spout proximity refers to the picture spout and how close it is to the level of the liquid in your cup at any given moment so if you have liquid down here like at the very bottom if you have two ounces of espresso in your cup so visualize maybe we'll put a little graphic dot dot dot dot we've got level of espresso here and we have our pitcher here which is full of milk and actually have it full of milk so i can't so literally right here is as far as i can go before milk drops visualize the amount of space there is between the spout and the surface of the espresso there's a solid two to two and a half inches or for people outside the customary system maybe four and a half five centimeters that is quite a bit of distance so the spout proximity is quite high now with that same two uh that the little dots right there if i were to tilt the cup and i'm gonna keep my finger here for that espresso if i tilt the cup because obviously liquid's always going to be parallel to the ground all right because of gravity hello what we're going to do is if i tilt the cup look we're going to get that espresso right to the lip and it's still going to be level to the ground because that's how liquid works now watch how close my spout is the milk is about to come out but look at that i am maybe a centimeter from the surface of that liquid so spout proximity refers to the distance between the spout and the liquid in your cup whether it's just the espresso or when we add milk every time i refer to spout proximity i'm referring to the distance between the spout and the liquid spout proximity distance between spout and liquid that's number one number two cup rotation now when you asked about cup rotation i remember the first time i heard this was from uh someone who is an australian lottery champ named ben morrow he referred to it and i genuinely thought and i kept trying to see it in his videos he meant rotating like this that's not what i'm talking about when i say cup rotation i mean this this is cup rotation and it's integral to proper latte art cup rotation is going to help you spread your design so think about think about the dynamics of flowing liquid right if if i'm flowing the liquid and i rotate it it's going to absorb that liquid right but if i keep it stagnant first off it's probably going to spill but if it doesn't spill if we have a little bit of room left over that shape is going to get stuck because we're not absorbing it we're not adding some velocity to it some momentum to really accept the shape into the cup so the second thing we're talking about is cup rotation this is what's going to really help you get when you see the the designs that have a lot of nice brown lines in it and it has a lot of spacing between layers it's because as you're pouring you're emphasizing that rotation now you might ask yourself or ask me lance why is your cup ever tilted like this you're going to spill well if you recall spout proximity we have to tilt the cup to get that spout as close as possible which i'll get to here in a second now the last thing that we're going to talk about is flow rate now flow rate is what it sounds like now all this stuff is very intuitive i'm not going to make anything difficult for you there's not magic going on in the cup it's basic physics okay flow rate is literally the speed at which the milk is coming out of the pitcher so a low flow rate would be a milk kind of trickling out of the pitcher so it'd be something like this low flow rate now you see how it's going almost up and down and the faster i pour the more of an angle it comes out right so the faster i pour the faster the flow rate the slower i pour the slower the flow rate and actually i'm kind of parked so i'm gonna i love some milk okay so uh flow rate is referring to the speed at which milk is exiting the pitcher so we have those three things that we really need to get inside our minds as we're going forward it will really help you shape and understand and formulate schema in order to understand what's happening with latter now i want to explain what latter it is now when i understood these three things as well as what latter is that's when my game really took the next step took to the next level having these aha moments i truly believe are what help people escalate to the next level so what is latte art i like to talk about latte art in the same way that i talk about painting so if you imagine a painter walking up to a canvas they don't just start painting the first thing that they do because the canvas is not stretched out yet it's just a piece of flappy canvas they take the canvas and they stretch it over a wooden frame in order to make it taut and on that taut surface is where they begin to paint right same thing happens with latte art in order to create your uh design you have to lay a base is what i refer to it so the espresso in the cup is not dense enough to hold milk foam on top all latter it is real quick all i tried is you're taking milk white milk foam and you're painting on top of brown milk foam all right so how do we get brown milk foam well you have espresso in here it's not dense enough to hold white milk foam on top so what we do is we're going to just give a little bit of milk to the espresso we're going to integrate milk into the espresso with our silky milky all right regardless of it being dairy or non-dairy we're going to give it some we're just going to give it a little bit all right and what's going to happen is that is going to create a brown foam if we pour it properly all right now we have a brown foam we have set the base we have set the canvas like the artist has and we with our latte art have set our canvas by pouring a little bit of milk a good rule of thumb in bowl shaped cups like this you see how this is shallow and quite wide these are bet the best for latte art granted you can do it in a diner mug but it's going to be a little bit more difficult because those tall lips but i digress what we're going to do is about 30 percent we're going to give the cup about 30 percent of uh until it's 30 percent full not 30 percent of our milk until the cup's about thirty percent full so about here all right so we start with two ounces of espresso we give maybe an ounce uh maybe an ounce and a half of milk in order to bolster it with milk foam that milk foam is strong and it's gonna be able to hold the white milk foam on top so we're going to literally be painting white milk foam on top of brown espresso infused milk foam all right that's what latte art is we're going to do the same thing a painter does we're stretching our canvas i call it laying a base so when you hear me later in this video or in future lottery videos saying laying a base lay your base more aggressively lay it more softly lay it in the center i'm referring to that 30 amount where you're dumping out milk into your cup to create that brown foam which is the base of our design it is our canvas the espresso is like the flappy canvas that you can't really paint on the laying of the base is like stretching the canvas on the wooden frame all right so we have that down we have now set our frame when we're ready to paint now comes in spout proximity all right in order to get those first designs onto our canvas we have to get that spout as close as possible maybe even touching if you can get that close without feeling uncomfortable as close as possible to the surface why is that well let's imagine that painter again he walks up and he's fixing to paint and he decides oh here's my canvas and i have my paint brush i'm going to start painting here well that's silly obviously if he's not making contact with the brush onto the canvas no paint is going to come out he's just painting the air same thing's going to happen here due to gravity if we're pouring from up here that foam that we have created that is sitting on top of our more dense milk that foam sitting there is going to just sink gravity going at 9.8 meters per second squared is just going to take its effect and it's going to it's going to go underneath our crema our brown milk foam it's going to go underneath right at the bottom of the cup and stay underneath and it's not going to show any lottery so the closer we can get the better so take that cup after you've poured your 30 tilt it as much as you can where that brown foam is at the lip and then we're going to get our spout as close as possible like that look at that boom spout proximity and i'm going to keep breaking stuff down as we go i just this is this is my pedagogical uh technique i like to give everything in bites and continue to expound on them as i go so what we have done is we have set our canvas we have laid that 30 of the cup with milk so if you're at home and you tried that we have the 30 we tip the cup all the way we get the spout as close as possible so we've done our spout proximity then we go to cup rotation so once you begin to pour obviously you must rotate the cup or you'll spill everywhere so you rotate rotation is going to really help you set your design so spout proximity is going to start the design the cup rotation sets the design in place it also helps you with spacing okay and the last thing is the flow rate okay the faster you pour and this is a really important thing to understand people i've seen people they tag me in videos and they ask why is my design not coming out after i lay my face and i say well send me a video so i can really understand what's going on and they they're showing me in their video let me get some more milk in my picture this may be a mess but one two three hey uh steady hands and just kidding i did make no one cries over spilling milk okay so we're gonna take this and uh i lost my train of thought so let me get back to it in three two one got it so we're gonna be uh we have the base right here and i see people laying their base this slowly and then they try to pour and nothing's happening all right well here's or they'll have the back part the back part and around the edges there will be a lot of thin looking milk shooting out and ruining any potential design and people were like well what's going on well the answer is simple and it deals with foam and foam disbursement now when you steam your milk and you begin to pour foam doesn't want to leave that nice cushy metal insides of the pitcher it's stubborn it's like no fam i don't want to get out of this picture i want to stay here all right and so we have to encourage it we have to coax it to get out all right so we're going to pour faster and faster and faster as we keep pouring the way i like to describe this is using concrete as an example so uh remember i said at the beginning this espresso is not viscous enough to hold a design so we're gonna give it some milk in order to hold that design right well obviously they're in implied in that is that giving foam here increases viscosity so it would make sense that the more foam we put in the more the viscosity is risen right so the more the viscosity raises the more intense we have to pour in order to make any change so listen let's use concrete as an example when i pour that beginning setting the base when i pour that base what i've done is i've laid the concrete all right laid the cement let's say submit i said concrete i've laid the cement right now on day one of cement if you want to go and put your hands in it right because you're like oh i'm funny i'm going to put my hands in her legs all right michael scott putting his face in it um it's really goopy and it's not going to hold the shape very well day one and also if you've laid a cement before or concrete before whatever i can't remember which i'm using cement if you've laid cement before you know this is not accurate as far as the days i'm using these days for like i said pedagogical reasons so um on day one let's assume this is day one it's really soft you put your hand prints in it or you write your name and it's kind of goopy it doesn't really want to hold its shape so you keep adding milk you go to day two it's perfect day two you can sit there and write your name and it's gonna be just beautiful it'll hold its shape for forever it's gonna dry perfectly and there it is day three as you keep adding milk that viscosity is rising now that cement is quite hard you can still write your name in it but you're gonna have to get a stick or something you're gonna like that there's some sound effects for you people who saw the beatboxing video so we're gonna we're gonna like have to go hard to scrape my name into it right and even still they're gonna be like little pill balls of cement that come up because it's almost fully dry so the idea is as you're adding more milk you're gonna have to be more aggressive with how you're drawing with how you're making your art and then on day four it's fully solidified there's nothing more you can do that's what happens if your milk is too thick and you're too far in the pour or if you've poured it to the top and you're trying to add something and the foam is just like kind of sitting on top and blobbing it's because guess what that foam is too thick now you've added all the milk that you can it's not wanting to change anymore so think of as you're pouring milk and you may want to rewind that and take notes because that's a really good analogy as you're pouring milk it's going to continue to concretize so it is concrete that i use so i'm going back and forth between cement and concrete i don't know the difference i'm sorry um there may be no difference drop in the comments you can make fun of me um so as you keep pouring it's going to continue to concretize and so day one it's going to be mushy it's not going to really hold its form so you want to make sure you have enough milk in that espresso to hold its form day two it's gonna continue to solidify but it's at that perfect stage where you can start rippling if you want but we're not into that yet you can start your your heart shape or whatever simple shape you're wanting and it's gonna come out crisp and really quickly and you're gonna freak out you're gonna go oh my goodness this is working so well i don't know what to do but don't freak out don't slow down your pore continue to speed up because as you keep adding milk you're adding foam as you're adding foam it's becoming harder and harder to change the design so you have to go faster and faster with your pore otherwise it's going to be a small shape so concretization very important as you keep adding milk to your cup it's going to concretize as it goes up it's going to get thicker and thicker and it's going to be harder and harder to make any difference so as you're pouring your flow rate needs to slowly increase in order to make any changes okay so those are our three staples our staples are what again i'm going to let you say them at home like off door of the explorer when they say swipe or no swipey saying with me that's right spro spout proximity cup rotation and flow rate all right good job everyone's doing so well all right so now we have an understanding of what latter it is and how it's affected by our flow rate and how it's affected by the foam that goes in there and the raising viscosity all right so what i want to do now and i know i'm using i have milk in here which is going to be fine but um you can do this with water i'm going to do it with milk it's easier to see on the screen but the best way to understand feeling the flow rate is by getting some water in your cup and really feeling what it's like to pour fast flow rate slow flow rate fast flow rates that is hard to say say that four times fast five times faster fast flow rates low flow rate fast flow rate slow flow rate so as you watch um i'm gonna i'm gonna do that with you and i'm gonna show you while i'm doing this when you need to speed your flow up so let's act like this little bit of milk is my espresso all right so i have my two ounces of espresso in here two ounces of espresso all right and now what i'm going to do is i'm going to lay my base so to lay your base you don't want to be really close all right so i'm going to tell you some things you don't want to be you don't want to be really close because what could happen is because that espresso is so thin the foam could shoot down right up the back and sit on top and then you have white sitting on top to ruin our contrast all right you don't want to be too high because guess what same thing is going to happen it's going to shoot down with all that velocity it's going to ride up the back because it's a nice curved cup it's going to sit on top that foam is and you don't want to be too close to the side because guess what that darn thing is going to happen again if it's too close to the edge if i'm pouring here like if i just some people like to go side to side laying their base if you get too close to the edge it's going to ride around the edge and it's going to show up over here and it's going to ruin our contrast so the best way to do this is to tilt your cup to lay your base tilt your cup just a bit you don't have to go all the way to the lip just a bit and aim for the center because guess what see how deep it is right here my espresso is that deep if i tilt look how much deeper it is with that angle here i have a lot deeper of an angle if i go for the middle here than if i were to go from the middle here so i went a little bit deeper so i don't have that issue of it rising up the back and ruining contrast by getting foam on top so i'm gonna aim for the center and i start kind of low and i'm gonna go up maybe an inch and just kind of go side to side a bit not all the way to the edges if you go to the edges i'm gonna reach through this camera and i'm gonna say don't go through the edges because i'm not an aggressive person even though it might sound like it so we're going to get close and we're going to go up a couple inches and we're just going to go side to side to lay our base all right and once we're 30 full and if i spill again i'm just going to wipe it up look at that like a pro um so we're gonna go 30 up and we're just gonna drop in right in the middle with it barely tilted and you're gonna rise up an inch or a two point was it 2.2 centimeters okay you're just gonna or 2.4 whatever it is whatever the conversion is about 2.4 about an inch 2.4 centimeters maybe three four centimeters maybe an inch and a half we're gonna just rise up and the reason we rise up is think about it gravity's gonna come in so foam somehow if some really stubborn foam decides to sit on top and try to ruin our brown foam for our setting the base then by rising up what we're going to do and consider this when that milk's going down and it has gravity added to it it's going to cause a sinkhole so you have your level of liquid if i were to come down with liquid here everywhere surrounding that entry point is going to sink it's all like i said latter is very intuitive it all makes sense it's not the ideas are not difficult yes hand-eye coordination is difficult but i want you to understand mentally what is going on here okay so when you're pouring it's going to cause a sinkhole surrounding wherever that that uh the pore is at it's going to cause a little sinkhole so if a little white comes in and you pour where the white hole where the white foam is it'll sink the white foam right back good to go all right good as gold right as rain whatever other phrase you want to say right there there it is um all right so we have now laid our base we have our espresso we're gonna get somewhat close drop come up a couple inches or an inch inch and a half two inches a few centimeters and boom now we have our stretched canvas now what do we do oh my goodness lance what are we going to do now we're going to make that what what people in coffee call a monk's head which is essentially a heart without the pointy bottom so to make a monk's head we're going to just get our spout proximity as close as possible and then we're going to have the cup tilted as much as possible we're going to take our three things we've learned we're going to cut tilt our cup as much as possible to get that proximity as close as possible and then we're going to start pouring we're going to be gentle when we drop in drop in as our initial pour after setting the base we're going to drop in and we're going to increase our flow rate rapidly so you're going to drop in and increase the float increase the flow rating please decrease the flow rate and we're going to be done once it's full all right and you'll see when you try it you'll have a really nice uh white foam blob on top all right real quick i want to i want to make something clear with these designs we're doing they're a single shape all right a single drop again a drop is whenever you drop in after setting your base so yes at the beginning we are making a drop when we set our base but i refer to that as setting the base whenever we decide to make our design every time we go in and stop that's a drop so our monk's head is a one drop pour all right a heart which is a monk said with the the tail through it is a one drop pour if we were to have two separate hearts in the cup that would be a two drop pour you're getting it if we had three separate hearts it'd be a three drop pour so when i say drop i'm referring to after we set the base every time we drop him okay if we're doing a one drop pour like the monk's head or like the heart then wherever you drop in wherever in the cup from front to back that you drop in is going to be the top of your shape all right does that make sense that will be the top of your design wherever you drop in is where the top of the design will be so if i take this cup so look if i'm using the cup like so actually this one has a little still a little milk residue if i'm using the cup like so okay so i would be pouring back here i'm going to turn so you can see like this okay so i'm holding it i'm tilting it if i drop back here guess what the top of the monk's head will be right there if i drop down here the top of the monk's head will be down there and it'll be weird because the monk set will be in the bottom half of the cup which is not symmetrical it's not centered it doesn't look very nice we want it nice and centered in our cup so in order to make a really nice big monks head that's going to take up the whole cup we're going to start near the back about about half an inch or about a centimeter into the cup so right about here you see that in the video boom maybe overhead so i'm going to lay my base overhead or actually here's my that's my espresso lay the base and then watch where i drop my drop is right here on a one drop shape that is where the top of my design is going to be okay so we've got that now i'm not going to go into multiple drops in this video that'll be for a future one but please even if you think you're really great at lottery and you may be continue watching this because i promise you this is going to help you with future pores and i will be building off this in future videos so this is a very important video to watch uh because i'll be using terminology and we'll be alluding to this video frequently for future latter ones if we're doing a one drop pour there's my espresso i lay the base i get close i come up a few centimeters inch or two stop i'm gonna i want the top of my monk's head here so i'm gonna start pouring here but guess what i'm gonna increase my flow rate greatly and i'm not moving i didn't move anywhere i stayed right there and i maybe moved a little bit forward but you don't really have to to begin with um but that's how we're gonna do the monks head no wiggling so if you're at home you're like i wanna wiggle some of those lines don't do that yet everything comes in time okay every all good things come with time so what we're gonna do is uh if you're at home you can pause this video and try it after i try it but i'm going to show you what a monk's head looks like and how i'm going to manipulate all these lessons i've i've shown you which is stretching the canvas which is us laying our base spout proximity getting that picture as close as possible we're going to be talking about the flow rate we're going to be talking about the cup rotation i'm going to point them all out as i'm doing it and actually if you're really wanting to play with latter the best way to get really nice crema from a side angle is to lift that cup up the closer proximity between the cup and the spout or if you have a bottomless whatever it might be the closer the proximity the more crema you're going to retain the further the crema the espresso has to drop the more uh crema is going to be dissipated all right so a little fun tip just get that cup really close up there if you're wanting to retain as much crema as possible all right now watch from in front you ready i'm gonna take it i'm getting close and i'll lift stop i go just in the front and i'm just going to pour and rotate spout proximity is really close you see i'm like dipping in the pitcher boom and we see we have a monk's head all right so as you saw the first thing i did was i laid my base i got close i lifted up a couple of centimeters an inch or so and i went side to side a little bit if you stay in one place foam can clump out and so when you pour in it's not integrated well i like to go side to side to really integrate that steamed milk and that espresso then i stopped i tilted i rotated the cup until that liquid was at the lip i got spout proximity i got as close as i could i started right here and look where the top of my shape is and as i was rotating pouring faster and faster and faster there was that divot because remember what i said um i don't have a pin around me so i'm going to use my finger wherever the pore is going there's going to cause a sinkhole and that's why you have a little cute little dimple right here right so there's a dimple there because i was pouring there so there was constantly milk coming out and you can also see what i mean by these little striations you see those that's some crema that creeped into our design and the fact that they're circular like that shows that it was wrapping in to the sinkhole wherever the sinkhole is it sucks everything around so think about oh think about a uh uh uh one of those sand timepieces a vial right in the center if you flip it upside down and the sand is going down in the middle there's a sinkhole and you see things falling into the sinkhole right same thing happens here it's the same thing we're pouring milk and it's creating a sinkhole so everything around it is trying to rotate into it that's why we have from above you can see these little striations wrapping into where the sinkhole was but this is the idea i poured quicker and quicker and quicker which you could see from that front angle i was born quicker and quicker in order to get a full design that fully encapsulated the cup now if you're wondering at home why there's bubbles in this cappuccino so quickly even though my milk texture um is incredible it's because literally this coffee was roasted today so i apologize for that that is bubbles from co2 releasing from the crema but this will still pass our shape list so don't you worry about my milk all right um so that is a monk said we will do one more for uh uh for good luck um so just watch closely all right we're gonna do one more all right so we're gonna take our melt we're going to set our base so watch i'll get close and then i'll lift up just an inch or two i'm going to stop tilt the cup spout proximity and watch i'm going to pour faster and faster and faster look i'm not moving forward with my picture at all i'm staying right there faster and faster and faster look at that look at that boom all right little monk's head all right see it looks like the top of monks and that's what people in coffee say um don't really care about the title but whatever it works or you can say it's like a heart without the pointy end at the end all right so again we can see that we have that uh that little dimple on top because the sinkhole we've created now now that we have that going with that shiny milk that can do the lovely shape test all right everyone loves this [Music] so now we're going to move on to the heart and the first thing you need to know is how to sink the center in order to get that little tail on the bottom and we'll talk in a second about what that's called which is the draw through but first i want to really harp on this idea of a sinkhole being formed whenever you're pouring milk from the pitcher it is literally causing a sink hold my finger it's like there's a stream coming down right so wherever that is going it's causing a sinkhole uh like like a sand clock right wherever that sand is falling through in the sand in the the time fall like on aladdin when they're trapped in the vial of sand and you're like oh my goodness what's going on well we don't really care right now about aladdin jasmine or whoever was in it i can't even remember but what we're really caring about is how the sand is flowing through that little hole right the sand creates a sinkhole and all the sand around it follows right same thing happens when we're pouring milk wherever the milk stream is at it's going to cause a sinkhole and everything around it all the foam even if there's a design there it's going to want to sink and i'm going to show you what i mean so that visually you have an understanding of what that really entails all right while you're pouring a design wherever you're pouring there is a sinkhole right and that that will be displayed with this illustration so watch this from right above all right we're gonna pour our base we're gonna stop and i'm gonna start my port but watch here's a monk set i stop now watch this i'm syncing the design look at this now there's no design and remember i said the the more uh full it gets the harder it is to get designed look how tiny my little shape is it's because it was so what was the word concretized not symmetized i don't know why i kept saying cement it's so concretized but as you saw from that visual that sinkhole truly is sinking anything in its way so i went side to side and was able to sink back that little monk said that i created so we're going to manipulate that sinkhole in order to create a line through it as you saw me make a heart right there i drew through it using that sinkhole and so now we'll go into hearts and i'm going to show you two different ways of doing a draw through now what we're going to do is we're going to talk how do we make this monk's head into a heart how do we get that little tail on the end well i think you probably already know we're going to use our stream of milk coming out of the pitcher as a sinkhole and we're going to control the sinkhole now we're pouring that milk faster and faster and faster with the spout proximity as close as possible right well if we stay as close as possible and move forward what's going to happen i'm going to leave a little blank like we're in dora the explorer you tell me what happens that's right it would just sludge forward phone would keep coming out because guess what our spout proximity is too close we want gravity to come into effect so we're going to do is we're going to stay in that one position where we want the top of our heart to be and we're going to slowly move forward while lifting up all right so there are two ways of doing what's called the draw through let me do it with both hands draw through all right i don't know how to use quotations apparently so what we're gonna do is we're going to learn two different ways to do a draw through i love this illustration i can't remember who said this i think it was my friend mason maryland austin texas can't be sure of that anyway two different ways of doing what's called the draw through which really finishes every design you see every time you see a nice symmetrical cut it's from someone doing a draw through one way of doing it is by when you're at the end and you have a little bit of space left you do what's called the helicopter lift off you slow your pour down you take off like a helicopter and you fly away so obviously the helicopter draw through what that's doing is you're immediately stopping the foam from coming out when you lift up and then you do a draw through you literally go forward with it and then you get to into the cup you stop your pores so you don't spill milk everywhere and what will happen is that constant stream my finger is a constant stream of milk as it's going forward it is literally cutting your design in half it's sinking the center of your design see what i'm saying so you start with this right because obviously you have the dimple just by nature because there's a sinkhole where you're pouring and then you're going to draw down the middle and it's going to take foam with it as you're drawing and it's sinking it and watch that's what's going to happen then you're going to have a heart right you'll see it on the video here in a second but uh so that's one way of doing what's called a draw through the other way is what is called the airplane liftoff so when you're about when you have a little bit left in the cup and you're ready to do your draw through you slowly uh you slowly slow down and slowly increase so as an airplane takes off like this right so you're slowly slowing down your pour and you're lifting off like that right there so you got the helicopter right and you got the airplane lift off right so those are the two ways of drawing through all right so we're gonna now do a heart and we're gonna use those we're gonna do a monk's head we're gonna do that design and then before the cup is too full we're gonna either do our helicopter which is the easier one and i recommend for you to begin with or we're going to do the airplane all right now the airplane is definitely more stylistic choice you don't have to do that it's going to make the heart more oblong okay um and people really like to finish their pores with that if they're doing a really complex pour into what they said they call it dragging the heart so it's that airplane poor you're dragging the heart but because you're slowly going up there's still foam integrating into the design so instead of just sinking it it's still maintaining some of that foam in place all right so you can either do the airplane where you're dragging the design with your pitcher or you're gonna do the helicopter which will immediately sink and you'll go through make the cut so let's do let's do our uh our uh heart let's swirl that espresso it's so fresh i'm gonna do this for in front so watch i lay my base i'll lift it you see that i'm gonna get really close pour faster faster faster faster now watch i'm almost full and watch this watch this helicopter pull through look at that we made a heart together everybody yeah give yourself a hand if you did it with me right so we did a little uh draw through right there we see that see that right there boom all right so everything that we've been talking about this whole time came into play right here we stretched the canvas over that wooden frame we laid our base we did our three things we get spout proximity we got that spout really close all right we did cup rotation we rotated the cup in order to center that heart really well and we worked on our flow control after we after we saw that initial bit of foam sit on top we sped up sped up sped up sped up right and at the very end we helicopter you slow down so remember you're speeding up speeding up speeding up speeding up then you slow down when you're almost full so you have control if you keep going really fast you might overflow slow down helicopter helicopter through as you saw from that front angle and we'll do it again right now and boom we're back to the video alright and now you're watching the video and the video shows in slow motion that helicopter going up slowly you see that you see how full it's getting and it's going through and cut back to me because this is my show not the latte arts all right so we've got our mom's head we got our heart let's do one more heart together and we'll call it quits on these on these things and we'll wrap up with a little bit of talking all right so remember we're gonna lay our base we have our silky milky right we're gonna lay our base we're gonna start real close and you're gonna lift up like an inch or two a couple centimeters stop close as possible pour faster faster faster faster you hear me talking i'm talking to you everyone's doing it and then we're gonna slow lift helicopter through so you see that from in front you saw that slow lift and helicopter through and now you can see it from above that it looks like a heart and bada bing bada boom that's all there is to a nice little tear heart and sorry a sludge down the side you know it's that nice texture though if it sludges down the slide like it's like it's a slug or something it's just like viscous and oh again everyone loves the shape test all right so as you see now we have a heart so this is the basics of la tarik every design comes from the heart that sounds really cheesy but it's actually very literal not trying to sound cheesy all right i'm not nora jones singing you a song right i am teaching you latte heart all right finger guns all right super cheesy right now so every design comes from the heart every design that you see whether it's those crazy looking pegasus animals to really complex tulips to those rosettas that look like ferns everything starts with that drop in as if you were doing a heart alright so it's very important to get this shape down to end i just wanted to say thank you so much for watching this video i am very open if you want to send me a dm on instagram with a video of you trying these if you're running into difficulties because like i said certain people learn certain ways and some might take longer than others feel free to shoot me a dm of you pouring and i'll and i'll critique it i'm able to fix a lot of things from pictures and videos so feel free to do that it's just atlantic my name that is my youtube name so atlantic uh no no punctuation feel free to follow me there shoot me a dm with your video also i would love it if you would subscribe obviously every video wins this way and it sounds so disingenuous but the more subscribers i can get obviously the more i can invest into this channel and give you a lot more free education so please subscribe drop a comment um like the video you know share it with friends do all that good stuff to help boost my algorithm so that i can continue to invest in this channel really make some high quality video videos for you to help you get around kind of what i talk about a lot which is the gate kept secrets of the industry like this really nice training that is normally quite expensive so um i thank you for watching this if you've made it this long you are a true one and again feel free to drop comments i'm really good at responding to those or dm's i'm happy to help however i can work on those uh work on that helicopter in that airplane make your sound effects as always and again if you haven't watched that milk steaming video it's linked here if you haven't seen my uh breville bambino uh video me pouring an incredible latte out on a 299 espresso machine it's linked right there so watch those subscribe and have an awesome day see ya
Channel: Lance Hedrick
Views: 776,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: latte art, latte art tutorial, how to do latte art, coffee tutorial, latte
Id: kVEvII6YalE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 51sec (2151 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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