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[Music] and the cut [Music] is it possible to do a two item combo and then it would be K and like something fresh okay I'll give it to you okay thank you so much all right we'll do that please two item combo and then um Kare and then what do you like the block Lo or the intestines it it depends on you I feel like I would like both that's that's why I'm like what would you pick or what's more popular give I'll give you yes please you got bangos for breakfast and we do and too you know the the bulak and is your mom a Filipino oh I'm Filipino oh really yeah I'm half oh yeah so I I eat Filipino food um sometimes I usually like my tias usually cook sagong and stuff like that thank you for you oh thank you so much else that'll be it okay perfect here you go thank you all right we just pulled up to little ho in the wall spot that got homecooked Filipino food they got like an article on eater La so had to tap in with them we got the pork Kare with the fried up bck lock and intestines and she hooked it up with the beef cagon let's dig in I actually haven't had Kare in so long this one here is cooked with pork leg all right you got to get in there put it straight on the rice like that lather it all over soak it up and you're supposed to eat it with bagaong which is this little like fermented shrimp paste and they only give you a little because it's so strong if you've smelt or had this you know it's so potent yeah you only really need like that for this little bite see that check out this bite I'm about to go hard I got some pork in there green beans bunch of that sauce rice topped off with [Music] b m what I love about it is it's not something that you could compare to like there's not really any other dish that I've had like this before in any other cultures that I've had yet but it's basically like a like a peanut gravy on the rice with like a salty little shrimp paste it's hard to explain it like what the flavors taste like and like the experience while you're eating it you just got to try it and you got you know when you're eating Filipino food you got to use a a fork and spoon that's part of the experience let's try this Che and Bak this is one of my favorite like snacks it is another part of the intestine of the pig deep fried but they like cut it in the middle so it like fries up like a flour and you know every like deep fried or roasted or anything crispy in the in Filipino food you got to dip it in the vinegar goes hand in hand really like light flavor honestly it's like not I thought it would usually when I have baclock it has like a little bit of intestine flavor but this one is like super clean and I think they do put some calamon in the the vinegar so it adds a little bit of flavor too I like snacking on them they're like chips this one right here is like an actual intestine you could see the inside fat in there let's dip this one in the vinegar too going just let it soak in there I love vinegar that's how you do it just throw it on [Music] Rice I think that one has more flavor it's fried all the way through but it's still got like fat in the middle no that's really good man she was so nice too she hooked it up with the little side of the sagang this one's beef though usually be eating it with pork so it's my first time trying it with beef let me try it smells [Music] good just how I like it like extra sour this one got like super potent beef flavor but this is like one of my favorite soups of all time their broth though here is like legit I really like this oh man I come back there and like on a cold day get like a bowl of rice throw the shagang in there it's fire no but everything here is legit just pulled up on the Fly and it they had everything out like ready we got here pretty early too so everything was fresh amazing I would definitely come back here food cool the vibe is chill and the the workers here are super nice but I got to chill a little bit save my appetite I want to keep eating though this this scare and CAG fire Sal know it was set up very delicious have a good one thank [Music] you is it possible to do like a two item for breakfast like like a bangos and like a tosino yeah oh you can do that yeah yeah which one you want like a combo right yeah can I do a combo please I'll do the bangos and then tosino anything else for you um that'll be it for me yeah okay that isog and ex it's going to be 17 okay perfect thank you all right we just pulled up to the spot we're at Al maow Filipino restaurant I had to come through for some bangos which is my favorite it's a deep fried milkfish with garlic rice topped off with two juicy eggs and then I added a side of toino which is like a sweet pork all right so you just got to get like part of the fish right here the crispy part just fried up like that I'm going to throw it on the egg right here pop the yolk got to get it like that and then you just cut in the rice right here the garlic rice I got a side of their spicy vinegar which is like basically the regular vinegar with garlic Thai Chili some pepper in there but Filipino breakfast with the G with the vinegar is the best let's try it [Music] out M their garlic rice here is so good it's fresh the more garlic the better I never had anything too garlicky man that fish is just amazing has a really good aromatic smell and flavor this is really good I'm pretty blown away that first bite was so good but every bite has to have the vinegar you already know M wow all right let's try some tosino now this is the Sweet Pork it looks like it it could be a pork belly actually same thing though got to eat it with the egg the rice and the vinegar m it's so fatty and just soft perfect amount of sweetness it's not too sweet it's really good amazing meal if you guys haven't had like Filipino breakfast this is I highly recommend it might sound crazy fried fish in the morning to a lot of people doesn't sound that appetizing it's really good I don't know just the combination with the egg you wouldn't think but it hits man this tour has been like long awaited it's crazy we're finally doing it I'm going to do my best to show the diversity in my like the Filipino Cuisine and you know some of my favorite dishes but we're off to a good start already these have been so [Music] good ice cream but they have the U on top oh the U on top okay now is the perfect time for okay I'll get one of those please I'll do a Holo Holo and then a small bag of boy bang boy bang yes please thank you oh and can I get one toon yeah that should be it for me all right we just pulled up to Kalah Bakery this is the best spot in town for Philipino desserts stopped and got some Thon H Hollow and like a snack I got boy bang let's eat all right so this is like their most popular item it's um spring roll wrapper but it there's caramelized like brown sugar on the outside fried really crispy sweet sticky and then in the middle there's some like super sweet banana and um jackf fruit so m no they do it right here this is my favorite spot warm on the outside and in the middle just brought it out it's Super Fresh all right so I had to get the hollow Hol it's like shaved ice there's some um evaporated milk usually some U it's just a mixture of a bunch of different things and you could see the layers already we got to mix it good so we taste everything in the bites but you could just see that like purple U is like overpowering everything that's good but I mainly taste like the the coconut evaporated milk and U it it's a good flavor yeah come through if you need some Filipino snacks desserts baked goods they got really good bread here too pandaa for your eggs in the morning and they're really nice here there a really good Hol Hol like I said I don't have it too much but when I do it hits [Music] is this Dinan yeah okay cool what's this one right here it's a om man okay cool cool cool I'll do um SE yes do you recommend the Dinan here yeah yeah yeah I'll get the Dinan too thank you just picked up Toto's Leon came through to a little Lookout Point to eat it real quick it's a little too loud in there so we're going to eat it up here all right the first thing I got to get into is is the sea SE this is one of my favorite Filipino dishes of all time it got it all the flavor the textures and it's so rich to how Filipino food is very hent in flavors a lot of fried things a lot of sour things like with the vinegar or the calaman and I love that M man that se has so much flavor it's sour super like fatty oily and peppery and then you get the crunch from the onions and chilies in there really good for sure on the top of my list when it comes to Filipino food [Music] M wow damn let's try the Dinan now which is like a pork blood stew and it's super dark and like thick so it looks crazy it smells good though and this is my first time trying it I haven't had it yet well I'm going to throw this on the rice look at that look how thick it is all right this is my first bite of din Guan let's eat M I like that it's definitely not what I expected it's actually sour I definitely think there's some like vinegar or camans in there it goes so well and then the pork is tender if I didn't know like there was blood in here I probably wouldn't guess that it just has like a nice like Rich sour flavor kind of like the Seas how it's like fatty and sour kind of tastes like that just like in a stew form I've been missing out on this this is legit really good M and there's some pork skin in there so it's like a little like soft and like jelly it's good I could just eat that like sauce on the rice all day so jit all right let's try this leuna Wal now this is what they're known for they're known for their like leono wal sabon Chon baclock everything like crispy pork related they got got it down today I decided to get the lon and koal the OG you could even eat it as an appetizer you know just like little cubes of like pork belly with the skin on see the fat right under and then the like lean part right there we got some vinegar to go with it let's dip it oh look at all that pepper in there there's some like chilies in there too this is going to be so good crispy pork with the vinegar M that's legit they got the crisp on the outside super fatty layer underneath and then the lean meat it's like all the layers in one bite really good with the vinegar like Filipinos be putting vinegar on everything I really love it it's it's good even just like getting a little bit like this just putting on your rice it's good just like that but man Le Chun koala is a really good snack too like just to even get while you're like chilling or drinking it's a good snack uh dle pork barbecue what else yes and then one chicken barbecue pure and then a binka thank you the 2155 Okay order number 29 all right we just pulled up to the last spa we're at Tony's barbecue spots known for their authentic Filipino barbecue just ordered up a good spread the end of the day let's eat all right we got the pork Lio it's like a pork belly glazed with the barbecue sauce Java rice on the side and then we got a chicken barbecue skewer pork barbecue skewer and then two binkas it's like their famous dessert they're known for here they're the smaller ones so they look so good and they're fresh and then we got a side soup with our meal let's eat all right let me try this soup right here it came with the meal it's on the thicker side it smells really good M that's really good I could probably add some vinegar to this it would it would make it even better or some lime all right we got to try this Lio first this is like their popular dish here before they Grill it they oven bake it for a little bit they said it gets even more tender so I'm excited to try this all right let's get this rice situated all right now now we're talking I'm going to throw some of this on the rice all right get a little bit of that this is the bite right here this is it m m wow damn that's good the flavor and texture of that is crazy good the rice actually maybe the meat overpowered it but I didn't taste much difference in the rice I got to try it alone but that even this is really good I thought it was Ginger but I don't think it's Ginger it's not that strong it's just a pickled vegetable that adds like a little Crunch and sweetness I have to get another bite before we move on that's legit m that's really good wow all right I'mma try I'mma try this um chicken barbecue skewer it looks so good there's definitely some charred pieces right here look at that glaze on there it's so shiny crispy but at the same time it looks so juicy and tender A lot of people come here for their for their U Filipino barbecue skewers this is like another popular item they got on their menu right here m not for chicken it's so soft it's crazy usually when I eat skewers it kind of takes a little bit to get the meat off the the stick but this one just slid right off and there was like so much juice I'm usually always wanting beef or pork not so much chicken unless it's fried but here it actually like the flavors it's potent and you could still taste all that flavor after eating that pork all right man that was really good that surprised me let's let's try this pork one though this is same sauce you already know but this one's pork um skewed I'm not too sure what what like cut of the pork it is but I don't think it's pork belly it could be but let's try it out I know that chicken's better I think this one actually had a little bit more bite to it wasn't as soft the flavor was still good just like the texture that chicken was that was really good oh that bite had fat so that was good no they're both good but I got this one is probably my favorite it's so soft and just like fatty and sweet with the rice come on all right let's try one of these binkas right here this is going to be good it's supposed to be like sweet salty but it has like a it looks like a like a muffin on top or like an egg Tart mixed with a muffin and it's cooked in banana leaf oh it feels so fresh too it's so soft dude this feels crazy yeah it feels like a muffin mixed with like a Chinese egg tart I got to get a good first bite let's see where do I get this bite right here M I think it's more Savory than sweet it's like cakey creamy in the middle actually kind of reminds me of like creamy cornbread it's fire though I'm pretty full right now I'm not going to even lie but I definitely recommend coming down here to West Cina if you're like wanting to hit a full day Filipino tour cuz they got it all like literally in this one Plaza you eat the whole day breakfast to dinner amazing but as always thank you guys for watching in the cut till next time we [Music] out that's [Music]
Channel: IN THE KUT
Views: 19,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: street food tour, Mark Wiens, the food ranger, vice, munchies, food vlog, vlogger, eat with me, food review, the best ever food review show, ceviche, SONY FX3, sony vlog, sony camera, dji mic, Los Angeles food, ROWLAND HEIGHTS, SGV FOOD, SAN GABRIEL VALLEY FOOD, ROWLAND SGV, ALHAMBRA, WEST COVINA FOOD, filipino food tour, sisig, lechon, kare kare, best filipino tour in la, eating a whole day of filipino food
Id: nM1dXLJ3Rv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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