The ULTIMATE Guide to Industry in Manor Lords

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the medieval magnum opus Mana Lords is taking the Internet by storm sure it can be a little buggy at the moment but like a diamond in the rough it is raring and ready to gleam so today I'm going to help you polish your settlements to Peak efficiency right that sounded like I was going to make another joke and I'm only seconds into the video hello my name is midem man and welcome to the channel before we step off be sure to make it to the end of the video to find out how you can get your hands on a copy of Mana Lords and this video was produced on build 0.795 5 okay let's get down to business already or should that be business is opening moves we're going to be getting as close to an apparent meta I could find as possible with this video and utilize current features of the Early Access to build a successful base of Industry this will however go against my own personal principles and dreams of building an organic and real istic medieval city but there's a few tips and basic explanations we need to hit first and I'm sure there's ways to adapt this to get the best of both worlds when starting a settlement it's good to take stock of your starting surroundings you'll want to plan your town around both the fertility of the land if you have it and the rural resources there within I tend to place my first buildings as the outskirts of the town that I wish to create as this allows me to build bigger plots of burgages for up upgrades such as vegetables to sustain my start the initial standard start in Mana Lords provides you with 50 local wealth and with this I tend to buy two large vegetable plots and one extra oxen I initially placed down a loggin camp and both types of storage to make sure my resources get picked up prioritizing The Granary as food spoils very quickly in adverse weather effects and especially on higher difficulties now we want to map our entire Town's future development at the very least in part Feld woods and Roads can be placed without the cost of any construction materials therefore you can fully map out the initial region whether you're intending to work radially or linearly your entire settlement will need to work like a production chain of its own thanks to the way that the AI currently paths things in addition to Working Families in M Lords have needs Faith goods and water all of the above can be provided by the church market and well and two of those are just buildings that can be placed anywhere but the other the marketplace is also the endof the line for most of our industries that we're going to be talking about today because of this these Services should all be grouped together at the center of your settlement plan preferably off of but not directly attached to a Kings Road that way all the goods whether for industrial or residential consumption can work off the same traffic flow and goods chain it will cut down on your Logistics and make pulling certain Goods out of the chain for trade a lot easier I find it both aesthetically pleasing and useful for production to put tier 3 housing closer to the Market Center and then slowly leveling the housing down the further you get away from the center as those houses require less needs furthermore you want to keep artisanal works that are at the end of industrial chains close to the town center also except in certain scenarios which are cover in the individual industry setups a few people have also raised in the previous video about spreading out mult mulle little marketplaces to make sure that you can level up your towns whilst this is good for getting a large tier 3 settlement it tends to mess with the flow of production and Industrial trains however eventually you will have to create a secondary Town Center unless you've mapped out for something truly big but I recommend going for as long as possible without having to do so all right Town mapped out let's cover our first industry Timber and wood products I showcased my login camps briefly in the previous tips video but let's go into full details around the whole chain in the early game this industry is always the first I set up to recap I build extra logging camps for on-site storage as it's the only way currently to store logs and only one of these will actually be worked in addition I'll have a wood cutters Hut one to two saw mills and anywhere between 2 and six Foresters Huts at its minimum efficiency marker this setup will require four families and one oxen to churn out out fuel logs and planks at its maximum capacity this site will host up to 32 families working and three oxen this also accounts for charcoal burning and some artisanal works I found that one fully staffed wood cutter can fully support two fully staffed charcoal burners I also highly recommend setting the storehouses to only receive products produced at this site the biggest Staffing cost currently is the Foresters as they will not only plant trees to keep the sustainability of the site but they will also spend time guiding oxen attached to sites and those that are free to pick up filed Timber the storehouse workers will set up their stools in town to make sure that fuel is distributed and take pressure off of the other Working Families at this site increasing the efficiency of the output have an extra oxen assigned to the lumber camp and the Sawmills and then Place some Stables nearby for ox that aren't being used elsewhere in the settlement tanning and leather work the basic requirements for a leather working industry are far lighter than most production chains in Mana Lords requiring only two families one to hunt and one to tan hides however for Peak efficiency I recommend seven active families three on tanning and two on Hunting the animals and then a minimum of two working dedicated storage the real catch with this industrial chain comes from the supply end of things hides can be hard to come by now Even after spending development points on the upgrades for hunting you require a substantial amount of burgage plot goat pens to keep the industry flowing indefinitely from my testing without the hunting upgrades or Rich resource nodes you need somewhere between 15 to 25 goat pens per Tanner to sustain leather sales and that's without adding cobblers to the end of the chain that being said it can be very profitable as a business once you've bought a trade route and I've spoken heavily about how great the shoe economy can be the initial investment though to set up all the goat pens is quite high in now at least in this current build farming getting agriculture right is difficult for all its beauty and its excellence in the current build of the Early Access farming is a little clunky they're moving in hers they do move in hers so managing it well is key the basic setup is two families set on farms one on the windmill and another on the bakery as I mentioned before you can place the field way ahead of time to map out the town this is the most important industry when it comes to location and placement not only because fertility can be limited but because it interacts with the most important supply chain food placement of the windmill is also key as you want it to be housed in a location as close to 100% efficiency as possible at said location I like to place two granaries and the communal ovens wherever you're placing your processing area it needs to be somewhere between the marketplace and the Farms themselves to keep that linear flow of the production line at its maximum I like to build four farm houses two of which are staffed by only Farm hands and two of which are staff with the oxen upgrade as well I'll also set half of the group to low priority threshing and the other to high priority as a note in the current build threshing resets every time you load the game so you may need to micro the priority at its maximum the farming setup I have in this build had 53 families working it with two oxen the layout offers a direct traffic flow from source to shelf the main issue in the current build is the hering of Farm Workers in theory each family should be able to work around 1 to .75 Morgans worth of farmfield effectively however they all PA to the same task before they move on so the field seiling no matter the amount of workers seems to be about 10 Morgans right now this can get even slower if you have the oxen as they begin to walk at the same speed as The Oxen even if they're not assigned to controlling it but they relocate from the same Farm I also like to include sheep farming in my Fields with the fence up perk as it allows you to double up on the land usage and increase the fertility at the same time effectively giving you two industries for the price of one and a bit but we'll talk about that a little bit later trade the most important part of setting up an efficient Trading Post is to unlike most of the structures build the main buildings directly on the Kings Road preferably as close to the map hedge as possible without being too far from your settlement if that fails as close close to the edge of your town as possible you can get trade going with as little as one family working it however my maximum for this site is 10 families and eight horses without taking into account any pack stations for bartering a key note here is that the Traders from outside of your city will actually use empty trading posts as storage and end nodes even when a family isn't working them as long as there's Traders working a Trade Post Somewhere In Your settlement allowing you to essentially set up different posts for Import and Export Brewing I've seen a lot of people commenting about brewing and how difficult it seems to be in order to make enough a to sustain your settlements and you're right not only does it require a strong agriculture but it requires Artis ANS to create the final product however I've noticed using dedicated storage and setting up a storehouse Malt House and the Brewers to be directly around the in themselves my production tends to keep up with consumption and Logistics I think the main thing that is kind of screwing the pooch a lot with the Brewing is access to maltt itself so if you keep it all localized it's easier to transport Around Your settlement not only that but it seems families move exceptionally slow when transiting barrels Around Your settlement therefore cut down on the amount of travel time they have as much as possible it's hard to give you an accurate number and how many people you require to do Brewing itself but without taking into account the agriculture the equations seems to be one Brewer per one Mouse worker and then a single dedicated Logistics worker on both a granary and a storehouse seems to make do weaving whether you're growing flax or spinning wall weaving is one of the most simple of the production change it's not overly tied to any limitations that haven't already been accounted for when setting up farming and I personally like to build the weaving industry as part of the general agricultural sector that I've set up with a minimum of one weaving family and a maximum of rarely have I found the need for more than that iron working setting up a successful Iron Works is one of the more simplistic Industries at its base level it requires two to three Working Families depending if you are using a Smithy or an artisan the maximum per site is hard capped by the resource node itself capping up four families thus you'll rarely need more than two bloomeries and a single blacksmith or armor combination in this particular build that you're seeing most of the industry was actually bogged down waiting for iron ore the real catch is that you need a well supplied fuel chain to fund these furnaces and to spec into the industrial tree thereby making this industry pretty late game but easy to set up I build my iron working as close to the mine as possible and if the mining is too far from my forestry I supplement it with a local fuel supply well that's it that's all we've got time for in this video I know there's a few industries that weren't included in this video but that's because I deemed them too small or they doubled up with some of the same logic as these key in industries that I covered the main thing to remember is that with all Industries you need to think about the pathing more than anything for example if you're adding dye to your industry line between tailoring and say weaving you'll want to make sure that the D works is somewhere equally in between and they have a shared dedicated Storehouse so it's just added to the chain as long as you can get a good flow within your city you should be fine at the end of the day and if you need more tips to get you started rather than an industry nitty-gritty please check check out the video appearing in the top right corner right now furthermore if you leave a comment over there you might actually be in with a chance of winning a copy of Mana Lords or an equivalent steam gift card W there's five up for grabs and I'm changing the rules slightly from the previous video because it was kind of a half joke and I realized how hard it might be to get to it so let's capitalize on success eh to celebrate my first video hitting 100K views ever I'm going to be giving away a copy in the comments right now so head over to the the pin comment on that said video to be in with a chance of winning I'll also unlock another copy to give away every 50k views here or over there or if we get to that 15K subscriber Mark by the end of May I'll drop all five copies finally thank you so much for trusting me with your eyeballs today and I'll see you in the next video remember to subscribe if you haven't already and remember that the best way to help this video go the extra distance and to unlock those copies is to leave a comment down below and if you don't have any tips of your own to add just leave an emoji you'll be surprised at how much that helps wow wasn't that fantastic you've just had the utmost imponderable Joy of watching a mid man video thank you to my editors foxy and Dax for being absolutely wonderful cherubs and helping make all of this content and thank you to the channel members you know who you are you wonderfully sexy toast people you are why not check out this video it's been picked for you by the YouTube algorithm goodbye
Channel: Midgeman
Views: 87,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, games, game, video games, midgeman, midgemen, Midgeman, midgemangames, manor lords, manor lords gameplay, manor lords trailer, manor lords game, manor lords guide, manor lords pc, manor lords walkthrough, manor lords early access, manor lords tutorial, manor lords english, a guide to manor lords, strategy, medieval, gameplay, manor lords feature, industry, industry guide, Manor Lords Industry, Smithing, Farming Manor Lords, Manor Lords Farming, manor lords tips, Manor Lords Start
Id: zT3Wo798Oj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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